Bidirectional UDP tunnel with socat on Linux - linux

Is it possible to create a bidirectional UDP tunnel with socat? The starting point is a client (C) that communicates with a server (S) and receives a reply, so C⟷S. Of course, C and S are on different networks with a relay (R) between them, hence the need for C⟷R⟷S. The relay is running Ubuntu Linux.
Using socat for example per this:
sudo nohup socat UDP-LISTEN:1194,fork,reuseaddr UDP:IP-ADDRESS-OF-HOME-ROUTER:1194 &
apparently results in all packets received by the relay (R) to be forwarded to IP-ADDRESS-OF-HOME-ROUTER, including the reply packets from the server, or C⟶R⟷S.
So my question is, would it be possible to make socat wait for reply packets from the server, and forward them back to the client? Is there perhaps another way to accomplish this goal?

The second method (datagram with UDP-RECVFROM/UDP-SENDTO) works only in a query/answer mode; a second answer in sequence from the OpenVPN server will not be passed back to the client; and for each query packet a sub process will be forked.
The first method forks a subprocess per "connection" (determined by source port), and - after an initial packet from the client - forwards in both directions.
Sub processes will hang "forever", so it is advisable to use the timeout option -T 3600 or so.


TCP server ignores incoming SYN

I have a tcp server running. A client connects to the server and send packet periodically. For TCP server, this incoming connections turns to be CONNECTED, and the server socket still listens for other connections.
Say this client suddenly get powered off, no FIN sent to server. When it powers up again, it still use the same port to connect, but server doesn't reply to SYNC request. It just ignores incoming request, since there exists a connection with this port.
How to let server close the old connection and accept new one?
My tcp server runs on Ubuntu 14.04, it's a Java program using ServerSocket.
That's not correct, a server can accept multiple connections and will accept a new connection from a rebooted client as long as it's connecting from a different port (and that's usually the case). If your program is not accepting it it's because you haven't called accept() a second time. This probably means that your application is only handling one blocking operation per time (for example, it might be stuck in a read() operation on the connected socket). The solution for this is to simultaneously read from the connected sockets and accept new connections. This might be done using an I/O multiplexer, like select(), or multiple threads.

Respond to a Packet Received in The NetFilter at Kernel

I'm working on Linux 4.13.x. And I'm considering to send a packet response in the kernel.
Consider an echo TCP or UDP server running in the userland and there is also another node running a TCP or UDP client. Clients are sending requests to the server. I want to send the packet response back to the client without any involvement of server application running at userspace.
Here is my thoughts about this problem:
I started thinking how it is possible and I come across to a solution like netfilter. If I can capture the packets in NF_INET_PRE_ROUTING and then try to swap the source and destination IP addresses of IP header and also swapping the ports in the TCP header, then according to this answers and this presumably modified packet should be forwarded to the originator throughout the routing system.
Actually, I tried this scenario and it seems it is not possible to do so from netfilter hooks, however, I'm not sure of it. I thought that it is not working since it has problem with checksums because I'm manipulating packets so I did another experiment to figure this issue out. I just change the packet data and everything worked well. I think checksums don't have any problem since they will be check at NIC while receiving and also same situation while sending so manipulation in between doesn't make anything wrong. I also activate the IPv4 forwarding at the server host(sysctl.config) still nothing changes.
I don't want to create new packet, I only want to alter this packet and send it back. There is another similar question which is creating another packet. Moreover, I'm just thinking why this scenario is not working? But based on the netfilter's architecture it should work.
Thank you
I am also working on this, actually kernel validate the source ip address after ip_rcv function in NF_HOOK which check the source ip address. So just try below command:-
sudo sysctl -w "net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0"
after doing this also disable your interface from which you send and receive packet just like below:-
sudo sysctl -w "net.ipv4.conf.enp2s0.rp_filter=0"

