unable to start logstash in windows,"Active" keyword appear - logstash

base on windows
unzip the file of logstash-7.10.0-windows-x86_64.zip ,then run cmd like this:
it does not work;


nvim started as desktop application | :checkhealth - commands not available

When I start neovide from my applications and run :checkhealth I get errors that node and other commands are not available. But when I start it from my terminal there is no error for those commands. I tried to copy and modify the neovide desktop file to start just nvim and see if there if something wrong with my my neovide installation. But also starting just nvim as application prints the same errors.
I'm using linux with plasma desktop
TL:DR; add a path variable
Depending on your configuration, nvim will need to know the environment to run some executables (like it is with node in your example). An easy solution is to add the path variable to the exec command in the according .desktop file. I remember that I had the same issue with node not being recognized in a configuration using my plasma installation. On gnome node was recognized and healthchecks were good, so I thought I didn't need the extra path. Later on I realized that I had trouble with other commands. E.g. when using fdfind to complete path commands. Again I had to search what the reason was and it also was the missing path.
To give an example, let's say you are using zsh and want to start neovide with multigrid enabled, the Exec line in your desktop file could look like:
Exec=zsh -c "source ~/.config/zsh/.zshrc && neovide --multigrid %F"

Differences in nodejs paths between linux and windows

I have create-react-app project and I have a scss file in it.
Inside this file, I have a string like image: url("src/assets/icons/icon1.png");
When I run npm run start in windows everything is ok, but whene i run the same in WSL it gives an 'icon1 file not found' error. It join current file path with target file path.
I think there is a difference between working with start of a path in windows and linux, but I can't find any info about that.
What the differences between working with path starts in this systems and is there any way to use this code in linux without adding / in to beginning of the path?

How to run Auto-Weka by command Line in linux

I have a large data set of ~140000 rows and ~20 features on which i want to run Auto Weka but using GUI i am only able to run it for few hours as i have to keep my laptop on. So i want to run it on server by command line. But i am unable to figure out how to do it.
I am using this command
java -cp autoweka.jar weka.classifiers.meta.AutoWEKAClassifier -t train.csv -timeLimit 15 -no-cv
But getting this : Error: Could not find or load main class weka.classifiers.meta.AutoWEKAClassifier
You need to copy the folder of autoweka to your server and add it to your classpath.
It will be something like
-classpath "homedtic/weka-3-7-13/autoweka.jar:/homedtic/weka-3-7-13/lib/*"
in this case the contents of the folder are in the lib directory.

Running ffmpeg in Terminal Linux

I've downloaded and unzipped ffmpeg at custom directory in my Ubuntu linux. Now I want to run this ffmpeg using terminal like I run on windows using command prompt. But everytime it says "ffmpeg: command not found". My question is how can I run ffmpeg using terminal through extracted libraries
First you need to make sure the file has execute permissions... or just add it with chmod +x filename
Secondly either the executables must be on the path or you need to specify the path to the executable. What I mean by this is, under Windows if you are in a directory with an executable you can type in the executable name and it will work... this is not the case for Linux. If you are in the executable's directory you execute the command like this ./command. The dot means you are executing a file in the current directory

Get workspace of a running instance of Eclipse w/ command line

Using the command line on Linux, is it possible to get absolute paths of workspaces where instances of Eclipse are currently running?
Something like:
