Un/bind a USB device via Python (preferably by PyUSB) - linux

Is there a way with pyusb to unbind a USB device?
I know using the following bash the USB is unbound.
DEVICE=$(grep 064f /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/idVendor | tr '/' ' ' | awk '{ print $5 }')
/bin/bash -c "echo $DEVICE >/sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/unbind"
But for various reasons I like to move away from bash and switch to Python, and ideally avoid maintaining my custom, complicated logic. So using a existing library makes sense to me.
Selected answer in stackoverflow.com#q54863367 suggests detach_kernel_driver to work for this purpose, but I don't see that happening on my environment; It does unmount the volume in the designated USB device (confirmed by watching the disk space on the USB disappears in lsblk's output) but I still see that OS detects the USB device.
$ ipython
In [7]: import usb
...: dev = usb.core.find(idVendor=0x064f, idProduct=0x03f3)
In [8]: dev.detach_kernel_driver(0)
$ watch lsusb
Bus 002 Device 043: ID 064f:03f3 WIBU-Systems AG CmStick/M (article no. 1011)
Linux (At the time of writing, Ubuntu 16.04 (I know EoLed) or 18.04. But environment shouldn't be a limiting factor. Open for available solutions regardless the version.
UPDATE: My usecase requires mimicing removal of USB device. We've been happy with the operation typically called as un/bind, and also happy with the bash solution to realize un/bind.

A quick search of the PyUSB code makes it seem like there is no feature for binding or unbinding. So PyUSB is not the answer.
However, you don't need to use Bash to unbind a device. Python has a standard library that lets you get directory listings, read files, and write to files, so you can just use Python's standard library instead of Bash.

Thought I'd close OP but coudln't choose an appripriate reason so answer by myself instead.
As I concluded myself with a help from the maintainer in pyusb#399 I found I was misunderstood. Using detach_kernel_driver as suggested in stackoverflow.com#q54863367 worked for my purpose as well.


UART doesn't work on BeagleBoneBlack running Ubuntu 14.04

I have been working for a few days trying to get the UART1 port to work on a bbb. I flashed the prebuilt kernel from the elinux wiki (http://www.elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu#Flasher), and the UART1 appears in the /dev folder (as /dev/ttyO1, with a capital "o" not a zero), but when I write to it, nothing comes out of the pins. I can use UART0 (on a separate little serial header, but not the one I need) without any trouble.
I see a lot of tutorials for enabling UART1 that deal with a folder called /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.* but I don't have one. I think it is because I have a newer kernel, and nearly all of those tutorials are exclusively for older kernels (<=3.8).
I read that the current 3.13 images from Robert C Nelson don't have a cape-manager (https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!topic/beagleboard/ND3_w7_dn8Q), and you can use the "really simple cape manager" (https://github.com/RobertCNelson/rscm), but the build.sh script doesn't work on my 3.14 kernel. I tried to change a path in the script to fix it and now that bbb won't boot.
I also tried the beaglebone-universal-io script (
https://github.com/cdsteinkuehler/beaglebone-universal-io) but when I query the relevant pin:
sudo ./config-pin -q P8_26
I get the error:
P8_26 pinmux file not found!
Please verify your device tree file
Am I missing something really simple here?

what is the OSX version of Linux's /dev/usb/lp0?

I'm writing to a centronics cable and blinking some LEDs via a simple "bufferized" circuit.
I'm able to write out the bits via C code referencing the device location on /dev/usb/lp0 on an Ubuntu machine.
However, I'd like to be able to do this on OSX Mavericks. I don't see the same type of device file as I do in Linux.
i.e. is there an OSX analog to /dev/usb/lp0 on Linux?
Thanks much.
Under the concept of "everything's a file" lp0 is just a special file that allows raw access to a device, in this case a 'special character file' for the first parallel device. The same would exist on OSX if a driver was present that matched the device, or something like /dev/parport0. OSX has a pretty limited collection of parallel drivers though. You could try to fudge it - create a 'character' device file pointing it to some generic parallel driver with mknod.
e.g. mknod lp0 c x y where x an y are the major and minor numbers for the device type. Typically you find these numbers in the documentation/devices.txt file on linux, not sure where this info is on OSX though.
I've seen devices handle this using generic printer drivers, such as a "gadget printer":
(my initial assumption)
In this case the device will actually show up on the system as a printer. You can find a list of printers and their location using CUPS utilities like lpstat:
There's also the environment variables LPDEST and PRINTER which should list the default print location:
echo $LDPEST

How to write raw data directly to usb printer on Linux?

