Tie user input to a particular row in a query excel - excel

I have a query that has live data coming in. I added a column (not to the query, but to the new table) where the user marks a row for follow up or not. When new data comes in from the query the follow up cell copies the one below it rather than staying blank. How can I make my query and user input work nicely with each other?
Query and Follow Up


Write from Excel to Access multicolumn combobox field using VBA

I have an Access file with two tables: users & products. Users keeps a list of who can write to the Access file (fields like userID, systemID, name). Products keeps a list of product attributes including who made the last update to the record. The last update field is a combobox with two columns: userID (bound to this), name (displays this due to column widths of 0";2").
I also have an Excel file, named simulator. Using VBA, the simulator reads from the products table, uses assorted prediction algorithms to simulate the product's future, then writes the predictions back to Access.
When Excel writes back to a product's record, I'd like to record the last update author to be simulator. Assuming this user exists (userID=100, name=Simulator, say), how do I do this?
I currently have
' Open Access database, get products table, get product record
connection.Open ...
products.Open "Products", connection, ...
products.Filter = "ProductID = " & productNumber
' Update record
products("LastUpdateAuthor") = "100; Simulator"
And this writes "100; Simulator" to the correct field. How do I get it to recognize that 100 is the bound column and Simulator is the second column?
Should only save the UserID into LastUpdateAuthor field. Then multi-column combobox RowSource should be an SQL statement of Users table in order to retrieve and view the related UserName. So have a record in Users with UserID 100 and name Simulator, then still just save the UserID.
As long as the RowSourceType is Table/Query, it will see the 100; Simulator value as a single string from the LastUpdateAuthor field. Can set combobox RowSourceType as ValueList then use code manipulating recordset and Add method to load the LastUpdateAuthor data to the RowSource and the semi-colon will be recognized as column separator. However, if you do as described in first paragraph, this should not be necessary.

MS-Access Automatically updating data based on another table (Email Blacklist)

I'm setting up a brand new database as a lot of the work we do is on multiple spreadsheets and a lot of the data is duplicated. I have a lot of knowledge with Excel, however, I feel that Access would much better suit the needs of the business and data management.
A large role for many in the business is to send emails/follow-up emails based on criteria, however, we use several services to do this and I need a new method of tracking people/businesses who have 'Opted-out' of email updates, we can export the people who opted out from the different applications and put into a spreadsheet.
I had a little play around with relationships to see if this would work, however, kept getting error along the lines of 'invalid for field type' and although I could do this with a simple countif function in Excel I was wondering if it's possible in Access without VBA.
One of the fields we have for our sponsors/delegates table is email address. I want to know if it is possible to create a new form & table or something to do the following:
User loads form, clicks a button and selects spreadsheet with emails in Column A
Data from column A is then imported into a blacklist table
Access removes duplicates and adds the rest to a blacklist table
Access updates sponsor/delegate table field 'opt-out' to yes for any email addresses added to the blacklist table
Edit: Here are 2 screenshots of the separate tables
What I need Access to do is basically tick the box 'opt-out' automatically for all records where the email matches to one in the blacklist
A query to update the opt-out field in your Sponsors table for all records which have a matching email address in the Blacklist table is relatively straightforward, with the matching operation performed by a single inner join, e.g.:
update Sponsors inner join Blacklist on Sponsors.[Email Address] = Blacklist.[Email Address]
set Sponsors.[Opt-Out] = -1

How to insert data in azure easy table?

I want to insert the data in a specific column of azure easy table with xamarin forms.i already insert the data in a row but some fields are empty and these can be fill later by the user when user want to update the record.
for example there is a table which name isUSER(User-id,UserName,Email,Password,Mobile-No) user enter all data except MobileNo and it may or may be entered first time but may enter later.if they enter mobile number later then how I do that ?
First of all , All CRUD are operated on the object in Azure easy table .If you create this record at the first time, You could insert this record to Azure easy table. If user want to add the mobile number in the next time, you could query this record, then delete the old data, put the new record to the table.
You could refer to following link.
If you want to know more basic knowledge, you can refer to the link below

Lotus Notes: What will be the view selection formula to select a form which is in different database?

My view is one application and a required form along with few fields are in different application.
Point one: A View's selection formula does not "select a form". It selects documents. These documents are (usually) created with a Form, and they (usually) contain an item called "Form" which contains the name of the Form that they were created with. So a selection formula SELECT Form = "Foo" means that the view will show all documents with an item named Form that contains the value "Foo".
Point two: A View can only select documents that are in the same database that contains the View. It cannot select documents that exist in another database.
Ergo, there is no possible forumla that selects documents in another database that were created with a given Form.
I'm assuming you probably have some keyword documents in a different database, and you'd like to use a key in the main document to pull some matching information from the keyword database. In other words, you'd like to do a "join" in your Notes view.
You can't do this, never mind whether the documents are in the same database. This is not a relational database.
There are options, however.
You could create a "user definable" column and automatically update the column formula in a profile document so that the formula can calculate the keyword correspondences. You would have a periodic agent look at the keyword database and construct an updated formula such as, #Select("a"; "b"; "c";...; ChoiceNo) to convert the number field ChoiceNo to the value "a" (for 1), "b" (for 2), etc. If you can write a formula to display the correct values for the current keywords, this is workable provided the list never gets too long.
Domino servers are capable of accessing a DB2 relational database to construct a view index, using a feature called DB2NSF. So you can actually do a join -- but your NSF data has to be stored in DB2 as its back-end, rather than beinf stored in the NSF, for this to work. This is probably going to be more work than it's worth to you for this application.
If it is an XPages application, you can create your own data set however you like for feeding to a repeat control.

Updating a table Access and Excel VBA

I have one table called: Transaction. This table has the following fields: (ID,ProductName,Amount,Date) placed in an excel sheet that is connected with MS Access database. ID is the only unique field. Sometimes, my user submits a transaction that has let's say 5 records. Then, they want to modify the submitted data in case if they entered incorrect amount and they want to correct it. I want to write a code in VBA that will do the update. my current query is:
Update table Transaction(ProductName,Amount) set ProductName=#Product,Amount=#Amount)
where Date=#date;
This query does not work fine because obviously it replaces all the records data with the data of the last resubmitted record because my condition is weak. My difficulty is that I can't find a good condition in the where clause that will do the update a record by record accordingly.
Please help,
You will need to use the unique id of the record, in your case the ID field to guarantee you are updating the correct record.
Something like the following:
Update table Transaction(ProductName,Amount) set ProductName=#Product,Amount=#Amount) where ID = "id of record you want to update"
