Azure API: Grant Permissions to Users in Different Tenant - azure

We have a client that owns two separate Azure Cloud tenants: ACloud and BCloud.
ACloud contains their regular SaaS and Azure AD users log in with
BCloud contains only IT/sysadmin users managing cloud PaaS resources and users log in with
We have deployed an API to BCloud which requires Azure AD authentication. The API is being called from a mobile app written in React. There, users are presented with a login screen and must login using
However, we want users to be able to log in using their normal
Is there a way to configure the API in BCloud to use ACloud’s Azure AD for authentication to an API hosted in BCloud?
One resource from Microsoft recommended using the graph API. I think the graph API would allow the mobile app to authenticate the user’s ACloud account, but that SAML token won’t work against BCloud’s API. We are looking for some way that the API in BCloud can accept user tokens from ACloud, so I suspect there is some configuration we need to make in BCloud to trust ACloud’s Azure AD.
Thanks in advance!


Is it possible to call external Azure Service with AD Token from within D365/PowerApp plugins?

I am new to D365/PowerApps and wonder if i have a Azure Service, (Azure Functions or WebAPP) that is secured with Azure AD tokens (App Registrations).
Can I get an Access Token to my external services using Azure AD from within a plugin step in d365? How do I get such token on behalf of the context the plugin when running as a user.
You'll need to use Flow and compose a http request to get the token:
Here's a good explanation on how to do it using the REST API:
If I understand your question correct,
You have an Azure function APP or external azure service and that is secured by creating Azure AD App with it's roles delegation and so on.
Now you need Access token for this Azure APP with client ID and Client Secret.
We had this similar thing in Dynamics 365 i.e When we wish to use Dynamics 365 Webapi, We need to create Azure AD App and then provide roles delegation so that this app will have access to Dynamics 365.
In Plugin we can give details with client Id and Secret and then generate Token which will be used for Furthure process during plugin Execution.
Note: Most of these plugins we run under System context.
Here are few examples which will lead you to your desired direction.
Most of the Examples also talk about creating Non-Interactive user in Dynamics but in your case that shall not be needed because you are not communicating with Dynamics via (Azure AD App) rather you communicate with Azure functions or so on.
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3

Secret Key / Access Key with Azure Active Directory, enterprise application, app roles?

We are working on WEB APIs and want to integrate Azure AD for AuthN and AuthZ. We have successfully integrated the same. We have created enterprise applications, custom roles, assigned users for the same.
Now we need to allow access to APIs with AWS like keys (Secret / Access keys). Individual user can generate their own keys and store those in Azure AD so that when those keys are used, user can be authenticated.
I didn't find any way to achieve this using Azure AD. Any suggestions around same are welcome.
Meanwhile I have gone through custom store for keys. Please refer link :
Thanks in advance.
Azure AD authentication uses tokens.
So any app wishing to call your API must authenticate with AAD and acquire a token for the API.
If these users are making apps within your organisation, then they can register their app in your AAD and require access to your API. They will create and manage their own keys.
If on the other hand these users are making an app for another organisation, you'll have to make your API a multi-tenant app.
And you'll need to have an on-boarding page in your API through which you will redirect their admin/user to the AAD login page, where they will consent to any permissions your API requires.
After this a service principal is created in their tenant.
Then they can register their client apps and require access to your API.
They will have full control which permissions they want to assign to each app, what roles to give to users etc. But of course the tokens will contain their tenant id so you can filter access on that.

Authentication for web api using azure AD

I need to implement authentication for azure web api using azure active directory.
client app(which consumes webapi) may or may not be in azure. how i need to authenticate user, where i should generate token if my app is not in azure(if it is IOS app). authentication should work in all cases even if client app is in azure or not.
Please let me now the best procedure to implement authentication.
You need to define the client app in Azure AD as a native app in the case of a mobile app. Then you define the API there, and add your client permissions to access it. You can optionally customize the available permissions through the API app's manifest in Azure AD. Then when your mobile app opens, you would have to authenticate with Azure AD, and then request an access token for the API. That you can then use to authenticate requests.
I can't answer this question in too great detail because it is quite a large topic and how it is done also depends on your platform. There is a sample app that you can check which does exactly what you want. The whole list of examples for native apps can be found here.
App Service to use different authentication providers Azure Active Directory,Facebook,Google,Microsoft,Twitter.
We can set any type of Authentication/Authorization in the Azure Portal.More info about how to use authentication for API Apps in Azure App Service, please refer to document.
By default, App Service provides authentication but does not restrict authorized access to your site content and APIs. You must authorize users in your app code.

Does the GraphAPI support SSO (auto-login) for Domain Users?

I have a web app (node.js) which will access the GraphAPI through OAuth using ADAL to my company's Azure AD. Does it support SSO such that the domain user doesn't need to give credential again after domain login?
The Azure AD Graph API is not used for SSO, you can refer to its API reference.
The Azure Active Directory Graph API provides programmatic access to Azure Active Directory through REST API endpoints. Apps can use the Azure AD Graph API to perform create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations on directory data and directory objects, such as users, groups, and organizational contacts.
For more details of single sign-on, please see the doc What is application access and single sign-on with Azure Active Directory?

Azure Management API access from a web app

Is it possible to gain access to the Azure Management APIs through the client ID and secret for a web app?
I have a web app through which i want to be able to manage Azure. I want to do this using the credentials of the application itself so that the current user does not have to be an azure administrator.
I have given the web app the necessary role on my subscriptions and obtained the access token through the client credentials grant flow in AD but i still get an unauthorized.
This is probably because the azure management API has no permission set other than delegated - the access works fine if i use the authorization code grant flow for the logged in user, but thats not what i want.
So to reiterate, if, given a web app that has RBAC to a subscription and is able to obtain an access token from AD, is there any way, without an interactive user, that the web app is able to use the management API??
Yes, you can obtain a token from AAD for a service principal and use that to manage resources as long as that service principal has all the access you need.
Make sure the token you get has a resource/audience of "" and is for the tenantId that the subscription is associated with.
You can also see this article from Brady Gaster that explains how to use Azure AD applications to manage Azure Services from an external app :
EDIT : Azure AD supports Service to Service calls using OAuth 2.0 client credentials:
Hope this helps,
