Send image in formData without file input - node.js

I've been scouring the internet on this one, but I can't seem to find a situation exactly like what I'm trying to do....
I've built a React app (using CRA) which is used to import products from an existing eBay-like site (, make some small modifications, and then post them to a server which, in turn, manages the products on multiple eCommerce platforms. Pulling the data in from the API is easy enough; the problem comes when I submit the data to my local server's API. I need to post the product images from via formData without the user having to manually choose the files via a form input, but I don't have access to fs.createReadStream(). How can I get from an image URL to a file posted via formData?


simple react app with fetch from Bigcommerce API

I'm relatively new to react and wanted to create an app that uses the Bigcommerce API to change product data submitted by the user through a form. My idea is to have a simple form for the user to input a quantity, for example. Once the user submits the quantity the want to change, the new number will be reflected on the product page on Bigcommerce Admin pages.
I have already created the same kind of app with Node with no front end. The app I made reads a csv file and calls the proper APIs to update their quantities. I wanted to create sort of the same app but in React with no csv reading abilities. I am having trouble with CORS errors now for some reason. I tried creating a backend with Node for this React app but I still get the same error.
I tried some other API. one that does not require authentication and that worked fine. I was able to see results when I do the console.log(data).
It seems that this Bigcommerce API won't work because it requires authentication, which I already have made on their backend several times to double check my work. I'm confused and not convinced that there is no way for a react app to fetch data from a remote server with credentials.
I figured it out, but I'm still convinced that I can do this with only a front end application in React. Without Node, However.
What I did was create an endpoint with Express using Node as the backend. Installed cors modules, then allowed requests coming from the front end URL address. Also, pay attention to whether you are using localhost:PORT# or
to the browser these are different. Make sure they're the same when you open up the browser.

Flask Restful api post data with image

I am implementing a module where user have to put some data and upload an image. Right now I make two restful apis one for data like (name, address) etc and another one for uploading image. But i want to make one api for data with uploading image.

Recommended practices when developing full-stack applications based on Node.js and AWS

I've been working on the front-end so far, now I'm going to create my first full-stack application. I want to use node.js, express and AWS for this.
At the design stage, I already encountered a few problems. Therefore, I have a few questions and I am asking you for help:
Can I send a message (simple JSON or database value) from the server to all clients who have already opened my home page in a simple and cheap way?
I'm not talking about logged in users, but all who downloaded the main page (GET, '/')?
Using the admin panel ('www.xxxxxxxxx/admin'), I want to send a message to the server once a day. Then I want to change the HTML to display this message. I was thinking to use EJS for this and download this message from the database.
Can I make it better? If someone visits my home page (GET, '/'), EJS will download the message from the database each time! Even though its value is the same for 24 hours. Can I get the value once and then use it until the value is changed? How to store the message? As a JSON on the server? Or maybe in the .env file?
If the user refreshes the page, do I have to pay for calling all AWS functions to build the page each time? Even if nothing has changed in the files?
How to check if the page has new content and then send it to the user, instead of sending the unchanged page files: .html, .js, .css, etc.?
Can I send the user only the changed, dynamically created html file, and not send again unchanged .js and .css files?
Does every user who opens the home page (GET, '/') create a new connection to the server using WebSocket /
I will try to answer some of your questions:
Can I send a message (simple JSON or database value) from the server to all clients who have already opened my home page in a simple
and cheap way? I'm not talking about logged in users, but all who
downloaded the main page (GET, '/')?
I guess you mean sending push notifications from the server to the user. This can be done with different services depending on what are you trying to build.
If you are planning to use GraphQL, you already have GraphQL subscriptions out of the box. If you are using AWS, go for Appsync, which is the AWS service for GraphQL.
If you are using REST and a WebApp (not a mobile app), go for AWS IoT using lambdas. Here is a good resource using Serverless Framework (API Gateway + lambdas + IoT) for unauthenticated users:
If you are planning to use notifications on a mobile app, you can go for SNS, the "de facto" service for push notifications in AWS world.
Using the admin panel ('www.xxxxxxxxx/admin'), I want to send a message to the server once a day. Then I want to change the HTML to display this message. I was thinking to use EJS for this and download this message from the database. Can I make it better? If someone visits my home page (GET, '/'), EJS will download the message from the database each time! Even though its value is the same for 24 hours. Can I get the value once and then use it until the value is changed? How to store the message? As a JSON on the server? Or maybe in the .env file?
Yes, this is the way it's expected to work. The HTML is changed dynamically using frontend code in Javascript; which makes calls (using axios for example) to the backend every time you get into, i.e. "/" path. You can store this data in frontend variables, or even use state management in the frontend using REDUX, VUEX, etc. Remember the frontend code will always run in the browser of your users, not on your servers!
If the user refreshes the page, do I have to pay for calling all AWS functions to build the page each time? Even if nothing has changed in the files?
What you can do is store all your HTML, CSS, Javascript in an S3 bucket and serve from there (this is super cheap, even free till a certain limit). If you want to use Server Side Rendering (SSR), then yes, you'll need to serve your users every time they make a GET request for example. If you use lambda, the first million request per month are free. If you have an EC2 instance to serve your content, then a t2.micro is also free. If you need more than that, you'll need to pay.
How to check if the page has new content and then send it to the user, instead of sending the unchanged page files: .html, .js, .css, etc.?
I think you need to understand how JS (or frameworks like React, Vue or Angular) do this. Basically you download the js code on the client, and the js makes all the functionality to update backend and frontend accordingly. In order to connect frontend with backend, use Axios for example.
Can I send the user only the changed, dynamically created html file, and not send again unchanged .js and .css files?
See answer above. Use frameworks like React or Vue, will help you a lot.
Does every user who opens the home page (GET, '/') create a new connection to the server using WebSocket /
Depends on what you code. But by default what happens is the user will make a new GET request everytime he accesses your domain, and that's it. (It's not establishing any connection if you don't tell the code to do so).
Hope this helps!! Happy coding!

