Array formula to sum dynamic range - excel

i have data that looks like
I want to insert an array formula, which will sum specific range based on user's choice. If the user chose for example "3", i want an array formula to Sum absolute value of 3 last columns (D,E,F) for each row (rows are also dynamic - there could be 10,50 or more rows). Last column is always in the same place, the starting point change. How can i do that?

Assuming your data starts in cell A1 and the number of columns chosen is in H6 and you are using dynamic array excel then try this formula:
To enter into cell Z9 using vba if nCols contains the number of columns try this:
Range("Z9").formula2="=SUM(ABS(INDEX(A1#,SEQUENCE(ROWS(A1#),1),SEQUENCE(1,COLUMNS(A1#)-" & nCols & "+1," & nCols & "))))"


How to convert the data following into range on excel?

I have data like following:
If I want it to convert it into specific ranges like following:
How should I do it on excel?
As Foxfire And Burns And Burns has mentioned, it is best to use a PIVOT TABLES and then Group it by intervals of 50. Using Pivot Tables and then Group & Ungroup is pretty easy and highly suggested by all excel experts in this community.
However if you are looking to use a formula to create that range (RAFFLE TICKET) that's how its known, then you may try the formula mentioned below,
Formula used in cell A2
And Fill Down!
For those using Excel 2021 & O365, may try this one as well
Next to get the total counts you can use SUMPRODUCT FUNCTION, which creates an array of TRUE's & FALSE's & multiplies the same with the corresponding ranges accordingly, so the formula used in cell B2
And Fill Down!
I suggest you to create the Dummy column (C column) which will contain the limits of your ranges. And then you will fill values into the D column thanks to this formula :
=C2 & "-" & C3
So the first value Total Count column can be filled with (in column E) :
=SUMIF(A$2:A$16;"<"& C3;B$2:B$16)-SUMIF(A$2:A$16;"<"&C2;B$2:B$16)
and then you can extend the formula through the other cells of the column.
This SUMIF() formula calculates values for range <50 minus values for range <0 (for Range 0-50). For Range 50-100, this formula will calculate the sum for range <100 minus sum for range <50, and so on..
Remark : Here the limits of the range are not considered for example if Valeur =50 the formula in Range column doen't count it. If you want to consider them in account, you can modify the values of the Dummy column to 0; 49.999999; or 50.000001 (left for you as an exercice :) ).
I would advise you to create a helper column, using a formula like =ROUNDDOWN(A1,0).
Once you have this (let's say in column "C"), you can sum your values using the basic =SUMIF() function, something like:
(This will sum the values of the cells from B1 to B8, in case the corresponding values in column "C" are equal to 3, which means that the values in column "A" are between 150 and 199.99....

Countif or sumif function in Excel

I have 2 tables, one which gets populated with results (on the right) and the other is the summary of that results table (on the left). Not even sure if countif is the correct approach but I just wondered if there was a formula I can put into B2:D3 which can add up the number of occurences in the results table. So going forward I'll just need to manually insert another row in columns I and J which would update B2:D3
Use this as shown in image below, going forward when you add more values in column I & J, it shall give you the number of occurrences of L, W, & D respectively as per Name
Enter the formula in cell B2 & Fill Down -- Fill Right
What this formula does is creates an array of TRUE's & FALSE's, select the Array 1 & Press F9,
($A2=$I$1:$J$1) {TRUE,FALSE}
likewise for the Array 2 as well
Each Array 1 will be multiplied by corresponding Array 2 and returns the sum of the products, by far this is safest option and can be used in all Excel Versions.
You can add the following formula into B2:
It will count all 'W' occurrences in the H2:H3 range. You can drag this formula to the right.
For the B3 cell, you need to update the column from H to I.

