Document Controller search handling of non file: URLs - document

Global documents with a custom URL scheme?
I have a need to cache info via a URL, with a custom scheme - non file:; to allow user access, and otherwise treat such URLs as global so any access via its URL sees the same data. It's just a fancy way to access user defaults.
I'm relying on a document controller's document(url:) to find such URL if its document exits - previously opened.
And yet it doesn't?
Consider this in app's did finish launching:
do {
let ibm = URL.init(string: "")!
let doc = try docController.makeDocument(withContentsOf: ibm, ofType: "myType")
assert((doc == docController.document(for: ibm)), "created document is not found?")
} catch let error {
The assert fires!
So I pause and try to figure what I'm doing wrong.
Essentially I'm trying to support non-file: info, in a flat namespace, to provide consistent access and content.

Probably not an answer - why such URL schemes aren't being found but a working solution is to cache anything, front the search method with such a cache, but doing so creates a maintenance issue:
#objc dynamic var docCache = [URL:NSDocument]()
override var documents: [NSDocument] {
let appDocuments = Array(Set([Array(docCache.values),super.documents].reduce([], +)))
return appDocuments
override func document(for url: URL) -> NSDocument? {
if let document = super.document(for: url) {
docCache[url] = document
return document
if let document = docCache[url] {
return document
return nil


Paging in MS Graph API

Graph API Paging explains that the response would contain a field #odata.nextLink which would contain a skiptoken pointing to the next page of contents.
When I test the API, I'm getting a fully-qualified MS Graph URL which contains the skiptoken as a query param. E.g. Below is the value I got for the field #odata.nextLink in the response JSON.$top=25&$skiptoken=X%27445370740200001E3A757365723134406F33363561702E6F6E6D6963726F736F66742E636F6D29557365725F31363064343831382D343162382D343961372D383063642D653136636561303437343437001E3A7573657235407368616C696E692D746573742E31626F74322E696E666F29557365725F62666639356437612D333764632D343266652D386335632D373639616534303233396166B900000000000000000000%27
Is it safe to assume we'll always get the full URL and not just the skiptoken? Because if it's true, it helps avoid parsing the skiptoken and then concatenating it to the existing URL to form the full URL ourselves.
EDIT - Compared to MS Graph API, response obtained from Azure AD Graph API differs in that the JSON field #odata.nextLink contains only the skipToken and not the fully-qualified URL.
if you would like to have all users in single list, you can achieve that using the code that follows:
public static async Task<IEnumerable<User>> GetUsersAsync()
var graphClient = GetAuthenticatedClient();
List<User> allUsers = new List<User>();
var users = await graphClient.Users.Request().Top(998)
while (users.Count > 0)
if (users.NextPageRequest != null)
users = await users.NextPageRequest
return allUsers;
I am using graph client library
Yes. In Microsoft Graph you can assume that you'll always get the fully qualified URL for the #odata.nextLink. You can simply use the next link to get the next page of results, and clients should treat the nextLink as opaque (which is described in both OData v4 and in the Microsoft REST API guidelines here:
This is different from AAD Graph API (which is not OData v4), which doesn't return the fully qualified next link, and means you need to do some more complicated manipulations to get the next page of results.
Hence Microsoft Graph should make this simpler for you.
Hope this helps,
The above code did not work for me without adding a call to 'CurrentPage' on the last line.
Sample taken from here.
var driveItems = new List<DriveItem>();
var driveItemsPage = await graphClient.Me.Drive.Root.Children.Request().GetAsync();
while (driveItemsPage.NextPageRequest != null)
driveItemsPage = await driveItemsPage.NextPageRequest.GetAsync();
I followed Tracy's answer and I was able to fetch all the messages at one go.
public List<Message> GetMessages()
var messages = new List<Message>();
var pages = Client.Users[_email]
// Fetch the emails with attachments directly instead of downloading them later.
while (pages.NextPageRequest != null)
pages = pages.NextPageRequest.GetAsync().Result;
return messages;

Check URL exists in ApplicationContentUriRules

I have an app that is loading URLs into a WebView (x-ms-webview). When the user makes the request, I would like to compare the URL they are trying to load with the "whitelisted" URLs in the ApplicationContentUriRules and warn them if it is not there. Any ideas how I might accomplish this?
There isn't a direct API for pulling information out of the manifest, but there are options.
First, you can just maintain an array of those same URIs in your code, because to change them you'd have to change the manifest and update your package anyway, so you would update the array to match. This would make it easy to check, but increase code maintenance.
Such an array would also let you create a UI in which the user can enter only URIs that will work, e.g. you can offer possibilities from a drop-down list instead of letting the user enter anything.
Second, you can read the manifest XML into a document directly and parse through it to get to the rules. Here's some code that will do that:
var uri = new Windows.Foundation.Uri("ms-appx:///appxmanifest.xml");
var doc;
Windows.Storage.StorageFile.getFileFromApplicationUriAsync(uri).then(function (file) {
return Windows.Storage.FileIO.readTextAsync(file);
}).done(function (text) {
doc = new Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument();
var acur = doc.getElementsByTagName("ApplicationContentUriRules");
if (acur !== null) {
var rules = acur[0].getElementsByTagName("Rule");
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
console.log(rules[i].getAttribute("Match") + " - " + rules[i].getAttribute("Type"));
You could probably just get "Rule" tags directly from the root doc, because I don't think anything else in the manifest uses that kind of node, but to future-proof it's better to get the ApplicationContentUriRules first. As you can see, the "Match" attribute is what holds the URI for that rule, but you also need to make sure that "Type" is "include" and not "exclude".