How to load resources based on link in react

I want to create a web application using react in which I want to load a page based on the link used, But I know that in react whenever you visit a direct link the entire app is reloaded and you have to navigate to that page using buttons or links provided in the app, I want to generate a temporary link for users which will contain the information about the data to be provided which the back end will check and retrieve from database and provide to the front end, This link will have a duration like for 24 hrs or something and will have an auth token, Can anyone please help me with how I can do that?
React Router is a library that can handle this type of operation and is used in many, many apps. Among other things, it can parse URLs and render different content based on the URL, query parameters, and more.

Forwarding an image upload request to another server

I'm trying to build a NodeJS REST API project based on the so called "micro architecture" (basically multiple smaller NodeJS projects that can run totally independent, but at the same time work together).
Currently users are able to upload images from the app, and my NodeJS backend then processes and saves them appropriately.
Now, what I want to do is the following:
User selects an image to upload from the app -> The app makes a request to the "Main API" endpoint -> The Main API endpoint then forwards this request to the "Image Service" -> Once the Image Service (which is a totally different server) has successfully finished, it should return the URL where the image is stored to the Main API server endpoint, which will then return the info back to the app.
My question is, how do I forward the image upload request from one server to another? Ideally, I don't want the Main API to store the image temporarily and then make a request to the Image Service.
What I'd like is try and forward the data the Main API receives straight to the Image Service server. I guess you could say I want to "stream" the data from one place to another without having to temporarily store on disk or memory. I literally just want it to "tunnel" from one server to another.
Is this possible and is this an efficient way? I just want 1 central point for the app to access, I don't want it to know about this Image Service server. I'd like the app to only ever make requests to the Main API, which will then call my other little services as required.
I'm using NodeJS, Express, Multer (for image uploads) and Digital Ocean hosting (if that should make any difference at all).
What you would basically be doing is setting up a proxy server that will pass requests straight through to another machine and back. There are a few libraries out there to help with this, and this article in particular will explain how to go about setting it up even though they are really just trying to get around HTTPS, the same concept applies here.
In short, you get the file upload POST, and then immediately just make that same request to another server and when the response is returned, immediately return it back to the front end. Your entry point can be set up as a hub, and you can proxy requests through to other servers or even just handle them on the same server if necessary.
