Pulsar: If a message gets nack'd (negativeAcknowledge()) when will it be redelivered? - apache-pulsar

If we cannot process a message (perhaps due to some timing problem or race condition) and we call
When will it be redelivered to retry processing?
I am unable to figure out what the default setting for delivery is from the documentation

The default is 60 seconds.
You can configure it in the consumer:
Consumer<byte[]> consumer = client.newConsumer()
.negativeAckRedelivery(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)


RateLimit and ibmmq module Node.js

I'm using ibmmq module https://github.com/ibm-messaging/mq-mqi-nodejs.
I am trying to make an application which will get one message from a queue every 500ms.
There is an option getLoopPollTimeMs, but it works when there is no messages in the queue and then they comes.
I've tried to use limiter https://www.npmjs.com/package/limiter
mq.Get(openQueue.ref as mq.MQObject, mqmd, gmo, await this.getCB.bind(this))
async getCB(...) {
const remainingMessages = await this.limiter.removeTokens(1);
So the application reads a message from the queue and processes it.
And in the same time it reads all other messages and wait for the limiter to process because of the asynchronous callback.
But I need it to read the next message only when the previous one is processed.
I've tryed GetSync, but limiter works absolutley incorrect and when it's sync other processes in the application stop working.
How can I get only one message from the queue? Is it the only way if I mq.GetDone(hObj); every time in getCB and then connect with mq.Get to the queue again in setInterval? Any advices?
Upd: The way with mq.GetDone(hObj) isn't working. The application reads one message, processes it, and then it reads the second message from the queue and falls with mistake
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Napi::Error'
what(): GetDone: MQCC = MQCC_FAILED [2] MQRC = MQRC_HOBJ_ERROR [2019]
The queue is closed, but getCB is still working.
As per the comments, its possible to use tuning parameters, see https://github.com/ibm-messaging/mq-mqi-nodejs and line 196-202 of https://github.com/ibm-messaging/mq-mqi-nodejs/blob/148b70db036c80f442adb34769d5d239a6f05b65/lib/mqi.js#L575
Again as per the comments you could use a combination of
mq.setTuningParameters({getLoopDelayTimeMs: 2000, maxConsecutiveGets: 1})
for a throttle limit of 1 message in 2 seconds.

Azure Service Bus: Best way to implement exponential retry policy for failed to process messages

I am continuously receiving messages in peek mode and abandoning them if processing fails (Not the delivery). However, the message immediately becomes available again and is received for processing again. It fails quickly again and after max deliveries it is dead-lettered.
Is there a way to configure the topic/subscription to wait before releasing the message after it is abandoned? Preferably in exponential manner.
Of course I am open for suggestions via the code as well.
There is not a way to set an exponential back-off in the Service Bus configuration. I've experienced the same issue, and have done the following:
Dequeue the message, and marked the message as received.
Perform processing within a try/catch block. If there is an exception, enqueue a new message with a scheduled delivery at a certain point in the future.
We've wrapped our Service Bus Message Queue payload in a class that specifies the number of delivery attempts. We multiply the number of delivery attempts times a constant, then add that number to the current dateTime for scheduled delivery in the future. After the number of delivery attempts that we want to try are exceeded, we explicitly dead letter the message.
Edit 7-17-2020
Consider using Azure Durable Task Framework which has a customizable retry policy built right in.
Another option is using MassTransit which has support for Azure Service Bus.
Take a look at its extensive retry configuration.
Note that MassTransit is effectively doing the retries in memory after the message has been received so you'll need to adjust your topic subscription's MaxDeliveryCount and MaxAutoRenewDuration settings appropriately.
Your configuration might look something like:
var busControl = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingAzureServiceBus(cfg =>
var host = cfg.Host(serviceBusConnectionString, hst => { });
cfg.UseMessageRetry(retryConfigurator =>
RetryConfigurationExtensions.Exponential(retryConfigurator, ...);
e =>
// Let MassTransit do the retries
e.MaxDeliveryCount = 1;
e.MaxAutoRenewDuration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);
You can use Scheduled Messages for this.
Essentially, when you need to retry a message you just schedule it in the future and Service Bus will add it to the queue again once enough time has passed:
ServiceBusSender queue = ...
int secs = // calculate the delay
var msg = new ServiceBusMessage("My scheduled message body")
ApplicationProperties =
["RetryCount"] = retryCount,
logger.LogInformation("Scheduling for " + secs + " secs");
await queue.ScheduleMessageAsync(msg, DateTimeOffset.Now.AddSeconds(secs));
You must add information about retry count in a header or the body. Otherwise you won't know how many times you have tried it and cannot really calculate the future date.
I am looking into this topic as well and I came across the class RetryExponential class from Microsoft.
RetryExponential Class
Namespace: Microsoft.ServiceBus
Assembly: Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll
Represents an implementation of a retry policy. For each time the messaging operation must be retried, the delay between retries grows in a staggered, exponential manner.
public sealed class RetryExponential : Microsoft.ServiceBus.RetryPolicy

