Walmart API- Existing Type error issue- Bulk Items Setup(multiple) - python-3.x

I am able to make API calls to Walmart API through a Postman the bulk items Setup(Multiple) A POST request Response in an Successfully comes in postman, but in Walmart FeedId seeing an error. I am try to another way through excel it's working fine and publish the product in Walmart Successfully. Through API it's not working not publish the product in Walmart can you fix the error. even though I seem to have everything correct.
[enter image description here][1]
200 OK
"feedId": "18486EF565B046D88641274001003195#AU8BCgA",
"additionalAttributes": null,
"errors": null
Authorization : "XXXXXXXXXXXXX"
WM_QOS.CORRELATION_ID: {my arbitrary text key}
WM_SVC.NAME: Walmart Marketplace
Accept: application/JSON
"MPItem": [
"Item": {
"sku": "xxxxxxxx",
"ShippingWeight": "1LB",
"price": " ",
"productIdentifiers": {
"productIdType": "UPC",
"productId": "xxxxxxx"
"productCategory": "xxxxxxxx",
"asin": "",
"additionalProductAttributes": [
"productAttributeValue": "",
"productAttributeName": ""
"additionalOfferAttributes": [
"additionalOfferAttributeName": "",
"additionalOfferAttributeValue": ""
"MPItemFeedHeader": {
"locale": "en",
"sellingChannel": "mpsetupbymatch",
"version": "1.0",
"processMode": "REPLACE",
"subset": "EXTERNAL",
"Mart": "WALMART_US"

Your issue seems to be that ShippingWeight is invalid.
Their spec sheet says
"ShippingWeight": {
"type": "number",
"title": "Shipping Weight (lbs)",
"minimum": 0,
"maximum": 10000000000000000,
"exclusiveMaximum": false,
"multipleOf": 0.001
You need to replace ShippingWeight": "1LB", with ShippingWeight": "1",
Also you don't need to send additionalOfferAttributes if its going to be empty, it is not required.


Create Azure DevOps task with description

I'd like to open a Bug using the Azure DevOps REST API and create it with a description. I couldn't find in the docs how to do it, I've only seen something about the title.
I've been trying to create a bug with a description by sending this body on the request:
"op": "add",
"path": "/fields/System.Title",
"from": null,
"value": "Sample task"
"op": "add",
"path": "/fields/System.Description",
"from": null,
"value": "Test of REST functionality"
But still no success...
The work item type Bug does not have the field Description. Instead, it has the field called Steps to Reproduce, which is probably what you're trying to set.
So, first of all you need to specify the type URI parameter to be a Bug, and change the payload to something like the following:
"op": "add",
"path": "/fields/System.Title",
"from": null,
"value": "Sample task"
"op": "add",
"path": "/fields/Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.ReproSteps",
"from": null,
"value": "Test of REST functionality"
I can't verify this to be 100% sure at the moment but hope this gives you enough information to try it out.

Add reviewers to azure devops pull request in api call

I'm successfully creating PR requests in Azure DevOps using API-call.
However, I would like to add the reviewer's name to my PR. As per the sample in the link, I have to add the reviewer id in the body.
So, my question is how to dynamically find the reviewer's id prior to submitting the PR from my project? I was following Pull Request Reviewers and nothing seems coming up to provide me the id based on name.
As per branch policy, I have to add 2 reviewers' name.
"sourceRefName": "refs/heads/npaulk/my_work",
"targetRefName": "refs/heads/new_feature",
"title": "A new feature",
"description": "Adding a new feature",
"reviewers": [
"id": "d6245f20-2af8-44f4-9451-8107cb2767db"
Like #Krzysztof Madej suggested in his answer, you can use the Subject Query endpoint to search and get the GraphSubject response.
However, the Id values in the GraphSubject response does not work for the IdentityRef Id used as parameter for the Pull Request Reviewers endpoint (used to add Reviewers to an existing pull request).
To get the correct IdentityRef Id, you need to do a GET on the URL from the storageKey.href value in the GraphSubject Response. E.g.:
"storageKey": {
"href": ""
The response should look something like this:
"value": "73b67dcb-6969-62f2-8075-99834ae11234",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"descriptor": {
"href": ""
The GUID for value is what you use for IdentityRef.Id. The payload to POST to the Pull Request Reviewers endpoint would look something like this:
"id": "73b67dcb-6969-62f2-8075-99834ae11234"
You can use Subject Query Endpoint
Body should look like this:
"query": "Term to search (e.g. Krzysztof)",
"subjectKind": [ "User" ]
and then you will get response like this:
"count": 3,
"value": [
"subjectKind": "user",
"metaType": "member",
"domain": "Windows Live ID",
"principalName": ",
"mailAddress": "",
"origin": "msa",
"originId": "0006BFFDBC3FE9A1",
"displayName": "Krzysztof Madej",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"memberships": {
"href": ""
"membershipState": {
"href": ""
"storageKey": {
"href": ""
"avatar": {
"href": ""
"url": "",
"descriptor": "msa.MDQ5MGM0N2ItODNiNC03MmEzLTk2MzgtZTJhMmNjOTY3NWQ3"
as next ise originId in reviewers collection.
You can use Identities - Read Identities API to get user id. For example:
Get{org}/_apis/identities?searchFilter=General&filterValue=cece dong&api-version=6.1-preview.1