IP tunnel over Linux serial default shell

This is a more constrained version of this question:
I have an embedded ARM device running a custom image with a Linux 3.10.0 kernel.
The only physical interface (no, USB, no Ethernet) is the default Linux shell which is connected one of the serial interfaces.
My question is: Is there any built-in or external tool that opens an IP tunnel over this connection?
I see some general issues:
The device is already use by Linux, so it must use stdin/out to communicate instead of accessing the device directly.
After starting the tunneling application, the application must wait for a tunnel client to connect because I need to close the serial connection on my computer and then start the tunnel client.
There should be a way to close the connection and go back to the normal shell
The actual requirement is, that I can access a REST interface that is running on the embedded device from a computer connected to the embedded device via serial cable.
This already works on devices with a physical Ethernet or Ethernet-over-USB but this device does not offer that.
As explained, socat is currently not available on our embedded device so as a first attempt, I used the following:
A Linux (Ubuntu) laptop with a physical serial interface
A Windows Laptop with a physical serial interface and cygwin+socat installed
Both connected via Null-modem cable
Note: I'm using a Windows laptop on one side because we will have the socat client running on Linux (unfortunately).
Direct STDIO Connection
socat stdio file:/dev/ttyS0,b115200
socat file:/dev/ttyS4,b115200 stdio
In cygwin, ttyS0 is COM1, ttyS4 in this case is COM5.
Using these, socat works like a little chat program. Why I type on one side is output on the other and vice-versa.
TCP Connection
The next step is to use a TCP connection.
socat /dev/ttyS0,b115200,crtscts=1,raw,echo=0 tcp-connect:localhost:80
socat -T2 file:/dev/ttyS4,b115200,crtscts=1,raw,echo=0 tcp-l:7777,reuseaddr
I specified the baud rate (115200), used raw transmission, no echo (The HTTP request would otherwise be sent back to the requester) using hardware flow control. Pus I had to use a timeout -T2 wich terminates the connection after 2s. Otherwise, curl does not terminate either and waits for more data.
When I use curl on the windows computer, it successfully transmits the request over serial connection and returns the complete HTTP response of the HTTP server on the Linux computer:
curl localhost:7777/index.html
However, it works only once. After the request is completed, both socatclient and server terminates.
Moreover, when I use a browser (Chorme), it uses g-zip encoding which most probably sends binary characters. And one of these characters will be a EOF character which again terminates socat before completing the request/response.
Then I tried to add fork to the server:
socat /dev/ttyS0,b115200,crtscts=1,raw,echo=0 tcp-connect:localhost:80,fork
This keeps the server alive, but curl returns a 400 Bad Request. So it seems as if the socat server initiated a request for each line or chunk since it does not understand HTTP.
IP Connection
Then I thought about going a layer below and using a TUN connection. However, this is not implemented on the Windows version of socat.
HTTP connection
Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I understand, socatdoes not provide a connection type that actually understands HTTP and is able to serialize it properly over a serial connection.
So, I couldn't find any stable way to start both client and server and run multiple HTTP requests over the serial connection.
On a normal linux, you could use socat.
This program allows you to connect several stream types (file, socket, tcp, udp, ...). In your case it would be tcp to file or more precisely a tcp socket at port xx to /dev/ttyUSB1. You should launch socat on both sides to build a tunnel.
Edit 1:
Sorry I got also disappointed by socat. I can't find a solution that keeps my TCP listener active for multiple successive connections, but handles only one connection at a time.
My solution is a simple C# program that uses 4 threads:
1. wait for input on stdin e.g. exit command
2. the TCP listener
3. the TCP worker thread for a active connection
4. if TCP is open, it opens another thread for COM
Thread 3 reads from TCP and writes to COM and Tread 4 reads from COM and writes to TCP. If thread gets a TCP close event, it stops thread 4, which closes COMx, and exits it self. Now thread 2 can accept a new connection. If thread 1 reads exit on stdin, it passes a message to all threads to stop and shutdown.
Maybe you can implement such a short program in C with pthreads on your embedded system, which has no socat.
The EOF problem:
I tried to google for a program that escapes a special character or reencodes a data stream from ASCII to ANSI or base64 or whatever.... If you can find such a program or write it also in C you can pipe it in between
Server <=> reencode <=> socat <--serial--> socat <=> reencode <=> client
We've now solved the problem halfway using pppd. As it turns out, even Windows supports ppp. In contrast to socat, pppd actually uses a protocol that will have error detection included and it automatically creates network devices on the Linux and Windows system.
The only problem is, that pppd requires to have access to the serial device. There is no direct mode like the ppp tool provides.
We are now disabling the shell on demand, rebooting into IP-over-serial mode. When we are done, we reboot the system which automatically switch back to getty using the serial line.
The is not the prettiest solution but right now, it seems to work.