RabbitMQ: how to limit consuming rate

I need to limit the rate of consuming messages from rabbitmq queue.
I have found many suggestions, but most of them offer to use prefetch option. But this option doesn't do what I need. Even if I set prefetch to 1 the rate is about 6000 messages/sec. This is too many for consumer.
I need to limit for example about 70 to 200 messages per second. This means consuming one message every 5-14ms. No simultaneous messages.
I'm using Node.JS with amqp.node library.
Implementing a token bucket might help:
You can write a producer that produces to the "token bucket queue" at a fixed rate with a TTL on the message (maybe expires after a second?) or just set a maximum queue size equal to your rate per second. Consumers that receive a "normal queue" message must also receive a "token bucket queue" message in order to process the message effectively rate limiting the application.
NodeJS + amqplib Example:
var queueName = 'my_token_bucket';
rabbitChannel.assertQueue(queueName, {durable: true, messageTtl: 1000, maxLength: bucket.ratePerSecond});
function writeToken() {
rabbitChannel.sendToQueue(queueName, new Buffer(new Date().toISOString()), {persistent: true});
setTimeout(writeToken, 1000 / bucket.ratePerSecond);
I've already found a solution.
I use module nanotimer from npm for calculation delays.
Then I calculate delay = 1 / [message_per_second] in nanoseconds.
Then I consume message with prefetch = 1
Then I calculate really delay as delay - [processing_message_time]
Then I make timeout = really delay before sending ack for the message
It works perfectly. Thanks to all
See 'Fair Dispatch' in RabbitMQ Documentation.
For example in a situation with two workers, when all odd messages are heavy and even messages are light, one worker will be constantly busy and the other one will do hardly any work. Well, RabbitMQ doesn't know anything about that and will still dispatch messages evenly.
This happens because RabbitMQ just dispatches a message when the message enters the queue. It doesn't look at the number of unacknowledged messages for a consumer. It just blindly dispatches every n-th message to the n-th consumer.
In order to defeat that we can use the prefetch method with the value of 1. This tells RabbitMQ not to give more than one message to a worker at a time. Or, in other words, don't dispatch a new message to a worker until it has processed and acknowledged the previous one. Instead, it will dispatch it to the next worker that is not still busy.
I don't think RabbitMQ can provide you this feature out of the box.
If you have only one consumer, then the whole thing is pretty easy, you just let it sleep between consuming messages.
If you have multiple consumers I would recommend you to use some "shared memory" to keep the rate. For example, you might have 10 consumers consuming messages. To keep 70-200 messages rate across all of them, you will make a call to Redis, to see if you are eligible to process message. If yes, then update Redis, to show other consumers that currently one message is in process.
If you have no control over consumer, then implement option 1 or 2 and publish message back to Rabbit. This way the original consumer will consume messages with the desired pace.
This is how I fixed mine with just settimeout
I set mine to process consume every 200mls which will consume 5 data in 1 seconds I did mine to do update if exist
channel.consume(transactionQueueName, async (data) => {
let dataNew = JSON.parse(data.content);
const processedTransaction = await seperateATransaction(dataNew);
// delay ack to avoid duplicate entry !important dont remove the settimeout

