VIM : How to delete certain char range in every line - vim

I'm trying to delete certain character range in each line of a file using VIM.
Sample file,
I want the result to be like this,
I want to delete the characters after the seconds[.300-0500, .252-0500, .000-0500] in every line, throughout the file, i.e, char range 21-30.
How do I do this ?
I understand I can delete the char range from the start of the line or in the end of the line using below,

You can use \%Xv to match (virtual) column X, so:
will delete characters between columns 21 and 30.

You could use:
:%norm 20ld9l
That's move 20 columns to the left (from column 1, to column 21) and then delete from there until 21+9 = 30


How do i split a single cell content into a same cell? [duplicate]

In the cell below, I want to get whatever is separated by a comma to come to a new line. I can add these line breaks manually with alt+enter, but this time I want to automate it.
BCM:Open,Event:Site XXXX is down,Service Affected :2G,Impact :Coverage
Restored at XXXX Area,Reason:Under Investigation,Recovery Time :30
Minutes,Start time:14:25:13,End Time:15:18:03,Duration:00:52:50,SLA:1
For some reason, none of the above worked for me. This DID however:
Selected the range of cells I needed to replace.
Go to Home > Find & Select > Replace or Ctrl + H
Find what: ,
Replace with: CTRL + SHIFT + J
Click Replace All
Somehow CTRL + SHIFT + J is registered as a linebreak.
To replace commas with newline characters use this formula (assuming that the text to be altered is in cell A1):
You may have to then alter the row height to see all of the values in the cell
I've left a comment about the other part of your question
Edit: here's a screenshot of this working - I had to turn on "Wrap Text" in the "Format Cells" dialog.
=SUBSTITUTE(A1,",",CHAR(10) & CHAR(13))
This will replace each comma with a new line. Change A1 to the cell you are referencing.
You can also do this without VBA from the find/replace dialogue box. My answer was at .
Windows (unlike some other OS's, like Linux), uses CR+LF for line breaks:
CR = 13 = 0x0D = ^M = \r = carriage return
LF = 10 = 0x0A = ^J = \n = new line
The characters need to be in that order, if you want the line breaks to be consistently visible when copied to other Windows programs. So the Excel function would be:
=SUBSTITUTE(A1,",",CHAR(13) & CHAR(10))

Remove next substring from charter on last position in Excel

I have Excel sheet which contains data similar to
oiui,ytfy,tydry - We also work in bla,bla,bla
i-hgsd,gsdf-hgd,sdgh,- We also work in xxx,yy,zzz
I want to remove all substring which is next to the character "-" only if it's in the last position.
Result should be like
ytfyt,tyfyt,ghfyt i-hgsd,gsdf-hgd,sdgh
I tried with =Substitute function but unable to replace data because of the last substring separated from "-" is not similar.
Going by your specifications, I would use two columns just so it's not a very long formula:
In B1:
This gets the position of the last - or the full text length.
Then in C1:
This checks if there's a , before the last -. If there is no ,, then the full text is taken.
EDIT: I only now noticed your edited comment. If it's just everything after - We, then I would use this:

Matlab Split-String

I have a little problem.
I have a txt file with over 200mb.
It looks like:
%Hello World
%second sentences
%Hello World
%second sentences
... ...
I need only the Values after the semicolon like:
Value1{1,1}=[-400]; Value{1,2}=[-200]; and Value{1,3}=[200]
Value2{1,1}=[123]; Value{1,2}=[233]; and Value{1,3}=[434]
and so on.
Hase someone an ideas, how i can split the values in a cell array or vektor?
Thus, the variables must be:
Var1=[-400 -200 200;
434 233 434;
-410 200 20300;
63 23 43;
23 44 28213]
I will seperate, after every date in a another Value. Example when i have 55 Dates, i will have 55 Values.
This could be one approach assuming a uniformly structured data (3 valid numbers per row) -
%// Read in entire text data into a cell array
data = importdata('sample.txt','');
%// Remove empty lines
data = data(~cellfun('isempty',data))
%// Find boundaries based on delimiter "%example"
exmp_delim_matches = arrayfun(#(n) strcmp(data{n},'%example'),1:numel(data))
bound_idx = [find(exmp_delim_matches) numel(exmp_delim_matches)]
%// Find lines that start with delimiter ";"
matches_idx = find(arrayfun(#(n) strcmp(data{n}(1),';'),1:numel(data)))
%// Select lines that start with character ";" and split lines based on it
%// Split selected lines based on the delimiter ";"
split_data = regexp(data(matches_idx),';','split')
%// Collect all cells data into a 1D cell array
all_data = [split_data{:}]
%// Select only non-empty cells and convert them to a numeric array.
%// Finally reshape into a format with 3 numbers per row as final output
out = reshape(str2double(all_data(~cellfun('isempty',all_data))),3,[]).' %//'
%// Separate out lines based on the earlier set bounds
out_sep = arrayfun(#(n) out(matches_idx>bound_idx(n) & ...
%// Display results for verification
Code run -
out_sep{1} =
-400 -200 200
123 233 434
out_sep{2} =
-410 200 20300
63 23 43
23 44 78213
A brute force approach would be to open up your file, then read each line one at a time. With each line, you check to see if the first character is a semi-colon and if it is, split up the string by the ; delimiter from the second character of the line up until the end. You will receive a cell array of strings, so you'd have to convert this into an array of numbers. Because you will probably have each line containing a different amount of numbers, let's store each array into a cell array where each element in this cell array will contain the numbers per line. As such, do something like this. Let's assume your text file is stored in text.txt:
fid = fopen('text.txt');
if fid == -1
error('Cannot find file');
nums = {};
while true
st = fgetl(fid);
if st == -1
if st(1) == ';'
st_split = strsplit(st(2:end), ';');
arr = cellfun(#str2num, st_split);
nums = [nums arr];
Let's go through the above code slowly. We first use fopen to open up the file for reading. We check to see if the ID returned from fopen is -1 and if that's the case, we couldn't find or open the file so spit out an error. Next, we declare an empty cell array called nums which will store our numbers that you are getting when parsing your text file.
Now, until we reach the end of the file, get one line of text starting from the top of the file and we proceed to the end. We use fgetl for this. If we read a -1, this means we have reached the end of the file, so get out of the loop. Else, we check to see if the first character is ;. If it is, then we take a look at the second character until the end of this line, and split the string based on the ; character with strsplit. The result of this will be a cell array of strings where each element is the string representation of your number. You need to convert this cell array back into a numeric array, and so what you would need to do is apply str2num to each element in this cell. You can either use a loop to go through each cell, or you can conveniently use [cellfun]( to allow you to go through each element in this cell and convert the string representation into a numeric value. The resulting output of cellfun will give you a numeric array representation of each value delimited by the ; character for that line. We then place this array into a single cell stored in nums.
The end result of this entire code will give you numeric arrays that are based on what you are looking for stored in nums.
I am assuming that your text file only has numbers delimited by ; characters if we encounter a line that starts with ;. If this is not the case, then my code will not work. I'm assuming this isn't the case!