howto make locally terminated tcp connections go through prerouting and postrouting?

I am developing an application that filters and mangles packets using netfilter queue's. It's rather complicated and needs to perform well so I would like to automate some rigorous testing. To do this I need to be to be able to route some TCP connections through my system, however, I don't want to have to rely on two other machines to act as client and server. I would prefer to run a local client that sends data and a local server that checks the mangled result.
The problem is that my application needs to intercept packets at the PREROUTING stage and so packets generated by the local client can't just be routed to the loopback interface.
So I need some way to inject packets before the prerouting stage and intercept them back after postrouting. If I could somehow use stream sockets to send and receive the data that would be great!
The most straightforward way I can think of doing this is to use a tun device. The tun device allows you to inject packets from userspace that appear to arrive through the tun interface. You could either write code to create and manipulate the tun interface yourself, or you can make use of an application like OpenVPN that already does this. With OpenVPN it would be easy: no special raw sockets or anything: you just send it IP packets encapsulated in UDP and it will make them arrive through a tun interface.
I've been thinking a bit about this and using the tun devices my client and server test applications should be able to use plain linux sockets. I will explain how this can work by describing the path of a packet sent by the test client.
a) Two tun devices each providing access to a distinct subnetwork
b) routing table was set up to route traffic to the correct tun device
1) the client sends a packet to an address in the tun1 subnetwork
2) the app attached to tun1 (tun1app) will translate the dst address of the packet to an address in tun2 subnetwork and the source address to an address in the tun1 subnetwork different from the address of the tun1 interface
3) tun1app will send the modified packet back out
4) after routing tun2app will receive the packet and translate the destination address to the tun2 interface and the source address to an address in the tun2 network different from the interface address
5) tun2app will send it back out and the server will receive the packet assuming the destination port is the one the server is listening on
Packets from the server will follow the inverse path.
This seems like the core idea of a very useful tool. Does anyone know of a tool that is able to do this?
All connections from-and-to localhost itself do go over PREROUTING and POSTROUTING. Whoever tells something else is mistaken. (You can verify that with ip6tables -t raw -I OUTPUT -j TRACE, and you will see that it passes through OUTPUT-POSTROUTING-PREROUTING-INPUT when, for example, you ping6 ::1 yourself.)

send/receive data through multiple interfaces

I have 2 linux based systems - a client with 2 interfaces (1 LAN, 1 modem) and a server.
I open 2 UDP sockets, and use setsockopt with SO_BINDTODEVICE to bind each socket to it's interface.
Then I send a message from client to server through each of those sockets.
Both of them reach server. Server socket reads them, and sends a reply to each of them.
Then I try to read server's reply on the client.
BUT, there is only 1 reply.
Also if I run tcpdump, I see that both of the replies are received on their relevant interfaces, on the same port that they left. Yet only one of them reaches socket. The other is lost?
The "lost" packet is not random, it's the "non" default one. If my routing table is empty, the modem one is lost. If I add a route to server ip from modem interface, the lost packet will be the lan one.
Yet, they always reach server, always return back, always seen in tcpdump, but 1 never reaches socket. How can that be?
There is an ipv4 network configuration parameter called rp_filter (reversed path validation filter). Basically, if the reply to a packet wouldn't go out the interface this packet came in, then this is a bogus packet and should be ignored. Which is why while I saw the packet on the tcpdump, it never reached socket. Disabling it did the trick.
sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0
sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.eth0.rp_filter=0
sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.ppp0.rp_filter=0