Guidance OnMessageOptions.AutoRenewTimeout

Can someone offer some more guidance on the use of the Azure Service Bus OnMessageOptions.AutoRenewTimeout
as I haven't found much documentation on this option, and would like to know if this is the correct way to renew a message lock
My use case:
1) Message Processing Queue has a Lock Duration of 5 minutes (The maximum allowed)
2) Message Processor using the OnMessageAsync message pump to read from the queue (with a ReceiveMode.PeekLock) The long running processing may take up to 10 minutes to process the message before manually calling msg.CompleteAsync
3) I want the message processor to automatically renew it's lock up until the time it's expected to Complete processing (~10minutes). If after that period it hasn't been completed, the lock should be automatically released.
I never did end up getting any more guidance on AutoRenewTimeout. I ended up using a custom MessageLock class that auto renews the Message Lock based on a timer.
See the gist -
To handle long message processing you should set AutoRenewTimeout == 10 min (in your case). That means that lock will be renewed during these 10 minutes each time when LockDuration is expired.
So if for example your LockDuration is 3 minutes and AutoRenewTimeout is 10 minutes then every 3 minute lock will be automatically renewed (after 3 min, 6 min and 9 min) and lock will be automatically released after 12 minutes since message was consumed.
To my personal preference, OnMessageOptions.AutoRenewTimeout is a bit too rough of a lease renewal option. If one sets it to 10 minutes and for whatever reason the Message is .Complete() only after 10 minutes and 5 seconds, the Message will show up again in the Message Queue, will be consumed by the next stand-by Worker and the entire processing will execute again. That is wasteful and also keeps the Workers from executing other unprocessed Requests.
To work around this:
Change your Worker process to verify if the item it just received from the Message Queue had not been already processed. Look for Success/Failure result that is stored somewhere. If already process, call BrokeredMessage.Complete() and move on to wait for the next item to pop up.
Call periodically BrokeredMessage.RenewLock() - BEFORE the lock expires, like every 10 seconds - and set OnMessageOptions.AutoRenewTimeout to TimeSpan.Zero. Thus if the Worker that processes an item crashes, the Message will return into the MessageQueue sooner and will be picked up by the next stand-by Worker.
I have the very same problem with my workers. Even the message was successfully processing, due to long processing time, service bus removes the lock applied to it and the message become available for receiving again. Other available worker takes this message and start processing it again. Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but in your case, OnMessageAsync will be called many times with the same message and you will ended up with several tasks simultaneously processing it. At the end of the process MessageLockLost exception will be thrown because the message doesn't have a lock applied.
I solved this with the following code.
requestMessage =>
var messageLockTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(290));
messageLockTimer.Elapsed += (source, e) =>
messageLockTimer.AutoReset = false; // by deffault is true
/* ----- handle requestMessage ----- */
private void RenewMessageLock(BrokeredMessage requestMessage)
catch (Exception exception)
There are a few mounts since your post and maybe you have solved this, so could you share your solution.

