UART doesn't work on BeagleBoneBlack running Ubuntu 14.04 - ubuntu-14.04

I have been working for a few days trying to get the UART1 port to work on a bbb. I flashed the prebuilt kernel from the elinux wiki (, and the UART1 appears in the /dev folder (as /dev/ttyO1, with a capital "o" not a zero), but when I write to it, nothing comes out of the pins. I can use UART0 (on a separate little serial header, but not the one I need) without any trouble.
I see a lot of tutorials for enabling UART1 that deal with a folder called /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.* but I don't have one. I think it is because I have a newer kernel, and nearly all of those tutorials are exclusively for older kernels (<=3.8).
I read that the current 3.13 images from Robert C Nelson don't have a cape-manager (!topic/beagleboard/ND3_w7_dn8Q), and you can use the "really simple cape manager" (, but the script doesn't work on my 3.14 kernel. I tried to change a path in the script to fix it and now that bbb won't boot.
I also tried the beaglebone-universal-io script ( but when I query the relevant pin:
sudo ./config-pin -q P8_26
I get the error:
P8_26 pinmux file not found!
Please verify your device tree file
Am I missing something really simple here?


Un/bind a USB device via Python (preferably by PyUSB)

Is there a way with pyusb to unbind a USB device?
I know using the following bash the USB is unbound.
DEVICE=$(grep 064f /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/idVendor | tr '/' ' ' | awk '{ print $5 }')
/bin/bash -c "echo $DEVICE >/sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/unbind"
But for various reasons I like to move away from bash and switch to Python, and ideally avoid maintaining my custom, complicated logic. So using a existing library makes sense to me.
Selected answer in suggests detach_kernel_driver to work for this purpose, but I don't see that happening on my environment; It does unmount the volume in the designated USB device (confirmed by watching the disk space on the USB disappears in lsblk's output) but I still see that OS detects the USB device.
$ ipython
In [7]: import usb
...: dev = usb.core.find(idVendor=0x064f, idProduct=0x03f3)
In [8]: dev.detach_kernel_driver(0)
$ watch lsusb
Bus 002 Device 043: ID 064f:03f3 WIBU-Systems AG CmStick/M (article no. 1011)
Linux (At the time of writing, Ubuntu 16.04 (I know EoLed) or 18.04. But environment shouldn't be a limiting factor. Open for available solutions regardless the version.
UPDATE: My usecase requires mimicing removal of USB device. We've been happy with the operation typically called as un/bind, and also happy with the bash solution to realize un/bind.
A quick search of the PyUSB code makes it seem like there is no feature for binding or unbinding. So PyUSB is not the answer.
However, you don't need to use Bash to unbind a device. Python has a standard library that lets you get directory listings, read files, and write to files, so you can just use Python's standard library instead of Bash.
Thought I'd close OP but coudln't choose an appripriate reason so answer by myself instead.
As I concluded myself with a help from the maintainer in pyusb#399 I found I was misunderstood. Using detach_kernel_driver as suggested in worked for my purpose as well.

Banana Pi not booting (red LED on)

I got some brand new banana Pi's,
these are the "Banana Pi-M2" and the "Banana Pi-M3"
I was trying to install Debian on both of them, but I couldn't get it to work.
I was exactly following this tutorial here (Windows):
to save Debian on the SD Card.
The Problem is always the same. When pressing the power Button on the "M3", or plugging in the "M2", only the red LED goes on and nothing happens.
The LED for the LAN port stays off, so it comes close that the Pi is not booting up.
The power supply I am using produces 5V and 2100mA which should fit the conditions for the Banana Pi.
The distros I then tried to install were for example Bananian which I got from here:
And several distros like Debian from here:
I tested it using 2 different SD Cards, and also only using a USB Stick.
everything was producing the same error.
Is there something I missed?
Thanks in advance.
It sounds like an underpowering situation.
If you have a barrel jack instead of micro usb use the barrel jack.
The pre-production samples of this board had the usual 4.0/1.7mm barrel jack for DC-IN BPi M2/M2+ also use. This has been replaced by a Micro USB jack on the first production batch in Dec 2015 leading to the usual sorts of problems forums are full of (see also next paragraph for some reasons). Starting in May 2016 Micro USB has been replaced by the 4.0/1.7mm barrel jack again so powering is possible more reliable now. The Micro USB receptacle on the longer board side is USB OTG, also connected to the board's PMIC and while looking like an alternative way to power the board that's not recommended unless you love underpowering situations, reboot loops and the like.
I had the same problems at one point, like #Hagen said, it could be under powered, make sure you have a 5V, 2A rated power supply. The other cause of the red led and no boot is the lack of a micro SD card. Try pushing it in a bit further though not with much force and hit reboot. if you get 3 leds, it works!
This Banana PI M3 device starts up and works normally when power supply connector (4mm/1,7mm) and a micro USB connect put to device of Banana same time from same 5V power supply. I think in the device may have something grounding problems.

