Meteor Client calling findOne in Server Method - node.js

I have a client-side form that can create a document upon submission. I want to see if one of the input fields already exists on a Document in the DB though. This would then alert the user and ask them if they want to continue creating the record.
Client-side event{
'click button[type=submit]'(e, template) {
//This particular example is checking to see if a Doc with its `name` property set to `value` already exists
const value = $('#name');
const fieldName = 'name';
const exists ='checkIfFieldExistsOnDoc', fieldName, value);
if (exists) {
if (confirm(`Doc with ${value} as its ${fieldName} already exists. Are you sure you want to continue creating Doc?`) {
Server-side Meteor Method
'checkIfFieldExistsOnDoc'(field, val) {
if (this.isServer) {
check(field, String);
check(val, String);
if (!this.userId) {
throw new Meteor.Error('not-authorized', 'You are not authorized.');
const findObj = {};
findObj[field] = val;
const fieldsObj = {};
fieldsObj[fieldsObj] = 1;
const doc = Docs.findOne(findObj, {fields: fieldsObj});
return doc;
My issue is that the client-side code always gets undefined back when calling the Server method. I now understand why, however, I'm not keen on wrapping all of my subsequent client-code into a callback yet.
So - any other ideas on how I can attempt to do this simple feature?
Also - I was thinking of having the client-side page's onCreated do a 1-time server call to get ALL names for all Docs, storing this in memory, and then doing the check upon form submission using this. Obviously, this is inefficient and not-scalable, although it would work in the client side is always an async call. Then you need implement a callback.
See docs:'checkIfFieldExistsOnDoc', fieldName, value, function(error, result) {
if (result) {
if (confirm(`Doc with ${value} as its ${fieldName} already exists. Are you sure you want to continue creating Doc?`) {

On the client, you can wrap any with a Promise and then use it with async/await. There are some packages on Atmosphere that do this for you to.
I've used this package for years:
On the client I often just use await Meteor.callPromise() which returns a response nicely.
Here are a couple of the best write-ups on the many options available to you:


How to get a specific item from JSON

I'm new to node.js and DialogFlow. I am using DynamoDB to store data and I'm creating skills on Google. I'm trying to write a code to retrieve a specific item on that table.
I've got it working to show all items where ID is equal = 1, but how would I make it so I can just get attribute 'name'?
My idea is a user provides an id then the code will retrieve name where id was 1 and store that as a variable and use agent.add('hello $(name)'); to display it back as speech to the user.
function readdata(agent){
let dbread = new aws.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
const id =;
let read = function(){
var parameters = {
dbread.get(parameters, function(err,data){
agent.add(`hello ${name}`);
Once you have the data back from the get() call, the data object will contain an Item attribute. The value of this attribute will be another object that contains the attribute/value pairs for this record, or be empty if the record isn't found.
The debugging you have in place that shows JSON.stringify(data) should show this.
Assuming you knew all the fields were there, you could do something like
const name =;
a more robust way using current JavaScript would be to make sure everything was assigned, otherwise return undefined at any point. So something like this would work
const name = data && data.Item &&;
However - you will have a problem doing this with Dialogflow
You don't show which Dialogflow library you're using, but most of them require you to return a Promise to indicate that it needs to wait for asynchronous calls (such as the call to DynamoDB) to complete. You're using get() with a callback function instead of a Promise. So you need to do one of the following:
Wrap the call in a Promise
Since get() returns an AWS.Request you can use the promise() method of this to get a Promise that you can return and which has then portions that generate the response - similar to how you're doing your callbacks now.
Under this scheme, your call might look something like this (untested):
return dbread.get(parameters).promise()
.then( data => {
const name = data && data.Item &&;
if( name ){
agent.add( `Hello ${name}` );
} else {
agent.add( "I don't know who you are." );
.catch( err => {
agent.add( "There was an error" );

Node.js waiting for an async Redis hgetall call in a chain of functions

I'm still somewhat new to working with Node and def new to working asynchronously and with promises.
I have an application that is hitting a REST endpoint, then calling a chain of functions. The end of this chain is calling hgetall and I need to wait until I get the result and pass it back. I'm testing with Postman and I'm getting {} back instead of the id. I can console.log the id, so I know that this is because some of the code isn't waiting for the result of hgetall before continuing.
I'm using await to wait for the result of hgetall, but that's only working for the end of the chain. do I need to do this for the entire chain of functions, or is there a way to have everything wait for the result before continuing on? Here's the last bit of the logic chain:
Note: I've removed some of the logic from the below functions and renamed a few things to make it a bit easier to see the flow and whats going on with this particular issue. So, some of it may look a bit weird.
For this example, it will call GetProfileById().
FindProfile(info) {
var profile;
var profileId = this.GenerateProfileIdkey(info); // Yes, this will always give me the correct key
profile = this.GetProfileById(profileId);
return profile;
This checks with the Redis exists, to verify if the key exists, then tries to get the id with that key. I am now aware that the Key() returns true instead of what Redis actually returns, but I'll fix that once I get this current issue resolved.
GetProfileById(profileId) {
if ((this.datastore.Key(profileId) === true) && (profileId != null)) {'GetProfileById ==> Profile found. Returning the profile');
return this.datastore.GetId(profileId);
} else {`GetProfileById ==> No profile found with key ${profileId}`)
return false;
GetId() then calls the data_store to get the id. This is also where I started to use await and async to try and wait for the result to come through before proceeding. This part does wait for the result, but the functions prior to this don't seem to wait for this one to return anything. Also curious why it only returns the key and not the value, but when I print out the result in hgetall I get the key and value?
async GetId(key) {
var result = await;
console.log('PDS ==> Here is the GetId result');
console.log(result); // returns [ 'id' ]
return result;
and finally, we have the hgetall call. Again, new to promises and async, so this may not be the best way of handling this or right at all, but it is getting the result and waiting for the result before it returns anything
async RedisGetId(key) {
var returnVal;
var values;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
client.hgetall(key, (err, object) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(object); // returns {id: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'}
return object;
Am I going to need to async every single function that could potentially end up making a Redis call, or is there a way to make the app wait for the Redis call to return something, then continue on?
Short answer is "Yes". In general, if a call makes an asynchronous request and you need to await the answer, you will need to do something to wait for it.
Sometimes, you can get smart and issue multiple calls at once and await all of them in parallel using Promise.all.
However, it looks like in your case your workflow is synchronous, so you will need to await each step individually. This can get ugly, so for redis I typically use something like promisify and make it easier to use native promises with redis. There is even an example on how to do this in the redis docs:
const {promisify} = require('util');
const getAsync = promisify(client.get).bind(client);
const fooVal = await getAsync('foo');
Makes your code much nicer.

How can I query firestore by document snapshot updateTime?

Is it possible to query firestore documents by updateTime. The field that is available from the document snapshot as doc.updateTime and use it in a where query?
I am using the node.js sdk.
As far as I know there is no way to query on the metadata that Firestore automatically maintains. If you need to query the last update date, you will need to add a field with that value to the document's data.
I really need to query Firebase on document _updateTime, so I wrote a function that copies that hidden internal timestamp to a queryable field. This took some work to figure this out, so I am posting the complete solution. (Technically, this is "Cloud Firestore" rather then "Realtime Database".)
This is done using Firebase Functions, which itself took some tries to get working. This tutorial was helpful:
However, on Windows 10, the only command line that worked was the new Bash shell, available since about 2017. This was something of a runaround to install, but necessary. The GIT Bash shell, otherwise very useful, was not able to keep track of screen positions during Firebase project setup.
In my example code, I have left in all the 'console.log' statements, to show detail. Not obvious at first was where these logs go. They do not go to the command line, but to the Firebase console:
under (yourproject) > Functions > Logs
For testing, I found it useful to, at first, deploy only one function (this is in the CLI):
firebase deploy --only functions:testFn
Below is my working function, heavily commented, and with some redundancy for illustration. Replace 'PlantSpp' with the name of your collection of documents:
// The Cloud Functions for Firebase SDK to create Cloud Functions and setup triggers.
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
// The Firebase Admin SDK to access the Firebase Realtime Database.
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
// Firestore maintains an interal _updateTime for every document, but this is
// not queryable. This function copies that to a visible field 'Updated'
exports.makeUpdateTimeVisible = functions.firestore
.onWrite((sppDoc, context) => {
console.log("Event type: ", context.eventType);
// context.eventType = 'google.firestore.document.write', so cannot use
// to distinguish e.g. create from update
const docName = context.params.sppId // this is how to get the document name
console.log("Before: ", sppDoc.before); // if a create, a 'DocumentSnapshot',
// otherwise a 'QueryDocumentSnapshot'
// if a create, everything about sppDoc.before is undefined
if (typeof sppDoc.before._fieldsProto === "undefined"){
console.log('document "', docName, '" has been created');
// set flags here if desired
console.log("After: ", sppDoc.after); // if a delete, a 'DocumentSnapshot',
// otherwise a 'QueryDocumentSnapshot'
// if a delete, everything about sppDoc.after is undefined
if (typeof sppDoc.after._fieldsProto === "undefined"){
console.log('document "', docName, '" has been deleted');
// other fields could be fetched from sppDoc.before
return null; // no need to proceed
console.log(; // the user defined fields:values
// inside curly braces
console.log(sppDoc.after._fieldsProto); // similar to previous except with
// data types, e.g.
// data() has { Code: 'OLDO',...
// _fieldsProto has { Code: { stringValue: 'OLDO' },...
const timeJustUpdated = sppDoc.after._updateTime; // this is how to get the
// internal nonqueryable timestamp
// e.g. Timestamp { _seconds: 1581615533, _nanoseconds: 496655000 }
// later: Timestamp { _seconds: 1581617552, _nanoseconds: 566223000 }
// shows this is correctly updating
// see if the doc has the 'Updated' field yet
if (sppDoc.after._fieldsProto.hasOwnProperty('Updated')) {
console.log("doc has the field 'Updated' with the value",
console.log("sppDoc:", sppDoc);
const secondsInternal = timeJustUpdated._seconds;
console.log(secondsInternal, "seconds, internal timestamp");
const secondsExternal =;
console.log(secondsExternal, "seconds, external timestamp");
// Careful here. If we just update the externally visible time to the
// internal time, we will go into an infinite loop because that update
// will call this function again, and by then the internal time will have
// advanced
// the following exit will not work:
if (secondsInternal === secondsExternal) return null; // will never exit
// instead, allow the external time to lag the internal by a little
const secondsLate = secondsInternal - secondsExternal;
if (secondsLate < 120) { // two minutes sufficient for this purpose
console.log("the field 'Updated' is", secondsLate,
"seconds late, good enough");
return null;
console.log("the field 'Updated' is", secondsLate,
"seconds late, updating");
// return a promise of a set operation to update the timestamp
return sppDoc.after.ref.set({
Updated: timeJustUpdated
}, {merge: true}); // 'merge' prevents overwriting whole doc
// this change will call this same function again
} else { // field 'Updated' does not exist in the document yet
// this illustrates how to add a field
console.log("doc does not have the field 'Updated', adding it now.");
// return a promise of a set operation to create the timestamp
return sppDoc.after.ref.set({
Updated: timeJustUpdated
}, {merge: true}); // 'merge' prevents overwriting the whole doc
// this change will call this same function again
True, there is no query for time created/modified, but when you fetch a document those fields exist in the payload. You have:
payload.doc['_document'].proto.createTime and payload.doc['_document'].proto.updateTime
Sure it's not good practice to rely on private fields, so will prolly need ongoing adjustments as Firestore changes its data model, but for now, for my uses, it gets me this otherwise un-query-able data.

Synchronous mongoose request

Is it possible to process a db.model.find() query inside of function context and retrieve a result without using callbacks and promises with mongoose library?
I need to get assured, if some user exists in process of running controller, so, I can't minimize current scope to callback due to large amount of same operations (for example, communication with database). Also I'm trying to realize MVC model in my project, so, I want to keep the helper libs (modules) in separated files. That's why I don't want to use any callbacks or promises - they will much times complicate everything even more then things already do.
For example, how should I rewrite the following code to be executed successfully (if it's actually possible) (you can ignore login model and controller - they are written to represent complicacy if to rewrite that code using callbacks):
user.js lib
var db = require('./lib/db');
class User{
constructor(id){ //get user by id
var result = db.models.user.findOne({_id: id}); //unsupported syntax in real :(
if(!result || result._id != _id)
return false;
this.userInfo = result;
return result;
module.exports = User;
login model
var user = require('./lib/user')
var model = {};
if(! || == undefined)
return false;
if(!(this.user = new user(
return false;
return true;
module.exports = model;
login controller
var proxy = require('express').router();
proxy.all('/login', function(req, res){
var model = require('./models/login');
console.log('User is not logged in!');
res.render('unlogged', model);
console.log('User exists in database!');
res.render('logged_in', model);
Generator functions/yields, async/await (es2017), and everything et cetera can be used just to solve the problem without nesting.
Thx in advance.
There are two points wrong:
Mongoose methods can't be called synchronously (Anyway a call to a DB done synchronously is not a good idea at all).
Nor async/await nor generators can be used in the constructor of an ES6 Class. It is explained in this answer.
If you don't want nested code an easy option could be to use async/await (currently available in Node.js using a flag, not recommended for production). Since Mongoose methods return promises they can be used with async/await.
But as I said you can not do that in the constructor, so it has to be somewhere else.
As an example you could do something like this:
var proxy = require('express').router();
var db = require('./lib/db');
proxy.all('/login', async function(req, res){
const result = await db.models.user.findOne({_id:}).exec();
if (!result) {
console.log('User is not logged in!');
return res.render('unlogged');
Old question, but I want to share a method for handling this that I didn't see in my first couple searches.
I want to get data from a model, run some logic and return the results from that logic. I need a promise wrapper around my call to the model.
Below is a slightly abstracted function that takes a model to run a mongoose/mongo query on, and a couple params to help it do some logic. It then returns the value that is expected in the promise or rejects.
export function promiseFunction(aField: string, aValue, model: Model<ADocument, {}>): Promise<aType> {
return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
model.findOne({[aField]: aValue}, (err, theDocument) => {
} else {
if(theDocument.someCheck === true){
} else {
reject("there was an error of some type")

Trying to understand how the node.js programming model works

I've been reading about node.js recently (like many others). I find interesting for some use cases, but am a bit struggling to understand the inner workings, specifically the interaction between closure functions and the process flow of the code.
Let's say I have a function which accepts a key-value array. The function must check that the values follow certain data-quality guidelines (for example some keys must have a value, other keys must have numbers as values etc) before storing the data somewhere (for the purpose of this question let's assume data validation has to be done in the application itself).
In "regular" developments models I'd write something like this:
resultName = validateName(
resultAddress = validateAddress(data.address)
resultID = validateID(
if (resultName && resultAddress && resultID) {
else {
Get the results of the validations, and either explain the error(s) to the user or store data and return some kind of confirmation. The flow is very clear.
The way I understand node.js, the way to do this would be to delegate the validations to a different function (to avoid waiting for each validation to finish), and supply two callback functions to the functions which validate the chunks of data:
* a callback to call when validation is successful
* a callback to call when validation fails
It's easy to now return to the user with a "please wait" message, but I have to wait for all validations to clear (or fail) before storing the data or explaining the problem to the user. As a simple way to figure out if all the validations are done I thought of using a variable that counts the number of functions that called the callback, and emitting a "validation complete" event to store the validated data (or get back to the user with any errors). Or, alternatively, emit an event after each validation is complete and in that event's code check if all validations are complete before emitting the "store" / "error" events.
My question is -- am I approaching this correctly? Or is there a more suitable way to do these kinds of things with node.js (or similar event-based systems).
Thank you!
Are your validations asynchronous? If they are not you can use the code you posted, the "regular" one.
If the validations are asynchronous (checking uniqueness of an email for instance), you need to provide callbacks:
var validateUniqueEmail = function (data, callback) {
db.find({email:}, function (err, result) {
callback(err, result === null);
var validateAndStore = function (data, callback) {
asyncValidation(data, function (err, is_valid) {
if (err) {
callback(err, null);
} else if (!is_valid) {
callback('Email is not unique', null);
} else {, callback);
The code above can be simplified a lot by using some validator or ORM modules already existing
example: mongolia validator module.
Let's go. Basically, what you want to do is something along the lines of :
var validate(data, cb){
var allOk = true;
for(var key in data){
allOk = allOk && validate[key](data.key); // validator depends on the key
if (allOk) cb(null, data); else cb(new Error "bleh");
This could be done the following way (note how we pass the failed keys as the first (error) argument to the callback):
var validate(data, cb){
var status = {true:[], false:[]},
total = Object.keys(data).length,
done = 0;
for (var key in data)
validate[key](data[key], function(ok){
if (++done == total){
status[false].length ? cb(status[false]) : cb(null);
Which you can use this way :
validate(data, function(failures){
if (failures){
// tell the user the input does not validate on the keys stored in failures
} else {
// all ok
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think what you're asking is how to handle the response from multiple asynchronous calls.
Here's how I do it (using your validation example):
var result = {};
function isAllDataAvailable() {
return !== undefined
&& result.address !== undefined
&& !== undefined;
function callback(error) {
if (error) {
// terminate here (?)
if (isAllDataAvailable()) {
validateName(data, callback);
validateAddress(data, callback);
validateEmail(data, callback);
The key here is the result object, which starts out as empty. As each field gets validated, it gets added to the result object (by the validation functions, which I've left out in the above snippet). I've used a single callback method, but you could have multiple, say callbackName, callbackAddress, etc. The validation results are processed only if and when the result object has been fully populated, which is checked in isAllDataAvailable.
Hope this helps.
Consider using:
It will make your life much easier when dealing with validators.