I'm developing app with qt4 (c++) for Linux platform. When I'm using QTextDocument::drawContext method(), sometimes (not always) printer is printing some junks and wasting a lot of paper. I think it can be related with printer driver. This is Oki MicroLine 3390 eco printer. This printer is emulating EPSON LQ driver.
I have tested few epson drivers but that did not help at all. I cannot fix this issue so I have started looking for some alternative solution - write directly to device.
I'm looking for info:
How to write raw data (formatted text) to usb dot matrix printer?
is any one know how to fix printing issue?
any write command will do print on device /dev/usb/lp0
test it # cat [file] > /dev/usb/lp0
Try to send reset sequence before printing process:
[ write_2_printer("\x1b\x40");]

Bi-directional sniffing/snooping on an ALSA MIDI SysEx exchange

Does anyone know of a good way to get a bi-directional dump of MIDI SysEx data on Linux? (between a Yamaha PSR-E413 MIDI keyboard and a copy of the Yamaha MusicSoft Downloader running in Wine)
I'd like to reverse-engineer the protocol used to copy MIDI files to and from my keyboard's internal memory and, to do that, I need to do some recording of valid exchanges between the two.
The utility does work in Wine (with a little nudging) but I don't want to have to rely on a cheap, un-scriptable app in Wine when I could be using a FUSE filesystem.
Here's the current state of things:
My keyboard connects to my PC via a built-in USB-MIDI bridge. USB dumpers/snoopers are a possibility, but I'd prefer to avoid them if possible. I don't want to have to decode yet another layer of protocol encoding before I even get started.
I run only Linux. However, if there really is no other option than a Windows-based dumper/snooper, I can try getting the USB 1.1 pass-through working on my WinXP VirtualBox VM.
I run bare ALSA for my audio system with dmix for waveform audio mixing.
If a sound server is necessary, I'm willing to experiment with JACK.
No PulseAudio please. It took long enough to excise it from my system.
If the process involves ALSA MIDI routing:
a virtual pass-through device I can select from inside the Downloader is preferred because it often only appears in an ALSA patch bay GUI like patchage an instant before it starts communicating with the keyboard.
Neither KMIDIMon nor GMIDIMonitor support snooping bi-directionally as far as I can tell.
virmidi isn't relevant and I haven't managed to get snd-seq-dummy working.
I I suppose I could patch ALSA to get dumps if I really must, but it's really an option of last resort.
The vast majority of my programming experience is in Python, PHP, Javascript, and shell script.
I have almost no experience programming in C.
I've never even seen a glimpse of kernel-mode code.
I'd prefer to keep my system stable and my uptime high.
This question has been unanswered for some time and while I do not have an exact answer to your problem I maybe have something that can push you in the right direction (or maybe others with similar problems).
I had a similar albeit less complex problem when I wanted to sniff the data used to set and read presets on an Akai LPK25 MIDI keyboard. Similar to your setup the software to setup the keyboard can run in Wine but I also had no luck in finding a sniffer setup for Linux.
For the lack of an existing solution I rolled my own using ALSA MIDI routing over virmidi ports. I understand why you see them as useless because without additional software they cannot help at sniffing MIDI traffic.
My solution was programming a MIDI relay/bridge in Java where I read input from a virmidi port, display the data and send it further to the keyboard. The answer from the keyboard (if any) is also read, displayed and finally transmitted back to the virmidi port. The application in Wine can be setup to use the virmidi port for communication and in theory this process is completely transparent (except for potential latency issues). The application is written in a generic way and not hardcoded to my problem.
I was only dealing with SysEx messages of about 20 bytes length so I am not sure how well the software works for sniffing the transfer of large amounts of data. But maybe you can modify it / write your own program following the example.
Sources available here: https://github.com/hiben/MIDISpy
(Java 1.6, ant build file included, source is under BSD license)
I like using aseqdump for that.
You could use virtual midi devices for this purpose. So you have to load snd_seq_dummy so that it creates at least two ports:
$ sudo modprobe -r snd_seq_dummy
$ sudo modprobe snd_seq_dummy ports=1 duplex=1
Then you should have a device named Midi through:
$ aconnect -i -o -l
client 0: 'System' [type=kernel]
0 'Timer '
1 'Announce '
client 14: 'Midi Through' [type=kernel]
0 'Midi Through Port-0:A'
1 'Midi Through Port-0:B'
client 131: 'VMPK Input' [type=user,pid=50369]
0 'in '
client 132: 'VMPK Output' [type=user,pid=50369]
0 'out '
I will take the port and device numbers form this example. You have to inspect them yourself according to your setup.
Now you plug your favourate MIDI Device to the Midi Through ports:
$ aconnect 132:0 14:0
$ aconnect 14:0 131:0
At this time you have a connection where you can spy on both devices at the same time. You could use aseqdump to spy the MIDI conversation. There are different possibilities. I suggest to spy the connection between the loopback devices and the real device. This allows you for rawmidi connections to the loopback devices.
$ aseqdump -p 14:0,132:0 | tee dump.log
Now everything is set up for use. You just have to be careful about port names in your MIDI application. It should read MIDI data from Midi Through Port-0:B and write data to Midi Through Port-0:B.
Some additional hint: You could use the graphical frontend patchage for connecting and inspecting the MIDI connections via drag and drop. If you do this you will see that every Midi Through port occurs twice once as input and once as output. Both have to be connected in order to make this setup work.
If you want to use GMidiMonitor or some other application you spy on both streams intermixed (without showing the direction) using aconnect suppose 129:0 is the Midi Monitor port :
$ aconnect 14:0 129:0
$ aconnect 132:0 129:0
If you want to have exact direction information you could add another GMidiMonitor instance that you connect only to one of the ports. The missing messages come from the other port.
What about using gmidimonitor? See http://home.gna.org/gmidimonitor/