Counting past occurrence given a classification

I have a Table just like the one in the picture below. I want to count the number of cells in the column Leg since the last entry, given a certain classification on the column Type.
For example, for the type KFT only, how many blank entries are there in the column Legendary since the last entry for Leg?
I know how to solve this issue creating helper columns. But given that I have too many types, I would have to create a helper column for each type, making my table too big given the amount of rows I have. Is there any way I can create a VBA function to perform this task for me, such that I only need one cell per type to let me know the amount of blank cells since last Leg entry for each type? Here is a short example of how my table looks, using only 2 types:
In this example, I need a formula with output 0 for MSG, since it has been 0 entries since the last Leg for MSG, and output 2 for UNG, since it has been 2 entries since the last Leg for UNG.
Thanks so much for the help!
Solution 1 Using single scary formula
Alright then. I think best solution to your problem is using helper column or VBA but if you really want to use just one formula, I've something for you. This formula is very very scary and someone might give you better solution also, but this formula does work.
In the below formula I've assumed data to be in range A2:F100. Change 100 to you number of rows of data. (change all 100's, best way will be to copy formula without = in an empty sheet and then FIND 100 and REPLACE ALL to your row number)
If you have listed Types in Column H starting from Cell H2 then in Cell I2 enter the following formul, drag/copy down as required.
=COUNTIFS(INDIRECT("F" & INDEX($A$2:$A$100,MAX(IF(($B$2:$B$100=H2)*($F$2:$F$100=1),ROW($B$2:$B$100)-ROW(INDEX($B$2:$B$100,1,1))+1)))+1 & ":F" & IF(INDEX($A$2:$A$100,MAX(IF(($B$2:$B$100=H2)*($F$2:$F$100=1),ROW($B$2:$B$100)-ROW(INDEX($B$2:$B$100,1,1))+1)))+1>INDEX($A$2:$A$100,MAX(IF(($B$2:$B$100=H2)*($F$2:$F$100=""),ROW($B$2:$B$100)-ROW(INDEX($B$2:$B$100,1,1))+1)))+1,100,INDEX($A$2:$A$100,MAX(IF(($B$2:$B$100=H2)*($F$2:$F$100=""),ROW($B$2:$B$100)-ROW(INDEX($B$2:$B$100,1,1))+1)))+1)),"",INDIRECT("B" & INDEX($A$2:$A$100,MAX(IF(($B$2:$B$100=H2)*($F$2:$F$100=1),ROW($B$2:$B$100)-ROW(INDEX($B$2:$B$100,1,1))+1)))+1 & ":B" & IF(INDEX($A$2:$A$100,MAX(IF(($B$2:$B$100=H2)*($F$2:$F$100=1),ROW($B$2:$B$100)-ROW(INDEX($B$2:$B$100,1,1))+1)))+1>INDEX($A$2:$A$100,MAX(IF(($B$2:$B$100=H2)*($F$2:$F$100=""),ROW($B$2:$B$100)-ROW(INDEX($B$2:$B$100,1,1))+1)))+1,100,INDEX($A$2:$A$100,MAX(IF(($B$2:$B$100=H2)*($F$2:$F$100=""),ROW($B$2:$B$100)-ROW(INDEX($B$2:$B$100,1,1))+1)))+1)),H2)
This is an array formula so commit it by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
Solution 2 Using Helper Columns
Assuming you listed all Types in Column H starting from Cell H2 then in Cell I2 enter the following array formula to get the last row from data for corresponding Type in Column H and Leg =1
Then in Cell J2, enter the below array formula to get the last row from data for corresponding Type in Column H and Leg ="" (blank)
Next, in Cell K2, enter the below formula to set last row if there's no row corresponding to particular type for which leg is blank (for example in my sample data ABC do not have empty Leg)
Finally, in Cell E2 enter the following formula to get Count
=COUNTIFS(INDIRECT("F" & I2 & ":F" & K2),"",INDIRECT("B" & I2 & ":B" & K2),H2)

