How to change POI icons in Skobbler - skmaps

Is it possible to change the map POI icons with a custom image or logo? I tried from StyleEditor, but i could change only the color of the selected POI.

You can change the color and texture of that selected POI category
e.g: in the StyleEditor, select "restaurant” from the map and change its color to red->all restaurant POIs will be red.
Each POI has a unique texture ID associated to it (found in the "TexID" text box)
e.g: out-of-the box the restaurant POI has texture id 1020 associated to it
Changing the ID to another texture ID: insert the new ID (see Features window at zoom levels 17-18) in the "TexID" text box (make sure that you choose "All Levels" before making the change so that the texture changes is applied at all zoom levels).
To add a new a new texture: first, make sure the image you want to add is in PNG format, colour space RGB, and the image resolution is 512x512 px.
copy the image in StyleEditor/MapResources/Common folder or in the Style's folder (e.g: StyleEditor/DayStyle folder if you are modifying the Daystyle)
add the texture in the StyleEditor from the Dialogs menu -> “Add Textures” option
browse for the desired image, in the "Add Textures" dialog box, by pressing the + button
give it an ID (make sure its unique) by entering it in the TextureID input box
click Add & OK buttons to finish adding up the new texture
Make sure to save your style


Excel - how to hide value in a chart's datalebel

I have embedded an image to a chart's datalabel. I want to only keep the image and not the value which appears on top of the image.
However I'm not sure how i can get rid of the value to only show the image?
I thought could've set the font colour to transparent but that's not available. I also played around with the number formatter but had no luck?
I'm using Windows/Excel 2010
Clicking on one of the data labels once will select all of them, clicking a second time will select only the one you clicked on. Then just hit the delete button. (You should also be able to edit the font/colour in the Home tab.)

How to delete selected area?

I'm working with fabricjs and am trying to create something like Paint, so I can open an image and edit it.
I would like to be able to select an area on this img, and delete it (-> fill it with white color), how can I have a visible selected area, get its coordinates, and fill it with white?

Change color of data label placed, using the 'best fit' option, outside a pie chart - Excel 2010

I am working with a pie chart whose data labels are added using the best fit property. Most of those labels are placed by Excel inside the pie, but some of them are placed outside.
Because of some series colors are so strong, the data labels had to be defined as white. Of course, the labels placed outside the pie wont be visible if I don't manually change their color (to black, for instance)
What I am trying to do is to conditionally change the label's color according to where Excel placed it (white inside the pie, black outside it), as in the following image:
I have been searching for a solution, but it seems that nobody had a similar problem.
Does anyone know if Excel allows this or does someone know a trick to bypass it?
There is a way to do this in Excel.
When you click on the chart, and go to Layout under Chart Tools.
Once there, go to Data Labels.
When you click on that, it will display a drop-down menu. At the bottom of the menu, click on More Data Label Options.
It will pull up a new window. On the sidebar of the new window, click on Number.
Then, under Category click on Custom.
In the textbox shown under Format Code, type in [Black][<0.05]0%;[White][>=0.05]0%
Click Add.
It should format the numbers outside the pie chart in your example black, and the numbers inside the pie white. If you had different data, you could format it the same, but you would have to change the number in the brackets after the color to the number one higher than number outside of the pie. It would be like this: [Black][<(number one higher than number outside of the pie)]0%;[White][>=(number one higher than number outside of the pie)]0%
Screenshot of Pie Chart Formatting

Change the Label's size and color in Excel

I would liek to change the label (right side), created in excel, into blue color with the same size as the data in C5.
Don't know how to do it in Excel. Tried to find a solution but i failed.
First, make sure you are using an ActiveX Control label and not a Form Control Label.
Then, right click your label and select properties. In the properties list, click the font property and it will reveal an ellipsis button (...) to the right. Click the ellipsis button and select you desired size.
To change the color, select your desired color in the Forecolor property below font. (options are limited for labels).
To change via VBA, you can lookup you desired color code by selecting the color in the forecolor property mentioned above. Then, do something like this in your code:
Label1.Font.Size = 36
Label1.ForeColor = &H80000001

Adding tab icons is shrinking the size of the tab and not showing the full icon

I'm using the Java Scene Builder 2.0 to create a GUI that uses the tab pane. I've added an Imageview to each tab so I can give them icons instead of text. I set the tabs minimum width and height to 100x100 and they adjust to that size. When I add an imageview to the tab I'm making it's minimum width and height 100x100 but it shrinks the tab size and only shows a part of the icon. This happens when the imageview has a picture and when it doesn't so I don't think it's a problem with the size of the picture.
You can see from this picture the first tab from the left doesn't have an imageview and is the size I want the tabs to be. The second tab has an empty image view and the rest of the tabs have images. I would like the images to be 100x100 and fit in the tabs.
A Java Scene Builder solution is prefered but I will also gladly accept a code solution.
I solved the problem it was something simple. In the tab pane Layout settings I only changed the min height/width to 100x100 but I left the max height/width to the default which was 1.7976931348623157E308. I didn't notice that number was so small at first and I changed it to 200. Now the images display better.
