I'm messing around with the FRED API and I'm having trouble figuring out how to change the period of the data I'm pulling in. For example, when I pull in GDP using the API, it comes out as quarterly, but I want it measured annually. On the FRED website, I can choose what period to measure the data in, but I can't figure out how to translate that to my GET requests when using the API. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
I know this looks simply to you but for me this is heavy critical thinking. Help me to improve my question if not clear and i will edit the post question. The instruction is to illustrate what are the possible outcomes such as (charts, tables etc.) based on the given dataset. 3 things to understand
1. Total Booking request
2. Total accepted booking
3. Total completed
the scenario in here is there is a company x who offers a service(Vehicles used for transporting goods) from one city to another.
The question is how am i going to illustrate useful reports based on the given dataset. In my own understanding i tried to come up first with the idea of statistical reports that illustrates how progressive is the company every single month, also their performances if they are failed or not with their monthly target deliveries ex: target for january is to do 20 deliveries per day and i already did this reports but the thing that i want to figure out is how am i going to illustrate using charts the Note : Schedule Booking = a booking can be requested one day, but completed another day (ex. I booked a delivery for next Saturday) this note was shown below
as i understand this note there are some scenario that the completed booking could be done also not just in a day but maybe could be done after a week. self-realization. Help me to figure this out, how am i going to solve the note.
this is my current output:
this the give dataset
and this is the instruction
Hi,please inform me with my flaws about my explanations that needed to rephrase the post. Thankyou i just need some advice.
Consider an analytics where you need to find out repeat customers for a date range. Repeat customers are defined for date range as customers who use the service 3*(Given Date Range Interval) before the starting range and also used the service in given date range.
For example repeat customer for this week is all customers who used service 3 weeks before starting of this week and all such customers used it this week.
I am using influxdb. I haven't decided the series yet, I am looking for inputs into how I can define a series such that I can do available operations in influxdb to obtain this analytics.
Data available to me is the timestamp at which user used the facility, user_id , service_category, service_instance_id, and a json dump of further details about service.
may be my thought process is limited, I need some intervention on how to approach this and any input is welcome.
So I thought about this and came to a decent solution. I have to save the last time a user visited along with the entry. So at least one reference will be there for any time period if user is repeating for that time period.
This is similar to a linkedlist except that we have direct access to time based filtering of nodes.
I would like to make a plot in excel. graph represent stock amount and months. but I would like to do it continuous time. Each mounth it starts from 30 it decrease in time to 10 until next month and stock goes 30 again each month with 20 piece increase. I couldn't post the graph here. Thanks for your all help.
"http://i.hizliresim.com/G5QE26.jpg" this is the link that i want to do.
This might get you started.
You could use a scatterplot with straight lines connecting the data points:
There are numerous ways to tweak the appearance, though I don't know of any easy way to get the numbers to appear as dates.
Have a requirement to get monthly average temperature from any weather API by city. On going through posts, I have seen wunderground and other stuff but daily average is as far as I got. Getting monthly averages using this would push me to a premium service because of the number of calls I would end up making.
Thanks in advance.
http://www.usclimatedata.com/ has this data, but I haven't seen that they have an API for it. I've contacted them and will report back when I hear from them on it.
I use GV for business and have since about 2011. Over that time I've amassed about 10,000 calls with various clients. I'd like to analyze this data to understand things like what days of the week did I have the most calls, what months had the highest call volume, what hour of the day has the highest call volume, et cetera. (Eventually I would also like to compare that to my Google Calendar data to analyze my conversion rates for a given month, but that's step 2)
My question is, is there any easy way to do this short of actually learning to use Excel? Are there any free or relatively cheap statistics programs that will cut some of the work out for me? It's easy enough to clean the data and drop it into Excel, but there are so many intermediary steps between having a good clean data set and actually getting a histogram out of it that it's starting to feel like it isn't worth it.
I have a list of about 10k calls in this format:
Col.A Col.B Col.C
client date 24hr time
I'm not particularly concerned with who the client is... I just want to analyze the second two columns.
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.