Need help and guidance for accessing operationId in nodejs application - node.js

We are using nodejs as my backend application and react native in front end. And azure application insights for logging. In UI side, we are redirecting to Stripe checkout page(external page) for payment and then coming back to our application's confirmation page. Here we are loosing the flow on end-to-end transaction. My requirement is to link pre-stripe and post-stripe operation into one single flow. For this my approach of solving this problem is accessing OPERATIONID and pass it to stripe and receive it back from Stripe and use it in confirmation page so that we will one single flow. I Need help in guiding me to the right documentation/ solution proposals.
I read some articles(eg: How to get Application Insights operation id in javascript?) and figured out that operationId is a uniqueID which gets created out of my application and cant access it in the application. I tried to use below code and got response of that operationID as "" but seems like this is not the right pattern(value) of operationId.
import { defaultClient } from 'applicationinsights';
const telemetryClient = defaultClient;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-console

The main function of operationId is to help tracking distributed systems so you can correlate requests. So as given in this documentation in nodejs client, you should set the setDistributedTracingMode to appInsights.DistributedTracingModes.AI_AND_W3C as shown below.
const appInsights = require("applicationinsights");
.setup("<your ikey>")
You should be able to get the operation id using the following code snippet.
const AppInsights = require("applicationinsights");
var context = AppInsights.getCorrelationContext();
var oid =;
If it does not solve your problem then, I would suggest you to set to be a unique id by yourself and confirm if this is tracked by the Application Insights properly.
Also note that the latest version of the JavaScript SDK (SDK v2) for Application Insights have some changes as given in this document.
Moved context.operation to context.telemetryTrace. Some fields were also changed ( --> telemetryTrace.traceID).
To keep the trace ID unique, where you previously used Util.newId(), now use Util.generateW3CId(). Both ultimately end up being the operation ID.
For more information read this log custom telemetry document.


How do I provide real time update in nodejs?

I am working on an e-commerce site. There are times where a product would no longer be available but the user would have added it to the cart or added to their saved items. How do I implement the feature such that if the product has been updated, the user would be notified as soon as possible?
I thought about doing a cron job that would check the status of the product if it still available or has been recently updated. But I do not know if that is feasible. I am open to better ideas
Similar images are included below
What you are trying to achieve falls into real-time updates category and technically there would be more than one option to achieve this.
The chosen solution would depend on your application architecture and requirements. Meanwhile, I can suggest looking into Ably SDK for Node.js which can offer a good starter.
Here down a sample implementation where on the back-end you will be publishing messages upon item's stock reaching its limit:
// create client
var client = new Ably.Realtime('your-api-key');
// get appropriate channel
var channel = client.channels.get('product');
// publish a named (may be the product type in your case) message (you can set the quantity as the message payload
channel.publish('some-product-type', 0);
On the subscriber side, which would be your web client, you can subscribe to messages and update your UI accordingly:
// create client using same API key
var client = new Ably.Realtime('your-api-key');
// get product channel
var channel = client.channels.get('product');
// subscribe to messages and update your UI
channel.subscribe(function (message) {
const productName =;
const updatedQuantity =;
// update your UI or perform whatever action
Did a live betting app once and of course live updates are the most important part.
I suggest taking a look into websockets. The idea is pretty straight forward. On backend you emit an event let's say itemGotDisabled and on frontend you just connect to your websocket and listen to events.
You can create a custom component that will handle the logic related to webscoket events in order to have a cleaner and more organized code an you can do any type of logic you want to updated to component as easy as yourFEWebsocketInstance.onmessage = (event) => {}.
Of course it's not the only way and I am sure there are packages that implements this in an even more easy to understand and straight forward way.

How can I add custom operation to Azure Application Insights's Performance tab?

We have a GraphQL api that runs on .Net Core. Since all queries are made to the /graphql endpoint we only get one operation "POST /graphql" on the performance page of Azure Application Insights while a REST API would have allowed Aplication Insights to automatically give us the performance per endpoint (ex. GET /users, POST /events, etc...).
To still get performance indicators I added custom Telemetry to our code. When the code to retrieve the users is called I do this:
RequestTelemetry requestTelemetry = new RequestTelemetry
Name = "UsersRequest"
var operation = _telemetryClient.StartOperation(requestTelemetry);
And when it is all done I do this:
operation.Telemetry.Success = true;
return result;
Then I can see the dependency calls wrapped up inside a "UsersRequest" when I open a "POST /graphql" operation like the screenshot below (imagine that "CustomMiddleware" says "UsersRequest"):
That's already a great help, it's much more clear than having all DB requests under each other without structure.
The only thing missing it's that I can't see the "UsersRequest" or "CustomMiddleware" on the performance page as an operation itself. That would be a massive help, the performance page gives amazing insights. It would be super helpful to be able to see that "UsersRequest" has been called 500 times in the last 24h, that the performance has been degrading in the last 7 days or that the average duration is 50ms.
Thank you!

Can we use firebase crashlytics for our web application?

