Adding and Subtracting Dates and Wrong Calculations - excel

I'm Working on a ticket tracking excel sheet and what I am trying to do is calculate average ticket time but take into inconsideration Hold time. So if a ticket is open on let's say, Dec 3, 2021, but was put on hold from Dec 4th-6th, and then the ticket was closed on the 8th so that would be a total of only 3 days in my K Column for Ticket age. I am currently using this as the formula =SUM(J62-I62-L62) but showing the answer as 4 instead of 3

answer is =H62-G62-(J62-I62) .. Thanks scott


MS Excel how to proporationately spread $ values over years

Hi All and thank you in advance for any help.
I have several projects that start and finish in different years and want to spread the contract value proportionately over each year. For example a project might start on 1 July 2020 and end 30 June 2022 with a value of $20 million. So how would I automatically populate a value for each of these years, this example would have $5m in 2020, $10m in 2021 and $5m in 2022. The issue is I have about 100 projects that have started since 2013 and some are not due to finish until 2024 so some degree of auomation will help me. I have set up a spread sheet as follows
Excel spreadsheet
Hope this makes sense and any help will be much appreciated.
Good Day,
Try the following formula in the "Contract Days per Year":
Then you will just multiply the result in the "Contract Value by Year"
for 2019 year, copy the values under 2018 and paste it under 2019
hope it helped

Finding MTD, QTD, and YTD in excel from monthly returns

I've been working on this for awhile and can't seem to find an appropriate way to code this.
Goal: Take a list of monthly returns that currently spans over three years (this is an automated list so it will keep adding months) and find MTD, QTD, & YTD using function so I can automate the process.
Problem: I've tried the OFFSET function, different versions of COUNT, IF statements and can't find a way to properly code the function.
NOTE: this is for stock data/earnings report
Just to clarify, I know how to do this manually, but want to automate the process :) Would be more than happy to use VBA but would like to stick to a simple function if possible...
I'd be more than happy to email the WS to someone. Thanks so much!!
If you want to keep it simple and avoid vba here is a suggestion
The manner in which the data sheet is presented matters.
I assume months go down, with there only being 1 column for 'monthly returns'?
On a separate area/worksheet, set up the months with a value for what they are in the column next to them. Ie
Jan 1
Feb 2
Mar 3
Apr 4
Dec 12
then have a drop down where you can select what month it is.
so if it is Jul, you can select Jul.
From here, do a vlookup/indexmatch to pull the number for the month through, so Jul would be 7
From here the MTD is easy.
Do an offset from the beginning of the year to the current month
=offset ([start point],[month number],[columns])
start point will be one row above Jan, that way when Jan is chosen it will fall onto Jan.
Month number you will get from what was said earlier
and columns will depend on how you place it
YTD, you will do the same as above but have a sum
=sum(B3:offset ([start point],[month number],[columns]))
QTD would be easiest just plotting the sums as it would never change
So set out Q1,Q2,Q3 and Q4 as prefixed ones. Then lookup to them.
However, if you want to see the most recent quarter by a formula. On the month number list add a new column which says what quarter it is. Then
Jan 1 1
Feb 2 1
Mar 3 1
Apr 4 2
Dec 12 4
It should the read off a formula like so
OFFSET([start point],(INDEX([month number table],MATCH([month],[month list],0),3)-1)*3,0):
OFFSET([start point],INDEX(month number table],MATCH([month],[month list],0),2),0))
What you are doing is to find the month at the beginning of the quarter and then sum to the current month.
Regarding this bit at the end
OFFSET([start point],(INDEX([month number table],MATCH([month],[month list],0),3)-1)*3,0):
You are finding the month quarter index number(1,2,3,4) and multiplying it by three. The reason you want to take away one before multiplying by three is because you want the start point of the quarter, thus in jan to march, this will be 0, and then you add a row to get the start point being Jan.
In Oct to Dec this will be (4-1) = 3. 3x3 = 9 which will be Oct to make Oct being the start point. Amend as need be.
The yellow section is what your actual information is presented as
The green section is your lookup area
The Blue area is information you are looking for with the lower bit reading from the lookup

Another formula request

This time I would like help creating a formula that calculates a payment every 28 days (28 days, continuously, not 28 day of month).
Here's an example of how I intend to use the formula:
I have online newspaper access and I am billed to my credit card every 28 days. I am next due for billing at 9 February 2017.
So I want to write a formula that will calculate the result of =(5*4), every 28 days, starting from 9 February 2017. Otherwise, show $0.00 (eg 0*0).
As always, I appreciate any assistance.
Thank you.
If you are simply dragging the formula down, you can use the following formula assuming your start date 9/2/2017 is in A1:

CountIfs with Multiple Criteria?