i2cdetect doesn't find anything on goodix chip

I have a goodix chip for the touchscreen on my tablet PC and even though I compiled the latest kernel module for it, things are not working.
I am using exactly this kernel version with the patched driver:
For starters, the picture of the said chip is the following:
The DSDT tables contain information regarding the touchscreen.
From what I understand the touchscreen is connected via an I2C serial interface but lshw shows that *-serial is UNCLAIMED.
Nevertheless I can see that the i2c_i801 module for the SMBus controller is loaded.
With the help of Aleksei I was able to determine that the toucscreen is connected to i2c-1 buss and that the controller must use 0x14 or 0x5d address.
Unfortunatelly, i2cdetect doesn't find anything, as it can be seen here.
I created a lengthy gist with the output of the following:
I know that some of these are redundant and that others are useless but nevertheless it's better to have where to search than to miss something out.
I measured with a multimeter and the chip is powered both when running Windows and Linux so this rules out that I need to somehow tell Linux to power this thing out.
So, what do do next in order to debug this thing?
Hi can you check where pin 5,6 are connected specifically 6 which is reset ic so if that may be reseting the ic. just a posiblity.

Beaglebone Black Custom Audio Cape DMA/IRQ trouble

I'm running a BBB straight out of the box running debian. Kernel version is 3.8.13-bone-47.
I'm working with a cape that is very similar to the one here. The difference is that I'm using a TLV320AIC3106 instead of the AIC3104, and I only have enabled the audio out, I'm not interested in recording audio in this application.
My pinout for my application is identical to the cape in the link above.
I've followed the link here to get the cape up and running. Everything that I have matches the output of the tutorial up until I try and play a sample wave file.
When I play a sample wave file, I get the following message: aplay: pcm_write:1710: write error: Input/output error
Running dmesg gives me ALSA sound/core/pcm_lib.c:1010 playback write error (DMA or IRQ trouble?)
Where I'm having trouble is I don't understand how the DMA is coming in to play. Is this a DMA problem? Is it a symptom of something else going wrong like my I2C? Am I missing a configuration somewhere else?
Any thoughts on how to track this down are appreciated.
I realize it has been covered in multiple places before, but it can never be stressed enough. Make sure that when you're sending out information, make sure it goes to the right address over the I2C. I figured out this morning that the audio codec was at address 0x1B, while the driver was addressed to 0x18. Small but critical difference.
The easy fix is to edit the BB-BONE-AUDI-02-00A0.dts file.
Edit line 65 to <0x1B>. Re-compile using the line: dtc -O dtb -o BB-BONE-AUDI-02-00A0.dtbo -b 0 -# BB-BONE-AUDI-02-00A0.dts
move the generated file to the /lib/firmware directory
Insert it using echo BB-BONE-AUDI-02 > /sys/devices/bone_capemgr*/slots
After applying this simple fix it seems to work. I can't say for certain because I have to get the audio amplifier circuit up and running still. At least aplay will play the file without crashing out on me, which is a start.

what is the OSX version of Linux's /dev/usb/lp0?

I'm writing to a centronics cable and blinking some LEDs via a simple "bufferized" circuit.
I'm able to write out the bits via C code referencing the device location on /dev/usb/lp0 on an Ubuntu machine.
However, I'd like to be able to do this on OSX Mavericks. I don't see the same type of device file as I do in Linux.
i.e. is there an OSX analog to /dev/usb/lp0 on Linux?
Thanks much.
Under the concept of "everything's a file" lp0 is just a special file that allows raw access to a device, in this case a 'special character file' for the first parallel device. The same would exist on OSX if a driver was present that matched the device, or something like /dev/parport0. OSX has a pretty limited collection of parallel drivers though. You could try to fudge it - create a 'character' device file pointing it to some generic parallel driver with mknod.
e.g. mknod lp0 c x y where x an y are the major and minor numbers for the device type. Typically you find these numbers in the documentation/devices.txt file on linux, not sure where this info is on OSX though.
I've seen devices handle this using generic printer drivers, such as a "gadget printer":
(my initial assumption)
In this case the device will actually show up on the system as a printer. You can find a list of printers and their location using CUPS utilities like lpstat:
There's also the environment variables LPDEST and PRINTER which should list the default print location:
echo $LDPEST
