Sympy: solve assuming variable is positive - python-3.x

I would like to solve an equation assuming the variable is positive. I try to use assuming construction like
from sympy.assumptions import assuming, Q, ask
from import x
with assuming(Q.positive(x)):
sol = solve(Eq(x**2, 4))
But such a construction still gives two roots: [-2,2]. On the other hand if I initially declare variable x as x = symbols('x', positive=True) the function solve works fine. How actually assuming works?

To understand the whole idea of the assuming function, let's take a look at some points:
I like to interpret Q (assumption keys this page is about Predicates) as "Query" or "Question".
The Q attribute provides a lot of predicates that you can use to test boolean values and expressions. So it works indeed like question and answer.
Q.predicate(boolean) is for generating a Predicate object that can be evaluated with
True, False and None.
ask(boolean) provides the answer for the query (may be a Predicate object or other boolean).
The assuming function itself:
When you use the with statement and the assuming function, you are creating a context for querying. This means you are passing arguments to assuming and using them inside the body of the with statement.
It is comparable to creating a virtual environment, different from the base environment. There you can use the values passed to assuming as they were axioms, literally assuming that they are True.
Another important point is that when you create a query instantiating an object of Q, it is intuitively intended to use the ask function to determine the value of the Predicate object or expression.
Also, you may find an interesting reading about the old and new assumptions of SymPy here (this page is about the old assumptions).
I hope this was helpful!


Why do we need map() and apply() if we already have starmap()?

import multiprocessing as mp
pool = mp.Pool()
As I understand it (please correct me if wrong):
map works on functions that take only one input parameter, and you
can pass in a list of such single parameter to make multiple function calls
apply works on functions that can take multiple parameters, but you
can only pass one tuple of such parameters to make one function call
starmap can deal with both multi-parameter functions and be passed
in a list of tuples of parameters
Since starmap can handle what map and apply can, why does Python provide three functions instead of just one? In other words, what are the advantages of map and/or apply over starmap?
As #coldspeed pointed out, it can just be backward compatibility. But this begs the question, and I guess this is what actually puzzles me: Why did python make both map and apply in the first place, what's so hard about allowing multi-parameter and a list of jobs at the same time?
Hope this is not closed due to being considered "primarily opinion based". There must be some reasons that can be universally appreciated why the original python developers made two functions each having its own limit instead of one single all-powerful one.

What's the difference between T and def in groovy?

I was working with some SQL earlier that got me wondering what the difference was between these two typings.
In my example, I have 2 GroovyRowResults - pastData and currentData. Now, I need to compare 2 points from these result sets. These values should both be of indefinite type. So, when defining them, what's the difference between
def pastResult = pastData[commonKey]
def currentResult = currentData[commonKey]
if(pastResult == currentResult){
T pastResult = pastData[commonKey]
T currentResult = currentData[commonKey]
if(pastResult == currentResult){
I'm assuming T has been declared in your method/class earlier. In that case, it's a generic and the T refers to the same type of object consistently, whereas def is basically just an alias for Object.
T doesn't guarantee the two objects are the exact same class (they may just implement the same interface, or one may be a subclass), it does create more of a contract in the objects that you are dealing with. If you pass the same types of objects into the method, then there will be no difference, but if you pass different or unexpected types, it is more useful.
In other words, in Groovy it's done for readability and consistency, and using generics is much better than using dynamic typing.
I don't think the second example will work unless there is some kind of object called T. Check this link

Erlang: Extracting values from a Key/Value tuple

I have a tuple list that look like this:
{<<"facebook_name">>,<<"Santiago Ignacio Poli">>},
I want to know how to extract properties from that tuple. For example:
get_value("id",TupleList), %% should return 1.
get_value("facebook_name",TupleList), %% should return "Santiago Ignacio Poli".
get_value("lives"), %% should return another TupleList, so i can call
I tried to match all the "properties" to a record called "User" but I don't know how to do it.
To be more specific: I used the Jiffy library ( to parse a JSON. Now i want to obtain a value from that JSON.
The first strange thing is that the tuple contains a single item list: where [{Key, Value}] is embedded in {} for no reason. So let's reference all that stuff you wrote as a variable called Stuff, and pull it out:
{KVList} = Stuff
Good start. Now we are dealing with a {Key, Value} type list. With that done, we can now do:
lists:keyfind(<<"id">>, 1, KVList)
or alternately:
proplists:get_value(<<"id">>, KVList)
...and we would get the first answer you asked about. (Note the difference in what the two might return if the Key isn't in the KVList before you copypasta some code from here...).
A further examination of this particular style of question gets into two distinctly different areas:
Erlang docs regarding data functions that have {Key, Value} functions (hint: the lists, proplists, orddict, and any other modules based on the same concept is a good candidate for research, all in the standard library), including basic filter and map.
The underlying concept of data structures as semantically meaningful constructs. Honestly, I don't see a lot of deliberate thought given to this in the functional programming world outside advanced type systems (like in Haskell, or what Dialyzer tries hard to give you). The best place to learn about this is relational database concepts -- once you know what "5NF" really means, then come back to the real world and you'll have a different, more insightful perspective, and problems like this won't just be trivial, they will beg for better foundations.
You should look into proplists module and their proplist:get_value/2 function.
You just need to think how it should behave when Key is not present in the list (or is the default proplists behavior satisfying).
And two notes:
since you keys are binnary, you should use <<"id">> in your function
proplists works on lists, but data you presented is list inside one element tuple. So you need to extract this you Data.
{PropList} = Data,
Id = proplists:get_value(<<"id">>, PropList),

