Not receiving emails from DocuSIgn SandBox when envelope created through the API - docusignapi

When I upload a document using the Docusign API on the Sandbox and then send the document I do not receive any emails.
I've also logged on to the sandbox and tried to sign the document but don't have the option - status seems to be waiting for others (even though the document is only sent to my email).
When I create the envelope through the web site and send, I do get the email.
This has only started to happen in the last day or two. Had been working fine for us.
Is there a problem with Sandbox?

The issue was that we were passing the ClientUserId property for the Signer in the API call when creating the envelope.
I wasn't aware but this actually stops the notification emails being sent.

You can check Docusign system status at

When I wasn't received emails in the develop environment, it was because I hadn't set:
{ "status": "sent" } the envelope definition. This is the documented way of indicating that you would like this envelope to be sent rather than just "created", which sets it as a draft.


Docusign void envelopes and send reminder functionality

I am trying to integrate docusign in our application, I am using a developer account to go through the various funtionalities. Is there an endpoint for voiding envelopes and sending reminders to various recipients for a particular envelope
Two different things.
Voiding - the endpoint is the UpdateEnvelope endpoint but you have to provide voidReason in the JSON in addition to change to status to voided like this:
"status": "voided",
"voidedReason": "The reason for voiding the envelope"
Sending reminders. This can be done ahead of time, on a schedule, or ad-hoc.
Ad-hoc I assume is was you had in mind, so in theory, you can make an empty update to an envelope with the option to resend_envelope=true option. That will just send it again, not sure if you consider that a reminder or not.

Apex toolkit Envelope change sender, subject and message in Docusign Envelope

I have two problems with Docusign, first, always it sent the envelope with the same account, no matter who is logged always is sending using the same account, i don't know why.
Second, i want to change the subject and message, i am using the example for apex toolkit and i am using the template, but always it show the same subject Documents for your DocuSign signature.
To change the subject of a message you can use the withEmail method and edit the emailSubject property. See the API reference for more details:
Do your salesforce users have the DocuSign Sender permission? I'm thinking that could be the reason that envelopes aren't being sent from their account.

DosuSign Embedded Signing: Prevent DocuSing from sending email

I'm trying to do Embedded Signing and I want to send the email to the Signers myself instead of having DocuSign send it.
I've found this post:
Docusign email notification for embedded signing case
That describes two parameters. I have not been able to find the second one (Use Envelope Complete Email for (non-suppressed) Embedded Signers) in my testing account.
Is this option no longer available? Is there any other way to achieve the same result?
For embedded signers DocuSign will never send an email letting the signer know they have a document awaiting signature. The two emails that are sent can either be Signature Notification and/or Completion email. Signature Notification is sent to the signer immediately after signing, while Completion emails are sent all at once only at the end when the last signer completes the envelope.
The options are both still available in the classic UI under Preferences --> Features.
If you are using the New DocuSign Experience then follow the instructions here
See the Document delivery section.

Docusign Connect - Email Delivery Failure has "Sent" Status

I have a web service that creates Docusign envelopes with a PDF that needs to be signed. On my test environment, after the envelope gets created I query for the envelope status, as well as the recipient status. When using the API call, the respondents with bad email addresses have the status "autoresponded".
Now on my Docusign Connect implementation, I have two separate routes that get hit. One for when the email gets successfully sent or if the request is completed, and another one specifically for email delivery failures. When I had a single route, none of the recipients were marked as "autoresponded" like the API call returned (the API call result ends up being returned before the Connect implementation gets hit by Docusign).
After splitting them apart, I expected the email delivery failure-specific route to have the correct signature status. Unfortunately when this route gets hit, all recipients have the status of "Sent", regardless if their email is valid or not.
I'd contacted Docusign a while ago and their response was the number of events a single Connect implementation was listening for. By that assumption, this delivery failure-specific route should be getting a status of "autoresponded" like our API call is receiving, which doesn't seem to be happening. How can I get the Connect implementation to return the correct recipient statuses?
Every time I've opened a support ticket on their website, the corresponding account can no longer log in, meaning it's always a one-way communication to their support team. Has anyone gotten around this issue before?
My thought is that if the email failure route gets hit, flag that account as having a bad email address for one of the recipients and force the user to log into their accounts to see the actual status. Another option would be to query the API for that envelope's status, however I feel like a lot of delivery failures could easily trigger the max number of API calls.
Posting an answer, the original poster figured it out in the comment, but here is the answer for everyone else per Ricky Story:
"Return Recipient Auto Responded Status in Connect/API" that DocuSign Support should be able to enable.
To do that you would need to contact the DocuSign Customer Support and request them to enable this option.

Docusign : How to send confirmation email with link to embedded signer

I am using the DocuSign API in an embedded manner. I create an envelope and add signers, the first signer always being set as embedded. This allows me to retrieve a URL that is then embedded in an iframe.
However, I also wish, to trigger an email (as soon as the envelope has been created, NOT upon completion) that gets sent to the primary recipient/signer as if they were a nonembedded signer.
I tried adding the signer twice, with the same role, to the recipients, but that didn't work. No email was sent.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
I believe there is a setting to enable this but that it needs to be enabled by someone on DocuSign's side, like your account manager. If you do not have an account manager yet please respond to the auto-generated emails that were sent out to you once you created your account, you should have 3 of them.
The account settings available are only for Completion emails. However, the REST API also supports an embeddedRecipientStartURL parameter on the signer object that triggers a normal DocuSign email. The value of this parameter is the URL that should be included in the email. This means you can link back to your own application and request the recipient view as normal.
Check here for more detail: Signer embeddedRecipientStartURL. Note: if you set this to a value of "SIGN_AT_DOCUSIGN" then DocuSign will provide its own URL and take care of signing. The trade-off is that you won't be able to initiate any bespoke authentication you are doing in your own application.
