Dialogflow Package.json Updates - node.js

I have a concern about updates related to package.json (dialogflow). I would like to know when I need to update the dependencies. For example I have "actions-on-google": "^ 2.2.0" and check a new version "3.0.0" or "nodemailer": "6.4.11" with the new version "6.7.0". I would like to clarify that with all previous versions the dialogflow agent actually works fine. However in the future it may not work without updates ...
Can anyone give me a suggestion?

Applications depends on a variety of third-party packages. As time passes, dependencies on the application will change.
There are two things you need to know about the dependencies updates.
When and why do you need to update application's dependencies.
Some reasons you need to update the dependencies:
Security and Critical bug fixes. Security updates and other critical bug fixes need to happen as soon as possible. Application needs to be secured enough for someone not to steal your data or your data being corrupted.
New releases with new features. Updates have new APIs, and less critical but still a useful bug fixes.
For best practice, you should atleast update the dependencies once or twice a month. Most of the dependencies won’t have an update, or will only have point releases, this makes the update low risk. When doing updates frequently, there's only a small number of major changes should have happened, so if there are problems you will be able to easily pinpoint the issue.
The Symbols relating to the package version.
Version number is split into three values. These are called major, minor and patch. For example, "nodemailer": "6.4.11", the major is 6, the minor is 4 and the patch is 11. The patch will change most frequently (for very small change), while the major should only be changed if there are a major or serious code overhaul.
equality. If not operator in front of the version number or having equal sign in front. Example, "nodemailer": "6.4.11" or "nodemailer": "=6.4.11"
less than/greater. You will see <=, >, etc. Example, "nodemailer": ">=6.4.11" would match 6.7.0, 6.6.5, 6.5.0, etc.
hyphen. You can use - between two versions, the you specify. This is useful if you need to maintain some legacy feature that you know will break at a specific version. Example, 6.4.11 - 6.6.5. This will include both endpoints.
X marks the spot. Any of X, x, or * may be used to “stand in” for one of the numeric values. Example:
* := >=0.0.0 (Any version satisfies)
6.x := >=6.0.0 <7.0.0 (Matching major version)
6.4.x := >=6.4.0 <6.5.0 (Matching major and minor versions)
tilde. The ~ means "approximate version". This allows for more recent patches, but does not accept any packages with a different minor version. Example, ~6.4.11 will allow values between 6.4.11 and 6.5, not including 6.5.
carat. The ^ means "compatible with version", and is more broad than the tilde. It only refuses changes to the major version. Example, ^6.4.11 will allow any version between the value and 7.0.0, not including version 7.
For more information, please check semantic versioning.


Breaking change in previous major release

I am seeking guidance for the following scenario -
Assume that we have the following multiple production versions of a public API -
If a bug/defect was identified in the "1.1.0" version fixing which would introduce a breaking non-backward compatible change, how would the versioning need to be handled? Following semver, a breaking change would necessitate incrementing the major version - so "1.1.0" should become "2.0.0". However, we already have the next major version "2.1.2" live with its own changes.
Is it advisable to skip numbers between major version upgrades to accomodate for such scenarios? i.e. the next planned major version after "1.0.0" should have been "3.0.0"?
Any other suggestions?
so "1.1.0" should become "2.0.0"
Not true. Not only do you already have a 2.0.0, the semver spec doesn't require monotonicity. You can release it as 3.0.0 or 100.0.0. Normally however, this is where you would discontinue support for the 1.y.z series and encourage folks to upgrade to your existing 2.y.z.
Another option would be to merge the feature sets of 1.0.0 and 2.0.0 into 3.0.0.
You made certain choices in the past, that affect the future evolution of your branded product, and your reputation as an organization. When you claim to be applying semantic versioning, you MUST not release a breaking change without bumping the major version number. The longer you adhere to the specified semantics, the more your customers will trust your claim.
You did not sign any contracts with a standards body in this case, but beyond that, none of us here at SO can advice you on your current legal obligations to your customers. It's up to you to decide at this point whether a strict adherence to semver is in the best interests of your customers or your organization.
Barring any contractual obligations between you and your customers, I would advice being as transparent with them as you possibly can. Explain your branding and versioning conundrum and rebrand your 1.y.z product, such that it can adhere to using semantic versioning. If you had product X, rename it X.Classic or some such.

Use exact version numbers in package.json or not?

