"Remaining Credits" in Azure Free Trial Subscription - azure

I have three days left of my free trial. I still have a lot of "remaining credits". Do I still have those credits after the free trial, so that I can keep my stuff up and running by switching subscription to the "Pay-as-you-go" option?

No, as soon as your trial duration runs out, your remaining credits will cease to exist. It is the same principle with monthly credits (like you get from MSDN, MS Partner Network, etc.), those are only valid during the month they were given for.


Use soon to expire Azure credits

I have a question regarding the free azure credits.
I registered on 11/19/2021 and used around 80$ (60EUR) of services during December and my credits are going to expire on the 12/19/2021.
I want to stop my services before the 19, but:
Will I be billed at the end of the month and, more important, will my credits be used?
Or they are going to expire on the 19 and at the end of the month, I will be billed on my credit card?
How can I pay now for the services I used directly with my credits?
You have got free credits only for a month so after 19 your free subscription will get deactivate and if you want to continue then your free subscription will changed to Pay-as-you-Go but it will completely depends on you.

I selected D1(shared) for 9$ option while setting custom domain in Azure. Now will I pay those 9$?

I created a free account in Azure.com.For custom domain I chose D1(shared) option for 9$. Now the issue is, my total free credit are still 200$ how? Will I pay 9$ from my credit card? Since it's totally free account and they will not charge unless I convert my account to Pay-As-You-Go subscription. Even they delete it after the trail. I tried to talk with their support they told me that it's free and you will not be charged, but my 200$ credits are still there.
You can see in the image what option I chose:
The $9.67 is the cost of running this app for 1 month. So if you create this app on the first of the month and let it run through the 30th, then you would be left with $190.33 azure credits.
When you create the app the 9.67 is not charged upfront but rather you would be charged about $0.013 per hour.
So if the app is there for 24 hours for 30 days then that would be $0.013 * 24(hours in a day) * 30(days in a month) = $9.67 aprox.

Bizspark program and Azure

From the link below, it seems like bizspark subscribers can use azure for dev/testing and production use. So the $150 monthly recurring credit is usable for both dev/test and production. I am unclear as to if the 120 hour limit applies to bizspark subscribers. There is a mention of the limit to msdn subscribers.
If you're with the bizspark program, the benefits page makes no mention of the "no production" or 120 hour detection thing that the regular benefits page does. However, there is still no SLA.
BizSpark members retain production rights completely. This is detailed in the offer here: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/offers/ms-azr-0064p/. It sounds confusing, but the associated BizSpark MSDN account does not have the dev/test restriction.
Key phrase:
In addition, BizSpark members retain production use rights under this Azure benefits offer.
I have a BizSpark startup LLC that I've been using for over 1.5 years just fine on this program including long-running production IaaS VMs.
I have been using BizSpark account for production purposes for our company. We get $150.00 credit per month towards Azure resources consumption. Currently because of some reasons we have enabled spending cap but you can very well remove spending cap and you get charged for whatever you have spent over this $150.00. So if your monthly consumption comes out to be $200.00 for example, you get charged $50.00. As a part of being a BizSpark member you get MSDN subscription as well though I am not sure that you can get 120 hours separately for MSDN subscription than your BizSpark credits.

What do I select to get the free trial in Windows Azure Dashboard?

I am hoping to use Windows Azure for an internal application at work. I have signed up, and hoping to take advantage of the FREE 90 day trial to see if it offers what we need.
So my question is, on the dashboard what do I need to select to get the free trial?
I do not want to select something which ends up costing us, while we are just looking into the possibility of using it. Or do I just what services we need and they are taken from the trial allowance?
You do whatever services you need and they are taken from the trial allowance.
If you hit the trial allowance all your services will be deleted, but the data in storage account will be kept. You will not be able to do anything until the next billing cycle begins.
When you create a trial by default it has "SPENDING LIMIT", be sure NOT TO REMOVE IT, if you do not want charges.

Azure Subscription Disabled

We belong to bizspark program and have an Azure subscription that has been disabled.
Unfortunately, we don't know why and how to see what percentage of our resources is spent.
Anyone know also when Bizspark subscriptions are reenabled?
Your account has been disabled because you have reached your spending limit.
To get more information:
Go to manage.windowsazure.com
click on your email address in the top right corner
select Account
Log in
Click on your subscription and you can view a summary of charges
If you want your account to be re-enabled for this period, you will have to adjust your spending limit above $0. Be careful though, once you do that, I don't think you can go back.
Try going to https://account.windowsazure.com/Subscriptions (log in if necessary), and once you're there, click on the subscription in question. That should take you to a summary page on the billing for the account.
By default, it shows only the common usage metrics - it's likely you have exceeded one of these, and it should be easy to figure out which component put you over, but if not, try clicking the drop down that says "Show Common Usage" and change that to "Show All Usage".
As to your second question, the disable/re-enable cycle happens monthly, and if you've had your account for more than a month, it should have "snapped" to a period that spans from the first to the last of the month. If not, your period could be different, spanning from the first day you had the account to 30 days after, and "snapping" at that point, or it could be a pro-rated period that is from the first day of your account to the last day of the same month, with usage quotas pro-rated into it.
Regardless, your stuff should be re-enabled on the first day of the next billing period (which could be today, or perhaps September 1st, depending on what put you over).
I did face a similar issue with manage.windowsazure.com portal, but I'm successful in creating apps/site with the same subscription on the new portal (portal.azure.com). Once after creating an App/site in the new portal, this problem is resolved (even I'm able to publish from Visual Studio).
Hope this helps someone.
I had this problem but had definitely not reached my spending limit, I had $100 credit left. Yet I was getting the following message
We were unable to find any Active subscriptions associated with your account. SIGN UP FOR WINDOWS AZURE PRODUCTION PORTAL WINDOWS AZURE HOME PAGE CONTACT SUPPORT
In my case, it was because I had logged in to MSDN at some time with company credentials. So although the URL for my azure indicated my username and account such as:
Even though I had already selected sign out on MSDN, Somehow it was mixing the two accounts. I had to sign out of Azure from the Manage Azure screen and sign back in again with my personal Microsoft account.