Issue on Docusign Admin Api getUserProfile

Hi I am facing an issue while loading the endpoint point /v2/organizations/{organizationId}/users/profile
I am getting a 404 error
Attached below screenshots for the postman response and getting organisationId
The correct baseUrl for demo Admin API is
Try to change that and see if that works.
In order for that endpoint to work you're going to need to provide some additional parameters in the URL. For retrieving a user's profile directly, you should be able to use:{OrgID}/users/profile?
The result looks like this:
"users": [
"id": "28fbe7e4-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-c26569aa827c",
"site_id": 1,
"site_name": "Demo",
"user_name": "Matt_SATest_1",
"first_name": "MattSAT_1",
"last_name": "K",
"user_status": "active",
"default_account_id": "70da9c0c-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-7b3d6733328e",
"default_account_name": "Matt K",
"is_organization_admin": false,
"created_on": "2020-08-25T20:38:57.533",
"memberships": "",
"identities": "",
"is_device_verification_enabled": true
To retrieve a list of users for an org, you should be able to use:{OrgID}/users?URLParameters.
The URL parameters for this particular call require one of the following: account_id, organization_reserved_domain_id, or email. You're required to use at least one, but you should also be able to use more than one parameter at a time.
The result looks something like this:
"users": [
"id": "28fbe7e4-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-c26569aa827c",
"user_name": "Matt_SATest_1",
"first_name": "Matt",
"last_name": "K",
"user_status": "active",
"email": "",
"created_on": "2020-08-25T20:38:57.533"
"paging": {
"result_set_size": 1,
"result_set_start_position": 0,
"result_set_end_position": 0,
"total_set_size": 1

Timeline Activities in Microsoft Graph

I'm checking the Activities API of Windows 10. I am able to insert activities into the graph and I'm getting a confirmation, but when I try to read out the activity it is not there.On Windows I also also no changes what I would expect.
I created an app and I'm logging in with this url: profile UserActivity.ReadWrite.CreatedByApp&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000/auth/callback&state=4711
After the login I take the code and fetch my bearer token like this:
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
This works as expected. Then I'm inserting the activity like this:
Authorization: Bearer MY_BEARER_TOKEN
Content-type: application/json
"appActivityId": "/test123",
"activitySourceHost": "",
"userTimezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"appDisplayName": "My Test App",
"activationUrl": "",
"contentUrl": "",
"fallbackUrl": "",
"contentInfo": {
"#context": "",
"#type": "Article",
"author": "rekire",
"name": "Testing all the shit"
"visualElements": {
"attribution": {
"iconUrl": "",
"alternateText": "rekire",
"addImageQuery": false
"description": "Description why I am great!",
"backgroundColor": "#ff0000",
"displayText": "Displaying that I am great",
"content": {
"$schema": "",
"type": "AdaptiveCard",
"body": [
"type": "TextBlock",
"text": "Fancy shit!"
Is there anything wrong with my api calls? When I press Windows + Tab I see not that activity it should be there right?
I found out that I missed to add a historyItems node. Here is an sample:
"historyItems": [
"userTimezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"startedDateTime": "2020-09-19T16:01:02.123Z",
"lastActiveDateTime": "2020-09-21T08:04:22.123Z"

Microsoft Graph Api upload file to SharePoint

I'm using microsoft graph api to interview with sharepoint.
Upload file to sharepoint.
Then we can got the response.
"#odata.context": "$metadata#sites('abc78c05-a77b-45bf-a1a1-51f09548b497')/drive/root/$entity",
"#microsoft.graph.downloadUrl": "",
"createdDateTime": "2020-03-20T05:34:59Z",
"eTag": "\"{B9D25E13-C915-432F-B9FB-F2D36A188D9F},1\"",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2020-03-20T05:34:59Z",
"name": "test1212123.txt",
"webUrl": "",
"cTag": "\"c:{B9D25E13-C915-432F-B9FB-F2D36A188D9F},1\"",
"size": 12,
"createdBy": {
"application": {
"id": "597d48bc-05f3-4158-8acc-ae5cc7a9c6ad",
"displayName": "HttpRequest Test"
"lastModifiedBy": {
"application": {
"id": "597d48bc-05f3-4158-8acc-ae5cc7a9c6ad",
"displayName": "HttpRequest Test"
"parentReference": {
"driveId": "b!BYzHq3unv0WhoVHwlUi0l_EO2rYM2NNCptmOTvJ-EqeM9aeJ-zj_TZktSrctfA1S",
"driveType": "documentLibrary",
"path": "/drive/root:"
"file": {
"mimeType": "text/plain",
"hashes": {
"fileSystemInfo": {
"createdDateTime": "2020-03-20T05:34:59Z",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2020-03-20T05:34:59Z"
Then I want to update the customized column of this list.
step3, I needs the item id (this example is : 80)
but when I upload the file, I can't got the item id directly from the response.
use this api:
I can got the items list which include the item id is needed.
Finally, my question is ,when I upload file to sharepoint, how can I got the item id which is needed by update item.
I ended up extracting the Item GUID from the response, i.e.
"#microsoft.graph.downloadUrl": "
"eTag": ""{B9D25E13-C915-432F-B9FB-F2D36A188D9F},1""
"cTag": ""c:{B9D25E13-C915-432F-B9FB-F2D36A188D9F},1""
And then use that in the PATCH call where the item ID is required, i.e.**B9D25E13-C915-432F-B9FB-F2D36A188D9F**/fields
Might be a more elegant way to solve the problem, however this worked for me
