why isn't my code working where I m wrong? - python-3.x

Write a function rotate(m) that takes a list representation m of a square matrix as input, and returns the matrix obtained by rotating the original matrix clockwize by 90 degrees. For instance, if we rotate the matrix above, we get
[[3, 1], [4, 2]]
Your function should not modify the argument m provided to the function rotate().
def rotate(m):
for x in range(0,len(m[len(m)-1])):
for i in range(len(m),0):
k_U= k_U +[m[i-1][x]]

I haven't tested to see if your rotation logic is correct, but the likely thing you've missed is that range(len(m), 0) returns an empty list. You need to do range(len(m), 0, -1) if you want it to decrement values down to 1.
As a side note, you don't need to do m[len(m)-1] to get the last element, python allows m[-1]. I would also suggest k_U.append(m[i-1][x]) rather than doing k_U = k_U + [m[i-1][x]].


Octave fplot abs looks very strange

f = #(x)(abs(x))
fplot(f, [-1, 1]
Freshly installed octave, with no configuration edited. It results in the following image, where it looks as if it is constant for a while around 0, looking more like a \_/ than a \/:
Why does it look so different from a usual plot of the absolute value near 0? How can this be fixed?
Since fplot is written in Octave it is relatively easy to read. Its location can be found using the which command. On my system this gives:
octave:1> which fplot
'fplot' is a function from the file /usr/share/octave/5.2.0/m/plot/draw/fplot.m
Examining fplot.m reveals that the function to be plotted, f(x), is evaluated at n equally spaced points between the given limits. The algorithm for determining n starts at line 192 and can be summarised as follows:
n is initially chosen to be 8 (unless specified differently by the user)
Construct a vector of arguments using a coarser grid of n/2 + 1 points:
x0 = linspace (limits(1), limits(2), n/2 + 1)'
(The linspace function will accept a non-integer value for the number of points, which it rounds down)
Calculate the corresponding values:
y0 = f(x0)
Construct a vector of arguments using a grid of n points:
x = linspace (limits(1), limits(2), n)'
Calculate the corresponding values:
y = f(x0)
Construct a vector of values corresponding to the members of x but calculated from x0 and y0 by linear interpolation using the function interp1():
yi = interp1 (x0, y0, x, "linear")
Calculate an error metric using the following formula:
err = 0.5 * max (abs ((yi - y) ./ (yi + y + eps))(:))
That is, err is proportional to the maximum difference between the calculated and linearly interpolated values.
If err is greater than tol (2e-3 unless specified by the user) then put n = 2*(n-1) and repeat. Otherwise plot(x,y).
Because abs(x) is essentially a pair of straight lines, if x0 contains zero then the linearly interpolated values will always exactly match their corresponding calculated values and err will be exactly zero, so the above algorithm will terminate at the end of the first iteration. If x doesn't contain zero then plot(x,y) will be called on a set of points that doesn't include the 'cusp' of the function and the strange behaviour will occur.
This will happen if the limits are equally spaced either side of zero and floor(n/2 + 1) is odd, which is the case for the default values (limits = [-5, 5], n = 8).
The behaviour can be avoided by choosing a combination of n and limits so that either of the following is the case:
a) the set of m = floor(n/2 + 1) equally spaced points doesn't include zero or
b) the set of n equally spaced points does include zero.
For example, limits equally spaced either side of zero and odd n will plot correctly . This will not work for n=5, though, because, strangely, if the user inputs n=5, fplot.m substitutes 8 for it (I'm not sure why it does this, I think it may be a mistake). So fplot(#abs, [-1, 1], 3) and fplot(#abs, [-1, 1], 7) will plot correctly but fplot(#abs, [-1, 1], 5) won't.
(n/2 + 1) is odd, and therefore x0 contains zero for symmetrical limits, only for every 2nd even n. This is why it plots correctly with n=6 because for that value n/2 + 1 = 4, so x0 doesn't contain zero. This is also the case for n=10, 14, 18 and so on.
Choosing slightly asymmetrical limits will also do the trick, try: fplot(#abs, [-1.1, 1.2])
The documentation says: "fplot works best with continuous functions. Functions with discontinuities are unlikely to plot well. This restriction may be removed in the future." so it is probably a bug/feature of the function itself that can't be fixed except by the developers. The ordinary plot() function works fine:
x = [-1 0 1];
y = abs(x);
plot(x, y);
The weird shape comes from the sampling rate, i.e. at how many points the function is evaluated. This is controlled by the parameter N of fplot The default call seems to accidentally skip x=0, and with fplot(#abs, [-1, 1], N=5) I get the same funny shape like you:
However, trying out different values of N can yield the correct shape, try e.g. fplot(#abs, [-1, 1], N=6):
Although in general I would suggest to use way higher numbers, like N=100.

