Can we use firebase crashlytics for our web application? - firebase-crash-reporting

I have a web application and I want to track its crashing reports.
Can I use Firebase crashlytics or Fabric for this purpose. In their site its mentioned its only for Android or ios.

There is feature request:
Looks like it's not supported at all, fabric didn't supported crashlytics on web either so it looks like there are maybe some alternatives like but I would like to have it too in one place. Don't see difference between web, android or iOS clients at all, don't know why this is not supported.
But for some possible solution for Vue framework is to catch errors and send it to google analytics where you can connect also your firebase mobile apps. I think to try it this way for now. I didnt tested it yet so don't know if I have to catch window errors too.
Vue.config.errorHandler = function (error) {
//send error as event to google analytcs...
if (error) message = error.stack;
ga('send', 'event', 'Vue.config.errorHandler', message, navigator.userAgent);
window.onerror = function(message, source, lineno, colno, error) {
// maybe we need to also catch errors here and send to GA
But I found something like this too for typescript

While there is still no firebase crashlytics for web, google offers Stackdriver with error reporting functionality - it keeps track of all errors with ability to mark them as resolved (it can also send email notifications about new errors):
You can access it using the below url (make sure to put your firebase {project_id} in the link before clicking it):{project_id}
There are two ways on how to use it:
Easy way, limited flexibility.
Every console.error(new Error(...)) reported from your firebase function is automatically tracked in the Stackdriver error logging platform.
So you just need to send an error report from your web app to your firebase function and log it using console.error inside that function.
Note, only an instances of Error object will be sent to the Stackdriver platform. For example console.error("{field1: 'text'}") won't be sent to Stackdriver. More info on that in this doc
More comprehensive way that provides an additional control (you can also report userId, your custom platform name, it's version, user agent, etc):
Here is a quick snippet on how it can be used (in our case we first send the error log from web app to our server and then report the error to Stackdriver):
in firebase nodejs:
const {ErrorReporting} = require('#google-cloud/error-reporting');
let serviceAccount = {...} //service account is your firebase credetials that holds your secret keys etc. See below for more details.
let config = {
projectId: serviceAccount.project_id,
reportMode: "always",
credentials: serviceAccount
let errors = new ErrorReporting(config);
Report error to Stackdriver from nodejs:
async function reportError(message){
//message is a string that contains the error name with an optional
//stacktrace as a string representing each stack frame separated using "\n".
//For example:
//message = "Error: Oh-hoh\n at MyClass.myMethod (filename.js:12:23)\n etc.etc."
const errorEvent = this.errors.event()
.setServiceContext("web-app", "1.0.0")
More info about the Stackdriver library is available in this doc. And more info about the stacktrace and it's format can be found in the docs here
A few notes on setting it up:
You need to enable two things:
Enable Stackdrive api for your project using the link below (make sure to set your firebase {project_id} in the url below before clicking it){project_id}
Make sure to also grant "Error writer" permission to the firebase service account so Stackdriver can receive the error logs (service account is a sort of representation of a "user" for your firebase project who accesses the services)
To grant the premission, follow the below steps:
first locate the "Firebase service account" using your firebase dashboard link (you can find it below) and remember it's value - it looks something like firebase-adminsdk-{random_symbols}#{project_id}
Then open gcloud console under "Access"->"IAM". Or use the following link:{project_id} <- put your firebase project id here
Locate your Firebase service account from the step 1.
Press edit for that account and add "Errors writer" permission:
Where to find the serviceAccount.json:
Regarding the serviceAccount - this is a universal credentials that can be used to authenticate many google services including the Stackdriver. You can obtain yours from your firebase dashboard using the url below (just put your firebase project_id in the link before using it):{project_id}/settings/serviceaccounts/adminsdk
Open it and click "generate new credentials". This will generate a new service account and download the serviceAccount.json that you need to keep safe (you won't be able to get it again unless you generate a new one).

Apparently Sentry now supports several web frameworks out of the box.
I have recently integrated Sentry crashlytics for Django App.
see here:


Need help and guidance for accessing operationId in nodejs application

We are using nodejs as my backend application and react native in front end. And azure application insights for logging. In UI side, we are redirecting to Stripe checkout page(external page) for payment and then coming back to our application's confirmation page. Here we are loosing the flow on end-to-end transaction. My requirement is to link pre-stripe and post-stripe operation into one single flow. For this my approach of solving this problem is accessing OPERATIONID and pass it to stripe and receive it back from Stripe and use it in confirmation page so that we will one single flow. I Need help in guiding me to the right documentation/ solution proposals.
I read some articles(eg: How to get Application Insights operation id in javascript?) and figured out that operationId is a uniqueID which gets created out of my application and cant access it in the application. I tried to use below code and got response of that operationID as "" but seems like this is not the right pattern(value) of operationId.
import { defaultClient } from 'applicationinsights';
const telemetryClient = defaultClient;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
The main function of operationId is to help tracking distributed systems so you can correlate requests. So as given in this documentation in nodejs client, you should set the setDistributedTracingMode to appInsights.DistributedTracingModes.AI_AND_W3C as shown below.
const appInsights = require("applicationinsights");
.setup("<your ikey>")
You should be able to get the operation id using the following code snippet.
const AppInsights = require("applicationinsights");
var context = AppInsights.getCorrelationContext();
var oid =;
If it does not solve your problem then, I would suggest you to set to be a unique id by yourself and confirm if this is tracked by the Application Insights properly.
Also note that the latest version of the JavaScript SDK (SDK v2) for Application Insights have some changes as given in this document.
Moved context.operation to context.telemetryTrace. Some fields were also changed ( --> telemetryTrace.traceID).
To keep the trace ID unique, where you previously used Util.newId(), now use Util.generateW3CId(). Both ultimately end up being the operation ID.
For more information read this log custom telemetry document.

