Flask Restful api post data with image - python-3.x

I am implementing a module where user have to put some data and upload an image. Right now I make two restful apis one for data like (name, address) etc and another one for uploading image. But i want to make one api for data with uploading image.


create image with dynamic data in node js

I am working on a chatbot project. The chatbot makes a request to my API with data from the user and it expects an image back with the data it sent so it can serve it to the user. what is the best way to create
this images dynamically with node js ?

Send image in formData without file input

I've been scouring the internet on this one, but I can't seem to find a situation exactly like what I'm trying to do....
I've built a React app (using CRA) which is used to import products from an existing eBay-like site (Reverb.com), make some small modifications, and then post them to a server which, in turn, manages the products on multiple eCommerce platforms. Pulling the data in from the Reverb.com API is easy enough; the problem comes when I submit the data to my local server's API. I need to post the product images from Reverb.com via formData without the user having to manually choose the files via a form input, but I don't have access to fs.createReadStream(). How can I get from an image URL to a file posted via formData?

NodeJS, how to handle image uploading with MongoDB?

I would like to know what is the best way to handle image uploading and saving the reference to the database. What I'm mostly interested is what order do you do the process in?
Should you upload the images first in the front-end (say Cloudinary), and then call the API with result links to the images and save it to the database?
Or should you upload the images to the server first, and upload them from the back-end and save the reference afterwards?
OR, should you do the image uploading after you save the record in the database and then update it once the images were uploaded?
It really depends on the resources, timeline, and number of images you need to upload daily.
So basically if you have very few images to upload then you can upload that image to your server then upload it to any cloud storage(s3, Cloudinary,..) you are using. As this will be very easy to implement(you can find code snippet over the internet) and you can securely maintain your secret keys/credential to your cloud platform on the server side.
But, according to me best way of doing this will be something like this. I am taking user registration as an example
Make server call to get a temporary credential to upload files on the cloud(Generally, all the providers give this functionality i.e. STS/Signed URL in AWS).
The user will fill up the form and select the image on the client side. When the user clicks the submit button make one call to save the user in the database and start upload with credentials. If possible keep a predictable path for upload. Like for user upload /users/:userId or something like that. this highly depends on your use case.
Now when upload finishes make a server call for acknowledgment and store some flag in the database.
Now advantages of this approach are:
You are completely offloading your server from handling file operations which are pretty heavy and I/O blocking and you are distributing that load to all clients.
If you want to post process the files after upload you can easily integrate this with serverless platforms and do that on there and again offload that.
You can easily provide retry mechanism to your users in case of file upload fails but they won't need to refill the data, just upload the image/file again
You don't need to expose the URL directly to the client for file upload as you are using temporary Creds.
If the significance of the images in your app is high then ideally, you should not complete the transaction until the image is saved. The approach should be to create an object in your code which you will eventually insert into mongodb, start upload of image to cloud and then add the link to this object. Finally then insert this object into mongodb in one go. Do not make repeated calls. Anything before that, raise an error and catch the exception
You can have many answers,
if you are working with big files greater than 16mb please go with gridfs and multer,
( changing the images to a different format and save them to mongoDB)
If your files are actually less than 16 mb, please try using this Converter that changes the image of format jpeg / png to a format of saving to mongodb, and you can see this as an easy alternative for gridfs ,
please check this github repo for more details..

Forwarding an image upload request to another server

I'm trying to build a NodeJS REST API project based on the so called "micro architecture" (basically multiple smaller NodeJS projects that can run totally independent, but at the same time work together).
Currently users are able to upload images from the app, and my NodeJS backend then processes and saves them appropriately.
Now, what I want to do is the following:
User selects an image to upload from the app -> The app makes a request to the "Main API" endpoint -> The Main API endpoint then forwards this request to the "Image Service" -> Once the Image Service (which is a totally different server) has successfully finished, it should return the URL where the image is stored to the Main API server endpoint, which will then return the info back to the app.
My question is, how do I forward the image upload request from one server to another? Ideally, I don't want the Main API to store the image temporarily and then make a request to the Image Service.
What I'd like is try and forward the data the Main API receives straight to the Image Service server. I guess you could say I want to "stream" the data from one place to another without having to temporarily store on disk or memory. I literally just want it to "tunnel" from one server to another.
Is this possible and is this an efficient way? I just want 1 central point for the app to access, I don't want it to know about this Image Service server. I'd like the app to only ever make requests to the Main API, which will then call my other little services as required.
I'm using NodeJS, Express, Multer (for image uploads) and Digital Ocean hosting (if that should make any difference at all).
What you would basically be doing is setting up a proxy server that will pass requests straight through to another machine and back. There are a few libraries out there to help with this, and this article in particular http://blog.vanamco.com/proxy-requests-in-node-js/ will explain how to go about setting it up even though they are really just trying to get around HTTPS, the same concept applies here.
In short, you get the file upload POST, and then immediately just make that same request to another server and when the response is returned, immediately return it back to the front end. Your entry point can be set up as a hub, and you can proxy requests through to other servers or even just handle them on the same server if necessary.

Sail.js - how to structure JSON based live data output with existing static data in the model

In my Angular app, I want to display a table which contains the following
a) URL
b) Social share counts divided by different social networks
Using Sails.js, I already have the api created for the URL when the results show up, I can display the URL now I'm confused how to get the appropriate social counts showing right besides
Here's the API I'm using: https://docs.sharedcount.com/
by itself, I can see the JSON it produces
But here are my questions:
Should I create a new api (model/controller) for social count data or include it in my model where I have the 'url' action defined?
If I create a new api or include the social_counts as an action in the current, what would my JSON query look like? to retrieve the URL's, I'm using default API blueprint that Sails provides, so:
Struggling a bit in terms of the thought process, would be great to get input on this
It depends on your app. is your app will store that data or just consume it? If it need to store, of course you need the API. In purpose for modification or aggregating the data for example.
No, you can't do that. That shortcut method only works if you have the data in your database and let the Sails Waterline ORM and Blueprint API served it.
Perhaps, if you only need to consume the data from that Sharedcount API, you didn't need to use Sails as a backend, in this context. Just use Angular as a client of that API. Except if you need to modify the data first and store it in your own database, so Sails will helps with it's Waterline ORM and Blueprint API.
