Google Sheets - IF with ISBLANK - excel

I am working in google sheets and I would like to ask you one thing.
I want to check if cell is blank and if it is it should return 0, if it is not it should calculate the formula, which I have used befere. (can not post image...)
But I am still getting this #ERROR! which says error when analyzing formula. I have tried it in Microsoft Excel and exact formula works...
Did somebody already solved this?
Thanks a lot! 👌

=IF(ISBLANK(J15); 0; J15-J14)


How this Excel Formula worked?

I'm using following formula to extract the records from the database in excel.
I got this formula idea from the following YouTube tutorial,
Now my question is I want to understand the part of the Formula.
here is that,
How did the above part work with excel formula? I have tried to use this part individually to return the boolean value from the table but it gives the wrong result every time.
anyone can clear my concept?
this is turned out to be a very easy concept. Thank you to #TomJohnRiddle for his comment.
I have started learning Advance Excel from VBA. I used to apply VBA literally for every little data processing. Maybe that's why I have never interacted with Excel's Array Formulas. but it's all cleared now
here is the link as Tom has suggested.
Thank you.

Error in formula on Excel 2010

Well, I tried to make a formula on Excel 2010 in order to get flexible results.
The idea is to count cell written less cells empty, so the formula should be: =CONTAR(C10:C69) - CONTAR.BLANCO(C10:C[VALUE])Where the Value is 8 + the result of CONTAR(C10:C69).
The real formula actually extends more than this, but I got stuck at this step.
That being said, how can I produce the same result using Visual Basic to actualize the list every time excel is modified?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: thank you for the correction
The best way is to use Index to return a reference to the range from C10 to C[Value]
(I hope I have got the correct equivalent functions for Contar etc.)

Vlookup for differente sheets Excel

Good afternoon,
I am trying to use a VLOOKUP formula across different sheets, but so
far I am unsucessful.
The formula I am using is the one below:
ListaFolhas is the name of the range of the names from the different
Basically I need to insert the number associated with each person:
What can I be doing wrong? I used this formula from a page and adapted
to my own case...
After some research I figured out an answer. However, I am facing a new problem: The formula I found only considers one word, doesn't consider 2+ words. A screenshot of the situation:
In the image I have the formula I am using and the difference I get. Could anyone help me please? Thanks in advance!
=INDEX(range of cells with the numbers, MATCH(name you are looking for,ListaFolhas, 0))

Google Sheets ROUNDDOWN formula doesn't work in Excel?

This is a formula I'm using in a Gantt/time-line chart to drive different values to a cell:
=if(AND((K$3>=$G8),(K$3<=$H8)),if((ROUNDDOWN($J8*$I8)<=(K$3-$G8)), "X", "Y"),"")
It works fine in Google Sheets, but when pasted into Excel, it throws an error that says "Not enough arguments were entered for this function."
Is there an easy way to fix this?
your roundown part is missing an argument. try this =IF(AND((K$3>=$G8),(K$3<=$H8)),IF((ROUNDDOWN($J8*$I8,0)<=(K$3-$G8)),"X","Y"),"")
I was able to just add a comma after J8*I8, and that seemed to solve the issue. Excel required a digit there for some reason.

VLOOKUP Returning Blank value if error

I am trying to get VLOOKUP to return a blank if an error is returned that should show #NA
I have tried multiple functions such as IF(ISNA....) as was done on Microsoft's website and most currently
=IF(IFNA(VLOOKUP('Order Form'!B27,'Delivery Calculator'!A14:C17,3,FALSE)),"",VLOOKUP('Order Form'!B27,'Delivery Calculator'!A14:C17,3,FALSE))
The vlookup: VLOOKUP('Order Form'!B27,'Delivery Calculator'!A14:C17,3,FALSE) works by itself except that I get an NA which I wanted to change to a blank.
Thanks for any help!
With your help and my reading of the IFNA page, how about:
=IFNA(VLOOKUP('Order Form'!B27,'Delivery Calculator'!A14:C17,3,FALSE),"")