Common practice for version numbers of npm dependencies in package.json has been to enter exact version numbers (like 1.2.4) instead of inexact version numbers (like ^1.2.4 which allows installing bug fix releases like 1.2.5) to make sure a future installation will not break due to changes in dependencies (see for example this article).
Using exact version numbers has a drawback in that you can't automatically update bug fix versions of dependencies. This is an issue when it's nested dependencies having security fixes or bug fixes. For example, at this moment the package karma-browserstack-launcher uses browserstack, which is using an outdated version of https-proxy-agent containing a security vulnerability. This becomes very visible right now thanks to npm audit which looks for security issues in dependencies.
Since some time we have package-lock.json, which is used to lock down the version numbers of all dependencies. This may change the way we deal exact or inexact version numbers in package.json.
My question is: given package.json and package-lock.json, what is the best strategy nowadays to deal with version numbers of dependencies? Use exact versions or not? How can I deal with security issues in nested dependencies if they don't get upgraded?
My feeling is that
packages that are libraries and meant to be used to others should have inexact version numbers and should specify the minimum they require in order to work; and
top-level projects that aren't going to be included elsewhere should specify the full version numbers of their requirements, so they can have the most control over when things are updated.

NPM Versions update major number on every breaking change?

Let's say my npm package of 1.0.0 publicly exposes a function called foo for users to use among many other functions and features.
I then remove the foo function which will break for all the users who are using this function.
NPM says:
Changes which break backwards compatibility: Major release, increment the first number, e.g. 2.0.0
I'm quite confused exactly what this means.
Should the major number be updated always if we break a change for users even if it's just a small change such as removing a function?
At the moment I update the major number whenever I possibly break a publicly exposed feature. I see npm packages with small major versions and thinking that I am incorrect in doing this as I am updating my own packages major number very fast.
Each API change (e.g. removing endpoint, function from lib, or changing behavior of endpoint/function) which may impact clients should update MAJOR number. MINOR and PATCH tells client that library/API is stable for one MAJOR version.
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
You can read more at http://semver.org/

Why is node.js v4.4.5 recommended over v6.2.0 "for most users"?

I used node.js for a development project a few years ago, and this app is somewhat "mothballed" for the time being — it needs to stay online, it needs to stay secure, but it shouldn't need much attention. It is currently running on node.js v0.10.32, but I would now like invest in a "final" migration to a Long Term Support (LTS) release so it will be easier to maintain for the foreseeable future.
At first glance, the node.js homepage makes it look like v4.4.5 is obviously the only available LTS release:
However if I click that LTS schedule link, it tells a different story. As far as I can tell, version 6 of node.js is also slated to be an LTS release, with that support ending a full year later than version 4 will be.
Given that:
v6.2.0 is a versioned release
v6 is purported to receive LTS maintenance until 2019-04-01
theoretically no changes in v6.x should break backwards compatibility
Why would I bother upgrading to v4 instead of v6? Seems like v4 buys me one less year of security patches, but no additional compatibility guarantees?
With gratitude to jasnell and TheAlphaNerd who patiently answered my acerbic questions over on GitHub, here's my understanding of how node.js "long term support" releases are handled:
All releases based on an even-numbered major branch are what other projects might call a "long term support" version. They are promised at least 30 months of support from the first "cut" made available (e.g. a packaged v6.0.0 releases).
However, the node.js maintainers see "LTS" as more of a release phase than a version type. While they intend for minor/patch releases made when a major branch is in its active improvement (see "CURRENT" below) phase to be stable and backwards compatible, in the real world they might make mistakes.
So they divide development into three distinct phases:
CURRENT: new features (and bug fixes and security patches)
ACTIVE LTS: bug fixes (and security patches)
MAINTENANCE: only security patches
Odd-numbered major versions get only the first phase before being left behind. Even-numbered major versions — the ones we're mostly concerned about here — go through all three phases.
The CURRENT phase starts with the first public release, and starts the clock ticking on the 30-month support window. They may add significant new features, which should in theory be backwards-compatible but in practice may turn up some issues (new bug gets added, change made to poorly-defined behavior, they fix an old bug you had worked around poorly, etc.)
Then at some point the team decides to move the main development effort to a short-lived odd-numbered major branch (presumably when they need to intentionally break backwards compatibility). At that point the even-numbered branch moves to ACTIVE LTS and they get much more careful with the changes they make: primarily just bug fixes. So if you really want stability, this is the time to get "on board" with a particular release.
Eventually it moves even further to the MAINTENANCE phase, where the code is touched only in response to the most critical bugs (think: security patches). But by then there's probably a new release in LTS "phase" already.
So the choice on the homepage right now is between two even-numbered branches, "v4.4.5 LTS" and "v6.2.0 current". If the newer branch were odd-numbered then it would not be a good candidate for a production deploy where long-term support is desired.
My actual options are a bit more complex even:
I could simply stay on v0.10 which will get critical fixes until October. Or bump up to v0.12 to get those until the end of the year. But neither one of those gains me much, and so I'll rule them out.
I can deploy v4.4.5 which will is still getting general bug fixes right now, and will get security fixes for quite a while yet. This should give me the most stable install. The support cycle is getting to be halfway over already, though — and when it runs out I'll have missed this opportunity now to catch up with some of the major changes that have already happened in v5 and v6.
I am leaning towards deploying v6.2.0, assuming all my dependencies support it right now. This not only buys me a year longer term of "lifecyle remaining", but also gets me fully caught up with any breaking changes that were introduced between v0.10 and now. (It also gets me access to any useful new features — but in this case I don't have a chance to take advantage of it.) The risk I take is that when I update to any hypothetical v6.2.1 or v6.3.0 or beyond that comes along, it might accidentally yield some bad surprises.
In my case I'd rather deal now with the major intentional changes that v5 and v6 have already introduced, and then hopefully be all set (or at least only minor pain) from now all the way until April 2019.

Getting software version numbers right. v1.0.0.1 [closed]

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I distribute software online, and always wonder if there is a proper way to better define version numbers.
Let's assume A.B.C.D in the answers. When do you increase each of the components?
Do you use any other version number tricks such as D mod 2 == 1 means it is an in house release only?
Do you have beta releases with their own version numbers, or do you have beta releases per version number?
I'm starting to like the Year.Release[.Build] convention that some apps (e.g. Perforce) use. Basically it just says the year in which you release, and the sequence within that year. So 2008.1 would be the first version, and if you released another a months or three later, it would go to 2008.2.
The advantage of this scheme is there is no implied "magnitude" of release, where you get into arguments about whether a feature is major enough to warrant a major version increment or not.
An optional extra is to tag on the build number, but that tends to be for internal purposes only (e.g. added to the EXE/DLL so you can inspect the file and ensure the right build is there).
In my opinion, almost any release number scheme can be made to work more or less sanely. The system I work on uses version numbers such as 11.50.UC3, where the U indicates 32-bit Unix, and the C3 is a minor revision (fix pack) number; other letters are used for other platform types. (I'd not recommend this scheme, but it works.)
There are a few golden rules which have not so far been stated, but which are implicit in what people have discussed.
Do not release the same version twice - once version 1.0.0 is released to anyone, it can never be re-released.
Release numbers should increase monotonically. That is, the code in version 1.0.1 or 1.1.0 or 2.0.0 should always be later than version 1.0.0, 1.0.9, or 1.4.3 (respectively).
Now, in practice, people do have to release fixes for older versions while newer versions are available -- see GCC, for example:
GCC 3.4.6 was released after 4.0.0, 4.1.0 (and AFAICR 4.2.0), but it continues the functionality of GCC 3.4.x rather than adding the extra features added to GCC 4.x.
So, you have to build your version numbering scheme carefully.
One other point which I firmly believe in:
The release version number is unrelated to the CM (VCS) system version numbering, except for trivial programs. Any serious piece of software with more than one main source file will have a version number unrelated to the version of any single file.
With SVN, you could use the SVN version number - but probably wouldn't as it changes too unpredictably.
For the stuff I work with, the version number is a purely political decision.
Incidentally, I know of software that went through releases from version 1.00 through 9.53, but that then changed to 2.80. That was a gross mistake - dictated by marketing. Granted, version 4.x of the software is/was obsolete, so it didn't immediately make for confusion, but version 5.x of the software is still in use and sold, and the revisions have already reached 3.50. I'm very worried about what my code that has to work with both the 5.x (old style) and 5.x (new style) is going to do when the inevitable conflict occurs. I guess I have to hope that they will dilly-dally on changing to 5.x until the old 5.x really is dead -- but I'm not optimistic. I also use an artificial version number, such as 9.60, to represent the 3.50 code, so that I can do sane if VERSION > 900 testing, rather than having to do: if (VERSION >= 900 || (VERSION >= 280 && VERSION < 400), where I represent version 9.00 by 900. And then there's the significant change introduced in version 3.00.xC3 -- my scheme fails to detect changes at the minor release level...grumble...grumble...
NB: Eric Raymond provides Software Release Practice HOWTO including the (linked) section on naming (numbering) releases.
I usually use D as a build counter (automatic increment by compiler)
I increment C every time a build is released to "public" (not every build is released)
A and B are used as major/minor version number and changed manually.
I think there are two ways to answer this question, and they are not entirely complimentary.
Technical: Increment versions based on technical tasks. Example: D is build number, C is Iteration, B is a minor release, A is a major release. Defining minor and major releases is really subjective, but could be related things like changes to underlying architecture.
Marketing: Increment versions based on how many "new" or "useful" features are being provided to your customers. You may also tie the version numbers to an update policy...Changes to A require the user to purchase an upgrade license, whereas other changes do not.
