Docusign void envelopes and send reminder functionality - docusignapi

I am trying to integrate docusign in our application, I am using a developer account to go through the various funtionalities. Is there an endpoint for voiding envelopes and sending reminders to various recipients for a particular envelope

Two different things.
Voiding - the endpoint is the UpdateEnvelope endpoint but you have to provide voidReason in the JSON in addition to change to status to voided like this:
"status": "voided",
"voidedReason": "The reason for voiding the envelope"
Sending reminders. This can be done ahead of time, on a schedule, or ad-hoc.
Ad-hoc I assume is was you had in mind, so in theory, you can make an empty update to an envelope with the option to resend_envelope=true option. That will just send it again, not sure if you consider that a reminder or not.


How to determine the docusign recipient action taken on document

I am using Remote Signing with the DocuSign api, but I want to know how to determine what action the recipient took (i.e. they signed, declined to sign, viewed, etc). How do I do this?
You want the status of the envelopes you sent?
Best technique is to create a webhook and have DocuSign call your server when the envelope's status changes.
You can create DocuSign notification message subscriptions at either the account level or at the individual envelope level.
See this blog entry for more info. Ask additional questions on StackOverflow if you have any difficulties.

DocuSign API Webhook for add/remove signers?

I've already been successfully using the envelope eventNotification webhooks to receive status updates for various envelope and signer events (Sent, Delivered, Completed, etc.), but I'm trying to solve one last event case: adding and removing signers from the envelope.
Suppose in a situation where envelopes are shared among multiple people in a company:
1. Someone creates an envelope through the API, and adds 3 signers.
2. Someone else makes corrections to the envelope using DocuSign's web site, and removes a signer...
Is there any way for my app to know that action #2 took place? Or do I have to wait for one of the regular signer events to take place before I will know that the signers on the envelope have changed?
Connect event triggers for the start and finish of Envelope Correct are a good idea. You'd use the finish trigger to figure out what has happened.
This enhancement request is internally logged at DocuSign as CONNECT-510.
Ask your DocuSign Account Executive or Account Manager to add your organization's interest in the enhancement. It is not yet scheduled to be released, other Connect architectural work is needed first.
The history of the envelope, including correct operations is available from Envelopes: listAuditEvents. You could use that today to see if someone is correcting the envelopes you're interested in.

ListStatusChanges to get status based on the individual recipients

We have multiple recipients per envelope and the signing order is set. Can we get the envelope based on the status of individual recipients?. I don't see anything that we can do to achieve this through ListStatusChangesOptions. I know that we can achieve this by listRecipients but this did not give us an option to set parameters to limit the data, like ListStatusChangesOptions.
I want to reduce the API call limit, if there is an option to directly limit the data sent from DocuSign based on the status of the individual recipients.
Eg: Get all the Envelopes whose recipient1 status is completed.
Instead of getting more than required envelopes through listStatusChanges and limiting them by using listRecipients
No, there is no API call to fetch envelope details based on recipient status. Instead I would propose to use DocuSign Connect. It has trigger event of Recipient Signed, so once recipient has signed you will get a message from DocuSign with envelope details like envelopeId, which recipient Signed it etc, and this will save a lot of your API calls and DocuSign Connect is the recommended way from DocuSign instead of doing polling. You can learn more about DS Connect here,

Not receiving emails from DocuSIgn SandBox when envelope created through the API

When I upload a document using the Docusign API on the Sandbox and then send the document I do not receive any emails.
I've also logged on to the sandbox and tried to sign the document but don't have the option - status seems to be waiting for others (even though the document is only sent to my email).
When I create the envelope through the web site and send, I do get the email.
This has only started to happen in the last day or two. Had been working fine for us.
Is there a problem with Sandbox?
The issue was that we were passing the ClientUserId property for the Signer in the API call when creating the envelope.
I wasn't aware but this actually stops the notification emails being sent.
You can check Docusign system status at
When I wasn't received emails in the develop environment, it was because I hadn't set:
{ "status": "sent" } the envelope definition. This is the documented way of indicating that you would like this envelope to be sent rather than just "created", which sets it as a draft.

Possible values for "Action" value in DOCUSIGN API audit_event

There is a documentation about possible envelop status value from docusign for a given envelope.
Howver i am trying to understand if there are any documentation which lists out the possible "Action" value from docusign in the "Audit_event" REST API method.
The reaosn is I am storing the audit events locally to avoid multiple API calls and i wanted to account for all the possible action values.
Thanks for reading
Since there were any documentation provided, i am including the staus i have seen based on my reverse engg
Sent Invitations
Printable Copy Delivered
Printable Copy Attached to Email
AccessCode Passed
AccessCode Failed
Correction Initiated
Correction Cancelled
Viewed In-Session
I've never seen any documentation for possible values of the action property within a GET Envelope Audit Events response -- to the best of my knowledge, none exists. You might be stuck having to 'reverse engineer' to determine possible values. i.e., create envelopes via the DocuSign web console, act on them in a variety of ways (both as Sender and as Recipient) -- for example: Send Envelope, Void Envelope, Decline Envelope, Sign Envelope, View Envelope, Pass Signer Authentication, Fail Signer Authentication, etc. etc. etc. -- and then examine the corresponding action values that appear in the GET Envelope Audit Events response for those Envelopes.
Obviously this approach is not ideal, since someone fairly new to DocuSign won't necessarily know all of things that can be done with an Envelope, in order to trigger the various action values in the API response. Perhaps someone from DocuSign will see this post and chime in with a list of all possible values...or better yet, add this info to the API Guide one day soon.
