2 subtotal lines showing on excel pivot table - excel

I have an Excel pivot table which summarises values using the MAX function. I've set the row subtotal to SUM the max values and display it at the top of each group.
For some reason I still get a subtotal which shows the max for each group as well and I cant turn it off.
Table shows something like
Category Customer 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months
Customers 1 1 1
Customers 1018 4726 10511
Customers over £10,000 1 1 1
Customers over £10,000 26 237 542


Excel Pivot Table: Different Subtotals for Different Value Fields

I have an excel pivot table with two summed field values. I need to subtotal the first one using sum and the second one using average. Here is the desired output:
A Subtotal
B Subtotal
So far the closest thing I've been able to find is a custom subtotal through the field settings for Region. But this adds two rows for subtotals. Any ideas?

Use a Count field as a row in Excel Pivot table

Not sure if it is possible but I'd like to have a pivot table that summarizes how many occasions properties have been missed, and then shows the number of times properties have been missed that many times.
What I'm looking to end up with is something like the below:
1 102
2 76
3 23
4 11
5 2
Information is currently in the following format:
1029292 1/1/2020
1029292 5/6/2020
1010101 1/2/2020
1046353 4/3/2020
3894387 8/2/2020
3894387 7/2/2020
3894387 9/2/2020
So this would give the following table:
1 2
2 1
3 1
Is this possible? And if so, how?
Pivot tables in Excel can summarize data not only with SUM function, but also with COUNT and other functions.
Right-click a field in the "Sum values" field chooser and then select Value Field Settings... From there you can choose the function to summarize your data (COUNT in your case).

Show sales figures over time per employee

Assume the following data:
day employee sales
1 a 0
1 b 10
1 c 10
2 a 5
2 b 7
2 c 10
3 a 3
3 b 3
3 c 5
I would like to have a chart with on the x-asis the days (1, 2, 3) and on the y-axis the number of sales. Each employee should have its own line, so they can be compared.
I am unable to get a chart like this. I expect to get 3 lines when selecting all data, but Excel returns 1 line per data-row instead. It does not, so to speak, group the sales by employee. How can I get the chart I want? Is it even possible?
Any help is greatly appreciated :-)
Have you tried a pivot table or pivot chart? Just drop your employee name in your row section, sum your sales, and I think that's what you're looking for.

Grand total for pivot table not giving me the correct amount when using a calculated field

I have a pivot table that I put a calculated field in. the calculation is =IF(fddue_date<finspectData,0,COUNT(fLotSize))
The problem is that instead of getting the expected result of 6 I get 1. Any one have an idea what I am doing wrong?
Row Labels Count of fLotSize Sum of Field1
5/12/2014 1 0
5/14/2014 7 1
5/15/2014 9 1
5/16/2014 5 1
5/19/2014 3 1
5/30/2014 1 1
6/9/2014 1 1
Grand Total 27 1
This is a side effect of the calculated field and it treats the grand total the same way as any other row in the pivot table.
If you want to use this type of calculated formula and have a sum shown in the grand total, the best way is to create the formula in the source data table and then pull it into your pivot table as a separate column which will show the correct grand total.
it's by the way a known bug since at least Excel 2003. still in 2013 ...

Calculate Percentages on Excel Pivot Table Totals

I have Excel source data with Phase, Team, and Early or Late. I've created a pivot table to summarize the data like this:
Team 1 | Team 2 |
Phase Early | Late | Total | Early | Late | Total | Grand Total
Phase 1 2 3 5 0 1 1 6
Phase 2 4 5 9 2 2 4 13
Phase 3 5 6 11 1 1 2 13
Grand Total 11 14 25 3 4 7 32
I'd like to calculate percentages of the totals (so the total early for team 1 divided by the total for team 1--or 11/25 for 44% early, and then the total late divided by the total, or 14/25 for 56% late).
I tried using formulas below the pivot table, which worked great, but they get out of whack if the source data doesn't have records that fall in a column (so if there are no late items for Team 2, that column disappears). Is there an easy fix or a way to keep the pivot table at a set number of rows or columns?
Instead of constructing formulas separately from the pivot table you can just set the pivot table to calculate the percentages directly. That way you don't have to worry about how many columns and rows are in the pivot table. In Excel 2010 (2007 s/b the same too) go to the PivotTable Tools ribbon then options and under calculations click the dropdown Show Values As and select % of Parent Column Total.
