NestJS: wrap 3rd party decorator & setMetaData in order to use Reflector to check annotation - nestjs

I am using NestJS to implement a project with TypeScript.
I am using a 3rd party library which provide a decorator called Protected, I can use the decorator to annotate my controller method:
I have a Guard, in which I want to check whether the annotation is there inside my MyGuard class. I tried:
export class MyGuard implements CanActivate {
constructor(private reflector: Reflector) {}
canActivate(context: ExecutionContext): Promise<boolean> {
const value = this.reflector.get('Protected', context.getHandler());
console.log(`VALUE: ${metaValue}`);
The log message shows me VALUE: undefined. I read the NestJS doc, there is an example of using setMetadata() and then in Guard method use the metadata key to retrieve metadata to check if the annotation is there. However, this is a 3rd party decorator, there is no information for me whether they use any metadata key.
So, I come up with a workaround, I create my own custom decorator which wraps the 3rd party Protected decorator & use my decorator instead on controller method:
import {Protected} from '3rd-party-lib'
import { SetMetadata } from '#nestjs/common';
export const MyProtected = () => {
SetMetadata(IS_PROTECTED, true);
But now, the annotation on controller method raises error:
ERROR: Unable to resolve signature of method decorator when called as an expression.
This expression is not callable.
Type 'void' has no call signatures.ts(1241)
My questions:
Is there a way to use Reflector to check whether the 3rd party annotation is presented in the controller method inside MyGuard ?
If there is no way without using setMetadata & since I don't know what metadata key to check due to 3rd party library. How can I setMetadata myself in my custom decorator in order to achieve what I need?

Why not use Nest's applyDecorators so you can compose the decorator out of several decorators?
export const MyProtected = () => applyDecorators(
SetMetadata(IS_PROTECTED, true)


How to get method and its metadata from NestJS provider?

I'm making a NestJS wrapper for Typegoose because the existing one is complete deprecated and has one critical drawback that I want to fix in my implementation.
Problem: there is #EventTrackerFor(schema: AnyClass) that takes Typegoose class. It's implemented like this:
export const EventTrackerFor = (schema: AnyClass) =>
applyDecorators(Injectable, SetMetadata('tracker-for',;
Also, there are #Pre(eventName: PreEvents) and Post(eventName: PostEvents) decorators:
export const Post = (eventName: PreEvents) => SetMetadata('post', eventName);
export const Pre = (eventName: PostEvents) => SetMetadata('pre', eventName);
And as a result, library user will do it like that:
class UserEventTracker {
constructor(private readonly anyService: AnyService) {}
logOnAndAfterCreate() {
console.log('user created')
// ------------------------ Any module
imports: [MyModule.forFeature([ {schema: User} ])],
providers: [UserEventTracker]
class AnyModule {}
I need to get value from #EventTrackerFor somehow and methods of the provider, which are decorated with #Pre() and #Post decorators, including values that passed inside them.
I was looking for a clue in different packages like #nestjs/bull, which has similar logics inside, but they have so much code, so I could not understand how do they do it.
Project repository:

Proper way to manually instantiate Nest.js providers

I think I might be misunderstanding Nest.js's IoC container, or maybe DI as a whole.
I have a class, JSONDatabase, that I want to instantiate myself based on some config value (can either be JSON or SQL).
My DatabaseService provider:
constructor(common: CommonService, logger: LoggerService) {
// eslint-disable-next-line prettier/prettier
const databaseType: DatabaseType = common.serverConfig.dbType as DatabaseType;
if (databaseType === DatabaseType.JSON) {
this.loadDatabase<JSONDatabase>(new JSONDatabase());
} else if (databaseType === DatabaseType.SQL) {
this.loadDatabase<SQLDatabase>(new SQLDatabase());
} else {
logger.error('Unknown database type.');
My JSONDatabase class:
export class JSONDatabase implements IDatabase {
dbType = DatabaseType.JSON;
constructor(logger: LoggerService, io: IOService) {
logger.log(`Doing something...`)
However, the problem with this is that if I want my JSONDatabase to take advantage of injection, ie. it requires both IOService and LoggerService, I need to add the parameters from the DatabaseService constructor rather than inject them through Nest's IoC containers.
Expected 2 arguments, but got 0 [ts(2554)]
json.database.ts(7, 15): An argument for 'logger' was not provided.
Is this the proper way to do this? I feel like manually passing these references through is incorrect, and I should use Nest's custom providers, however, I don't really understand the Nest docs on this subject. I essentially want to be able to new JSONDatabase() without having to pass in references into the constructor and have the Nest.js IoC container inject the existing singletons already (runtime dependency injection?).
I might be completely off base with my thinking here, but I haven't used Nest all that much, so I'm mostly working off of instinct. Any help is appreciated.
The issue you have right now is because you are instantiating JSONDatabase manually when you call new JSONDatabase() not leveraging the DI provided by NestJS. Since the constructor expects 2 arguments (LoggerService, and IOService) and you are providing none, it fails with the message
Expected 2 arguments, but got 0 [ts(2554)]
I think depending on your use case you can try a couple of different options
If you fetch your configuration on startup and set the database once in the application lifetime you can use use a Custom provider with the useFactory syntax.
const providers = [
provide: DatabaseService,
useFactory: (logger: LoggerService, io: IOService, config: YourConfigService): IDatabase => {
if (config.databaseType === DatabaseType.JSON) {
return new JSONDatabase(logger, io);
} else if (databaseType === DatabaseType.SQL) {
return new SQLDatabase(logger, io);
} else {
logger.error('Unknown database type.');
inject: [LoggerService, IOService, YourConfigService]
exports: providers
export class YourModule {}
If you have LoggerService, IOService and YourConfigurationService annotated with #Injectable() NestJS will inject them in the useFactory context. There you can check the databaseType and manually instantiate the correct IDatabase implementation. The drawback with this approach is that you can't easily change the database in runtime. (This might work just fine for your use case)
You can use strategy/factory pattern to get the correct implementation based on a type. Let say you have a method that saves to different databases based on an specific parameter.
export class SomeService {
constructor(private readonly databaseFactory: DatabaseFactory){}
method(objectToSave: Object, type: DatabaseType) {
export class DatabaseFactory {
constructor(private readonly moduleRef: ModuleRef) {}
getService(type: DatabaseType): IDatabase {
The idea of the code above is, based on the database type, get the correct singleton from NestJS scope. This way it's easy to add a new database if you want - just add a new type and it's implementation. (and your code can handle multiple databases at the same time!)
I also believe you can simply pass the already injected LoggerService and IOService to the DatabasesService you create manually (You would need to add IOService as a dependency of DatabaseServce
export class DatabaseService {
constructor(common: CommonService, logger: LoggerService, ioService: IOService) {
// eslint-disable-next-line prettier/prettier
const databaseType: DatabaseType = common.serverConfig.dbType as DatabaseType;
if (databaseType === DatabaseType.JSON) {
this.loadDatabase<JSONDatabase>(new JSONDatabase(logger, ioService));
} else if (databaseType === DatabaseType.SQL) {
this.loadDatabase<SQLDatabase>(new SQLDatabase(logger, ioService));
} else {
logger.error('Unknown database type.');

