Vlookup for differente sheets Excel - excel

Good afternoon,
I am trying to use a VLOOKUP formula across different sheets, but so
far I am unsucessful.
The formula I am using is the one below:
ListaFolhas is the name of the range of the names from the different
Basically I need to insert the number associated with each person:
What can I be doing wrong? I used this formula from a page and adapted
to my own case...
After some research I figured out an answer. However, I am facing a new problem: The formula I found only considers one word, doesn't consider 2+ words. A screenshot of the situation:
In the image I have the formula I am using and the difference I get. Could anyone help me please? Thanks in advance!

=INDEX(range of cells with the numbers, MATCH(name you are looking for,ListaFolhas, 0))


lookup with multiple conditions and for rows

Hello sages from StackOverflow,
I'm in search of a formula that can relate 3 diferent conditions, I tried using some IF statemets with the TEXTJOIN formula but I find myself lost in the way,
I got a data base just like this (image below), just a much bigger one, I want to search for a key like MCAA01 and obtain the doc's that have in front of it a "NO" all in one cell, like if you use the formula TEXTJOIN("/",...
My problem is that I cannot find a way to relate the whole column of the doc's with the key,
I tried something like TEXTJOIN("/",TRUE,IF(2ndIMAGE!A2=1stIMAGE!B1,IF(B2="no",1stIMAGE!A2,""),""))
This does give a result but it's just 1 thing, not whole answer
please sages of StackOverflow, you're my only hope. Thank you!
You need FILTER() then TEXTJOIN().
If your version of excel supports LAMBDA() function then you can try below formula and you do not need to drag the formula to each cell. It will spill results automatically.

How this Excel Formula worked?

I'm using following formula to extract the records from the database in excel.
I got this formula idea from the following YouTube tutorial,
Now my question is I want to understand the part of the Formula.
here is that,
How did the above part work with excel formula? I have tried to use this part individually to return the boolean value from the table but it gives the wrong result every time.
anyone can clear my concept?
this is turned out to be a very easy concept. Thank you to #TomJohnRiddle for his comment.
I have started learning Advance Excel from VBA. I used to apply VBA literally for every little data processing. Maybe that's why I have never interacted with Excel's Array Formulas. but it's all cleared now
here is the link as Tom has suggested.
Thank you.

Excel Text Formula

I've got a table made up of a number of tabs and VLOOKUPs. I'm just looking for a way of pulling through a text entry into a cell where there are multiple #N/A's and one text entry.
I've attached a screenshot which hopefully explains what I'm trying to do.
Column E has what I would expect the answers to be with the correct formula. The problem is, the original spreadsheet I'm working on has over 2000 rows (and will be continually updated with more entries). I've tried multiple IF/Or, IF/And as well as Index/Match formulas to no avail.
Not able to attach pics yet but have included a link.
You may have to use ISNUMBER combined with search to get the results that you are looking for.
=IF( ISNUMBER(SEARCH("n/a",B1)),"true","false")

Formula to get text data

I am working on automating a report. I have around 50000 rows and 15 columns. I want a VBA code or Formula that will lookup the test data from sheet1 and get it on Sheet2. I have tried vlookup and index formulas, however, the code becomes very heavy and the macro does not work.
Please help.
Thank you,
I believe this is related to the difficulty vlookup has in identifying text vs values, like "1" vs 1. Both may be wanted, but Excel views them as unique.
Something like the following may work:

Find Multiple Values Across Multiple Cells in Excel

I'm trying to figure out a way to search for multiple strings in Excel across multiple cells. I'm working with a database list of individuals and their corresponding address and demographic information. I need to find out a count and isolate the records of any cells with any of the names in the below formula in them. The formula works just fine when I'm only looking in one cell, ie B16, but when I put in for example (B16:D16) it throws a #VALUE error.
Any help you can offer is very much appreciated.
This works as long as at least one of the names is in the range. If none of the names are in the range it will throw the #Value error. You could trap that out by wrapping this formula in an "IFERROR" function. I'm not sure how much use this formula is in that it only tells you that at least one of the names exists in the range, not which name or where in the list.