Multivariable function local minimum using SciPy

Consider the function:
def f(x,y):
return x + 3*exp(y**2)
I was wondering, is it possible to use SciPy.optimize.minimize
to find the minimum value on say [0,1] (the unit interval) (for both, x and y)?
Here is my attempt:
bound = (0,1)
bds = [bound,bound]
x_0 = [0,0] (initial guess)
And thus,
scipy.optimize.minimize(f,x_0,method='SLSQP', \ bounds = bds)
But this isn't working.
I keep getting:
"unexpected character after line continuation character" At \ bounds = bnds
Note that I want my x and y to vary over the real numbers on [0,1]
def f(x):
return x[0] + 3*exp(x[1]**2)
bound = (0,1)
bds = [bound,bound]
x_0 = [0,0] (initial guess)
scipy.optimize.minimize(f,x_0,method='SLSQP', bounds = bds)
Is this minimise function looking at only integer values 0 and 1? or is it looking at all real numbers in [0,1] (the unit interval?). If its the first, im not sure how to make it to the second how do I do so?
Your original code wouldn't work because
""unexpected character after line continuation character" At \ bounds = bnds":
is telling you that the "line continuation character" (the backslash) is causing a problem. You can't have anything after that character. Insert a line break after the backslash, or remove the backslash altogether
Once you fix that, you'll get an error saying
TypeError: f() missing 1 required positional argument: 'y'
This is because minimize wants a function that takes one input (read the "Parameters: fun part of the documentation). That input can be an array of shape (n, ). When you want a multivariate minimization, all n variables go into that single argument to your function
Re: "Is this minimise function looking at only integer values 0 and 1? or is it looking at all real numbers in [0,1] (the unit interval?). If its the first, im not sure how to make it to the second."
It would be a pretty useless optimizer if it only checked the values at the bounds, don't you think?
This is easy enough to check though! Your current function has a minimum at [0, 0], so it's not a great way to test what the function does. Let's define a function that has a minimum at a different number. For example, let's define a function that has a minimum at [0.5, 0.5]
def f(X):
return abs(X[0] - 0.5) * abs(X[1] - 0.5)
Running your code gives the result:
fun: 0.0
jac: array([0., 0.])
message: 'Optimization terminated successfully.'
nfev: 8
nit: 2
njev: 2
status: 0
success: True
x: array([0.5, 0.5])
which makes it pretty clear that minimize() looks in the entire interval.
It doesn't really look at all real numbers in the interval though (that would be impossible, given that there are infinite real numbers in any interval). Instead, it uses the optimization algorithms that you specify in the method argument.
The optimization result represented as a OptimizeResult object. Important attributes are: x the solution array, success a Boolean flag indicating if the optimizer exited successfully and message which describes the cause of the termination.

Indexing a multi-dimensional tensor with a tensor in PyTorch

I have the following code:
a = torch.randint(0,10,[3,3,3,3])
b = torch.LongTensor([1,1,1,1])
I have a multi-dimensional index b and want to use it to select a single cell in a. If b wasn't a tensor, I could do:
Which returns the correct cell, but:
Doesn't work, because it just selects a[1] four times.
How can I do this? Thanks
A more elegant (and simpler) solution might be to simply cast b as a tuple:
Out[10]: tensor(5.)
I was curious to see how this works with "regular" numpy, and found a related article explaining this quite well here.
You can split b into 4 using chunk, and then use the chunked b to index the specific element you want:
>> a = torch.arange(3*3*3*3).view(3,3,3,3)
>> b = torch.LongTensor([[1,1,1,1], [2,2,2,2], [0, 0, 0, 0]]).t()
>> a[b.chunk(chunks=4, dim=0)] # here's the trick!
Out[24]: tensor([[40, 80, 0]])
What's nice about it is that it can be easily generalized to any dimension of a, you just need to make number of chucks equal the dimension of a.

