How to find Windows Azure Image IDs? - azure

How can I find the publicly available Image IDs on Windows Azure?
I found this related question - Azure: List OS Images
But, the answer requires Windows+PowerShell while I need a way to get it on Linux or REST/

Use the URL specified here:
You'll need to provide a client certificate when sending the request.
If you are using curl on Linux, add the --cert to point to a .pem file (you'll need to upload it to the administrator's management certificate as a .cer file first).
Don't forget to add the x-ms-version header for it to work:
-H "x-ms-version: 2013-03-01"
Here is an example of using curl to get the auto-scale information for a cloud service
curl -H "accept: application/json" -H "x-ms-version: 2013-10-01"
--cert azure-cert.pem $AUTOSCALEURL


CURL Rest API via Proxy

I want to get data from ServiceNow via a CURL in Putty via a Proxyserver (Plan is to implement it to a PySpark script later on) and then save the data onto the server.
My Command looks like this:
curl -x <proxyadress:port> -U proxyuser:proxypassword -u '<apiuser:apipassword>' -d status="message" "https:/apiadress" -H 'Accept: application/json'
I get the error message:
{"error":{"message":"Invalid content-type. Supported request media types for this service are: [application/json, application/xml, text/xml]","detail":null},"status":"failure"}
A few days ago I was able to have the data printed into the log but didn't manage to replicate the command ... what's wrong?
Thanks for your help

Is there -k or --insecure equivalent of curl for azure sdk for go?

curl contains options like '-k' /'--insecure' to allow insecure SSL connections/transfers, is there anything in azure-sdk-for-go or azure go-autorest

How to upload files to SharepointOnline using curl on Linux

I am trying to automate file uploads to SharePoint Online. Problem is I keep getting 401 unauthorized error when trying to upload the files. I created a script to retrieve the token as suggested in curl request to Microsoft Sharepoint API?, but uploads are still failing, even though I do get a positive response when running curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer $(./" -H "Accept: application/json;odata=verbose" -s "". I have afeeling that I am just malforming my curl command. Any suggestion on command format to be using?

Spring Boot: Full authentication is required to access this resource

I am doing example of Spring Boot Security with wso2is server from this post, when I am trying to access resource with access token I am getting
{"error":"unauthorized","error_description":"Full authentication is required to access this resource"}
I am generating access token by:
"grant_type=password&username=admin&password=admin" -H
and accessing resources by:
curl -H GET "Authorization: ACCESS_TOKEN"
I found many solution on stackoverflow but unfortunately could not solve my issue
please help, thank you
I was getting the same error message for
"curl http://localhost:8080/spring4/beans" :
{"timestamp":1493591079040,"status":401,"error":"Unauthorized","message":"Full authentication is required to access this resource.","path":"/spring4/beans"}
Setting the below property in bypassed the security check & I could use all the acuator endpoints:
Many thanx to Angel Gavalda who helped me to solved problem. I used following commands to generate access token and access resource
For Generating Access token:-
curl -k -d
For Accessing Resource:-
curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
When the answer above does not solve this issue change OAuthConfigurations/RemoveOAuthHeadersFromOutMessage to false in the file api-manager.xml.

I want to Transfer some of my data from WHM server to SoftLayer Object Storage without using FTP or SCP, can any one suggest the way out?

I have tried this, but it is just adding the file to the object storage..
$ curl -i -XPUT -H "X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tkb26239d441d6401d9482b004d45f7259" --data-binary "Created for testing REST client"
The swift client is an easy way to list/upload/download files on SoftLayer Object storage.
