Remove next substring from charter on last position in Excel - excel

I have Excel sheet which contains data similar to
oiui,ytfy,tydry - We also work in bla,bla,bla
i-hgsd,gsdf-hgd,sdgh,- We also work in xxx,yy,zzz
I want to remove all substring which is next to the character "-" only if it's in the last position.
Result should be like
ytfyt,tyfyt,ghfyt i-hgsd,gsdf-hgd,sdgh
I tried with =Substitute function but unable to replace data because of the last substring separated from "-" is not similar.

Going by your specifications, I would use two columns just so it's not a very long formula:
In B1:
This gets the position of the last - or the full text length.
Then in C1:
This checks if there's a , before the last -. If there is no ,, then the full text is taken.
EDIT: I only now noticed your edited comment. If it's just everything after - We, then I would use this:


MS Excel Forumla assistance

I have a cell I need to split into 2 cells.
Data Sample: Note: All Cells are formatted as TEXT
"3851v61_18.005_ Have the anchors for all suspended scaffolding system suspension lines and separate vertical lifelines been verified? "
Data Sample 2: Parent_ID
Need to check to see if the cell value starts with number.
Also, If it contains a special character ("_") if may have more than 1.
Display cell #1 = just the ID number containing the underscore(s).
Display cell #2 - Just the text right of the underscore. However, if the original cell only starts with Alpha characters then display the actual value. ie. Parent_Id
Strip off any erroneous underscores left hanging.
Expected results:
Cell #:
"3851v61_18.005" (ID Number portion of the Text)
"Have the anchors for all suspended scaffolding system suspension lines and separate vertical lifelines been verified?
This is what I have so far: (If it does not start with a number, then return the value of the cell, else continue with the equation)
`=`IF(NUMBERVALUE(LEFT(C321,1))>=1,IFERROR(LEFT(C321, FIND("_",C321)-1), C321),FALSE)`
=IFERROR(RIGHT(C321,LEN(C321)-FIND("_",C321)), C321)`
If the Underscore count is more than one need to include it in the entire number and strip off the text after the last underscore in Cell 1. At the same for the right of the Underscore to display the text after underscore in Cell 2.
Thank you for any assistances offered.
I think I understand but am not 100% sure.
Try something like the below to get the full string (if it starts with something that isn't a number) or the string up to the last underscore (if it does start with a number):
LEFT($D1, FIND("!!!", SUBSTITUTE($D1, "_", "!!!",
LEN($D1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE($D1, "_", ""))))-1))
Then in a similar fashion try something like the below to get the full string (if it starts with something that isn't a number) or the string to right of the last underscore (if it does start with a number):
RIGHT($D1, LEN($D1)-FIND("!!!", SUBSTITUTE($D1, "_", "!!!",
LEN($D1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE($D1, "_", ""))))))
For example:

Find specific characters and return the next value in the cell using Excel Formula

I am not sure where to begin with the formula as I have gotten myself so confused with everything. I have a cell the contains "PON " or "PON: " or "PON = " then the actual PON (Example: PON 123467) I want to formula to return 123467 in the cell.
Examples What I want returned
I have PON 123467 for shoes 123467
I have PON: 234567-AB for food 234567-AB
I have PON - 569874-Weird for accessories 569874-Weird
I have PON = DOG-564-987 for dog food DOG-564-987
I am currently using Excel 365
Filterxml() will give you best companion here in this case. Try-
=FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(A1," for","</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[1]")," ","</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[last()]")
Using FILTERXML, and testing for a substring following PON, you can try:
=FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(A1)," ","</s><s>") & "</s></t>","//s[contains(.,'PON')]/following-sibling::*[string-length(.)>2][1]")
Note that FILTERXML solution will cause a PON that is solely numeric, but with a leading zero, to drop the leading zero. Unfortunately, the xPath implementation in that function does not include the string() function
If dropping the leading zero might be a problem, you can add a character to the node that will force the number to be seen as a string. In the modified formula below, I use the unicode zero-width space, but there are others you can use. Note that this will count as a character for the string=length function, so be sure to maintain the >2 parameter:
=FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(A1)," ","</s><s>"&UNICHAR(8203)) & "</s></t>","//s[contains(.,'PON')]/following-sibling::*[string-length(.)>2][1]")
Because of the variablity in your data, that sometimes there are extraneous space-separated substrings between PON and your desired extract, the xpath:
locates the substring PON
returns all subsequent siblings that have a string-length of more than two (adjust if necessary)
returns the first sibling that meets that criterion.
You might try this formula.
=TRIM(LEFT(MID(A2,FIND(#{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},A2),100),FIND(" ",MID(A2,FIND(#{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},A2),100))))
It extracts the text between the first number and the first space following that number. The size of that extract is limited to 100 characters.

