Failed to load image in Amazon Sagemaker Ground Truth - amazon

I am trying to label a custom dataset that I have but after labelling a certain number of images, Amazon Sagemaker displays an error stating 'Failed to load image, refresh if this persists'. I tried refreshing the page but still this error persists.


How to load custom spacynlp model on server

How to load custom spacyNlp ner model on ec2 server. I am facing error that "not able to load model" on server though i download it.
My custom model get load on server

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) while loading pictures from mongodb in heroku

Im having an issue with my app. It doesnt load images from my database, sometimes it loads for a couple of hours then they disappear from the app. Has anyone solved this error?enter image description here
#Konrad Linkowski is correct, Storing images in a database isn't a good idea,
so you can store the image by using that image id , like that you no need to store image in db ,

Azure Labelling tool throwing error 401 on running layout OCR

I have been trying to train a custom model for a document with some fixed layout text & information. I have successfully created, project, connection, container got URL for blob container. when I open the labelling tool to mark text recognization, this throws me an errror code 401, not sure, what's wrong here?
Please note - I have running other projects with different layout and document and able to train the model and use it.
what are the chances here for this error under same account but new storage, resource group, different end point and API.

Why does my Azure Container Instance suddenly lose the ability to pull the images after a few days?

I have successfully created an Azure Container Instance, which contains two containers. Both of these containers are stored in an Azure Container Registry. Startup goes fine, the images get pulled from the registry and my containers are running. The application that is exposed through one of the containers is accessible via the internet and runs perfectly.
However, after a few days of operation the containers suddenly fail to pull the image from the registry and they terminate with a "failed to pull image" error message in the container's event log. The full error message is as follows:
Failed to restart the container group 'webtikket'. Error: pulling image
"";Successfully pulled image
"";Created container;Started container;Back-off restarting failed
container;pulling image "";Successfully pulled image
"";Created container;Started container;pulling image
"";Back-off pulling image
"";pulling image "";Failed to pull
image "": rpc error: code Unknown desc Error response from daemon: Get unauthorized: authentication required,
visit for more information.;Back-off pulling image
"";pulling image "";Successfully pulled image "";Created container;Started container;pulling image
"";Successfully pulled image
"";Created container;Started container;pulling image
"";Failed to pull image "": rpc error: code Unknown desc Error response from daemon: Get unauthorized: authentication required, visit for more information.;Back-off pulling image
"";pulling image "docker/aci-hostnames-sidecar:1.0";Successfully pulled image "docker/aci-hostnames-sidecar:1.0";Created container;Started container;pulling image
"docker/aci-hostnames-sidecar:1.0";Successfully pulled image "docker/aci-hostnames-sidecar:1.0";Created container;Started container;pulling image "docker/aci-hostnames-sidecar:1.0";Successfully pulled image
"docker/aci-hostnames-sidecar:1.0";Created container;Started container
Since nothing has changed since creating the container instance and the moment the access errors started I am completely clueless as to what is going on. Restarting the container instance does not solve the problem, it just give me the same error message. Deleting the container instance and creating it anew via the Azure CLI solves the problem for a few days, after which it comes back, but that is obviously not something I want to do every couple of days.
There is a possible reason that I know about the issue: If you use the service principal to authenticate for the ACR, then maybe the credential expires, so you can check and extend the period. If you use the admin user and password of the ACR. Then maybe it's a bug. And check the credential for ACR in the configuration of the ACI to confirm the problem.

Change image dimension while sending a Generic template message using Facebook graph api

I am trying to build a Facebook chatbot that sometimes sends image as response to user queries. These images are from the response of API requests from my node server and don't sit at my server end.
I am using Graph api to send messages automatically from the chatbot whenever a postback is received.
I am able to get image response back, but the images are not responsive. I have attached a picture for reference.enter image description here
From the Facebook documentation, I don't see any parameter that dynamically changes the image size. As the images I receive are from an external api and not from my server, is there a way around to change the image size and display the image with new dimensions in my chatbot.
Thanks in advance!
There is no image size exactly, but you can set the aspect ratio of the image, which will crop it to that ratio in the template. payload.image_aspect_ratio and the options are horizontal (1.91:1) or square (1:1).
You could also fetch the image with a third party API like Cloudinary, which will do image transforms on the fly.