The bottom line, I think, is finding a model that works for you and your customers. I've seen some cases where even versions are public releases, and odd versions are considered beta, or dev releases. I've seen some products which ignore C and D all together.
Then there is the example from Micrsoft, where the only rational explanation to the version numbers for the .Net Framework is that Marketing was involved.
Our policy:
A - Significant (> 25%) changes or
additions in functionality or
B - small changes or
additions in functionality or
C - minor changes that
break the interface.
D - fixes to a
build that do not change the
People tend to want to make this much harder than it really needs to be. If your product has only a single long-lived branch, just name successive versions by their build number. If you've got some kind of "minor bug fixes are free, but you have to pay for major new versions", then use 1.0, 1.1 ... 1.n, 2.0, 2.1... etc.
If you can't immediately figure out what the A,B,C, and D in your example are, then you obviously don't need them.
The only use I have ever made of the version number was so that a customer could tell me they're using version or whatever.
My only rule is designed to minimize mistakes in reporting that number: all four numbers have to be 1 digit only.
is ok, but
is not. Customers are likely to report both numbers (verbally, at least) as "one-one-two-three".
Auto-incrementing build numbers often results in version numbers like
which doesn't really help, either.
A good and non-technical scheme just uses the build date in this format:
Where BuildNumber is either a continuous number (changelist) or just starts over at 1 each day.
Examples: 2008.03.24.1 or 2008.03.24.14503
This is mainly for internal releases, public releases would see the version printed as 2008.03 if you don't release more often than once a month. Maintenance releases get flagged as 2008.03a 2008.03b and so on. They should rarely go past "c" but if it does it's a good indicator you need better QA and/or testing procedures.
Version fields that are commonly seen by the user should be printed in a friendly "March 2008" format, reserve the more technical info in the About dialog or log files.
Biggest disadvantage: just compiling the same code on another day might change the version number. But you can avoid this by using the version control changelist as last number and checking against that to determine if the date needs to be changed as well.
In the github world, it has become popular to follow Tom Preston-Werner's "semver" spec for version numbers.
From http://semver.org/ :
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes, MINOR version
when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and PATCH
version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes. Additional
labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions
to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
I use V.R.M e.g. 2.5.1
V (version) changes are a major rewrite
R (revision) changes are significant new features or bug fixes
M (modification) changes are minor bux fixes (typos, etc)
I sometimes use an SVN commit number on the end too.
Its all really subjective at the end of the day and simply up to yourself/your team.
Just take a look at all the answers already - all very different.
Personally I use Major.Minor.*.* - Where Visual Studio fills in the revison/build number automatically. This is used where I work too.
I like Year.Month.Day. So, v2009.6.8 would be the "version" of this post. It is impossible to duplicate (reasonably) and it very clear when something is a newer release. You could also drop the decimals and make it v20090608.
In the case of a library, the version number tells you about the level of compatibility between two releases, and thus how difficult an upgrade will be.
A bug fix release needs to preserve binary, source, and serialization compatibility.
Minor releases mean different things to different projects, but usually they don't need to preserve source compatibility.
Major version numbers can break all three forms.
I wrote more about the rationale here.
For in-house development, we use the following format.
[Program #] . [Year] . [Month] . [Release # of this app within the month]
For example, if I'm releasing application # 15 today, and it's the third update this month, then my version # will be
It's totally non-standard, but it is useful for us.
For the past six major versions, we've used M.0.m.b where M is the major version, m is the minor version, and b is the build number. So released versions included 6.0.2, 7.0.1, ..., up to 11.0.0. Don't ask why the second number is always 0; I've asked a number of times and nobody really knows. We haven't had a non-zero there since 5.5 was released in 1996.
