Excel Pivot Table: Different Subtotals for Different Value Fields - excel

I have an excel pivot table with two summed field values. I need to subtotal the first one using sum and the second one using average. Here is the desired output:
A Subtotal
B Subtotal
So far the closest thing I've been able to find is a custom subtotal through the field settings for Region. But this adds two rows for subtotals. Any ideas?


Multiple Calculated Columns with Filters within Single Pivot Table

I am working to create a Pivot Table in Excel that has multiple calculated fields that take into account whether a condition is true, but cannot figure out how to create this within a single Pivot Table.
Behind the scenes, I have a set of data with a column that can have these values: A,B,C,D,F,L, or R.
I have another column that is a dollar value, and another for Quantity.
I am trying to calculate the price per unit when the Category is A,B, or C, but also calculate the price per unit when the Category is D.
I can create multiple Pivot Tables and tie them to the same slicer, but the issue is this: I need to display the spending in each of the two categories for each location, and when I create two separate Pivot Tables for this, locations that do not have spending in one of the categories are excluded (in this below case, location 2 has no spending in Category D, so it does not show up in the second Pivot Table).
Here is a portion of my data set. The whole data set is over 100,000 rows and will change over time, so I do need a solution for the long-term.
Location Category Volume Quantity
1 A $120.32 6000
3 A $30.08 1300
3 A $60.16 2600
1 B $39.91 1000
2 B $318.50 13000
2 C $196.00 8000
1 D $220.50 8100
3 D $171.50 6300
3 D $35.90 1000
3 D $53.85 1500
2 F $416.50 0
1 L $24.50 0
2 L $30.08 0
1 R $55.13 0
2 R $55.13 0
3 R $110.26 0
Thanks in advance for your help and let me know if I need to clarify anything!
Alright, a little more digging yielded the answer.
A slicer should be included that has all locations selected, then it should be tied to all Pivot Tables in use.
For all Pivot Tables, go to Field Settings, then click on the Layout and Print Tab. Check the box 'Show items with no data'.
Then go to Pivot Table Options and select the values you would like to display for blanks and errors.
I found the solution here.

How to build Stacked graphs in Excel not amounting to 100%

If I have a data :
year Total Balance subset 1 subset 2
1 100 50 20
2 300 200 175
3 200 65 35
4 50 25 5
Can i have a stacked column graph with "year" on X-Axis and the Y-Axis should be the balances- maximum being Total Balance and subset 1 and subset 2 be stacked within the Total Balance?
No direct way, however by transforming your values you can do it:
insert new columns with formula: =C2*$B2/SUM($C2:$D2)
insert your chart based on the new columns
Yes, assuming I got right what you need: insert the graph manually, and select your year values on the axis labels box (right side) and add each column (Total Balance, subset 1, subset 2) individually on the left side box.
Here's what I got
And here's my 'Select data' windows (sorry it's in portuguese)

2 subtotal lines showing on excel pivot table

I have an Excel pivot table which summarises values using the MAX function. I've set the row subtotal to SUM the max values and display it at the top of each group.
For some reason I still get a subtotal which shows the max for each group as well and I cant turn it off.
Table shows something like
Category Customer 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months
Customers 1 1 1
Customers 1018 4726 10511
Customers over £10,000 1 1 1
Customers over £10,000 26 237 542

How to get the latest date with same ID in Excel

I want to Get the Record with the most recent date as same ID's have different dates. Need to pick the BOLD values. Below is the sample data, As original data consist of 10000 records.
ID Date
5 25/02/2014
5 7/02/2014
5 6/12/2013
5 25/11/2013
5 4/11/2013
3 5/05/2013
3 19/02/2013
3 12/11/2012
1 7/03/2013
2 24/09/2012
2 7/09/2012
4 6/12/2013
4 19/04/2013
4 31/03/2013
4 26/08/2012
What I would do is in column B use this formula and fill down
in column C
then filter column B to a specific value of interest and sort by column C to order these values by date.
Edit: Even easier do a two level sort by B then by C newest to oldest. The first B in the list is newest.
Do you need a programmatic / formula only solution or can you use a workflow? If a workflow will work, then how about this:
Construct a pivot table of your data
Make the Rows Labels the ID
Make the Values Max of Date
The resulting table is your answer.
Row Labels Max of Date
1 07/03/13
2 24/09/12
3 05/05/13
4 06/12/13
5 25/02/14

Grand total for pivot table not giving me the correct amount when using a calculated field

I have a pivot table that I put a calculated field in. the calculation is =IF(fddue_date<finspectData,0,COUNT(fLotSize))
The problem is that instead of getting the expected result of 6 I get 1. Any one have an idea what I am doing wrong?
Row Labels Count of fLotSize Sum of Field1
5/12/2014 1 0
5/14/2014 7 1
5/15/2014 9 1
5/16/2014 5 1
5/19/2014 3 1
5/30/2014 1 1
6/9/2014 1 1
Grand Total 27 1
This is a side effect of the calculated field and it treats the grand total the same way as any other row in the pivot table.
If you want to use this type of calculated formula and have a sum shown in the grand total, the best way is to create the formula in the source data table and then pull it into your pivot table as a separate column which will show the correct grand total.
it's by the way a known bug since at least Excel 2003. still in 2013 ...