Is it possible to lookup a database in a Dialogflow intent?

I'm trying to make an app using DialogFlow which finds a specific object in a specific place.
This is a generic example.
The user would say something like "Where to I find Dog in Europe" and the app would reply with "Dog can be found in Europe via: breeding, finding it out in the wild or by buying it"
considering Dog as input1 and europe as input2
Ideally the app should be able to cross reference input1 and input2 to find the correct response. Can I implement a database like structure and do this?
You can't access a database from Dialogflow directly, but you can build your own fulfillment backend that can do anything you want. It communicates with Dialogflow via HTTP requests/responses in the Dialogflow Webhook format.
Here is an example fulfillment that reads data from Firebase database -
You can't access a database directly in Dialog flow, but you can build your own fulfillment back end. I have been using Airtable as a database and Integromat and Webhooks to query the database and parse the results back to Dialogflow. As a novice coder I found this to be the simnplest way.
KaySubb is right, you can make a fulfillment that reads data from a firebase database(or firestore).
You can do this turning on fulfillment at the bottom page of the intent page.
First go to (login with google account) and you should be able to see your google cloud platform project.
To use firebase, you need to first install it. Get node.js as you need npm first. I'm not sure what OS you're on but go into command line or terminal and type.
npm install firebase --save
then type:
firebase login
this will authenticate your login and connect your project when you deploy.
Then use go to the directory you want to create your project in:
firebase init functions
Select your project and select javascript, install all dependencies
Now go to functions and open the index.js file. Here you can change you write code needed in js.
Write your functions and type:
firebase deploy
in the command line open in the file directory. When it completes, it will
give you a link. This as the webhook URL in dialogflow (it should start with
https://us-central). If you see only 1 link which says then open that link on a browser, click on
"functions" on the left side of the screen and get the link from there.
This should get you started with firebase, now you can link your project to firebase fulfillment. There is great firestore explanation here
But I'll give you a brief explanation:
On the top of your index.js file you will need:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
var admin = require("firebase-admin");
var firestore = admin.firestore();
The basic code is here:
exports.webhook = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
case 'saveData':
let params = request.body.result.parameters
}).then(() => {
`this is a response for "${}".`
.catch((e => {
console.log('Error getting documents', e);
`Sorry, something has gone wrong. Try again and if the problem persists, please report it.`
I'll explain what it does:
You need the switch to decide which intent to do. request.body.result.action returns the action name (write this in dialogflow just above the parameters).
Once that is decided request.body.result.parameters give you the parameters from the intent. params.______ gives you the parameter.
I would definitely recommend reading the official documentation:
to help understand the data structure to help create the ideal database for you. Essentially a collection is a list and within that a doc is one entry. You can name them yourself of using the entries from param.
respond.send is what the bot will reply to the user, I've also shown how to use the parameters in the response.
.catch will just store any errors in the log, you can read the log in open your project and click on function. There will be a place to read logs there. You can check any errors encountered over there.
default: will output whatever default response you wrote on dialogflow at the bottom of the intent.
Hope this helps,comment any questions. I have gone through a huge amount as concisely as I could. This will take some time to get used to and become good at, follow the docs and the youtube videos if you have a lot of trouble!
If you're having even more trouble, there is a slack that helps people that I can direct you to.

Authenticating a REST request in an Excel Add-in

I am trying to develop an add-in for Excel with the goal that it will create calendar events based on data inside a spreadsheet.
I can do almost everything that I want except use the REST API to build the events in the calendar and I can't exactly figure out where I went wrong.
I have followed the documentation suggested by #MarcLaFleur.
I can build and run the application no problem, but when I click on the 'Get my files from OneDrive' button, I get the following:
Code: 5001
Message: An internal error has occurred.
name: Internal Error
This is coming from the program.js file in the public directory somewhere in the else clause of this function.
function getDataWithoutAuthChallenge() {
Office.context.auth.getAccessTokenAsync({ forceConsent: false },
function (result) {
if (result.status === "succeeded") {
// TODO1: Use the access token to get Microsoft Graph data.
accessToken = result.value;
getData("/api/onedriveitems", accessToken);
else {
console.log("Code: " + result.error.code);
console.log("Message: " + result.error.message);
console.log("name: " +;
document.getElementById("getGraphAccessTokenButton").disabled = true;
Here are the scopes in my manifest.xml
<Id>c931b396-7 ... </Id>
<Resource>api://localhost:3000/c931b396-7 ... </Resource>
And here are the scopes on
If you can shed any light for me, it would really help me out.
5001 can be caused by not requesting profile scope. You need to request the profile scope in addition to Calendar.ReadWrite. You do this when you register the app, as well as in the manifest. For more information, see the articles that Marc LaFleur linked to.
The 5001 error often suggests something fundamentally wrong with the add-in API in Office. For example, your Office app doesn't support the API, the manifest is incorrect, or the version of office.js doesn't work with it. Since you're using the sample, two things come to mind:
You aren't running the latest Insiders
The wrong manifest is getting loaded (this sometimes happens if you're
on Windows and using a version of Visual Studio 2017 that has old
schema files, so you have to do a post-build clean up of the debug
Manifest XML)
Your manifest and Azure registration look mostly good, though Rick's comment about Scopes is relevant. profile must work with openid as a pair (profile alone won't work; openid alone won't work), and as discussed you need this consented. As the developer, you can try consenting for yourself at the protocol level. You’ll want to update the client_id, redirect_uri, and scope query parameters as appropriate, and add &prompt=consent.
To answer a later question, Excel and Mail add-ins are different, and my answer only applies to Excel. For Outlook there's a different sample.
The documentation can be found at Enable single sign-on for Office Add-ins. There is also walk though for both ASP.NET and Node.js as well documentation on Troubleshooting.
There are a number of things that could be going wrong here but without knowing more about your registration it is difficult to determine. That said, here are a couple of common mistakes:
You'll need to make sure you receive Admin Consent for the tenant you're developing against. This is only a dev requirement and won't be required once your publish to the Store.
Make sure you've pre-authorized the correct applications. You'll need pre-authorizations for:
d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c (Microsoft Office)
57fb890c-0dab-4253-a5e0-7188c88b2bb4 (Office Online)
bc59ab01-8403-45c6-8796-ac3ef710b3e3 (Office Online)
Make sure the scopes you're defining in your manifest.xml are reflected in the app registration at
If you make changes to your permission scopes, you need to make sure you repeat the Admin Consent process. When you receive consent, they are consenting to the scopes that were registered at the time of consent rather than the App ID itself.

Node.js Azure sdk - getting the Virtual Machine state

I've started to look into the azure sdk for node.js (link below) and interestingly enough I've hit a wall in what I'd image would be one of the most common tasks one would want to achieve using Azure's REST endpoints which is checking the status of a virtual machine.
I can easily get a list of all machine, or one in particular but the response from this services don't include the current status of the VM (running,stopped etc.)
There's absolutely no info out there regarding this particular scenario in the docos or the web other than a blog post ( which is actually in regards of a different library.
Please not that I'm using the azure-arm-compute library which is part of the Node.js azure sdk.
Any help would be very much appreciated
github repo:
To get Virtual Machine statuses, please use function get(resourceGroupName, vmName, optionsopt, optionalCallbackopt), and pass the vaule {expand: 'instanceView'} as the options parameter.
var msRestAzure = require('ms-rest-azure');
var computeManagementClient = require('azure-arm-compute');
// Interactive Login
// It provides a url and code that needs to be copied and pasted in a browser and authenticated over there. If successful,
// the user will get a DeviceTokenCredentials object.
msRestAzure.interactiveLogin(function(err, credentials) {
var client = new computeManagementClient(credentials, 'ed0caab7***');
client.virtualMachines.get('<resourceGroupName>', '<vmName>', {expand: 'instanceView'}, function(err, result, request, response) {
if (err) console.log(err);

Chrome extension - Notification

How I can send a notification for everyone that has installed my extension?
I'm using new Notification(...) but the notification is just sending for me.
Thank you for all
You will want to use the new gcm service for Push Notifications via Google Cloud Messaging Service.
Here is a tutorial on Google's Chrome Developer page.
Well, this requires a lot of work already done in the extension to be able to do that without updating the extension.
For instance, your extension can periodically look for new notices on your website.
If you need more urgency, you either need to keep WebSocket connections to your server or use some manner of push services, like gcm API that Max Worg just mentioned.
That said, to use all this you need to have the support already in place in your extension.
Okay, but suppose you don't have that support, or don't need it that often.
The usual way to do it is with an extension update, where you add a message for the users and increment a variable with the "release notes" version, so that it will only be shown once. A good idea is to use for this, so that the user won't be annoyed multiple times.
var message = "Sup user, check this out!";
var message_version = 4; // Update this when you want to show a new one
{message_version: 0}, // Provide default
function(data) {
if(data.message_version < message_version) {
notify(message); // TODO: implement notify()
// Alternatively, open a page with the notice with chrome.tabs.create(){message_version: message_version});
You can see a real-life example here (using a hybrid of localStorage and
