Azure VM Scale Sets Historical Data & Performance - azure

I have an Azure Subscription that is used by our automation to spin up VMSS. Based on logging, it appears that every VMSS request takes about 25 mins to complete. It seems like an exorbitant amount of time to complete.
Where can I find historical trends on how long each of my VMSS request took on my Azure subscription?
When I spin a single VM using the same image & SKU it only takes a few minutes. Why does it take 10 times the time when I request it through VMSS?

If you are talking about Azure Control plane operations - you can check activity log, its available under the resource group and under the vmss resource.
thats how the platform is built. vmss is a bit more complex than a single vm, so takes more time to create it.


Endpoints cost on Azure Machine Learning

I have been following the learning path for Microsoft Azure AI 900. In the second module, I have deployed my model as an endpoint. It says Container instances for compute type. How much will this cost me. Azure doesn't seem to show any pricing for this. Is this endpoint always active? If yes how much does it cost?
The price depends on the number of vCPU and GBs of memory requested for the container group. You are charged based on the vCPU request for your container group rounded up to the nearest whole number for the duration (measured in seconds) your instance is running. You are also charged for the GB request for your container group rounded up to the nearest tenths place for the duration (measured in seconds) your container group is running. There is an additional charge of $0.000012 per vCPU second for Windows software duration on Windows container groups. Check here Pricing - Container Instances | Microsoft Azure for details
After Deployed the Azure Machine Learning managed online endpoint (preview).
Have at least Billing Reader access on the subscription where the endpoint is deployed
To know the costs estimation
In the Azure portal, Go to your subscription
Select Cost Analysis for your subscription.
Create a filter to scope data to your Azure Machine learning workspace resource:
At the top navigation bar, select Add filter.
In the first filter dropdown, select Resource for the filter type.
In the second filter dropdown, select your Azure Machine Learning workspace.
Create a tag filter to show your managed online endpoint and/or managed online deployment:
Select Add filter > Tag > azuremlendpoint: "< your endpoint name>"
Select Add filter > Tag > azuremldeployment: "< your deployment name>".
Refer here for more detailed steps

Why Azure takes so long to setup a Load Balancer?

I have set up an application gateway in almost five different regions in Azure and every time Azure take around 15-20 mins to complete the setup.
Whereas AWS will do it in a couple of minutes, why Azure requires such a long time?
You should try using Application Gateway V2, its a lot faster to create. updates are almost instantaneous (well, at least compared to V1). But I believe V1 is using windows VM's underneath, so it creates a set of vms for you, then it configures them. Each update would be a "sliding window" update, with 1 vm being recreated at a time.
As far as I know.
Application Gateway is a layer 7 load balancer which, as far as I understand, is a Windows VM (or collection of Windows VMs, depending on selected size) under the covers, which take some time to come up and be configured. In my experience, this time is usually around 15-30 minutes, depending on region and local time of day, capacity, etc.
Azure Load balancers on the other hand are layer 4 load balancers, which typically take in the order of 1-2 minutes to come up.
So, yes talking about the load balancer if you say it normally takes less than a minute to get deployed. But coming onto the Application gateway yeah it takes 15-20 minutes every time the reason being:
Configuration Settings: Microsoft has the set of the vacant load balancers ready at their backend and when they receive a request to deploy a particular load balancer in any region, they just assign it an IP as requested by the user and it gets deployed within a minute. But coming onto the Application gateway, azure need to start deploying the load balancer [App Gateway in this case] from the scratch, need to attach it to the VNET so deployed and making it ready for the backend pools IP Address configuration and all, which basically take time about [15-20 minutes]. Now, Azure has brought up the V2 of the Application Gateway, a lot faster to create usually 5 minutes. And also talking about updates they are also really quick and instantaneous.
Subscriptions: Secondly, the reason that it takes time is subscription. Suppose, you have the MSDN, free subscription in your Azure account. And another individual sitting at any different place is using the enterprise applications subscription [basically a pay as you go] in his azure account. Now, both of you raise a request to deploy an Application gateway in the same region at the same time then, Microsoft will give the person request with the enterprise subscription the higher priority than your free subscription request. Which is another reason that it results in a delay. As I am using the enterprise edition so it takes 2 minutes for a VM to deploy which gets deployed in 5-6 minutes if using the free subscription!

Vertical auto-scaling Azure VM

Recently, i have been introduced to Azure and i have an application that is using high CPU (almost 80%) during morning hours between 9 am to 1 pm. After that the CPU utilization is reduced to a minimal of 10% the whole day. So in order to reduce my cost i was thinking to implement vertical auto-scaling in my application. When i read more on this i could find automation account and RunBook as the only way but my need is that is there any other way to implement Vertical auto-scaling in Azure IaaS VM apart from automation account?
If Yes, please share the approach.
Yes you can use Azure PowerShell and/or the Azure CLI to execute scaling commands on a VM. Here are some PowerShell examples:
You would then just have to schedule the script to run either locally or in an Azure service like Functions, Container Instances or etc.
If you wanted to scale vertically a single VM based on a performance metric (CPU, memory, etc.) you can use the classic metric alerts system to do that. When those alerts fire based on thresholds you set you can invoke a webhook OR Logic App to trigger execution of a script or ARM Template.

Running an azure cloud service after every n days

I have created an azure service which is responsible for below task:
(1) Access the blob containers and download the files from there.
(2) Extract some data from downloaded files
(3) Stored the extracted data to an Azure SQL Server
I want to run this processing after every 7 days. Is there a way to achieve this? or can I use any other option than cloud service to achieve the above goal?
I would recommend you to use Azure Function as its Timer-based processing (Timer trigger) feature is able to fulfill your requirements.
Timer triggers call functions based on a schedule, one time or
Reference: Azure Functions timer trigger, Azure Functions Pricing
Another great advantage of using Azure Function for your scenario is its pricing model.
Azure Functions consumption plan is billed based on resource
consumption and executions.
Consumption plan pricing includes a
monthly free grant of 1 million requests and 400,000 GB-s of resource
consumption per month.
Certainly not natively with the Cloud Service itself. I mean, you can obviously code it so it performs some task(s) and sleeps for 7 days, but you will pay for all of that time, that makes no sense
You can use Azure WebJobs, Functions and Scheduler for this purpose, or you can create a PowerShell\Cli or something else cron task\task scheduler to turn on your Azure Cloud Service, wait for it to finish processing and turn it off. But that seems like a lot of extra effort, I'd rather go with Scheduler or Functions.

Maximum cloud computing utilization - pay for computing, not idle time

I have one big task to do every day, with no need to scale, that takes about 30 minutes and is DB, processor and memory intensive.
This means actual 16h/month of computation time.
WebJobs require constantly running WebSite 744h/month
WebRole is also constantly running 744h/month
Azure Batch - suited for scaled storage input - storage output
processing (or that is how I understand it)
Stopped cloud service still cost you. Setting instance count to 0 is not available. And paying for 728h/month unused computation time looks like madness. Only thing I can imagine is automatic deployment of cloud service every day and automatic deletion of deployment once task is finished, but this also looks like madness.
Are there any options for this scenario in Azure?
Cloud service will be charged continuously until the deployment is deleted. Yes you can delete it every day and redeploy...
Azure VMs in Stopped (Deallocated) status, does not incur any charge. You can shut them down in portal or by script when you don't need them.
I think there is a large difference in billing if you only use it 62h/month. Would you consider switch this deployment to VM? WorkerRole and VMs can be placed on the same subnet, they can still connect to each other.