Excel Replace Using Formula

I'm trying to Replace a Cell with other Cell Text, the think is i need to removed some text from an Image URLs using Excel Formula.
Image URL :
Text that i needed to be removed is 279/. But i need it to be removed at the exact place like between URL and Image name.
I've tried to split it first with this Formula
Result after i used the Formula
and i tried using Replace Formula to replace text from other cell text. Before that i removed the /279 from the result so its only /image-name.jpg now.
=REPLACE(A1, FIND(B1,A1), 4, C1)
But its keep giving me double result in the end of the text like this
result should be - without 279/
is there any problem with the Replace Formula ? or is there any other simpler Formula to make it work ?
To find the location of the next to last slash:
If the contents of that node will always be three characters, you can use replace:
If the contents of that node will be a variable number of characters, then we first return the part up to that node, and concatenate with the last node:
EDIT Logic added to ensure that the next to last node is equal to 279
If you need to confirm that the next to last node contains 279, you can check it with:
Using that as part of an IF will return the original string if 279 is not the contents of that node, and replace it only if it is:
TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"/",REPT(" ",99)),99)),A1)
If you happen to have access to TEXTJOIN then use:
=TEXTJOIN("/",,FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(A1,"/","</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[not(position() = last()-1)]"))
And if you need to check if it's equal to '279' before removal:
=TEXTJOIN("/",,FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(A1,"/","</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[not(position() = last()-1 and .='279')]"))
If you don't have access to TEXTJOIN then you have a fine alternative by #RonRosenfeld.
Another option would be to use REPLACE():
You want to use the SUBSTITUTE() function.
The below finds "/279/image-name.jpg" and replaces it with "/image-name.jpg". The added /image-name.jpg will ensure other instances of /279 will remain unaltered.
A1 value = ""

Remove all text and characters except some

I have here some text strings
"16cg-301 -request","16cg-3368 - for review","16cg-3684 - for process"
what i would like to do is to remove all the text and characters except the number and the letters "cg" and - which is within the reference code.
If the string you want to extract is always before the first space in the full string then you can use SEARCH and LEFT to extract your reference code:
=LEFT(A1,SEARCH(" ",A1)-1)
This formula would take 16cg-3368 from 16cg-3368 - for review.
I suggest using something like suggested here
How to use Regular Expressions (Regex) in Microsoft Excel both in-cell and loops
With a replace regex similar to this
or a match regex like this
^([0-9cg- ]+).*
else you could also work with a strange formule similar to this
only works by now for less than 33 signs.
problem here will be that you will get unexpected behavior like this:
123cg-123 - Process => 123cg-123-c
after rereading , I think you should try an other approach than described in the question ;-)
If you want to return everything up to and including the last digit, then try:
seq is a named formula: Formula ► Define Name
Name: seq
Refers to: =ROW(INDEX($1:$65535,1,1):INDEX($1:$65535,255,1))
seq returns an array of sequential numbers from 1 to 255.
returns an array consisting of the individual characters in the string in A1. The leading minus sign converts the digits from strings to numbers.
The lookup function will then return the position of the last digit

Extracting decimal numbers from a string in Excel

I've tried lots of searches for this but I'm still not coming up with anything that works.
I have a range of strings in Column A
As you can see, the numbers always start in the same place, after the underscore "_" at position 13.
I need to extract the decimal numbers from these strings into a new column so I'm left with 1.1, 1.13, 1.14, 4.26 etc.
I've tried all sorts of combos of MID, LEFT, LEN, RIGHT but to no avail, trying to find the position of the last period.
Could anyone explain how to accomplish this? Ideally I'd like to do this without VBA.
Here you are:
Here's what inside =VALUE(MID(...)):
A1 - the whole string itself
SEARCH("_",A1)+1 - find the number starting position - right after "_".
SEARCH(".",A1,SEARCH(".",A1,SEARCH("_",A1)+1)+1)-(SEARCH("_",A1)+1) - find number length - position of second "." after first "." minus number starting position.
Try with three functions:
Try this - If the position of _ is not necessarily 13.
Or this if the _ is always 13
Use This:
assuming value is in A1
Far from ideal, but with a shorter formula than the solutions offered so far:
Catch is that formulae would then need to be converted to values, parsed with delimiter _ (being careful to ensure Column data format is Text) and surplus columns deleted.
When the string Amend.Clause_1.1.AddMCQ is in A1
will give the position of the second decimal point, then you should be able to extract the decimal number.
The syntax is
FIND(find_text, within_text, [start_num])
