Chrome doesn't load webapp on NodeJS - node.js

After yet another reboot of my macbook, chrome stopped loading my webapp.
It returns literally nothing in browser window and the only thing i managed to find is that requests in chrome's timeline has status "cancelled".
If I'm trying to get there from another website (by changin url and hitting "return" button), it also does nothing, it doesn't even try to reload page.
Other browsers load it fine atm.
I've received this report from a user about couple of weeks ago, but now i've got it myself, so I assume the problem is in my server.
Recently, i've found that my android phone also can't access the website from chrome browser. The behaviour is the same. However, android default browser has access.
What could that be? Where should i look?
I'd provide more information, but there is no error codes or messages of any kind, so i have no idea what information could help in this question.
Also, i have a chrom browser extension (similar to Pocket), which also is unable to access server. The notable difference is that extension uses only.
There were no recent code changes on server side except letsencrypt certificate renewal.
I've tried this:
server restart
different ip/locations (vpn and public access points)
chrome data cleanup / chrome version degrade / chrome reinstallation / chrome canary installation
tried to open server address directly - no difference


Static contents stuck in SendResponse after serving a video file

I'm working on an ASP.Net MVC application, running on .Net Framework 4.6.2. The application is currently deployed to a server with IIS 10.
Everything was working fine, until recently, we added some video (mp4) files into the website. Now, whenever staffs from our company browses the website and open up a video, and browse away to another page on the website before the video is completely played, the website no longer loads correctly for that user's browser.
If the video is fully streamed to the browser, then everything works as expected afterwards.
The videos are served with the HTML5 video tag, directly pointing to a physical file on the server, without any other JavaScript library:
<video src="video.mp4" controls controlslist="nodownload" disablepictureinpicture oncontextmenu="return false;" />
Note that the same behaviour happens if we directly browse to the video (browsing the src URL directly).
From IIS, I found that once a video begins to stream to a browser, if the video is not fully streamed before the user browse away, in subsequent requests there will always be a few static content files that will be stuck in SendResponse state. This causes the browser to be unable to render the page normally, giving the impression that the page would not load.
These static content files are all served with Bundling feature in ASP.Net MVC. Note that not all bundles are not able to be loaded, only some, and those are the bigger bundles of the bunch, but not necessarily the largest. Browser will eventually receive an ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR for each of those static content bundle after a while, in which the items in SendResponse state on the IIS server will go away.
Strangely, incognito mode and non-incognito mode does not seem to affect one another: if user opens up a video and no longer be able to browse any page on the website in incognito mode, they can still browse the site just fine in non-incognito mode, until they browse to a video in the non-incognito mode.
The same behaviour applies to both Chrome and MS Edge in all the PCs we've tested in our company.
However, the same does not occur to our mobile devices, or our own devices at home.
Failed Request Tracing shows no error. Everything is returning code 200. Filtering the trace to code 400 and above tracked nothing.
I'm at a loss what other methods should I use to continue troubleshooting. Any pointer is greatly appreciated.
After some investigations and trial and errors, it was finally found that the culprit is the antivirus software. A ticket was submitted to the antivirus software company, and they acknowledged that it was their issue and released a hotfix.
Applying the hotfix resolved the problem.

xp:fileupload control and partial refresh in Chrome

My xp:fileupload control has stopped working in Chrome. It still works in Internet Explorer. Can it have something today with a recent update of Chrome?
When I run a full update instead of a partial refresh it works.
I do not get any error in the console or on the server.
The problem has starting to occur recently (incident reports).
I have Chrome v66.

Is my extension crashing Chrome?

I've developed an extension for Google Chrome. It does some cross-domain httprequests, messaging and inserts an iframe into web pages.
After testing it without any problems on Linux, Mac and Windows (XP and 7), I installed it on a colleague's Windows XP pc. After opening 2 or 3 pages, Chrome crashed with the Dutch equivalent of the "Aw, Snap!" page.
After that it kept crashing regularly. Restarting Chrome didn't help. Even after removing the extension it crashed occasionally, though not as often. the colleague says Chrome has never crashed on him before, but then again, he hardly ever uses it.
When running chrome from the command-line with logging enabled, I see the following message:
[1744:628:0703/] Can't retrieve a valid WinSAT assessment.
[4744:4272:0703/090810:ERROR:textfield.h(162)] NOT IMPLEMENTED
Could this be caused (or exacerbated) by my extension? How can I be sure that this is just a one-of and will not crash the browsers of a lot of other users?
Thanks in advance for any help or insights.
Well, your application files are corrupted. App files contain important settings, configurations which you need to be restored again.
Click the Start button, select Run. Type the below path and press ENTER:
C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data
Delete all the files present in this directory and restart Google Chrome. More solutions here.

Having problems to load images in Opera Browser(login popup)

I think this should be releated to IIS settings but don't know exactly what it is.
As you can see below, this login message pops up for each images, 8 images 8 times in Opera.
And the major browsers react to this page different.
IE9 works good(this is the reason why I found this problem now. It's internal site and almost every users use IE...)
Chrome(17.0.963.56 m) works good.
Safari(5.1.2) is also good.
Opera 11.61 has a problem like I said...
And FF SHOWS NO IMAGES and don't even ask for login. And Firebug says it's "NetworkError: 404 Not Found!".
I don't know what's going on.
This site requires to login and it's internal, so I can't give you the link. Sorry for the inconvenient.
And this site is running on Windows Server 2003. And the image containing folder is shared for web(I don't know why it's shared. But don't want to change the setting). I don't know this may cause this situation.
If Opera opens a user name/password dialog, the site is probably sending a WWW-Authenticate header in response to those image requests. You can open Opera's developer tools ("Tools > Advanced > Opera Dragonfly" or right-click in page and select "Inspect element") and use the network feature to inspect the full headers.
I don't know how you can disable this header if it is sent, it depends on the server settings and what type of server you're running, and I'm not at all familiar with Windows Server 2003.

Google Chrome prompts for username/password even though page doesn't request it

I previously set a directory on my web server to require a username/password during development phase. I have since removed the .htaccess file to remove the password, I have also checked the cPanel to make sure there are no settings for a user/password.
Despite this, Chrome keeps asking for a username/password. If I click Cancel, the page continues to load anyway.
This only happens on Chrome Windows and Mac. I have cleared the entire cache for Chrome but to no avail. I am not able to replicate the problem on Firefox 4 or Internet Explorer 9.
I figured it out. I was silly enough to have left the URL pointing to a domain which does ask for a username/password but the domain it was pointing to was for the development site. Not sure why the other browsers didn't do the same thing but updating the base href has solved the problem.
