Netlify: This site can’t be reached - DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN - netlify

I am a newbie web developer and I just finished my MERN Stack project. I am trying to deploy it via Heroku as the server handler and at Netlify for my frontend.
In actuality, my website is already up but the problem that I'm having is that I cannot access it on my computer. I can however access it on my mobile phone and some of my friends was actually able to see it on their unit. They already tested it and the frontend is working with the backend successfully.
When I'm trying to access my website on my computer, it just says that I can't access it and says DNS_PROBE_FININSHED_NNXDOMAIN.
I tried accessing it on 3 browsers namely Firefox, Chrome (in incognito as well), and Edge. I also have nothing on my console logs. I tried searching the web for answers but I've tried many things but can't seem to resolve this.
Here's the image link for the error.
If you have any idea, any help would be much appreciated! Thank you very much!


Website hosting service problem with loading

I have a website that I have hosted for a while now... It seemed to work fine, but now it just shows a blank page when I visit it.
Could this be a hosting error? If not what else?
Your question really needs more details for anyone to be able to give you any help.
I this page just a static HTML file, or is it a database-driven site (WordPress or Drupal for example).
Have you checked the error logs for your hosting provider and have you tried contacting your hosting provider to see what they say.

Why website not working with all internet service providers in my country?

My website is working with some ISP while it is not working with others. Also not working from other countries.
The app is hosted at our company. Developed using sharepoint
The app works at my home.
But if I visit the website at my brother's home who is registered to different ISP, the website opens and a login dialog appears. When entering correct username and password then submit , textboxs cleared and dialog come again.
The problem is happening with many visitors.
I just want to know what would be the problem! Does anyone faced such problem before?
I checked all IIS restrictions. There is no restrictions made.
I created a new app using sharepoint with login page and it works great.
somebody said that users with public ip can access the site while others with dhcp cannot. Can somebody explain that !
Some ISPs have transparent proxies in use. And some of them are accidentally (or even intentionally) broken and cache more, than they should. You can check whether that's the problem:
Set up your server to also allow https and then use that. You should move to https for privacy reasons anyways, so just do it now ;)
This way, the proxy can't do anything but to pass the data between client and server unmodified.
If that is not an option: Use tcpdump/wireshark/other-sniffer on both - client and server - at the same time and compare the logs. Did the second access even make it to the server?
Do you have a laptop/tablet/smartphone with which you can access the web server? Try moving that laptop from one location to the other and check, whether it works with that one laptop using one ISP and fails with the same laptop on the other ISP.
This should be a comment, but I do not have enough to post it as such.
Are sure that it is not a browser issue?
Is the login dialog from SharePoint, your app or the browser itself?
If it is from your app, can you debug it or write the log-in attempts in a log?

Chrome doesn't load webapp on NodeJS

After yet another reboot of my macbook, chrome stopped loading my webapp.
It returns literally nothing in browser window and the only thing i managed to find is that requests in chrome's timeline has status "cancelled".
If I'm trying to get there from another website (by changin url and hitting "return" button), it also does nothing, it doesn't even try to reload page.
Other browsers load it fine atm.
I've received this report from a user about couple of weeks ago, but now i've got it myself, so I assume the problem is in my server.
Recently, i've found that my android phone also can't access the website from chrome browser. The behaviour is the same. However, android default browser has access.
What could that be? Where should i look?
I'd provide more information, but there is no error codes or messages of any kind, so i have no idea what information could help in this question.
Also, i have a chrom browser extension (similar to Pocket), which also is unable to access server. The notable difference is that extension uses only.
There were no recent code changes on server side except letsencrypt certificate renewal.
I've tried this:
server restart
different ip/locations (vpn and public access points)
chrome data cleanup / chrome version degrade / chrome reinstallation / chrome canary installation
tried to open server address directly - no difference

not able to access mywebsite in webbrowser

my website opens with IP address till friday it was working fine..after wards not able view the site in webbrowser...what could be the problem ? how can we solve it?
My server with this IP is working and can able to view the updated data in database ..but not able to view, or open the page of website.before the website under IIS configuration was stooped and now started again..still no couldnt view Login page at all.My application was developed in classic asp long back.Kindly give me any suggestion to this...its very urgent...
I tried browsing the website in IIS manger(server) .It showing page cannot be displayed.
Thanks in advance.
First, Don't Panic. Staying calm can avoid further damage.
While it's hard to tell what could be the problem, the first thing you can do is to "ping" the domain from terminal.Can you login remotely? "wget" (on linux) will download the files from website, and could help you see if the files on the site are still accessible. Check from different browsers or machines, if possible. I'm no expert in asp or IIS, so won't advice on that front. But once I had faced the same situation with my website. So I just called up the hosting service provider, and it turned out it was their problem, and they brought the server online. If it's okay from their end, you might have changed some configurations in your server or application or there might be some up-gradation changing parameters, or even an accidental deletion/ moving/ renaming of files. Just try to remember what are the things you did with your server and application, before it went down, and also ask your server administrator. That will surely help you understand the problem better, if not help to solve it right away.
Good Luck.

SSL Issue only in Google Chrome

I am having an SSL issue, but it only appears to be happening in Google Chrome.
I've checked with Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer and there fine.
Does anyone know what is wrong? I've tried it on a BLANK page and Chrome still says there is an issue. Screenshot:
If anyone can help that would be much appreciated!
I think you may be referring to content that does not belong to your domain (ex. images) and that are retrieve from another location on the internet.
Since the browser has to get them via a http:// request on the other site, it warns you that all the content does not come from your website overs the SSL connection.
Did you tried the blank page after accessing another page of your site? Or just after launching chrome?
I run into this exact problem and solved it this morning. Two things:
Clear Google Chromes's browser cache data
Make sure your app doesn't have references to external resources that is none-https
Hope this helps,
