Endpoints cost on Azure Machine Learning - azure

I have been following the learning path for Microsoft Azure AI 900. In the second module, I have deployed my model as an endpoint. It says Container instances for compute type. How much will this cost me. Azure doesn't seem to show any pricing for this. Is this endpoint always active? If yes how much does it cost?

The price depends on the number of vCPU and GBs of memory requested for the container group. You are charged based on the vCPU request for your container group rounded up to the nearest whole number for the duration (measured in seconds) your instance is running. You are also charged for the GB request for your container group rounded up to the nearest tenths place for the duration (measured in seconds) your container group is running. There is an additional charge of $0.000012 per vCPU second for Windows software duration on Windows container groups. Check here Pricing - Container Instances | Microsoft Azure for details
After Deployed the Azure Machine Learning managed online endpoint (preview).
Have at least Billing Reader access on the subscription where the endpoint is deployed
To know the costs estimation
In the Azure portal, Go to your subscription
Select Cost Analysis for your subscription.
Create a filter to scope data to your Azure Machine learning workspace resource:
At the top navigation bar, select Add filter.
In the first filter dropdown, select Resource for the filter type.
In the second filter dropdown, select your Azure Machine Learning workspace.
Create a tag filter to show your managed online endpoint and/or managed online deployment:
Select Add filter > Tag > azuremlendpoint: "< your endpoint name>"
Select Add filter > Tag > azuremldeployment: "< your deployment name>".
Refer here for more detailed steps


Is there a possibility to create Azure Kubernetes Cluster with virtual machine which supports GPU computing for Azure Pass Sponsorship?

I want to create Azure Kubernetes Service resource which supports GPU computing. I have huge amount of data and docker image which requires Nvidia drivers. When I attempt to create it I get:
Size not available
This size is currently unavailable in eastus for this subscription: NotAvailableForSubscription.
I get this message for every location I choose. I suppose the problem is that I use Azure Pass Sponsorship. Is there any way to do it on this kind of subscription?
You receive this error when the resource SKU you have selected (such as K8’s Cluster or VM’s) is not available for the location you have selected
You can check the product availability in selected region by Products available by region.
To determine which SKUs are available in a region/zone, use the Get-AzComputeResourceSku command. Filter the results by location. You must have the latest version of PowerShell for this command.
Get-AzComputeResourceSku | where {$_.Locations -icontains "centralus"}
Refer this documentation for more information.
Please refer to this document for a list of common Microsoft Azure limits, quotas and constraints for Azure Sponsorship Subscription.
The following monthly usage quotas are applied. If you need more than these limits, please contact customer service at any time so that they can understand your needs and adjust these limits appropriately.
Reference: Microsoft Azure Sponsorship Offer

Tool for Azure service resource analyzment BEFORE deployment

If I create an Azure cloud services (implemented using .NET Core in my case), is there a way to get an estimation of the resources needed for the service BEFORE (not analyzing it after the fact) it is deployed to the cluster? By resources I mean number of cpus needed, memory being used etc.
Before deployment any application We can use Azure pricing calculator to analysis our uses and cost as per our requirement .
And alternatively based on the MS DOC we can review estimated costs according to our requirement tool in the Azure portal:
When you create an App Service app or an App Service plan, you can see
the estimated costs.
To create an app and view the estimated price:
On the create page, scroll down to App Service plan, and click Create new.
Specify a name and click OK.
Next to Sku and size, click Change size.
Review the estimated price shown in the summary. The following screenshot is an example and doesn't reflect current pricing.
For more information you can refer this MS DOC: Sizes for Cloud Services

