How to upload files to SharepointOnline using curl on Linux - linux

I am trying to automate file uploads to SharePoint Online. Problem is I keep getting 401 unauthorized error when trying to upload the files. I created a script to retrieve the token as suggested in curl request to Microsoft Sharepoint API?, but uploads are still failing, even though I do get a positive response when running curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer $(./" -H "Accept: application/json;odata=verbose" -s "". I have afeeling that I am just malforming my curl command. Any suggestion on command format to be using?


Gitlab API Miroring dost not accept address with %20

I am trying to create mirrors on my GitLab via API and I am able to do that just fine. Problem appears when I try to create a mirror to an address that has URL encoded space "%20" in it.
When I call git lab API with following curl:
curl --request POST --data 'url=' --data "enabled=true" --header "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN" ""
I get following response:
"url":null does not appear when I use any other address without "%20"
When I do this via UI with the same URL it works just fine. I tried to change " for ' to stop any expansion from happening but no luck. In UI I also looked to Developer tools if there is anything different but string is sent in the same format, unchanged.
GitLab server version: 15.2.2
Any ideas what could cause this problem?
All right the whole URL needed to be encoded, you can do that in "" or in my case I needed to use it in Bash script so I installed a package "gridsite-clients" which contains "urlencode" which does basically the same thing. Once the address was encoded all worked as expected. So the final request would look like this:
curl --request POST --data '' --data "enabled=true" --header "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN" ""

CURL Rest API via Proxy

I want to get data from ServiceNow via a CURL in Putty via a Proxyserver (Plan is to implement it to a PySpark script later on) and then save the data onto the server.
My Command looks like this:
curl -x <proxyadress:port> -U proxyuser:proxypassword -u '<apiuser:apipassword>' -d status="message" "https:/apiadress" -H 'Accept: application/json'
I get the error message:
{"error":{"message":"Invalid content-type. Supported request media types for this service are: [application/json, application/xml, text/xml]","detail":null},"status":"failure"}
A few days ago I was able to have the data printed into the log but didn't manage to replicate the command ... what's wrong?
Thanks for your help

How to execute curl operation using request module with authorizaion: bearer token?

I am using Cloud Foundry for Bluemix app creation in that curl operations having Authorization:bearer xxxxx token.
How can I include Authorization: bearer token in request module?
The plain open source Clound Foundry client is able to curl the api like this:
$ cf curl -X GET https://.../v2/...
for instance:
$ cf curl -X GET /v2/apps

I want to Transfer some of my data from WHM server to SoftLayer Object Storage without using FTP or SCP, can any one suggest the way out?

I have tried this, but it is just adding the file to the object storage..
$ curl -i -XPUT -H "X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tkb26239d441d6401d9482b004d45f7259" --data-binary "Created for testing REST client"
The swift client is an easy way to list/upload/download files on SoftLayer Object storage.

How to find Windows Azure Image IDs?

How can I find the publicly available Image IDs on Windows Azure?
I found this related question - Azure: List OS Images
But, the answer requires Windows+PowerShell while I need a way to get it on Linux or REST/
Use the URL specified here:
You'll need to provide a client certificate when sending the request.
If you are using curl on Linux, add the --cert to point to a .pem file (you'll need to upload it to the administrator's management certificate as a .cer file first).
Don't forget to add the x-ms-version header for it to work:
-H "x-ms-version: 2013-03-01"
Here is an example of using curl to get the auto-scale information for a cloud service
curl -H "accept: application/json" -H "x-ms-version: 2013-10-01"
--cert azure-cert.pem $AUTOSCALEURL