I have a table like this:
Date Paid Days Late Date Paid Days Late Date Paid Days Late Date Paid Days Late Date Paid Days Late Date Paid Days Late
Utilities Admin Utilities Admin Utilities Admin
Company January January January January February February February February March March March March
Wayne Enterprises 2/15/2016 5 10-Feb 0 3/11/2016 1 4/15/2016 5 4/25/2016 15
Stark Industries 2/12/2016 3 2/8/2016 0 3/19/2016 10 3/8/2016 0 4/15/2016 5 4/1/2016 0
(I suggest though looking at the screenshot to see how it's laid out, as the pasting into here isn't very pretty, any tips? Here's a link to this on Google Spreadsheets).
How can I, in N4, create a formula that will count the number of months what have a late report (defined as any "Days Late" over 0). Obviously, I can do this:
=COUNTIFS(B1:M1,"Days Late",B4:M4,">0"), which returns 4.
For Wayne Enterprises, in March, both Utilities and Admin were paid late. However, this should only count as 1 month. How can I somehow add to my CountIfs() a statement that is like "if two values in the same month are greater than 0, treat as ONE month"?
I tried also doing something like:
=COUNTIFS(B1:M1,"Days Late",B4:M4,">0")/COUNTIFS(B1:M1,"Days Late",B4:M4,">0")+1
But that doesn't quite do the trick either. Thanks for any ideas. (Of course, if CountIfs() isn't the best way, I'm open to any other formulas! I have a sneaking suspicion SumProduct() might be an alternative) I'd prefer a formula solution over VBA, but if absolutely necessary, we can do a UDF perhaps.
Edit: I could create yet another helper column that compares a single month's Utilities and Admin, and if one or both are late, put 1, then just Countif() that column has 1 in it...but I'd rather not keep creating columns if I can help it, as I'll be doing this for 12 months.
Use this Array formula:
=SUM(IF(($B4:$M4>0)*($B$1:$M$1="Days Late"),1/COUNTIFS($B$3:$M$3,$B$3:$M$3,$B4:$M4,">0",$B$1:$M$1,"Days Late")))
Being an array formula it must be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter when exiting edit mode. If done properly excel will put {} around the formula.
As per your new data use this:
=SUM(IF(($B5:$BI5>0)*($B$1:$BI$1="Days past 10th of Following Month"),1/COUNTIFS($B$3:$BI$3,$B$3:$BI$3,$B5:$BI5,">0",$B$1:$BI$1,"Days past 10th of Following Month")))
The helper row of months in row 4 is not needed.
My bad I forgot that when using formulas that return "" will cause an error so lets put in a check for that:

Excel - Analyse the best weeks sales

If I had a better idea how to do this, I would have been more specific in the topic ;)
I have a list of repetivite sequencial dates in column A, and the profit in column B.
I'd like to analyse which sequencial 7 days have been the most profitable.
01/01/2013 10
04/01/2013 15
08/01/2013 12
08/01/2013 21
09/01/2013 18
13/01/2013 20
16/01/2013 14
19/01/2013 25
In this example the week commencing the 13/01/13 was the most pofitable with 59.
I have 4 years to anaylse of 3000 sales.
I really appreciate any assistance or starting point.
Add two more columns YEAR and WEEKNUM in the same sheet and do a pivot
Pivot :
I found the solution was possible using the following code:
Using the MATCH function I was able to find the first CELL for the sale of the day (01/01/13), and then the CELL of the final sale of the day +6 days in (04/01/13)
Then using the INDIRECT function I SUM the two cells together to give me the largest range of sales in any 7 day period.
Thanks to those that helped and suggested good starting points.
I would start by getting rid of duplicate days from the left column by adding their profits together.
Then perhaps you can apply some of the answers to this question: How to find maximum of each subarray of some fixed given length in a given array