normalize vector with respect to the infinity norm python 3

This is the code I'm trying to write im new to coding so im sure im way off any help would be great. Thank you in advance.
Write a function normalize(vector) which takes in a vector and returns the normalized vector with respect to the infinity norm. i.e. (1/infNorm(vector)) * vector.
def normalize(vector):
infNorm(vector) = abs(vector[0])
for i in vector:
if abs(i) > norm:
infNorm(vector) = abs(i)
finalvector = (1/infNorm(vector)) * vector
return finalvector
vector = [2, 5, 7]
You are confusing function call parameters using () with sequence indices []. By sequence, I mean a Python sequence, which includes things like tuples and lists. Here, you're using a list as a vector. (You could also use tuples, but only if you don't plan to modify them. So we'll stick with lists, for generality and simplicity.)
Also, you need two loops: one to find the norm, and one to apply it.
def infnorm(vector):
norm = 0
for i in range(len(vector)):
if abs(vector[i]) > norm:
norm = vector[i]
return norm
def normalize(vector):
norm = infnorm(vector)
return [v/norm for v in vector]
vector = [2, 5, 7]
[0.2857142857142857, 0.7142857142857143, 1.0]
Note that I didn't take the absolute value of each element before normalizing it. I'm no vector wizard, so that might be wrong, but I'm guessing that the normalized vector can have negative values.
The last tricky bit, the return value for normalize(vector), is called a "list comprehension". It's a nifty python trick to build a list using a formula. They look odd at first, but with a little practice it gets easy and they're quite precise and clear. Check it out.
If you are going to use a for loop to find the maximum value of an array in python, I'd suggest splitting the normalize function in two functions, one to get the infinity norm and another one to calculate the vector, as such:
def infNorm(vector):
norm = vector[0]
for element in vector:
if norm < abs(element):
norm = abs(element)
return norm
def normalize(vector):
norm = infNorm(vector)
new_vector = []
for element in vector:
return new_vector
Otherwise, you could use the max() built-in function from python, with such function, the code would look like this:
def normalize(vector):
norm = abs(max(vector, key=abs))
new_vector = []
for element in vector:
return new_vector
By the way, when you have a symbol, followed by parenthesis, you are trying to invoke a function.So, when you do infNorm(vector) = abs(vector[0]), you are trying to assign a value to a function call, which will result in a syntax error. The correct way would be just infNorm = abs(vector[0]).
The infinity norm is the sum of the absolute values of the elements. For instance, here is what sagemath offers for one vector, for the infinity norm, the 2-norm and the 1-norm.
In general to normalise a vector according to a norm you divide each of its elements by its length in that norm.
Then this can be expressed in Python in this way:
>>> vec = [-2, 5, 3]
>>> inf_norm = sum([abs(v) for v in vec])
>>> inf_norm
>>> normalised_vec = [v/inf_norm for v in vec]
>>> normalised_vec
[-0.2, 0.5, 0.3]

how to change the type of constraint's arguments in ortools

I don't know my question is possible or not. I am using ortools to solve an optimization problem and I know in the part of conditions the argument should be defined in double type, like this:
constraints[i] = solver.Constraint(0.0 , 10,0)
But my problem is that, I don't want to use this type of argument in creating conditions. For example I want to have a list.
So I wrote this in my code:
constraints[i] = solver.Constraint([1,2,3,...])
And I got this error:
return _pywraplp.Solver_Constraint(self, *args)
NotImplementedError: Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded
function 'Solver_Constraint'.
Possible C/C++ prototypes are:
const &)
operations_research::MPSolver::MakeRowConstraint(std::string const &)
Is there any way to change the type of condition's argument?
My Assumptions
your constraint expression is "a sum of some lists", meaning something along the lines of what the NumPy library does: e.g., if you have two lists of values, [1, 2, 3] and [4, 5, 6], their sum would be element-wise, s.t. [1, 2, 3] + [4, 5, 6] = [1+4, 2+5, 3+6] = [5, 7, 9].
your "list constraint" is also element-wise; e.g., [x1, x2, x3] <= [1, 2, 3] means x1 <= 1, x2 <= 2 and x3 <= 3.
you're using the GLOP Linear Solver. (Everything I say below applies to the ILP/CP/CP-SAT solvers, but some of the particular method names/other details are different.)
My Answer
The thing is, ortools only lets you set scalar values (like numbers) as variables; you can't make a "list variable", so to speak.
Therefore, you'll have to make a list of scalar variables that effectively represents the same thing.
For example, let's say you wanted your "list variable" to be a list of values, each one subjected to a particular constraint which you have stored in a list. Let's say you have a list of upper bounds:
upper_bounds = [1, 2, 3, ..., n]
And you have several lists of solver variables like so:
vars1 = [
# variable bounds here are chosen arbitrarily; set them to your purposes
solver.NumVar(0, solver.infinity, 'x{0}'.format(i))
for i in range(n)
vars2 = [...] # you define any other variable lists in the same way
Then, you would make a list of constraint objects, one constraint for each upper bound in your list:
constraints = [
solver.Constraint(0, ubound)
for ubound in upper_bounds
And you insert the variables into your constraints however is dictated for your problem:
# Example expression: X1 - X2 + 0.5*X3 < UBOUND
for i in range(n):
constraints[i].SetCoefficient(vars1[i], 1)
constraints[i].SetCoefficient(vars2[i], -1)
constraints[i].SetCoefficient(vars3[i], 0.5)
Hope this helps! I recommend taking (another, if you already have) look at the examples for your particular solver. The one for GLOP can be found here.