ServiceStack - Redirecting at root based on query params [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Create route for root path, '/', with ServiceStack
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I've got a Fallback DTO that looks like the following:
public class Fallback
public string Path { get; set; }
Now, in my Service I would like to redirect to an HTML5 compliant URL, and this is what I've tried:
public object Get(Fallback fallback)
return this.Redirect("/#!/" + fallback.Path);
It is working all fine and dandy, except for the fact that query parameters are not passed along with the path. Using Request.QueryString does not work as no matter what I do it is empty. Here's what my current (non-working) solution looks like:
public object Get(Fallback fallback)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("?");
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item in Request.QueryString)
var s = "/#!/" + fallback.Path + sb.ToString();
return this.Redirect(s);
TL;DR: I want to pass on query strings along with fallback path.
EDIT: It turns out I had two problems; now going to correctly redirects the request to!/url/that/does/not/exist?random=param& after I changed the above loop to:
foreach (string key in Request.QueryString)
But the fallback is still not being called at root, meaning won't trigger anything.
In essence, what I want to do is to have ServiceStack look for query strings at root, e.g.,, apply some logic and then fire off a redirect. The purpose of this is in order for crawler bots to be able to query the site with a _escaped_fragment_ parameter and then be presented with an HTML snapshot prepared by a server. This is in order for the bots to be able to index single-page applications (more on this).
I'm thinking perhaps the FallbackRoute function won't cover this and I need to resort to overriding the CatchAllHandler.
I managed to find a solution thanks to this answer.
First create an EndpointHostConfig object in your AppHost:
var config = new EndpointHostConfig
Then, add a RawHttpHandler:
config.RawHttpHandlers.Add(r =>
var crawl = r.QueryString["_escaped_fragment_"];
if (crawl != null)
HttpContext.Current.RewritePath("/location_of_snapshots/" + crawl);
return null;
Going to will fire off a redirection to, which should satisfy the AJAX crawling bots.
N.B. It's possible some logic needs to be applied to the redirection to ensure that there won't be double forward slashes. I have yet to test that.

How can I update a content item (draft) from a background task in Orchard?

I have a simple IBackgroundTask implementation that performs a query and then either performs an insert or one or more updates depending on whether a specific item exists or not. However, the updates are not persisted, and I don't understand why. New items are created just as expected.
The content item I'm updating has a CommonPart and I've tried authenticating as a valid user. I've also tried flushing the content manager at the end of the Sweep method. What am I missing?
This is my Sweep, slightly edited for brevity:
public void Sweep()
// Authenticate as the site's super user
var superUser = _membershipService.GetUser(_orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentSite.SuperUser);
// Create a dummy "Person" content item
var item = _contentManager.New("Person");
var person = item.As<PersonPart>();
if (person == null)
person.ExternalId = Random.Next(1, 10).ToString();
person.FirstName = GenerateFirstName();
person.LastName = GenerateLastName();
// Check if the person already exists
var matchingPersons = _contentManager
.Query<PersonPart, PersonRecord>(VersionOptions.AllVersions)
.Where(record => record.ExternalId == person.ExternalId)
if (!matchingPersons.Any())
// Insert new person and quit
_contentManager.Create(item, VersionOptions.Draft);
// There are at least one matching person, update it
foreach (var updatedPerson in matchingPersons)
updatedPerson.FirstName = person.FirstName;
updatedPerson.LastName = person.LastName;
Try to add _contentManager.Publish(updatedPerson). If you do not want to publish, but just to save, you don't need to do anything more, as changes in Orchard as saved automatically unless the ambient transaction is aborted. The call to Flush is not necessary at all. This is the case both during a regular request and on a background task.

Don't save URL in history, any header or meta-tag?

Is there any HTTP-headers or meta-tags one can use to avoid getting a URL into the browser history?
For example, I don't want
to show up in the browser URL bar, when I start typing "domain.t".
Currently I have a (POST) search form on the website to load the tokens, and they don't come up. But later I want to load the tokens via links, from let's say an album.
I don't think you can.
You can save the token as a cookie, or use it as a GET param but make it expire every 15 minutes or so (and regenerate a new one on every page load). Also check for the same user agent, and if you want to go down the IP road, IP address (however it can give false positives, I wouldn't recommend it).
Decided to use a map that I save in the browser session. This way i can pass the tokenKey throgh the URL and get the variable back afterwards.
I wrote this little extended class of Zend_Session_Namespace and added 'add' and 'get' functions.
class My_Session_Tokens extends Zend_Session_Namespace {
protected $_namespace = "Tokens";
public function __construct($namespace = 'Tokens', $singleInstance = false)
parent::__construct($namespace, $singleInstance);
public function add($token) {
if($tokenKey = $this->hasToken($token)) {
return $tokenKey;
do { $tokenKey = uniqid(); } while(isset($this->$tokenKey));
$this->$tokenKey = $token;
return $tokenKey;
public function get($tokenKey) {
if(isset($tokenKey)) {
return $this->$tokenKey;
return null;
public function hasToken($token) {
foreach($this as $key => $val) {
if($val === $token) return $key;
return false;