Wait for messages processed by Service Bus OnMessage to finish

I'm using the Azure Service Bus SubscriptionClient.OnMessage method; configured to process up to 5 messages concurrently.
Within the code I need to wait for all messages to finish processing before I can continue (to properly shutdown an Azure Worker Role). How do I do this?
Will SubscriptionClient.Close() block until all messages have finished processing?
Calling Close on SubscriptionClient or QueueClient will not block. Calling Close closes off the entity immediately as far as I can tell. I tested quickly just using the Worker Role With Service Bus Queue project template that shipped with Windows Azure SDK 2.0. I added a thread sleep for many seconds in the message process action and then shut down the role while it was running. I saw the Close method get called while the messages were processing in their thread sleep but it certainly did not wait for the for message processing to complete, the role simple closed down.
To handle this gracefully you'll need to do the same thing we did when dealing with any worker role that was processing messages (Service Bus, Azure Storage queue or anything else): keep track of what is being worked on and shut down when it is complete. There are several ways to deal with that but all of them are manual and made messy in this case because of the multiple threads involved.
Given the way that OnMessage works you'll need to add something in the action that looks to see if the role has been told to shutdown, and if so, to not do any processing. The problem is, when the OnMessage action is executed it HAS a message already. You'd probably need to abandon the message but not exit the OnMessage action, otherwise it will keep getting a message if there are ones in the queue. You can't simply abandon the message and let the execution leave the action because then the system will be handed another message (possibly the same one) and several threads doing this may cause messages to get too many dequeue counts and get dead lettered. Also, you can't call Close on the SubscriptionClient or QueueClient, which would stop the receive loop internally, because once you call close any of the outstanding message processing will throw an exception when .Complete, .Abandon, etc. is called on the message because the message entity is now closed. This means you can't stop the incoming messages easily.
The main issue here is because you are using the OnMessage and setting up the concurrent message handling by setting the MaxConcurrentCalls on the OnMessageOptions, which means the code that starts and manages the threads is buried in the QueueClient and SubscriptionClient and you don't have control over that. You don't have a way to reduce the count of threads, or stop the threads individually, etc. You'll need to create a way to put the OnMessage action threads into a state where they are aware that the system is being told to shut down and then complete their message and not exit the action in order for them to not continuously be assigned new messages. This means you'll likely need to also set the MessageOptions to not use autocomplete and manually call complete in your OnMessage action.
Having to do all of this may severely reduce the actual benefit of using the OnMessage helper. Behind the scenes OnMessage is simply setting up a loop calling receive with the default timeout and handing of messages to another thread to do the action (loose description). So what you get by using the OnMessage approach is away from having to write that handler on your own, but then the problem you are having is because you didn't write that handler on your own you don't have control over those threads. Catch-22. If you really need to stop gracefully you may want to step away from the OnMessage approach, write your own Receive loop with threading and within the main loop stop receiving new messages and wait for all the workers to end.
One option, especially if the messages are idempotent (which means processing them more than once yields the same results... which you should be mindful of anyway) then if they are stopped in mid processing they will simply reappear on the queue to be processed by another instance later. If the work itself isn't resource intensive and the operations are idempotent then this really can be an option. No different than when an instance might fail due to hardware failure or other issues. Sure, it's not graceful or elegant, but it certainly removes all the complexity I've mentioned and is still something that can happen anyway due to other failures.
Note that the OnStop is called when an instance is told to shut down. You've got 5 minutes you can delay this until the fabric just shuts it off, so if your messages take longer than five minutes to process it won't really matter if you attempt to shut down gracefully or not, some will be cut off during processing.
You can tweak OnMessageAsync to wait for processing of messages to complete, and block new messages from beginning to be processed:
Here is the implementation:
_subscriptionClient.OnMessageAsync(async message =>
if (_stopRequested)
// Block processing of new messages. We want to wait for old messages to complete and exit.
await Task.Delay(_waitForExecutionCompletionTimeout);
// Track executing messages
_activeTaskCollection[message.MessageId] = message;
await messageHandler(message);
await message.CompleteAsync();
catch (Exception e)
// handle error by disposing or doing nothing to force a retry
BrokeredMessage savedMessage;
if (!_activeTaskCollection.TryRemove(message.MessageId, out savedMessage))
_logger.LogWarning("Attempt to remove message id {0} failed.", savedMessage.MessageId);
}, onMessageOptions);
And an implementation of Stop that waits for completion:
public async Task Stop()
_stopRequested = true;
DateTime startWaitTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
while (DateTime.UtcNow - startWaitTime < _waitForExecutionCompletionTimeout && _activeTaskCollection.Count > 0)
await Task.Delay(_waitForExecutionCompletionSleepBetweenIterations);
await _subscriptionClient.CloseAsync();
Note that _activeTaskCollection is a ConcurrentDictionary (we can also use a counter with interlock to count the number of in progress messages, but using a dictionary allows you to investigate what happend easily in case of errors.