Controlling a USB power supply (on/off) with Linux

Is it possible to turn on/off power supplies from USB manually with Linux?
There's this external USB cooling fan (the kind you use to cool yourself off, not the PC), and it would be nice to be able to control it from the terminal, because I want to position the fan somewhere far away.
I suppose this could also be useful for a variety of other things as well, because there's a lot of USB toys out there. Maybe air purifiers, etc. (I heard they don't really work though).
According to the docs, there were several changes to the USB power management from kernels 2.6.32, which seem to settle in 2.6.38. Now you'll need to wait for the device to become idle, which is governed by the particular device driver. The driver needs to support it, otherwise the device will never reach this state. Unluckily, now the user has no chance to force this. However, if you're lucky and your device can become idle, then to turn this off you need to:
echo "0" > "/sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/power/autosuspend"
echo "auto" > "/sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/power/level"
or, for kernels around 2.6.38 and above:
echo "0" > "/sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/power/autosuspend_delay_ms"
echo "auto" > "/sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/power/control"
This literally means, go suspend at the moment the device becomes idle.
So unless your fan is something "intelligent" that can be seen as a device and controlled by a driver, you probably won't have much luck on current kernels.
Note. The information in this answer is relevant for the older kernels (up to 2.6.32). See tlwhitec's answer for the information on the newer kernels.
# disable external wake-up; do this only once
echo disabled > /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb1/power/wakeup
echo on > /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb1/power/level # turn on
echo suspend > /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb1/power/level # turn off
(You may need to change usb1 to usb n)
Source: Documentation/usb/power-management.txt.gz
PowerTOP from Intel allows you to toggle devices such as usb peripherals in real-time. These are called 'tunables'.
sudo apt install powertop
sudo powertop
Tab over to 'tunables'.
Scroll down to your device.
Hit enter to toggle power saving mode (Good/Bad)
Note that Bad means the device is always on. Toggling to Good will turn off the device after the preset inactive saving time (default is 2000ms).
See the PowerTOP docs for details on how to make these changes permanent.It generates the config scripts for you (pretty much as described by other posters on this thread).
NOTE: These scripts do not affect USB pin power (which is always on).
These only send the driver protocol to activate and deactivate a device.
If you want to control pin power, you could use either a supported smart USB hub, or better yet a microcontroller.
I have found these solutions that at least work for properly configured Terminus FE 1.1 USB hub chip:
1.To turn off power on all USB ports of a hub, you may unbind the hub from kernel using:
echo "1-4.4.4" > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/unbind
to turn power back on - you may bind it back using
echo "1-4.4.4" > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/bind
2.Switching power at each port individually is trickier: I was able to use hubpower to control each port - but it comes with a downside: hubpower first disconnects the usbdevfs wich causes all of the USB devices to disconect from system, at least on ubuntu:
usb_ioctl.ioctl_code = USBDEVFS_DISCONNECT;
rc = ioctl(fd, USBDEVFS_IOCTL, &usb_ioctl);
With this ioctl disabled I was able to switch off individual port power without detaching all devices - but the power goes back on immediately (probably due to kernel seeing an uninitialized device) which causes USB device just to do a "cold restart" which is what I generally wanted to do. My patched hubpower is here
You could use my tool uhubctl to control USB power per port for compatible USB hubs.
I wanted to do this, and with my USB hardware I couldn't. I wrote a hacky way how to do it here:
http://pintant.cat/2012/05/12/power-off-usb-device/ .
In a short way: I used a USB relay to open/close the VCC of another USB cable...
echo '2-1' |sudo tee /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/unbind
works for ubuntu
The reason why folks post questions such as this is due to the dreaded- indeed "EVIL"- USB Auto-Suspend "feature".
Auto suspend winds-down the power to an "idle" USB device and unless the device's driver supports this feature correctly, the device can become uncontactable. So powering a USB port on/off is a symptom of the problem, not the problem in itself.
I'll show you how to GLOBALLY disable auto-suspend, negating the need to manually toggle the USB ports on & off:
Short Answer:
You do NOT need to edit "autosuspend_delay_ms" individually: USB autosuspend can be disabled globally and PERSISTENTLY using the following commands:
sed -i 's/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="/&usbcore.autosuspend=-1 /' /etc/default/grub
systemctl reboot
An Ubuntu 18.04 screen-grab follows at the end of the "Long Answer" illustrating how my results were achieved.
Long Answer:
It's true that the USB Power Management Kernel Documentation states autosuspend is to be deprecated and in in its' place "autosuspend_delay_ms" used to disable USB autosuspend:
"In 2.6.38 the "autosuspend" file will be deprecated
and replaced by the "autosuspend_delay_ms" file."
HOWEVER my testing reveals that setting usbcore.autosuspend=-1 in /etc/default/grub as below can be used as a GLOBAL toggle for USB autosuspend functionality- you do NOT need to edit individual "autosuspend_delay_ms" files.
The same document linked above states a value of "0" is ENABLED and a negative value is DISABLED:
<snip> 0 means to autosuspend
as soon as the device becomes idle, and negative
values mean never to autosuspend. You can write a
number to the file to change the autosuspend
idle-delay time.
In the annotated Ubuntu 18.04 screen-grab below illustrating how my results were achieved (and reproducible), please remark the default is "0" (enabled) in autosuspend_delay_ms.
Then note that after ONLY setting usbcore.autosuspend=-1 in Grub, these values are now negative (disabled) after reboot. This will save me the bother of editing individual values and can now script disabling USB autosuspend.
Hope this makes disabling USB autosuspend a little easier and more scriptable-
I had a problem when connecting my android phone, I couldn't charge my phone because the power switch on and then off ...
PowerTop let me find this setting and was useful to fix the issue ( auto value was causing issue):
echo 'on' | sudo tee /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1/power/control
USB 5v power is always on (even when the computer is turned off, on some computers and on some ports.) You will probably need to program an Arduino with some sort of switch, and control it via Serial library from USB plugged in to the computer.
In other words, a combination of this switch tutorial and this tutorial on communicating via Serial libary to Arduino plugged in via USB.
So far I came to the conclusion that you cannot control the power of a USB port. The 5V USB is always provided, and it's up to the device to use it or not. You can check this with a 5V fan or light.
I've tried various methods (disconnect/reconnect/bind/unbind/reset signal). Best so far are bind/unbind as it forces a cold restart of the device (but no power cycle).
I came up with a solution to reset USB devices, ports and controllers in a python script, which supports all of the above methods.
You can find the script at my Github page
usb_reset.py -d 8086:1001 --reset-hub
The script uses among others the following solution to reset USB hubs/controllers:
Unbindind a USB port / controller works best via:
echo "myhub" > "/sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/unbind"
echo "myhub" > "/sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/bind"
Where myhub is found in /sys/bus/usb/devices/*
Or litteral controllers:
echo "mycontroller" > "/sys/bus/pci/drivers/unbind"
echo "mycontroller" > "/sys/bus/pci/drivers/bind"
Where mycontroller is found in /sys/bus/pci/drivers/[uoex]hci_hcd/*:*