Manipulating/Clearing Variables via Lists: Mathematica

My problem (in Mathematica) is referring to variables given in a particular array and manipulating them in the following manner (as an example):
Inputs: vars={x,y,z}, system=some ODE like x^2+3*x*y+...etc
(note that I haven't actually created variables x y and z)
To assign values to the variables in the list "var" with the intention of inputting these values into the system of ODEs. Then, once I am done, clear the values of the variables in the array vars so that it is in its original form {x,y,z} (and not something like {x,1,3} where y=1 and z=3). I want to do this by referring to the positional elements of vars (I aim not to know that x, y and z are the actual variables).
The reason why: I am trying to write a program that can have any number of variables and ODEs as defined by the user. Since the number of variables and the actual letters used for them are unknown, it is necessary to perform manipulations with the array itself.
A fixed number of variables is easy. For the arbitrary case, I have tried modules and blocks, but with no success. Consider the following code:
then vars={1,y,z} and not {x,y,z} after running this. I have done functional programming with lists, atoms etc. Thus is makes sense to me that vars is changed afterwards, because I have changed x and not vars. However, I cannot get "x" in the list of variables to remain local. Of course I could put in "x" itself, but that is particular to this specific case. I would prefer to put something like:
Module[{vars=vars,svars=svars, vars[[1]]},
which of course doesn't work because vars[[1]] is not a symbol or an assignment to a symbol.
Other possibilities:
I found a function
assignToName[name_String, value_] :=
ToExpression[name, InputForm, Function[var, var = value, HoldAll]]
which looked promising. Basically name_String is the name of the variable and value is its new value. I attempted to do:
but then something likeD[x^2, vars[[1]]] doesn't work (x is not a valid variable).
If I am missing something, or if perhaps I am going down the wrong path, I'm open to trying other things.
I can't say that I followed your train(s) of thought very well, so these are fragments which might help you to answer your own questions than a coherent and fully-formed answer. But to answer your final 'question', I think you may be going down some wrong path(s).
In passing, note that evaluating the expression
vars = {x,y,z}
does in fact define those three variables though it doesn't define any rewrite rules (such as values) for them.
Given a polynomial poly you can extract the variables in it with the function Variables[poly] so something like
should return
Note that I write 'should' rather than does because I don't have Mathematica on this machine so my syntax may be a bit wonky. Note also that your example ODE is nothing of the sort but it strikes me that you can probably write a wrapper to manipulate an ODE into a form from which Variables can extract the variables. Mathematica offers a lot of other functions for picking expressions apart and re-assembling them, follow the trails from Variables. It often allows the use of functions defined on Lists on expressions with other heads too so it's always worth experimenting a bit.
There are a couple of widely applicable ways to avoid setting values of variables in Mathematica. For instance, you could write
which will evaluate to
but not set values for x and y. This is a very simple example of using (sets of) replacement rules for temporary assignment of values to variables
The other way to avoid setting values for variables is to define functions using Modules or Blocks both of which define their own contexts. The documentation will tell you all about these two and the differences between them.
I can't help thinking that all your clever tricks using Symbol, ToExpression and ToString are a bit beside the point. Spend some time familiarising yourself with Mathematica's in-built functionality before going further down that route, you may well find you don't need to.
Finally, writing, in any language, expressions such as
will lead to madness. It may be syntactically correct, you may even be able to decrypt the semantics when you first write code like that, but in a week's time you will curse your younger self for writing it.

Duck typing - what about when you need a concrete type?

Say you are doing a calculator in a dynamic language (Python etc...) and you have an add method.
def Add(x, y)
print x + y
Now if you were to pass in anything but a number that would be wrong, so you need some datatype checking.
Is Duck Typing about objects as opposed to parameters like the above example?
Could anyone explain further?
By objects I mean:
With no care about what gets passed into methods.
Duck typing is about not caring what the objects you're working with are as long as they support the necessary operations. So if + is string concatenation then passing strings to Add would be fine. If dates support the + operation then passing dates would be fine as well.
