How to insert data in azure easy table? - azure

I want to insert the data in a specific column of azure easy table with xamarin forms.i already insert the data in a row but some fields are empty and these can be fill later by the user when user want to update the record.
for example there is a table which name isUSER(User-id,UserName,Email,Password,Mobile-No) user enter all data except MobileNo and it may or may be entered first time but may enter later.if they enter mobile number later then how I do that ?

First of all , All CRUD are operated on the object in Azure easy table .If you create this record at the first time, You could insert this record to Azure easy table. If user want to add the mobile number in the next time, you could query this record, then delete the old data, put the new record to the table.
You could refer to following link.
If you want to know more basic knowledge, you can refer to the link below


Tie user input to a particular row in a query excel

I have a query that has live data coming in. I added a column (not to the query, but to the new table) where the user marks a row for follow up or not. When new data comes in from the query the follow up cell copies the one below it rather than staying blank. How can I make my query and user input work nicely with each other?
Query and Follow Up

MS-Access Automatically updating data based on another table (Email Blacklist)

I'm setting up a brand new database as a lot of the work we do is on multiple spreadsheets and a lot of the data is duplicated. I have a lot of knowledge with Excel, however, I feel that Access would much better suit the needs of the business and data management.
A large role for many in the business is to send emails/follow-up emails based on criteria, however, we use several services to do this and I need a new method of tracking people/businesses who have 'Opted-out' of email updates, we can export the people who opted out from the different applications and put into a spreadsheet.
I had a little play around with relationships to see if this would work, however, kept getting error along the lines of 'invalid for field type' and although I could do this with a simple countif function in Excel I was wondering if it's possible in Access without VBA.
One of the fields we have for our sponsors/delegates table is email address. I want to know if it is possible to create a new form & table or something to do the following:
User loads form, clicks a button and selects spreadsheet with emails in Column A
Data from column A is then imported into a blacklist table
Access removes duplicates and adds the rest to a blacklist table
Access updates sponsor/delegate table field 'opt-out' to yes for any email addresses added to the blacklist table
Edit: Here are 2 screenshots of the separate tables
What I need Access to do is basically tick the box 'opt-out' automatically for all records where the email matches to one in the blacklist
A query to update the opt-out field in your Sponsors table for all records which have a matching email address in the Blacklist table is relatively straightforward, with the matching operation performed by a single inner join, e.g.:
update Sponsors inner join Blacklist on Sponsors.[Email Address] = Blacklist.[Email Address]
set Sponsors.[Opt-Out] = -1

Cassandra - join two tables and save result to new table

I am working on a self-bi application where users can upload their own datasets which are stored in Cassandra tables that are created dynamically. The data is extracted from files that the user can upload. So, each dataset is written into its own Cassandra table modeled based on column headers in the uploaded file while indexing the dimensions.
Once the data is uploaded, the users are allowed to build reports, analyze, etc., from within the application. I need a way to allow users to merge/join data from two or more datasets/tables based on matching keys and write the result into a new Cassandra table. Once a dataset/table is created, it will stay immutable and data is only read from it.
user table 1
employee id
user table 2
employee id
I need to merge data in user table 1 and user table 2 on matching employee id and write to new table that is created dynamically.
new table
employee id
What would be the best way to do this?
The only option that you have is to do the join in your application code. There are just few details to suggest a proper solution.
Please add details about table keys, usage patterns... in general, in cassandra you model from usage point of view, i.e. starting with queries that you'll execute on data.
In order to merge 2 tables on this pattern, you have to do it into application, creating the third table (target table ) and fill it with data from both tables. You have to make sure that you read the data in pages to not OOM, it really depends on size of the data.
Another alternative is to build the joins into Spark, but maybe is too over-engineering in your case.
You can have merge table with primary key of user so that merged data goes in one row and that should be unique since it is one time action.
Than when user clicks you can go through one table in batches with fetch size (for java you can check query options but that is a way to have a fixed window which will be loaded and when reached move to next fetch size of elements). Lets say you have fetch size of 1000 items, iterate over them from one table and find matches in second table, and after 1000 is reached place batch of 1000 inserts to new table.
If that is time consuming you can as suggested use some other tool like Apache Spark or Spring Batch and do that in background informing user that it will take place.

FileMaker Pro pop up values from related table

I have a portal in my contacts table layout that shows related mention in a second "mentions" table. This related table has a relationship to a third "sources" table that I want the user to select from when they view the data in the "mentions" portal of my "contacts" layout. This works for the most part. The problem comes when the user changes the "source" in the portal then attempts to change the "source" in the next portal row t will change the "source" to the last select source regardless to make a selection
any ideas ?
here are some screen shots of how I have it setup
portal and specified field
and field control setup
and the relationship
You are modifying the value of the source field in the sources table, which is not what you want. You only want to use that data to populate your value list and store the serial number of that source (or the source text) in your mentions table.
1) Create a value list from sources using all values from the sources field.
2) Create a new field in the Mentions table called 'source.'
3) Add that field to the portal and remove the current sources field.
4) Apply the value list to your new field.
It sounds like your portal isn't actually the mentions table, but the sources table. Either that or the field that you're using to change the "source" is not in the mentions table, or is not the correct Table Occurrence.
The portal should be based on the Mentions table, and should contain a field in that table that refers to the sources table, not a field from the sources table.
Either way, to diagnose it further, I'd probably need more detail.

Updating a table Access and Excel VBA

I have one table called: Transaction. This table has the following fields: (ID,ProductName,Amount,Date) placed in an excel sheet that is connected with MS Access database. ID is the only unique field. Sometimes, my user submits a transaction that has let's say 5 records. Then, they want to modify the submitted data in case if they entered incorrect amount and they want to correct it. I want to write a code in VBA that will do the update. my current query is:
Update table Transaction(ProductName,Amount) set ProductName=#Product,Amount=#Amount)
where Date=#date;
This query does not work fine because obviously it replaces all the records data with the data of the last resubmitted record because my condition is weak. My difficulty is that I can't find a good condition in the where clause that will do the update a record by record accordingly.
Please help,
You will need to use the unique id of the record, in your case the ID field to guarantee you are updating the correct record.
Something like the following:
Update table Transaction(ProductName,Amount) set ProductName=#Product,Amount=#Amount) where ID = "id of record you want to update"