I have a web application and I want to track its crashing reports.
Can I use Firebase crashlytics or Fabric for this purpose. In their site its mentioned its only for Android or ios.
There is feature request:
Looks like it's not supported at all, fabric didn't supported crashlytics on web either so it looks like there are maybe some alternatives like but I would like to have it too in one place. Don't see difference between web, android or iOS clients at all, don't know why this is not supported.
But for some possible solution for Vue framework is to catch errors and send it to google analytics where you can connect also your firebase mobile apps. I think to try it this way for now. I didnt tested it yet so don't know if I have to catch window errors too.
Vue.config.errorHandler = function (error) {
//send error as event to google analytcs...
if (error) message = error.stack;
ga('send', 'event', 'Vue.config.errorHandler', message, navigator.userAgent);
window.onerror = function(message, source, lineno, colno, error) {
// maybe we need to also catch errors here and send to GA
But I found something like this too for typescript
While there is still no firebase crashlytics for web, google offers Stackdriver with error reporting functionality - it keeps track of all errors with ability to mark them as resolved (it can also send email notifications about new errors):
You can access it using the below url (make sure to put your firebase {project_id} in the link before clicking it):{project_id}
There are two ways on how to use it:
Easy way, limited flexibility.
Every console.error(new Error(...)) reported from your firebase function is automatically tracked in the Stackdriver error logging platform.
So you just need to send an error report from your web app to your firebase function and log it using console.error inside that function.
Note, only an instances of Error object will be sent to the Stackdriver platform. For example console.error("{field1: 'text'}") won't be sent to Stackdriver. More info on that in this doc
More comprehensive way that provides an additional control (you can also report userId, your custom platform name, it's version, user agent, etc):
Here is a quick snippet on how it can be used (in our case we first send the error log from web app to our server and then report the error to Stackdriver):
in firebase nodejs:
const {ErrorReporting} = require('#google-cloud/error-reporting');
let serviceAccount = {...} //service account is your firebase credetials that holds your secret keys etc. See below for more details.
let config = {
projectId: serviceAccount.project_id,
reportMode: "always",
credentials: serviceAccount
let errors = new ErrorReporting(config);
Report error to Stackdriver from nodejs:
async function reportError(message){
//message is a string that contains the error name with an optional
//stacktrace as a string representing each stack frame separated using "\n".
//For example:
//message = "Error: Oh-hoh\n at MyClass.myMethod (filename.js:12:23)\n etc.etc."
const errorEvent = this.errors.event()
.setServiceContext("web-app", "1.0.0")
More info about the Stackdriver library is available in this doc. And more info about the stacktrace and it's format can be found in the docs here
A few notes on setting it up:
You need to enable two things:
Enable Stackdrive api for your project using the link below (make sure to set your firebase {project_id} in the url below before clicking it){project_id}
Make sure to also grant "Error writer" permission to the firebase service account so Stackdriver can receive the error logs (service account is a sort of representation of a "user" for your firebase project who accesses the services)
To grant the premission, follow the below steps:
first locate the "Firebase service account" using your firebase dashboard link (you can find it below) and remember it's value - it looks something like firebase-adminsdk-{random_symbols}#{project_id}
Then open gcloud console under "Access"->"IAM". Or use the following link:{project_id} <- put your firebase project id here
Locate your Firebase service account from the step 1.
Press edit for that account and add "Errors writer" permission:
Where to find the serviceAccount.json:
Regarding the serviceAccount - this is a universal credentials that can be used to authenticate many google services including the Stackdriver. You can obtain yours from your firebase dashboard using the url below (just put your firebase project_id in the link before using it):{project_id}/settings/serviceaccounts/adminsdk
Open it and click "generate new credentials". This will generate a new service account and download the serviceAccount.json that you need to keep safe (you won't be able to get it again unless you generate a new one).
Apparently Sentry now supports several web frameworks out of the box.
I have recently integrated Sentry crashlytics for Django App.
see here:

Google Analytics API service object - no management attribute

I am trying to set up an application that uses the Google Analytics API. I have all the authorization steps working correctly and can pull all the data as expected. However, at the moment, it is working because I have hardcoded my own view ID into the queries to the API. E.g:
response = analytics.reports().batchGet(
"viewId": "ga:12345678",
From what I understand, what I need to do is before I start querying the data, is use the service object to first get a view Id (or list of View Ids), then use that in the data queries. I have been attempting to do just that and have been failing miserably. Basically, I have the following (just to get the first step of a list of accounts):
credentials = client.OAuth2Credentials.from_json(session['credentials'])
http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http())
analytics = build('analytics', 'v4', http=http) #create the service object
data =
The error I am getting is 'Resource' object has no attribute 'management'. What am I missing here??
Ok, so for those who come across this question, the issue seemed to be that, as of the time of writing, version 4 of the API does not have the management features. What I/we did instead was build a second service to get the account details using version 3:
service = build('analytics', 'v3', http=http)
accounts =
That seemed to do the trick, although there was some additional fiddling required in order to get the view ID(s). However, once you have the object, it is just a matter of manipulating the object as needed.

Getting customized message from GCM using Web push notifications

I'm using Web push notifications with Chrome, and they work great. But now I want to deliver a custom message in my notifications. I can have my Service Worker call out to my site to get content, as is done at—which is fine if I want every recipient to see the same message.
Is there any way to get either the recipient’s registration_id or the message_id that GCM returns? If I could get either of these and include them in the callback to the service, I could customize the response.
Also, any info on when we might be able to include a payload in the call to GCM?
The registration_id and message_id fields aren't exposed, but if the user is previously authenticated to your app, any fetch() to the server from your Service Worker will include credentials (and session information) which you can use to identify them.
If that doesn't work for your case, you can store user/session information in IndexedDB.
Payloads are coming soon—likely Chrome 50 or 51—based on the Web Push protocol. It's a bit of extra overhead and work to configure the (required) encryption.
It's possible, but I wouldn't do it since it's specific to GCM, while other browsers use other services.
You can either create a unique ID for each user (like we're doing in Mercurius) and store it in IndexedDB, or you can use the entire endpoint URL as an ID.
Here's the snippet to get the registration_id:
.then(function(subscription) {
if (subscription) {
var endpoint = subscription.endpoint;
var endpointParts = endpoint.split('/');
var gcmRegistrationID = endpointParts[endpointParts.length - 1];
P.S.: It returns a promise, so make sure your service worker waits for the promise to be resolved.