How to make class-validator validate an object whose type is an intersection type

There's a method that accepts an intersection of a few DTOs:
export type RegisterUserDto = RegisterCommonUserDto
& RegisterLocationProviderDto
& RegisterFighterDto;
The method looks like that:
public async registerUser(#Body() registerUserDto: RegisterUserDto): Promise<any> {
// method code
The controller itself is decorated with #UsePipes(new ValidationPipe({ whitelist: true, forbidNonWhitelisted: true }))
So when a DTO is a class the validation works, but now it's a type and the class-validator just fails to react to incorrect data, I mean all its decorators like #IsEmail(), #IsPhoneNumber() etc just don't work.
What should I do to make it work?
I've managed to solve this issue with the help of this library implementing multiple inheritance. So now my RegisterUserDto looks like this.
export class RegisterUserDto extends Mixin(RegisterCommonUserDto, RegisterLocationProviderDto, RegisterFighterDto) {}
However I would appreciate other solutions.

node/typescript: how to ensure imports with side effects are run?

I am writing a node app in typescript. I have written a class decorator #myDecorator, and the purpose of #myDecorator is such that I need to keep track of all the classes to which it's applied.
My question: how do I make sure all of those decorated classes are loaded before making use of that behavior? Some example code will help to make this more concrete:
Declaration of the decorator in file myDecorator.ts:
type ConstructorType = { new (...args: any[]): any };
// keep track of decorated classes
const registeredClasses: Map<string, ConstructorType> = new Map();
// class decorator
export function myDecorator<T extends ConstructorType>(targetConstructor: T) {
// create the modified class
const newClass = class extends targetConstructor { /* ... */ }
// register the modified class
registeredClasses.set(, newClass);
// and return it
return newClass;
export function doSomethingWithMyDecoratedClasses() {
//... some behavior that relies on `registeredClasses`
Declaration of a decorated class in file someClass.ts
import {myDecorator} from 'myDecorator.ts'
class SomeClass { /* ... */ }
Making use of doSomethingWithMyDecoratedClasses in anotherFile.ts:
import { doSomethingWithMyDecoratedClasses } from 'myDecorator.ts`
The problem is that I need to make sure that SomeClass has been added to registeredClasses before I make this call to doSomethingWithMyDecoratedClasses. And, in fact, I've written a number of such classes in my app, and I need to make sure they are all registered.
My current best understanding is that I need to call import 'someClass.ts' in anotherFile.ts (and, in fact, import all files where decorated classes are declared), so really I need to import someClass1.ts, import someClass2.ts, ...
Is that the best/only approach? Is there a recommended pattern for doing so?
Most applications have an index file that is responsible for importing the top level things. If you import doSomethingWithMyDecoratedClasses there, you'll guarantee that everything else is imported first.
An alternative would be to not call it in the root level of a module, and instead wait for an event.

Nestjs extend/combine decorators?

I have simple custom decorator:
export const User: () => ParameterDecorator = createParamDecorator(
(data: any, req): UserIdentity => {
const user = getUser(req);
return user;
And now, I need to validate if we have email in user object.
The problem is that I can't update my current decorator.
Could I extend my current decorator?
Create a new decorator based on the previous one or create a new decorator and combine it?
Yes, you can do "decorator composition" with Nest, but this might not be a perfect solution for your case, depending on what you intend to do when user has no email property.
As per the example from the documentation:
import { applyDecorators } from '#nestjs/common';
export function Auth(...roles: Role[]) {
return applyDecorators(
SetMetadata('roles', roles),
UseGuards(AuthGuard, RolesGuard),
ApiUnauthorizedResponse({ description: 'Unauthorized"' }),
In this example, Auth is a decorator that can be used to combine all the one passed in applyDecorators.
Thus, I'd recommend extending your decorator using a pipe.
As stated by the documentation:
Nest treats custom param decorators in the same fashion as the built-in ones (#Body(), #Param() and #Query()). This means that pipes are executed for the custom annotated parameters as well (in our examples, the user argument). Moreover, you can apply the pipe directly to the custom decorator:
async findOne(#User(new ValidationPipe()) user: UserEntity) {
In this example, User is a custom parameter decorator. And ValidationPipe is passed, but you can imagine passing any pipe.
