How to tune Spark to avoid sort disk spill? - apache-spark

We have an algorithm that currently processes data in partition-by-partition manner foreachPartition. I realize this might not be the best way to process data in Spark but, in theory, we should be able to make it work.
We have an issue with Spark spilling data after sortWithinPartitions call with approx 45 GB of data in partition. Our executor has 250 GB memory defined. In theory, there is enough space to fit the data in the memory (unless Spark's overhead for sorting is huge). Yet we experience the spills. Is there a way accurately calculate how much memory per executor we'd need to make it work?

You need to decrease a number of tasks per executor or to increase memory.
The first option is just to decrease spark.executor.cores
The second option obviously is to increase spark.executor.memory
The third option is to increase spark.task.cpus because number of tasks per executor are spark.executor.cores / spark.task.cpus. For example you set spark.executor.cores=4 and spark.task.cpus=2. Number of tasks in that case would be 4/2=2. And if you don't set spark.task.cpus, by default it is 1, 4/1=4 tasks which would consume much more memory.
I prefer the third option because it keeps a balance between occupied memory and cores and allow to use more than one core per task.


Spark partition size greater than the executor memory

I have four questions. Suppose in spark I have 3 worker nodes. Each worker node has 3 executors and each executor has 3 cores. Each executor has 5 gb memory. (Total 6 executors, 27 cores and 15gb memory). What will happen if:
I have 30 data partitions. Each partition is of size 6 gb. Optimally, the number of partitions must be equal to number of cores, since each core executes one partition/task (One task per partition). Now in this case, how will each executor-core will process the partition since partition size is greater than the available executor memory? Note: I'm not calling cache() or persist(), it's simply that i'm applying some narrow transformations like map() and filter() on my rdd.
Will spark automatically try to store the partitions on disk? (I'm not calling cache() or persist() but merely just transformations are happening after an action is called)
Since I have partitions (30) greater than the number of available cores (27) so at max, my cluster can process 27 partitions, what will happen to the remaining 3 partitions? Will they wait for the occupied cores to get freed?
If i'm calling persist() whose storage level is set to MEMORY_AND_DISK, then if partition size is greater than memory, it will spill data to the disk? On which disk this data will be stored? The worker node's external HDD?
I answer as I know things on each part, possibly disregarding a few of your assertions:
I have four questions. Suppose in spark I have 3 worker nodes. Each worker node has 3 executors and each executor has 3 cores. Each executor has 5 gb memory. (Total 6 executors, 27 cores and 15gb memory). What will happen if:
>>> I would use 1 Executor, 1 Core. That is the generally accepted paradigm afaik.
I have 30 data partitions. Each partition is of size 6 gb. Optimally, the number of partitions must be equal to number of cores, since each core executes one partition/task (One task per partition). Now in this case, how will each executor-core will process the partition since partition size is greater than the available executor memory? Note: I'm not calling cache() or persist(), it's simply that I'm applying some narrow transformations like map() and filter() on my rdd. >>> The number of partitions being the same of number of cores is not true. You can service 1000 partitions with 10 cores, processing one at a time. What if you have 100K partition and on-prem? Unlikely you will get 100K Executors. >>> Moving on and leaving Driver-side collect issues to one side: You may not have enough memory for a given operation on an Executor; Spark can spill to files to disk at the expense of speed of processing. However, the partition size should not exceed a maximum size, was beefed up some time ago. Using multi-core Executors failure can occur, i.e. OOM's, also a result of GC-issues, a difficult topic.
Will spark automatically try to store the partitions on disk? (I'm not calling cache() or persist() but merely just transformations are happening after an action is called) >>> Not if it can avoid it, but when memory is tight, eviction / spilling to disk can and will occur, and in some cases re-computation from source or last checkpoint will occur.
Since I have partitions (30) greater than the number of available cores (27) so at max, my cluster can process 27 partitions, what will happen to the remaining 3 partitions? Will they wait for the occupied cores to get freed? >>> They will be serviced by a free Executor at a point in time.
If I'm calling persist() whose storage level is set to MEMORY_AND_DISK, then if partition size is greater than memory, it will spill data to the disk? On which disk this data will be stored? The worker node's external HDD? >>> Yes, and it will be spilled to the local file system. I think you can configure for HDFS via a setting, but local disks are faster.
This an insightful blog:
Your data partition size looks bigger than your Core memory. Your Core memory is ~1.6 GB (5GB/3 Core). This will be a problem as your partition will not be able to process in the Core. To resolve this, you can try:
increasing the number of partitions such that each partition is < Core memory ~1.6 GB. So increase them to something like 150 partitions.
If you keep the partitions the same, you should try increasing your Executor memory and maybe also reducing number of Cores in your Executors.
If everything goes well it will not need to store partitions on disk. However, if it is not able to find enough memory, it will find disk as a backup. If you want to store your data on Disk and persist it for some reason, you need to call persist(DISK_ONLY).
They will wait until one of the Cores is available.
Yes, it will spill on Disk. Where will depend on your cluster configuration I believe.

Spark OOM error explanation and alleviation

Sometimes, you will get an OutOfMemoryError not because your RDDs don’t fit in memory, but because the working set of one of your tasks, such as one of the reduce tasks in groupByKey, was too large. Spark’s shuffle operations (sortByKey, groupByKey, reduceByKey, join, etc) build a hash table within each task to perform the grouping, which can often be large. The simplest fix here is to increase the level of parallelism, so that each task’s input set is smaller.
I think it this way, please correct me if I am wrong.
Suppose there are 2 Data Nodes to process the Dataset and both these nodes collectively has a memory of 32GB(16 GB per Data Node). The data set size is 100 GB and let us suppose this data, when read by spark, is partitioned into 10 partitions of 10GB each. It is obvious that the 100GB file cannot be fit into 32 GB RAM at a time. so the partitions have to be loaded into memory and processed in a iterative manner. so I assume as below.
first iteration, 2 partitions, 10GB each are loaded into memory on each data node.
second iteration, 2 partitions, 10GB each are loaded into memory on each data node.
Fifth iteration, 2 partitions, 10GB each are loaded into memory on each data node.
If this is how the spark is processing, during every iteration, only 2 partitions are loaded into memory. Does that mean, the other partitions which were unable to be accommodated in memory, were read but spilled to disk and they are waiting for the memory to be freed? or those partitions are not read at all and they will be read only when the resources are available. which is true?
During processing if there is a need to groupby/reduceby/join, then it mandates a shuffle. so if one of the shuffle partition is greater than RAM size then the job will fail with OOM error. Example, 10 partitions were processed and shuffled. Now the shuffle partitions are only 4 partitions with 25GB each.
(Default shuffle partitions are 200, but only 4 partitions have the total data remaining are empty.) since the shuffle partition size is greater than 16MB RAM, will the spark job fail? Is my understanding correct?
I understand that, you do not really need that your data fit in memory. Spark processes the data on partition basis. But My question is what if the partition itself is not fitting in memory. Would it still spill the data to disk and start processing or it will fail with OOM error?
The second question I have is, If another spark job(Job2) is triggered during the above spark job(job1) is under execution, and suppose this is also having 100GB file to process with 10 partitions of 10GB each. so when job1 Iteration1 is under execution, there is only 6 MB free slot available in the memory. The job2's partition of 10GB cannot be loaded into memory for processing job2. so will the Job2 wait till the memory is freed up? or will this job also fail with OOM error?
The explanation (bold) is correct.
On your comments:
Unless you explicitly repartition, your partitions will be HDFS block size related, the 128MB size and as many that make up that file.
Then you have number of executors, say 2, per Worker / Data Node. Then max 4 tasks / partitions will be active at any given time.
What would be the point of loading all partitions to memory if you can service at most 4? You would be clogging up the system to the detriment of other Spark Apps. This is all like a normal OS then.
Of course it is a bit more complicated, e.g. if you have 10 Data Nodes and allocation only 2 Executors, there is traffic to move stuff about. Just keeping it simple.
OOM errors only occur if a partition exceeds max partition size. For the rest disk space is needed for spilling.

Spark+yarn - scale memory with input size

I am running a spark on yarn cluster with pyspark. I have a dataset which requires loading several binary files per key, and then running some calculation that is difficult to decompose into parts - so it generally has to operate across all the data for a single key.
Currently, I set spark.executor.memory and spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead to "sane" values that work most of the time, however certain keys end up having a much larger amount of data than the average, and in these cases, the memory is insufficient and the executor ends up getting killed.
I currently do one of the following:
1) Run jobs with the default memory setting and just rerun when certain keys fail with more memory
2) If I know one of my keys has much more data, I can scale up the memory for the job as a whole, however this has the downside of drastically reducing the number of running containers I get / number of jobs running in parallel.
Ideally I would have a system where I could send off a job and have the memory in an executor scale with input size, however I know that's not spark's model. Are there any extra settings that can help me here or any tricks for dealing with this problem? Anything obvious I'm missing as a fix?
You can test the following approach: set executor memory and executor yarn overhead to your max values and add spark.executor.cores with number greater than 1 (start with 2). Additionally set spark.task.maxFailures to some big number (lets say 10).
Then on normal-sized keys spark will probably finish tasks as usual but some partitions with larger keys with fail. They will be added to retry stage and since number of partitions to retry will be much lower than initial partitions, spark will distribute them evenly to executors. If number of partitions will be lower or equal number of executors, every partition will have twice memory compared to initial execution and may succeed.
Let me know if it will work for you.

Spark: executor memory exceeds physical limit

My input dataset is about 150G.
I am setting
--conf spark.cores.max=100
--conf spark.executor.instances=20
--conf spark.executor.memory=8G
--conf spark.executor.cores=5
--conf spark.driver.memory=4G
but since data is not evenly distributed across executors, I kept getting
Container killed by YARN for exceeding memory limits. 9.0 GB of 9 GB physical memory used
here are my questions:
1. Did I not set up enough memory in the first place? I think 20 * 8G > 150G, but it's hard to make perfect distribution, so some executors will suffer
2. I think about repartition the input dataFrame, so how can I determine how many partition to set? the higher the better, or?
3. The error says "9 GB physical memory used", but i only set 8G to executor memory, where does the extra 1G come from?
Thank you!
When using yarn, there is another setting that figures into how big to make the yarn container request for your executors:
It defaults to 0.1 * your executor memory setting. It defines how much extra overhead memory to ask for in addition to what you specify as your executor memory. Try increasing this number first.
Also, a yarn container won't give you memory of an arbitrary size. It will only return containers allocated with a memory size that is a multiple of it's minimum allocation size, which is controlled by this setting:
Setting that to a smaller number will reduce the risk of you "overshooting" the amount you asked for.
I also typically set the below key to a value larger than my desired container size to ensure that the spark request is controlling how big my executors are, instead of yarn stomping on them. This is the maximum container size yarn will give out.
The 9GB is composed of the 8GB executor memory which you add as a parameter, spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead which is set to .1, so the total memory of the container is spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead + (spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead * spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead) which is 8GB + (.1 * 8GB) ≈ 9GB.
You could run the entire process using a single executor, but this would take ages. To understand this you need to know the notion of partitions and tasks. The number of partition is defined by your input and the actions. For example, if you read a 150gb csv from hdfs and your hdfs blocksize is 128mb, you will end up with 150 * 1024 / 128 = 1200 partitions, which maps directly to 1200 tasks in the Spark UI.
Every single tasks will be picked up by an executor. You don't need to hold all the 150gb in memory ever. For example, when you have a single executor, you obviously won't benefit from the parallel capabilities of Spark, but it will just start at the first task, process the data, and save it back to the dfs, and start working on the next task.
What you should check:
How big are the input partitions? Is the input file splittable at all? If a single executor has to load a massive amount of memory, it will run out of memory for sure.
What kind of actions are you performing? For example, if you do a join with very low cardinality, you end up with a massive partitions because all the rows with a specific value, end up in the same partitions.
Very expensive or inefficient actions performed? Any cartesian product etc.
Hope this helps. Happy sparking!

Partitioning the RDD for Spark Jobs

When I submit job spark in yarn cluster I see spark-UI I get 4 stages of jobs but, memory used is very low in all nodes and it says 0 out of 4 gb used. I guess that might be because I left it in default partition.
Files size ranges are betweenr 1 mb to 100 mb in s3. There are around 2700 files with size of 26 GB. And exactly same 2700 jobs were running in stage 2.
Is it worth to repartition something around 640 partitons, would it improve the performace? or
It doesn't matter if partition is granular than actually required? or
My submit parameters needs to be addressed?
Cluster details,
Cluster with 10 nodes
Overall memory 500 GB
Overall vCores 64
--excutor-memory 16 g
--num-executors 16
--executor-cores 1
Actually it runs on 17 cores out of 64. I dont want to increase the number of cores since others might use the cluster.
You partition, and repartition for following reasons:
To make sure we have enough work to distribute to the distinct cores in our cluster (nodes * cores_per_node). Obviously we need to tune the number of executors, cores per executor, and memory per executor to make that happen as intended.
To make sure we evenly distribute work: the smaller the partitions, the lesser the chance than one core might have much more work to do than all other cores. Skewed distribution can have a huge effect on total lapse time if the partitions are too big.
To keep partitions in managable sizes. Not to big, and not to small so we dont overtax GC. Also bigger partitions might have issues when we have non-linear O.
To small partitions will create too much process overhead.
As you might have noticed, there will be a goldilocks zone. Testing will help you determine ideal partition size.
Note that it is ok to have much more partitions than we have cores. Queuing partitions to be assigned a task is something that I design for.
Also make sure you configure your spark job properly otherwise:
Make sure you do not have too many executors. One or Very Few executors per node is more than enough. Fewer executors will have less overhead, as they work in shared memory space, and individual tasks are handled by threads instead of processes. There is a huge amount of overhead to starting up a process, but Threads are pretty lightweight.
Tasks need to talk to each other. If they are in the same executor, they can do that in-memory. If they are in different executors (processes), then that happens over a socket (overhead). If that is over multiple nodes, that happens over a traditional network connection (more overhead).
Assign enough memory to your executors. When using Yarn as the scheduler, it will fit the executors by default by their memory, not by the CPU you declare to use.
I do not know what your situation is (you made the node names invisible), but if you only have a single node with 15 cores, then 16 executors do not make sense. Instead, set it up with One executor, and 16 cores per executor.
