Use soon to expire Azure credits - azure

I have a question regarding the free azure credits.
I registered on 11/19/2021 and used around 80$ (60EUR) of services during December and my credits are going to expire on the 12/19/2021.
I want to stop my services before the 19, but:
Will I be billed at the end of the month and, more important, will my credits be used?
Or they are going to expire on the 19 and at the end of the month, I will be billed on my credit card?
How can I pay now for the services I used directly with my credits?

You have got free credits only for a month so after 19 your free subscription will get deactivate and if you want to continue then your free subscription will changed to Pay-as-you-Go but it will completely depends on you.


What happen if I go over $150 credit limit in Azure?

I have a monthly spending limit of $150 Azure credit on my subscription and it is for free. However, I just went over it and I am wondering what happen to my charges and subscription? Will I get charged separately from $150? Will Azure services shut down in order to stop incurring charges?
Will Azure services shut down in order to stop incurring charges?
Yes. Once you exceed your spending limit, your subscription will be disabled and as a result of that your services will become inaccessible. Your subscription will be enabled automatically on your next billing start date.

I selected D1(shared) for 9$ option while setting custom domain in Azure. Now will I pay those 9$?

I created a free account in custom domain I chose D1(shared) option for 9$. Now the issue is, my total free credit are still 200$ how? Will I pay 9$ from my credit card? Since it's totally free account and they will not charge unless I convert my account to Pay-As-You-Go subscription. Even they delete it after the trail. I tried to talk with their support they told me that it's free and you will not be charged, but my 200$ credits are still there.
You can see in the image what option I chose:
The $9.67 is the cost of running this app for 1 month. So if you create this app on the first of the month and let it run through the 30th, then you would be left with $190.33 azure credits.
When you create the app the 9.67 is not charged upfront but rather you would be charged about $0.013 per hour.
So if the app is there for 24 hours for 30 days then that would be $0.013 * 24(hours in a day) * 30(days in a month) = $9.67 aprox.

"Remaining Credits" in Azure Free Trial Subscription

I have three days left of my free trial. I still have a lot of "remaining credits". Do I still have those credits after the free trial, so that I can keep my stuff up and running by switching subscription to the "Pay-as-you-go" option?
No, as soon as your trial duration runs out, your remaining credits will cease to exist. It is the same principle with monthly credits (like you get from MSDN, MS Partner Network, etc.), those are only valid during the month they were given for.

Bizspark program and Azure

From the link below, it seems like bizspark subscribers can use azure for dev/testing and production use. So the $150 monthly recurring credit is usable for both dev/test and production. I am unclear as to if the 120 hour limit applies to bizspark subscribers. There is a mention of the limit to msdn subscribers.
If you're with the bizspark program, the benefits page makes no mention of the "no production" or 120 hour detection thing that the regular benefits page does. However, there is still no SLA.
BizSpark members retain production rights completely. This is detailed in the offer here: It sounds confusing, but the associated BizSpark MSDN account does not have the dev/test restriction.
Key phrase:
In addition, BizSpark members retain production use rights under this Azure benefits offer.
I have a BizSpark startup LLC that I've been using for over 1.5 years just fine on this program including long-running production IaaS VMs.
I have been using BizSpark account for production purposes for our company. We get $150.00 credit per month towards Azure resources consumption. Currently because of some reasons we have enabled spending cap but you can very well remove spending cap and you get charged for whatever you have spent over this $150.00. So if your monthly consumption comes out to be $200.00 for example, you get charged $50.00. As a part of being a BizSpark member you get MSDN subscription as well though I am not sure that you can get 120 hours separately for MSDN subscription than your BizSpark credits.

azure Visual Studio Professional with MSDN offer

I just activated my Visual Studio Professional with MSDN and it is telling me now that I have $200 to spend,
my question is:
is this will take $200 from my credit card after the month is over, or this is an offer, and can I use and rely on windows azure using these $200 monthly or this is a limited time offer and will expire after few months? if it is limited so I can't transfer my live websites on azure.
The information provided by #hhaggan is off a bit. If you read this page containing the benefits details for Visual Studio Professional with MSDN, you'll see the following:
For the first month after activation of your benefit, you receive $200
of Windows Azure credits. After the first month, you receive $50 of
Windows Azure credits every month
So it's not a continued $200 monthly.
I couldn't tell if you're intending to use your MSDN Azure benefit for dev/test or production. These Azure credits are for dev/test purposes, and not for production, as documented on the abovementioned web page. Under Use Rights:
Windows Azure MSDN benefit is intended for development and test
purposes. We reserve the right to suspend any instance (VM or cloud
service) that runs continuously for more than 120 hours or if we
determine that the instance is being used for production. Production
workloads must be run on regular subscriptions.
The MSDN Subscriber will have free of charge Windows Azure account that worth 200$ per month. it all depends on your usage, you can use all the resources in one day, one week or even with the best consumption use your resources for the whole month, however if you exceed the limit it will not charge you. the Credit card used here is mainly to provide a guaranteed identity. the offer should be for the whole year of subscription.
I hope this helps you let me know if you need anything else.