Excel Auto number row based on criteria

I'm trying to create a spreadsheet in excel which creates a sequential number in a column (B) depending on the contents of another column. Currently, there are two possibilities of what could be in Column A ("BI" or "GF"). So I want the data to look like this
BI 1
BI 2
GF 1
BI 3
GF 2
GF 3
BI 4
BI 5
I've tried several attempts to do this but can't seem to find a solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
In B2, try this formula:
Try to use the offset equation.
The first cell in COL B will look similar to this:
The second should look like this:
Drag this down in Col B as far as desired. If you are using a table this should autofill.
Essentially you are using the OFFSET formula to create a dynamic range.
The A$1$ serves as the start of your range by making this an absolute reference and the A1 will serve as the end of your range.
By making the ending cell a relative reference, the array the COUNTIFS function search will never go beyond the row the of the cell the formula is relative of.
In your example, the formula in the first row in Col B would result in 1. The reason is the OFFSET returns the array of A$1$:A1 and the COUNTIFS searches through that array and returns a count of all cells equal to A1 which is "BI".
The second row retains the original starting cell for the array of A$1$ however the end of the array is A2. So the COUNTIFS function sees the new array to search through to be A$1$:A2. The COUNTIFS then searchs through each cell equal to A2 which like A1 is "BI". There are two cells equal to "BI" in the new array and thus the reult is 2.
How this works like you want is displayed in the third row of Col B.
The OFFSET functions simply expands the array size to A$1$:A3. The COUNTIFS will work as it normally does, it takes the array, called the criteriarange in Excel, and performs a count for all items that equal A3. A3 in this case is equal to "GF" and in the array A$1$:A3 there are two cells equal to "BF" and one equal to "GF".
Hope this helps!

Series based on row and column combination

I have an Excel with rows and columns as below:
I need to build a series like below in Excel with two columns as shown:
I have a huge data set where rows are dates and columns are data in half hours.
Which would be the best method?
I would suggest using the INDIRECT function thus:
In the column when you want to have the Row labels, put this formula:
Here A:A refers to the column where your row labels are stored and +2 is offset to the first row with a label.
In the column where you want the Column labels, put:
Here $B$1:$D$1 refers to the range with your column labels, and +2 is again offset to the first column label.
Assuming your data is in the range C7:F12
We’ll need three fields to show the resulting series: Row, Col and Data
Row: in cell H7 enter this formula and copy till the last record:
Col: in cell I7 enter this formula and copy till the last record:
Data: in cell J7 enter this formula and copy till the last record:
The following will produce your results but the array formula will impact calculation lag depending upon the number of rows and column of data in the original data matrix.
The array formula¹ in A10 is,
=IFERROR(INDEX(A$2:A$6, MATCH(0, IF(COUNTIF(A$9:A9, A$2:A$6&"")<COUNT($1:$1), 0, 1), 0)), "")
The standard formula in B10 is,
=IF(LEN(A10), INDEX($B$1:INDEX($1:$1, MATCH(1E+99,$1:$1 )), , COUNTIF(A$10:A10, A10)), "")
Data retrieval in C10 is accomplished with,
Fill down as necessary.
¹ Array formulas need to be finalized with Ctrl+Shift+Enter↵. Once entered into the first cell correctly, they can be filled or copied down or right just like any other formula. Try and reduce full-column references to ranges more closely representing the extents of your actual data. Array formulas chew up calculation cycles logarithmically so it is good practise to narrow the referenced ranges to a minimum. See Guidelines and examples of array formulas for more information.
Posting a revised answer following sample data provided by user (left prior answer as it might be useful to other users)
Assuming your data is in the range C6:K11
We’ll need four fields to show the resulting series: Row, Col, 'DateandTime`
Row: in cell M7 enter this formula and copy till the last record:
Col: in cell N7 enter this formula and copy till the last record:
Date: in cell O7 enter this formula and copy till the last record:
Time: in cell P7 enter this formula and copy till the last record:
Fields Row and Col can be hidden
