Google Drive XLSX File not readable anymore (Rescuing corrupted file) - excel

I had created a google sheets (xlsx file) for my studies and after I finished the studies, stored it on pcloud and deleted on Google Drive.
Upon trying to open it on pcloud, I just noticed, it's corrupted. pcloud claims there is a password protection, but there shouldn't (as I didn't set any).
So I asked my file to be restored from Google Drive (as it was already deleted permanently) and was able to get it restored. However it's also not openable there anymore.
Since the file still contains some mb of size and somewhat text (if I try to open with Visual Studio Code it contains what seems to me wrongly encoded), I am wondering if there is really no way to restore it somehow.
Please find attached an example of how the file looks in Texteditor:
If you have any idea how I could try to restore it, I would be thankful for any kind of help. (Pcloud and Google Support weren't)
I am using:
MAC OS Monterey
File was downloaded from Google Drive (Chrome & Safari tested)
Tried to open it with: Google Drive, Numbers (MAC), CotEditor, Visual Studio Code
Thank you and sorry!


How to Restore a "discard my changes" file from sharepoint (edited on desktop portal)

I was using the sharepoint on my local file viewer and when I opened it this morning I got a pop up saying if I wanted to discard my changes to the file, I selected yes, but now I realize that the file is not the last file I was editing but the file someone else was editing on the sharepoint so I have now lost all of the work that I had done. is there any way to restore the discarded changes?
I have tried the recycle folder both on my local drive and the sharepoint with no luck
I have also tried to restore previous versions but the one I am looking for does not exist
I was working on the file over a couple of days so I am surprised that there was no autosave file?
Does anyone know a way of restoring the discarded changes?!
Was this local? it sounds like you discarded the changes to a file you were working on in Sharepoint. If you can't find this in the recycle bin and the previous version is not available it may not be possible to restore the work.
This may not be helpful, but here are a few things you can try:
Check your local backups: If you have a backup system set up on your local drive, you may be able to restore a copy of the file from a previous backup.
Look for a draft version of the file: Sometimes, SharePoint will create a draft version of a file if it detects that changes are being made but not yet saved. This version may contain your unsaved changes. This may be in your local profile settings, try doing a search on your hard drive for the file name. If it doesn't turn up anything, try searching for a part of the file name.
Also, Sharepoint has the version control feature that you can use to view and restore a previous version of the file if you uploaded it at all!

PathFile Access Error when saving in G drive directory

So the issue is as follows.
I have created a VBA task that runs a query that returns some insignificant amount of data in our databases. It then does some simple calculations in the excel file, and finally it creates a new folder and it the saves the file to our department shared drive in Google Drive (we have a windows explorer path to the directory named G drive).
It works ok on my end but now I have sent the whole .xlsm file to my collegue and once she run the vba code, it throws an error saying Path/File Access Error. We have tried chaning the directory where it creates a folder and saves the file on her local C drive, and it works just fine.
Any ideas how to remedy this issue?
Instead of uploading to a windows explorer path, you should upload to an absolute path of google drive, as that is the same no matter who tries to access it. There is a guide here that accomplishes exactly that:
If for some reason that guide is not available, just google something like "vba excel upload google drive".

Excel file synced from OneDrive showing online filepath, not local

This just started this morning. I run power queries on my files, so I need an absolute local path. For ease, I have a cell with =CELL("filename",A1) to provide said local path, from which I can run the relevant queries. Today, they all broke. The filepath is showing the online path ( rather than the local file path.
I thought it might be an issue with where the file is stored, so I went to the OneDrive folder on my computer and set everything to "Always store on this device" then let everything download, but it's still pulling through the online path, rather than the local.
How can I get it back to local path so the Queries can work?
Reading discussions of similar problems on some Microsoft support site suggests that this is by design. One workaround that I've seen discussed is to go into your OneDrive settings and disable "Use Office applications to sync Office files that I open". I think this will work BUT there is a downside (TANSTAAFL).
As I understand it, with this disabled, you are no longer guaranteed that the document is being updated if someone else modifies that file and there may be problems merging changes made in multiple places. I've not seen any good discussion of the negatives although the "More info" link in the settings might be helpful to others (they don't help me much).

Explanation how DLL hijack of Notepad++ worked please

Notepad++ acknowledged this DLL hijack vulnerability:
I don't get from the description how it works. As a Notepad++ user I am concerned and as a developer myself I am curious too.
There is a general DLL hijack explanation here - What is dll hijacking?. A bit too general.
Does it mean that to effectively exploit this vulnerability the attacker has to first have control over my PC, using a different vector of attack, to plant a malicious version SciLexer.dll (?) into DLL search path?
If the attacker have already such power over my PC why he would bother with Notepad++. Why not to go after more core libraries or even system ones?
I also don't get implications of this remark in the WikiLeak text: For the life of me, I couldn't get this function [Scintilla_DirectFunction(..)] to be called. If this is the only exported function in that DLL, the only one called by Notepad core, how come that is is not called? That would mean also that malicious code would not be called either.
Was hacked SciLexer.dll ever actually detected, hacked by CIA or anyone else, or it is only a discovered possibility?
Also Notepad++ team in the latest release 7.3.3, in release notes claims that they "Fix CIA Hacking Notepad++ issue". Any ideas how they could do it?
A DLL hijacking attack is simple: Consider your download directory that contains many files.
If someone manages to make you download the manipulated SciLexer.dll dll it will be most likely be downloaded into your download directory. You don't do anything with the file after download, the file just remains where it has been downloaded.
Later you download a txt file from somewhere on the net and this file is also placed in the download directory.
If you now open the explorer and double click the downloaded txt file the current directory is the download directory. The dll hijack vulnerable Notepad++ version would then search for the SciLexer.dll file to be loaded in the current directory (which is now the download directory). Therefore Notepad++ would load the manipulated SciLexer.dll that you downloaded previously.
Regarding the fix you can look at the source code changes that fixes the bug.
It seems like the Nodepad++ team changed the way this dll is loaded and additionally they added a certificate check of the SciLexer.dll.

How to stop Google Drive creating desktop.ini files

I'm doing a school coding project using Android Studio with Google Drive to store my app files. Google Drive is generating these desktop.ini files. Every time I delete or modify them, they are regenerated, even when I shut down Google Drive. How can I fix this? I cannot run or debug my project with this error.
As a matter of fact the desktop.ini file is created only in Google Drive folder. So you can't blame it on Windows. If it is Windows, then the file should be everywhere. Also, if you open the desktop.ini in Notepad you will see the following lines:
InfoTip=This folder is shared online.
IconFile=C:\Program Files\Google\Drive\googledrivesync.exe
See InfoTip and IconFile. There is no way Windows would be doing this.
I got my solution:
1)Open ini file's Property Dialog
2)Hide this file in System File way,use this cmd:attrib +h +s "D:\Google Docs\desktop.ini" /s /d
3)Deny all Access Privilage in Property Dialog,like this:
4)Just refresh folder!
Desktop.ini files are generated by Windows, not Google Drive. When you open a folder in Windows, it creates a desktop.ini file. The desktop.ini file stores the view settings for that folder.
As to why you are getting build errors in Android Studio simply because this file exists, I can't answer at the moment. I have successfully built many Android projects in Android Studio with that file in the folder.
