Microsoft Assure Bot service - bots

Is there any possible way of creating a Assure bot, when O365 email is received to particular persons and can we send a automated call or voice message through MS Teams to alert relevant person.
Thanks in advance.

I would suggest to avoid mapping Email channel and simply send your email with whatever sender you prefer (SmtpClient, SendGrid...).
your bot can use the channel data property to instruct Office365 to send an email.
Here is link To create a channel specific functionality.


Sending Gmail as other user's in Workspace

The company I work for is just now adopting a ticketing system for their IT help requests. Previously, all of our users have access to a Slack account and would start a message thread in an itsupport labeled channel to begin a "ticket". Now we would like users to send an email to an inbox which will then in turn create a ticket within the ticketing system. Since we know our end-users are going to still send Slack messages in the channel, I have been tasked with making an integration between Slack and a Google inbox designated for our help desk requests. The ticketing system is managed by an IT company we are contracted with, thus I am not the one integrating the Google Inbox and the ticketing system. I am only tasked with the integration between Slack and the mailing inbox.
Not sure if this context is needed, but I am currently using Node.js to capture the requests sent from Slack and then using Nodemailer to send the emails into the itsupport#company inbox.
The problem I have ran into (I found some questions related earlier but am having a hard time finding them now) is figuring out how to send an email on behalf on any user within our Google Workspace. For example, if Joe Schmo sends a message in the correct Slack channel, I would like to be able to send an email to the inbox as rather than my personal Google workspace account or through a generalized IT user account. How would I achieve this goal? I could change the "From" name however it would be preferred if I could send the email from any email address in our workspace.

Parse a value from a message in Teams using Flow

Currently I send MessageCards to Teams via the O365 connecter from Cherwell. In the message there is an #NAME being the name of the technician in Cherwell.
Does anyone know of a way to parse a new message in FLOW (starting with the 'When a new channel message is added' method) to use the name after the # as a mention in the channel.
So basically the Message appears via the O365 connector, then the flow runs to mention the person in the channel where the message arrived?
Worked a treat. I parsed out the email address from the JSON that was sent as the MessageCard then created a flow that created a variable and wrapped the around it and using he Flow Bot now have the mentions sending around from a MessageCard being sent via the O365 connector to Teams.

How can Microsoft team automatically do outgoing webhook?

I am developing MS teams bot.
I am creating a function to send a webhook automatically when I receive a message.
The development was carried out by referring to the URL below.
Like the URL above, teams support outgoing webbook.
However, the outgoing webbook must manually enter #mention in the chat window for the bot to work.
I want to tag #mention automatically when I receive a message
Is there a way to do a webhook?
Even if it's not an outgoing webbook,
The robot or ms flow can receive messages and send messages automatically.
I want to develop a robot.
You also need to provide that bot for use by multiple teams.
I'm not sure if you can automatically sync all messages in a channel. But you can use the graph API to constantly check the channel for new messages and pull them into your service.Graph API
You can subscribe to notifications for Microsoft Teams messages. This feature is available in beta on the Microsoft Graph API.

how to use email channel in microsoft bot builder

Currently i am using slack channel with bot builder.
I want to use email channel, is there any sample code for this.
What is effective way to send email from bot to avoid spam
I am using node js
There's no extra code needed for the email channel. Your bot will reply to the body of an email it receives. You can add things like channel specific code if you like. Right now only office 365 emails will work, please read the documentation here
The bot will reply to an email sent to the registered email address with an email where the body is the same message that you would see as a response in other channels like slack, emulator, etc

Choose email account before sending mail?

I am creating a application with mail sending functionality. I am sending mail using MFMailComposeViewController. What I want to do is if there are multiple Mail accounts configured on user device then before sending mail it should ask for the sender email account. That from which user wants to send mail.
Is there any way to do this or this is provided by default. I am working on simulator so can't test right now.
First you need to set multiple accounts in your mail app. If you have multiple accounts there than while presenting MFMailComposer View there in from field it will allow you to choose your mail account from which you want to send mail. Its a default behaviour of Mail Composer.
Hope this helps :)
