MS Excel how to proporationately spread $ values over years - excel-formula

Hi All and thank you in advance for any help.
I have several projects that start and finish in different years and want to spread the contract value proportionately over each year. For example a project might start on 1 July 2020 and end 30 June 2022 with a value of $20 million. So how would I automatically populate a value for each of these years, this example would have $5m in 2020, $10m in 2021 and $5m in 2022. The issue is I have about 100 projects that have started since 2013 and some are not due to finish until 2024 so some degree of auomation will help me. I have set up a spread sheet as follows
Excel spreadsheet
Hope this makes sense and any help will be much appreciated.

Good Day,
Try the following formula in the "Contract Days per Year":
Then you will just multiply the result in the "Contract Value by Year"
for 2019 year, copy the values under 2018 and paste it under 2019
hope it helped


WEEKNUM across multiple years

I am doing a cohort analysis for a subscription service from September 2021 - January 2023 and using the WEEKNUM formula, but of course each year starts on a different day and I am struggling to figure out how to mitigate this for all dates on the worksheet. Additionally, I just want there to be 52 weeks each year (not 53, week 52/1 can overlap years).
Presumably it will need to be some sort of IF statement but I just can't seem to visualise it!
I have tried =WEEKNUM(D2,15), which is fine for days in 2021 as it starting on a Friday, but not for days in 2022 and 2023 when I drag the formula down all of the dates
I think I've figured out the answer!
I have tested it against some of the dates manually and it seems to hold true

Adding and Subtracting Dates and Wrong Calculations

I'm Working on a ticket tracking excel sheet and what I am trying to do is calculate average ticket time but take into inconsideration Hold time. So if a ticket is open on let's say, Dec 3, 2021, but was put on hold from Dec 4th-6th, and then the ticket was closed on the 8th so that would be a total of only 3 days in my K Column for Ticket age. I am currently using this as the formula =SUM(J62-I62-L62) but showing the answer as 4 instead of 3
answer is =H62-G62-(J62-I62) .. Thanks scott

Excel - count a specific value based on a part of another cell

I thought this would be a no brainer. But I really need help to solve it.
I have a row of dates: 10 july 2020, 11 july 2020 and so on (Swedish excel).
Below each date are strings for example "FP". I wish to achieve a counter for each "FP" that is below a specific month of a year, such as july 2020.
The way I approached this was with
=COUNTIFS(G1:UG1;"*july 2020";G2:UG2;"FP")
However the * doesn't do what I want it to. Is there another way to do this?
Please help! :)
The dates are true dates and as such the july 2020 is just a format of a number and not actually there.
Instead BookEnd the date:

Select a cell value given the current month

I'm looking for a bit of help on something. I've a total displayed for each month (with different years of course), for example 39.99€ for Dec-19. In November 2019, I'd like to see this amount in my orange cell. In December 2019 I'd like to see the amount for January 2020, etc...
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Use Index Match:

Another formula request

This time I would like help creating a formula that calculates a payment every 28 days (28 days, continuously, not 28 day of month).
Here's an example of how I intend to use the formula:
I have online newspaper access and I am billed to my credit card every 28 days. I am next due for billing at 9 February 2017.
So I want to write a formula that will calculate the result of =(5*4), every 28 days, starting from 9 February 2017. Otherwise, show $0.00 (eg 0*0).
As always, I appreciate any assistance.
Thank you.
If you are simply dragging the formula down, you can use the following formula assuming your start date 9/2/2017 is in A1:
