How can I query firestore by document snapshot updateTime? - node.js

Is it possible to query firestore documents by updateTime. The field that is available from the document snapshot as doc.updateTime and use it in a where query?
I am using the node.js sdk.

As far as I know there is no way to query on the metadata that Firestore automatically maintains. If you need to query the last update date, you will need to add a field with that value to the document's data.

I really need to query Firebase on document _updateTime, so I wrote a function that copies that hidden internal timestamp to a queryable field. This took some work to figure this out, so I am posting the complete solution. (Technically, this is "Cloud Firestore" rather then "Realtime Database".)
This is done using Firebase Functions, which itself took some tries to get working. This tutorial was helpful:
However, on Windows 10, the only command line that worked was the new Bash shell, available since about 2017. This was something of a runaround to install, but necessary. The GIT Bash shell, otherwise very useful, was not able to keep track of screen positions during Firebase project setup.
In my example code, I have left in all the 'console.log' statements, to show detail. Not obvious at first was where these logs go. They do not go to the command line, but to the Firebase console:
under (yourproject) > Functions > Logs
For testing, I found it useful to, at first, deploy only one function (this is in the CLI):
firebase deploy --only functions:testFn
Below is my working function, heavily commented, and with some redundancy for illustration. Replace 'PlantSpp' with the name of your collection of documents:
// The Cloud Functions for Firebase SDK to create Cloud Functions and setup triggers.
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
// The Firebase Admin SDK to access the Firebase Realtime Database.
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
// Firestore maintains an interal _updateTime for every document, but this is
// not queryable. This function copies that to a visible field 'Updated'
exports.makeUpdateTimeVisible = functions.firestore
.onWrite((sppDoc, context) => {
console.log("Event type: ", context.eventType);
// context.eventType = 'google.firestore.document.write', so cannot use
// to distinguish e.g. create from update
const docName = context.params.sppId // this is how to get the document name
console.log("Before: ", sppDoc.before); // if a create, a 'DocumentSnapshot',
// otherwise a 'QueryDocumentSnapshot'
// if a create, everything about sppDoc.before is undefined
if (typeof sppDoc.before._fieldsProto === "undefined"){
console.log('document "', docName, '" has been created');
// set flags here if desired
console.log("After: ", sppDoc.after); // if a delete, a 'DocumentSnapshot',
// otherwise a 'QueryDocumentSnapshot'
// if a delete, everything about sppDoc.after is undefined
if (typeof sppDoc.after._fieldsProto === "undefined"){
console.log('document "', docName, '" has been deleted');
// other fields could be fetched from sppDoc.before
return null; // no need to proceed
console.log(; // the user defined fields:values
// inside curly braces
console.log(sppDoc.after._fieldsProto); // similar to previous except with
// data types, e.g.
// data() has { Code: 'OLDO',...
// _fieldsProto has { Code: { stringValue: 'OLDO' },...
const timeJustUpdated = sppDoc.after._updateTime; // this is how to get the
// internal nonqueryable timestamp
// e.g. Timestamp { _seconds: 1581615533, _nanoseconds: 496655000 }
// later: Timestamp { _seconds: 1581617552, _nanoseconds: 566223000 }
// shows this is correctly updating
// see if the doc has the 'Updated' field yet
if (sppDoc.after._fieldsProto.hasOwnProperty('Updated')) {
console.log("doc has the field 'Updated' with the value",
console.log("sppDoc:", sppDoc);
const secondsInternal = timeJustUpdated._seconds;
console.log(secondsInternal, "seconds, internal timestamp");
const secondsExternal =;
console.log(secondsExternal, "seconds, external timestamp");
// Careful here. If we just update the externally visible time to the
// internal time, we will go into an infinite loop because that update
// will call this function again, and by then the internal time will have
// advanced
// the following exit will not work:
if (secondsInternal === secondsExternal) return null; // will never exit
// instead, allow the external time to lag the internal by a little
const secondsLate = secondsInternal - secondsExternal;
if (secondsLate < 120) { // two minutes sufficient for this purpose
console.log("the field 'Updated' is", secondsLate,
"seconds late, good enough");
return null;
console.log("the field 'Updated' is", secondsLate,
"seconds late, updating");
// return a promise of a set operation to update the timestamp
return sppDoc.after.ref.set({
Updated: timeJustUpdated
}, {merge: true}); // 'merge' prevents overwriting whole doc
// this change will call this same function again
} else { // field 'Updated' does not exist in the document yet
// this illustrates how to add a field
console.log("doc does not have the field 'Updated', adding it now.");
// return a promise of a set operation to create the timestamp
return sppDoc.after.ref.set({
Updated: timeJustUpdated
}, {merge: true}); // 'merge' prevents overwriting the whole doc
// this change will call this same function again

True, there is no query for time created/modified, but when you fetch a document those fields exist in the payload. You have:
payload.doc['_document'].proto.createTime and payload.doc['_document'].proto.updateTime
Sure it's not good practice to rely on private fields, so will prolly need ongoing adjustments as Firestore changes its data model, but for now, for my uses, it gets me this otherwise un-query-able data.


Meteor Client calling findOne in Server Method

I have a client-side form that can create a document upon submission. I want to see if one of the input fields already exists on a Document in the DB though. This would then alert the user and ask them if they want to continue creating the record.
Client-side event{
'click button[type=submit]'(e, template) {
//This particular example is checking to see if a Doc with its `name` property set to `value` already exists
const value = $('#name');
const fieldName = 'name';
const exists ='checkIfFieldExistsOnDoc', fieldName, value);
if (exists) {
if (confirm(`Doc with ${value} as its ${fieldName} already exists. Are you sure you want to continue creating Doc?`) {
Server-side Meteor Method
'checkIfFieldExistsOnDoc'(field, val) {
if (this.isServer) {
check(field, String);
check(val, String);
if (!this.userId) {
throw new Meteor.Error('not-authorized', 'You are not authorized.');
const findObj = {};
findObj[field] = val;
const fieldsObj = {};
fieldsObj[fieldsObj] = 1;
const doc = Docs.findOne(findObj, {fields: fieldsObj});
return doc;
My issue is that the client-side code always gets undefined back when calling the Server method. I now understand why, however, I'm not keen on wrapping all of my subsequent client-code into a callback yet.
So - any other ideas on how I can attempt to do this simple feature?
Also - I was thinking of having the client-side page's onCreated do a 1-time server call to get ALL names for all Docs, storing this in memory, and then doing the check upon form submission using this. Obviously, this is inefficient and not-scalable, although it would work in the client side is always an async call. Then you need implement a callback.
See docs:'checkIfFieldExistsOnDoc', fieldName, value, function(error, result) {
if (result) {
if (confirm(`Doc with ${value} as its ${fieldName} already exists. Are you sure you want to continue creating Doc?`) {
On the client, you can wrap any with a Promise and then use it with async/await. There are some packages on Atmosphere that do this for you to.
I've used this package for years:
On the client I often just use await Meteor.callPromise() which returns a response nicely.
Here are a couple of the best write-ups on the many options available to you:

get the number of documents before and after Firestore trigger - Cloud functions

I'm trying to get the number of documents in a collection before and after a document has been added using cloud functions, the code in nodeJs I wrote is this:
exports.onShowcaseCreated = functions.firestore
.onCreate((snapshot, context) => {
const showcaseDict =;
const uid = showcaseDict.uid;
return db.collection("Showcases").where("uid", "==", uid).get()
.then((showsnap) => {
const numberOfShowcaseBefore = showsnap.size.before;
const numberOfShowcaseAfter = showsnap.size.after;
console.log( numberOfShowcaseBefore, numberOfShowcaseAfter);
if ( numberOfShowcaseBefore == 0 && numberOfShowcaseAfter == 1 ) {
return db.collection("Users").doc(uid).update({
but the console logs are undefined undefined it seems like this is not the right approach for taking the number of documents before and after a document has beed added
The before and after properties are only defined on the argument that is passed to onCreate. You call that snapshot in your code, but it's actually a Change object as defined here.
Reading data from the database gives you a QuerySnapshot object as defined here. As you can see, that size on that QuerySnapshot is just a number and does not have before or after properties.
So there's no way to determine the size before the event triggered with your approach. Any query you run in the code, runs after the event was triggered so will give you the size at that moment.
To implement this use-case I'd recommend storing a count of the number of relevant documents in the database itself, and then triggering a Cloud Function when that document changes. Inside the Cloud Function code you can then read the previous and new value of the size from the change document that is passed in.

Copy single document in Firestore and edit fields in new copy

I need a utility function that can copy a single document in Firestore from one collection to another.
This excellent answer provides a way to copy a collection. But I can't work out how to modify it to copy a single document.
For instance I have this current structure:
The document abc123000000 has fields name and email with content Joe Bloggs and respectively.
I wish to copy the xyz123000001 document from collection1 and all its fields and data to a new document in collection2:
I would happily just run the command from the terminal to achieve this.
Ideally of course, it would be useful to have a function that looped through and copied all documents from one collection to the other dependent on the content of a field!
Many thanks in advance for any help.
[Original question title edited to assist in future searches as extra info added into the answer.]
Yo can do this by reading the collection, iterating on it and for each element of the collection 1 write it in collection 2.
Here is a quick example:
function copy(db){
.then((snapshot) => {
snapshot.forEach((doc) => {
// We are iterating on the documents of the collection
let data =;
console.log(, '=>',;
//we have read the document till here
let setDoc = db.collection('collection2').doc(;
setDoc.then(res => {
console.log('Set: ', res);
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Error getting documents', err);
For more examples on how to read and write using the nodejs CLI you can go to the Github repository here
Also this can be done with a query from collection one to filter at that level, and iterate over less files. However this depends on the conditions you have to determine if it needs to be copied or not.
Many thanks to José Soní and to Lahiru Chandima on this post about copying collections for giving me the key bits of information which allowed me to solve this - outstandingly helpful!
I've found it really frustrating not having all the bits of the puzzle to solve this I am posting a heavily commented version below which I hope will be of use to anyone coming after. Apologies to anyone who already knows all this stuff...this answer is not for you ;-)
// Create a file with this code.
// In your Firestore DB, create the destination collection.
// const firebaseUrl refers to your databaseUrl which you can find in the project settings of your Firebase console.
// Save as filename.js within the directory where you have initialised Firebase.
// Ensure Node.js is installed and that node is available, try node --version
// Then run node filename.js from the terminal.
const firebaseAdmin = require('firebase-admin');
const serviceAccount = '../../firebase-service-account-key.json';
const firebaseUrl = '';
credential: firebaseAdmin.credential.cert(require(serviceAccount)),
databaseURL: firebaseUrl
const db = firebaseAdmin.firestore();
function copy(db){
.then((snapshot) => {
snapshot.forEach((doc) => {
// We are iterating on the documents of the collection
let data =;
console.log(, '=>',;
if( == 'randomDocIdAssignedByFirestore'){
// We have read the document till here
//From here: we create a new document in the collection
// Change some of the data in the fields in the new document
let id = 'newMeaningfulDocId'; // Instead of allowing Firestore to create a random ID
data.title = 'Meaningful Title'; // Write new data into the field called title
data.description = 'Meaningful Description'; // Write new data into the field called description
We are using a Firestore Reference type field in our DB to reference a parent doc.
If you just used data.parent = '/category/OS_EnDept'; you would end up writing a string field type.
However, you want to use a Reference Type AND you want the parent to be collectionName
do it like this:
data.parent = doc;
We, however, want to be able to write in different parent collection names - hence the next line.
data.parent = db.collection('collectionName').doc('desiredParentDocId')
let setDoc = db.collection('collectionName').doc(id).set(data);
setDoc.then(res => {
console.log('Set: ', res);
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Error getting documents', err);
// Call the function when we run this file...

How to get a specific item from JSON

I'm new to node.js and DialogFlow. I am using DynamoDB to store data and I'm creating skills on Google. I'm trying to write a code to retrieve a specific item on that table.
I've got it working to show all items where ID is equal = 1, but how would I make it so I can just get attribute 'name'?
My idea is a user provides an id then the code will retrieve name where id was 1 and store that as a variable and use agent.add('hello $(name)'); to display it back as speech to the user.
function readdata(agent){
let dbread = new aws.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
const id =;
let read = function(){
var parameters = {
dbread.get(parameters, function(err,data){
agent.add(`hello ${name}`);
Once you have the data back from the get() call, the data object will contain an Item attribute. The value of this attribute will be another object that contains the attribute/value pairs for this record, or be empty if the record isn't found.
The debugging you have in place that shows JSON.stringify(data) should show this.
Assuming you knew all the fields were there, you could do something like
const name =;
a more robust way using current JavaScript would be to make sure everything was assigned, otherwise return undefined at any point. So something like this would work
const name = data && data.Item &&;
However - you will have a problem doing this with Dialogflow
You don't show which Dialogflow library you're using, but most of them require you to return a Promise to indicate that it needs to wait for asynchronous calls (such as the call to DynamoDB) to complete. You're using get() with a callback function instead of a Promise. So you need to do one of the following:
Wrap the call in a Promise
Since get() returns an AWS.Request you can use the promise() method of this to get a Promise that you can return and which has then portions that generate the response - similar to how you're doing your callbacks now.
Under this scheme, your call might look something like this (untested):
return dbread.get(parameters).promise()
.then( data => {
const name = data && data.Item &&;
if( name ){
agent.add( `Hello ${name}` );
} else {
agent.add( "I don't know who you are." );
.catch( err => {
agent.add( "There was an error" );

Google Cloud Datastore, how to query for more results

Straight and simple, I have the following function, using Google Cloud Datastore Node.js API:
fetchAll(query, result=[], queryCursor=null) {
this.debug(`datastoreService.fetchAll, queryCursor=${queryCursor}`);
if (queryCursor !== null) {
return this.datastore.runQuery(query)
.then( (results) => {
if (results[1].moreResults === _datastore.NO_MORE_RESULTS) {
return result;
} else {
this.debug(`results[1] = `, results[1]);
this.debug(`fetch next with queryCursor=${results[1].endCursor}`);
return this.fetchAll(query, result, results[1].endCursor);
The Datastore API object is in the variable this.datastore;
The goal of this function is to fetch all results for a given query, notwithstanding any limits on the number of items returned per single runQuery call.
I have not yet found out about any definite hard limits imposed by the Datastore API on this, and the documentation seems somewhat opaque on this point, but I only noticed that I always get
results[1] = { moreResults: 'MORE_RESULTS_AFTER_LIMIT' },
indicating that there are still more results to be fetched, and the results[1].endCursor remains stuck on constant value that is passed on again on each iteration.
So, given some simple query that I plug into this function, I just go on running the query iteratively, setting the query start cursor (by doing query.start(queryCursor);) to the endCursor obtained in the result of the previous query. And my hope is, obviously, to obtain the next bunch of results on each successive query in this iteration. But I always get the same value for results[1].endCursor. My question is: Why?
Conceptually, I cannot see a difference to this example given in the Google Documentation:
// By default, google-cloud-node will automatically paginate through all of
// the results that match a query. However, this sample implements manual
// pagination using limits and cursor tokens.
function runPageQuery (pageCursor) {
let query = datastore.createQuery('Task')
if (pageCursor) {
query = query.start(pageCursor);
return datastore.runQuery(query)
.then((results) => {
const entities = results[0];
const info = results[1];
if (info.moreResults !== Datastore.NO_MORE_RESULTS) {
// If there are more results to retrieve, the end cursor is
// automatically set on `info`. To get this value directly, access
// the `endCursor` property.
return runPageQuery(info.endCursor)
.then((results) => {
// Concatenate entities
results[0] = entities.concat(results[0]);
return results;
return [entities, info];
(except for the fact, that I don't specify a limit on the size of the query result by myself, which I have also tried, by setting it to 1000, which does not change anything.)
Why does my code run into this infinite loop, stuck on each step at the same "endCursor"? And how do I correct this?
Also, what is the hard limit on the number of results obtained per call of datastore.runQuery()? I have not found this information in the Google Datastore documentation thus far.
Looking at the API documentation for the Node.js client library for Datastore there is a section on that page titled "Paginating Records" that may help you. Here's a direct copy of the code snippet from the section:
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.get('/contacts', function(req, res) {
var query = datastore.createQuery('Contacts')
if (req.query.nextPageCursor) {
datastore.runQuery(query, function(err, entities, info) {
if (err) {
// Error handling omitted.
// Respond to the front end with the contacts and the cursoring token
// from the query we just ran.
var frontEndResponse = {
contacts: entities
// Check if more results may exist.
if (info.moreResults !== datastore.NO_MORE_RESULTS) {
frontEndResponse.nextPageCursor = info.endCursor;
res.render('contacts', frontEndResponse);
Maybe you can try using one of the other syntax options (instead of Promises). The runQuery method can take a callback function as an argument, and that callback's parameters include explicit references to the entities array and the info object (which has the endCursor as a property).
And there are limits and quotas imposed on calls to the Datastore API as well. Here are links to official documentation that address them in detail:
