QGIS 3.22.0 cannot toggle editing in Attribute table - attributes

I want to select some features and edit their attribute but the toggle editing button wouldn't activate at all.
Features - from csv file with Latitude and Longitude values
Coordinate - EPSG 4326
Map - shapefile of South Korean peninsula
These are features on my map on QGIS 3.22.0
I selected one of the features.
When I open the selected feature’s table, the toggle editing button would not activate.

CSV files are not editable, save your layer to a geopackage and edit that.


Viewing Multiple columns in Android Studio

Is it possible to code in two or more columns in ANDROID STUDIO at the same time?
For example: In Sublime Text 3, I can go to View>Layout>columns:2 to be able to see two open files at the same time and edit both of them. This is a Screen Shot of two columns opened in sublime text
Right click on file name at the top of the editor. And select either split vertically/horizontally to duplicate or move right/left
we can do it just by taking a Right-click on the activity to be multitasked from the activity draw displayed just above the Typing console(coding area) and choose the option "Move to Right ":

Excel text data import Step 3 select columns via keyboard on Mac

I am experiencing the following issue in Microsoft Excel for Mac 2016. When using the From Text data import function and clicking through the first two steps (selecting "Delimited" and defining delimiter), Step 3 allows for changing the column data format. By default, column 1 is selected and I can click to select any other column that fits into the window, as shown in the screenshot below. However, it seems that it is not possible to select columns that are to the right of those visible in the window. In my example below, there are about four more columns to the right. Scrolling and arrow-keys seem to not work in the Mac version.
Is there a keyboard shortcut, or some other workaround, that I am missing?
Perform a two-finger touch (not a complete tap), more like a contact. A slider bar will appear at the bottom of the columns. Now is your chance to grab it with one-finger click. If you begin with the pointer in the bottom part of the columns, it is much easier to grab the slider as it should be under the pointer. This probably works on other such windows.

How to change POI icons in Skobbler

Is it possible to change the map POI icons with a custom image or logo? I tried from StyleEditor, but i could change only the color of the selected POI.
You can change the color and texture of that selected POI category
e.g: in the StyleEditor, select "restaurant” from the map and change its color to red->all restaurant POIs will be red.
Each POI has a unique texture ID associated to it (found in the "TexID" text box)
e.g: out-of-the box the restaurant POI has texture id 1020 associated to it
Changing the ID to another texture ID: insert the new ID (see Features window at zoom levels 17-18) in the "TexID" text box (make sure that you choose "All Levels" before making the change so that the texture changes is applied at all zoom levels).
To add a new a new texture: first, make sure the image you want to add is in PNG format, colour space RGB, and the image resolution is 512x512 px.
copy the image in StyleEditor/MapResources/Common folder or in the Style's folder (e.g: StyleEditor/DayStyle folder if you are modifying the Daystyle)
add the texture in the StyleEditor from the Dialogs menu -> “Add Textures” option
browse for the desired image, in the "Add Textures" dialog box, by pressing the + button
give it an ID (make sure its unique) by entering it in the TextureID input box
click Add & OK buttons to finish adding up the new texture
Make sure to save your style

Converting Text to Outlines in Publisher 2013

In order to be able to print a Publisher file, I've converted it into PDF with the commercial press options enabled. However, Publisher does not seem to convert the text objects to outlines/paths.
Is there any way to convert all text objects in Publisher to outlines (for a PDF file)?
It can't be done in Publisher. The alternative is embedding the fonts in the PDF, but the font needs to be embeddable.
Click the File tab, point to Commercial Printing Tools, and then click Manage Embedded Fonts.
In the Fonts dialog box, select the font, and then do one of the following:
To embed the font when the font has been set to not be embedded, click Embed.
To change the embedding status to Don't embed when the font has been set to be embedded, click Don't embed.
It can be done.
Select your text, then in Text Box Tools, in the Outline drop down choose the black option.
Still with the text selected, right click, choose Change Text and in there change the font colour to white.
Your text is now outlined.

How to vertically align the text in static text box in PowerBuilder?

How to vertically align the text in static text box in PowerBuilder like the following picture? It can be aligned horizontally to left, center, right. But cannot do the same thing vertically.
As far as I know, it cannot be done out of the box.
I have made it anyway "by hand" with the help of the windows API: DrawText(), OffsetRect() and so on to create an improved rounded command button.
You can look at the code in that gist (look at the of_drawtext() method).
Can you explain the purpose of this text box?
Maybe you could use another object where you can easily move your text within.
The text in the box may have a variable number of line?
Do you use sql on the window object?
Maybe put this text between line feed in compute field within the datawindow you used can help you.(Handy Manny's style.....i agree....).
Erf....Seki answered faster
You can use a DW to vertically align a text.
An attribute of the dw static text called "font.escapement" sets the angle at which you want your text displayed.
To display text vertically, set the escapement attribute to 900 (10 * the angle) or to 2700.
Please notice that you will not see the effect in the datawindow painter, you'll have to preview your dw to see if the text is in the correct angle.