Automatically scale to the next level of app service plan in Azure

I have a web app hosted in app service in Azure with auto scale out rules defined and it works as expected - when the memory usage reaches the threshold. An VM instance is added automatically
The problem is that, we discovered that when a new VM instance is added, a new instance of our web app is also added - we do not want this, as our web app is not designed to be horizontally scaled out. We only want one instance of the app.
On Azure portal when I click on Scale up (App service plan), I can only choose another app service plan, it seems to me there is no way I can do something like when a threshold is reached, automatically scale up to the next level of app service plan but keep the number of VM instance.
I am wondering why there is no such option available in Azure?
Or even our conclusion that when scale out, the number of web app instance also increases is true?
You're right, there's no automatic way to scale up and when you scale out, the number of web app instance also increases.
Yes, there is no out of the box option for this and that could be because there is a chance to have latency issues during the scale up / down operation and Azure might want the consumer to make this decision consciously. Having said that, I use the below approach to achieve the vertical scaling you are looking for.
Step 1: Create an Automation account
Step 2: Create a PowerShell Runbook in the automation account you created in previous step. This script would scale up your app service
Step 3: Create an alert rule using the Azure Monitor for your criteria. say, alert
to be fired when Memory usage % is more that 40% or CPU utilization more than 5%)
Step 4: Create an action group that will invoke a runbook you created in
Step #2
Step 5: Associate this action group to the alert you have created in Step #3.
This will do what you are looking for. when the memory utilization is over 40% the alert is triggered which in turn will call you runbook to scale up your app service plan.
You can refer to my article here for detailed description of how to create an automation account and also for the PowerShell script to scale up an app service plan

Azure VM Scale Sets Historical Data & Performance

I have an Azure Subscription that is used by our automation to spin up VMSS. Based on logging, it appears that every VMSS request takes about 25 mins to complete. It seems like an exorbitant amount of time to complete.
Where can I find historical trends on how long each of my VMSS request took on my Azure subscription?
When I spin a single VM using the same image & SKU it only takes a few minutes. Why does it take 10 times the time when I request it through VMSS?
If you are talking about Azure Control plane operations - you can check activity log, its available under the resource group and under the vmss resource.
thats how the platform is built. vmss is a bit more complex than a single vm, so takes more time to create it.

How to find Azure Subscription Quota

I did google and could not find any accurate answer.
When I try to deploy the web application to different data centre, I am getting error message below:
Server response = 40652 Cannot move or create server.
Subscription 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx' will exceed server quota.
Could someone please help me understand below:
Where do I find the max quota for given subscription within a management portal?
Does error above means the quota exceeded for Azure SQL Server or Host services.
How many servers can one subscription create?
I used Cerebrata cloud management studio which shows the subscription detail below:
Cores: 9 / 20
Hosted Services: 4 / 20
Storage: 8 / 20
Not sure whether Azure SQL Server belongs to hosted service or storage or something else that's not shown above.
For Azure SQL Servers, there is a hidden default max of 6 Azure SQL SERVERS (Not databases). Once you attempt to create the 7th, you will receive this error: New-AzureSqlDatabaseServer : Cannot move or create server. Subscription 'XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXXXXXXX' will exceed
server quota. Submit a billing request to increase the quota limit on SQL Azure Servers.
You can find the quota information in the azure management portal. Scroll through the list of items in the left bar and at the end you will find "Settings". When you click "Settings" and switch to "Usage" tab you can see quota information as in the screenshot below.
Hope this helps.
I don't think portal exposes this functionality (or at least I could not find it :)). However if you're interested in finding about quota information about some of the services, you can do so programmatically by performing Get Subscription operation on your subscription: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/hh403995.aspx. This operation would tell you how many cores available to you in your subscription, how many storage accounts and cloud services you can create in your subscription.
At least these details are available through Azure Management Studio/Cloud Storage Studio from Cerebrata (http://www.cerebrata.com) as well, if you're looking for 3rd party tools. After you add a subscription there, just right click on your subscription node and click on View Subscription Properties.
You could also find the quota information on pricing page as well: https://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/offers/commitment-plans (Just scroll down to Usage Quotas section).
One last comment: You could easily increase the quota by contacting customer support. The link is there in the pricing page link I mentioned above.
As far as quota for SQL Azure is concerned, I could find a limit on the maximum number of database servers allowed per subscription however there's a limit of 149 user databases (150 including master database) / server: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/ee336245.aspx#dcasl. Can you ensure you're not exceeding that quota?