Align at longest word

I have the following code:
a = 123
p.value 0.123 = "abc"
How can I align each line like shown below in vim?
a = 123
p.value = 0.123 = "abc"
Thanks for any hints.
Without plugin:
:%s/=/ &/
First command will insert spaces before first equal signs on all lines, second one will remove all spaces before an equal sign at 13th column. You could also use Visual block selection and <..... to shift left as many times as necessary.
However this is really unclean. With the tabular plugin you just type :Tab /=/ and this will do the work and the range will be calculated automatically (greatest range around the cursor in which all lines match the pattern).

Using VBA, how can I select every other cell in a row range (to be copied and pasted vertically)?

I have a 2200+ page text file. It is delivered from a customer through a data exchange to us with asterisks to separate values and tildes (~) to denote the end of a row. The file is sent to me as a text file in Word. Most rows are split in two (1 row covers a full line and part of a second line). I transfer segments (10 page chunks) of it at a time into Excel where, unfortunately, any zeroes that occur at the end of a row get discarded in the "text to columns" procedure. So, I eyeball every "long" row to insure that zeroes were not lost and manually re-enter any that were.
Here is a small bit of sample data:
SDQ EA 92 1551 378 1601 151 1603 157 1604 83
The "SDQ, EA, and 92" are irrelevant (artifacts of data transmission). I want to use Excel and/or VBA to select 1551, 1601, 1603, and 1604 (these are store numbers) so that I can copy those values, and transpose paste them vertically. I will then go back and copy 378, 151, 157, and 83 (sales values) so that I can transpose paste them next to the store numbers. The next two rows of data contain the same store numbers but give the corresponding dollar values. I will only need to copy the dollar values so they can be transpose pasted vertically next to unit values (e.g. 378, 151, 157, and 83).
Just being able to put my cursor on the first cell of interest in the row and run a macro to copy every other cell would speed up my work tremendously. I have tried using ActiveCell and Offset references to select a range to copy, but have not been successful. Does any have any suggestions for me? Thanks in advance for the help.
It's hard to give a complete answer without more information about the file.
I think if your input data is 2200+ pages long, it's unlikely that opening it with the default excel opening functions is the way to go. Especially since Excel has maximum number of rows and columns. If the file is a text file (.txt) I would suggest opening it with VBA and reading each line, one at a time, and processing the data.
Here's an example to get you started. Just keep in mind that this is transposing each row of text into columns of data, so you will quickly fill all the columns of excel long before you run thru 2200 pages of text. But it's just an example.
Sub getData()
dFile = FreeFile
sFile = "c:\code\test.txt"
Open sFile For Input As #dFile
c = 1
'keep doing this until end of file
Do While Not EOF(dFile)
'read line into dataLine
Input #dFile, dataLine
' break up line into words based on spaces
j = Split(dataLine, " ")
jLength = UBound(j)
If jLength > 2 Then
r = 1
'ignore first 3 words
'and get every other word
'transpose rows of text into columns
For word = 3 To jLength Step 2
Cells(r, c) = j(word)
r = r + 1
Next word
End If
c = c + 1
Close #Data
End Sub
