Call azure DevOps API from custom azure webapp api without user behalf - azure

I have an Azure WebApp which needs to call the Azure DevOps API to trigger a build pipeline.
The only problem I have is to find out which is the proper way to authenticate from my web api against azure devops API.
Should I use a service principal account for that, or Managed Identity?
Do I have to create a service account in Azure AD, give him rights on Azure DevOps ?
I only have a route which then calls the DevOps API, so I need to authenticate at the moment the route was called with a Principal from the WebApp.
Iam a little bit lost how to do it the right way, because there is so much information about the auth topic.
Currently I use my personal account with PAT from Azure KeyVault, which is only a temporary solution.
Thanks & Regards

If you check this Choose the right authentication mechanism document, you will find several types of authentication mechanism from your Web App API against azure DevOps API.
But it's mostly recommended to use Azure DevOps Services Client Libraries for authentication and accessing Azure DevOps Services resources. You can authenticate your web app users for REST API access, so your app doesn't continue to ask for usernames and passwords.
Azure DevOps Services uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol to authorize your app for a user and generate an access token. Use this token when you call the REST APIs from your application. When you call Azure DevOps Services APIs for that user, use that user's access token. Access tokens expire, so refresh the access token if it's expired.
I would suggest to read this Authorize access to REST APIs with OAuth 2.0 document for the more explanation and detailed approach to achieve the result.
In case, if any required functionality is missing from the client libraries, MSAL is an alternative authentication mechanism to use with our REST APIs.


Is it possible to call external Azure Service with AD Token from within D365/PowerApp plugins?

I am new to D365/PowerApps and wonder if i have a Azure Service, (Azure Functions or WebAPP) that is secured with Azure AD tokens (App Registrations).
Can I get an Access Token to my external services using Azure AD from within a plugin step in d365? How do I get such token on behalf of the context the plugin when running as a user.
You'll need to use Flow and compose a http request to get the token:
Here's a good explanation on how to do it using the REST API:
If I understand your question correct,
You have an Azure function APP or external azure service and that is secured by creating Azure AD App with it's roles delegation and so on.
Now you need Access token for this Azure APP with client ID and Client Secret.
We had this similar thing in Dynamics 365 i.e When we wish to use Dynamics 365 Webapi, We need to create Azure AD App and then provide roles delegation so that this app will have access to Dynamics 365.
In Plugin we can give details with client Id and Secret and then generate Token which will be used for Furthure process during plugin Execution.
Note: Most of these plugins we run under System context.
Here are few examples which will lead you to your desired direction.
Most of the Examples also talk about creating Non-Interactive user in Dynamics but in your case that shall not be needed because you are not communicating with Dynamics via (Azure AD App) rather you communicate with Azure functions or so on.
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3

Azure API: Grant Permissions to Users in Different Tenant

We have a client that owns two separate Azure Cloud tenants: ACloud and BCloud.
ACloud contains their regular SaaS and Azure AD users log in with
BCloud contains only IT/sysadmin users managing cloud PaaS resources and users log in with
We have deployed an API to BCloud which requires Azure AD authentication. The API is being called from a mobile app written in React. There, users are presented with a login screen and must login using
However, we want users to be able to log in using their normal
Is there a way to configure the API in BCloud to use ACloud’s Azure AD for authentication to an API hosted in BCloud?
One resource from Microsoft recommended using the graph API. I think the graph API would allow the mobile app to authenticate the user’s ACloud account, but that SAML token won’t work against BCloud’s API. We are looking for some way that the API in BCloud can accept user tokens from ACloud, so I suspect there is some configuration we need to make in BCloud to trust ACloud’s Azure AD.
Thanks in advance!

Programmatically access Microsoft identity across Azure, VSTS, and Graph

Is there a way with a single app to access Graph, VSTS, and Azure information? It seems access to each of these requires it's own app with origination and callback urls.
For Azure, I'm using NPM's passport-azure-ad in a node js app.
Ideally, I would like to combine VSTS build info, Azure service usage info, and User profile info.
Each of the services you mentioned has their own API:
Visual Studio Team Services REST API
Microsoft Graph
This does not however mean that they also each need their own "app". When you register your application in Azure AD via the Azure Portal you're able to request access to a number APIs. Each access_token you receive will be tied to one API (called a "resource") but you can use the refresh_token to switch the targeted resource:
The only exception here is the VSTS REST API. While most APIs use the same identity provider, VSTS has their own. So for the purposes of VSTS, you will need to have the user authenticate separately. Obviously, that isn't a great user experience but there is a useful workaround: Personal Access Tokens.
Using a Personal Access Token for VSTS allows you to authenticate the user via Azure AD OAuth and get an access token you can use with Microsoft Graph and the Azure REST API. Once you've authenticated them, you can ask them to provide a Personal Access Token to access VSTS. This allows you to forgot asking the user to authenticate a second time since you'll store their PAT use it for any calls to VSTS.
First, there is Allow scripts to access OAuth token option in the Phase of Build/Release definition, you can check this option and access the token through System.AcessToken variable.
To grant the permission for that user, you need to grant the permission(s) for Project Collection Build Service (xxxx) account.
Secondly, there are some tasks related to Azure (e.g. Azure PowerShell), that can access azure resources (The AAD application is associated to the Azure endpoint)
You can retrieve the necessary information in multiple task, then store the result in the variables through Logging Commands (##vso[task.setvariable]value), then combine them together.

Authentication for web api using azure AD

I need to implement authentication for azure web api using azure active directory.
client app(which consumes webapi) may or may not be in azure. how i need to authenticate user, where i should generate token if my app is not in azure(if it is IOS app). authentication should work in all cases even if client app is in azure or not.
Please let me now the best procedure to implement authentication.
You need to define the client app in Azure AD as a native app in the case of a mobile app. Then you define the API there, and add your client permissions to access it. You can optionally customize the available permissions through the API app's manifest in Azure AD. Then when your mobile app opens, you would have to authenticate with Azure AD, and then request an access token for the API. That you can then use to authenticate requests.
I can't answer this question in too great detail because it is quite a large topic and how it is done also depends on your platform. There is a sample app that you can check which does exactly what you want. The whole list of examples for native apps can be found here.
App Service to use different authentication providers Azure Active Directory,Facebook,Google,Microsoft,Twitter.
We can set any type of Authentication/Authorization in the Azure Portal.More info about how to use authentication for API Apps in Azure App Service, please refer to document.
By default, App Service provides authentication but does not restrict authorized access to your site content and APIs. You must authorize users in your app code.

Azure Management API access from a web app

Is it possible to gain access to the Azure Management APIs through the client ID and secret for a web app?
I have a web app through which i want to be able to manage Azure. I want to do this using the credentials of the application itself so that the current user does not have to be an azure administrator.
I have given the web app the necessary role on my subscriptions and obtained the access token through the client credentials grant flow in AD but i still get an unauthorized.
This is probably because the azure management API has no permission set other than delegated - the access works fine if i use the authorization code grant flow for the logged in user, but thats not what i want.
So to reiterate, if, given a web app that has RBAC to a subscription and is able to obtain an access token from AD, is there any way, without an interactive user, that the web app is able to use the management API??
Yes, you can obtain a token from AAD for a service principal and use that to manage resources as long as that service principal has all the access you need.
Make sure the token you get has a resource/audience of "" and is for the tenantId that the subscription is associated with.
You can also see this article from Brady Gaster that explains how to use Azure AD applications to manage Azure Services from an external app :
EDIT : Azure AD supports Service to Service calls using OAuth 2.0 client credentials:
Hope this helps,
