Wait for messages processed by Service Bus OnMessage to finish - azure

I'm using the Azure Service Bus SubscriptionClient.OnMessage method; configured to process up to 5 messages concurrently.
Within the code I need to wait for all messages to finish processing before I can continue (to properly shutdown an Azure Worker Role). How do I do this?
Will SubscriptionClient.Close() block until all messages have finished processing?

Calling Close on SubscriptionClient or QueueClient will not block. Calling Close closes off the entity immediately as far as I can tell. I tested quickly just using the Worker Role With Service Bus Queue project template that shipped with Windows Azure SDK 2.0. I added a thread sleep for many seconds in the message process action and then shut down the role while it was running. I saw the Close method get called while the messages were processing in their thread sleep but it certainly did not wait for the for message processing to complete, the role simple closed down.
To handle this gracefully you'll need to do the same thing we did when dealing with any worker role that was processing messages (Service Bus, Azure Storage queue or anything else): keep track of what is being worked on and shut down when it is complete. There are several ways to deal with that but all of them are manual and made messy in this case because of the multiple threads involved.
Given the way that OnMessage works you'll need to add something in the action that looks to see if the role has been told to shutdown, and if so, to not do any processing. The problem is, when the OnMessage action is executed it HAS a message already. You'd probably need to abandon the message but not exit the OnMessage action, otherwise it will keep getting a message if there are ones in the queue. You can't simply abandon the message and let the execution leave the action because then the system will be handed another message (possibly the same one) and several threads doing this may cause messages to get too many dequeue counts and get dead lettered. Also, you can't call Close on the SubscriptionClient or QueueClient, which would stop the receive loop internally, because once you call close any of the outstanding message processing will throw an exception when .Complete, .Abandon, etc. is called on the message because the message entity is now closed. This means you can't stop the incoming messages easily.
The main issue here is because you are using the OnMessage and setting up the concurrent message handling by setting the MaxConcurrentCalls on the OnMessageOptions, which means the code that starts and manages the threads is buried in the QueueClient and SubscriptionClient and you don't have control over that. You don't have a way to reduce the count of threads, or stop the threads individually, etc. You'll need to create a way to put the OnMessage action threads into a state where they are aware that the system is being told to shut down and then complete their message and not exit the action in order for them to not continuously be assigned new messages. This means you'll likely need to also set the MessageOptions to not use autocomplete and manually call complete in your OnMessage action.
Having to do all of this may severely reduce the actual benefit of using the OnMessage helper. Behind the scenes OnMessage is simply setting up a loop calling receive with the default timeout and handing of messages to another thread to do the action (loose description). So what you get by using the OnMessage approach is away from having to write that handler on your own, but then the problem you are having is because you didn't write that handler on your own you don't have control over those threads. Catch-22. If you really need to stop gracefully you may want to step away from the OnMessage approach, write your own Receive loop with threading and within the main loop stop receiving new messages and wait for all the workers to end.
One option, especially if the messages are idempotent (which means processing them more than once yields the same results... which you should be mindful of anyway) then if they are stopped in mid processing they will simply reappear on the queue to be processed by another instance later. If the work itself isn't resource intensive and the operations are idempotent then this really can be an option. No different than when an instance might fail due to hardware failure or other issues. Sure, it's not graceful or elegant, but it certainly removes all the complexity I've mentioned and is still something that can happen anyway due to other failures.
Note that the OnStop is called when an instance is told to shut down. You've got 5 minutes you can delay this until the fabric just shuts it off, so if your messages take longer than five minutes to process it won't really matter if you attempt to shut down gracefully or not, some will be cut off during processing.

You can tweak OnMessageAsync to wait for processing of messages to complete, and block new messages from beginning to be processed:
Here is the implementation:
_subscriptionClient.OnMessageAsync(async message =>
if (_stopRequested)
// Block processing of new messages. We want to wait for old messages to complete and exit.
await Task.Delay(_waitForExecutionCompletionTimeout);
// Track executing messages
_activeTaskCollection[message.MessageId] = message;
await messageHandler(message);
await message.CompleteAsync();
catch (Exception e)
// handle error by disposing or doing nothing to force a retry
BrokeredMessage savedMessage;
if (!_activeTaskCollection.TryRemove(message.MessageId, out savedMessage))
_logger.LogWarning("Attempt to remove message id {0} failed.", savedMessage.MessageId);
}, onMessageOptions);
And an implementation of Stop that waits for completion:
public async Task Stop()
_stopRequested = true;
DateTime startWaitTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
while (DateTime.UtcNow - startWaitTime < _waitForExecutionCompletionTimeout && _activeTaskCollection.Count > 0)
await Task.Delay(_waitForExecutionCompletionSleepBetweenIterations);
await _subscriptionClient.CloseAsync();
Note that _activeTaskCollection is a ConcurrentDictionary (we can also use a counter with interlock to count the number of in progress messages, but using a dictionary allows you to investigate what happend easily in case of errors.


RateLimit and ibmmq module Node.js

I'm using ibmmq module https://github.com/ibm-messaging/mq-mqi-nodejs.
I am trying to make an application which will get one message from a queue every 500ms.
There is an option getLoopPollTimeMs, but it works when there is no messages in the queue and then they comes.
I've tried to use limiter https://www.npmjs.com/package/limiter
mq.Get(openQueue.ref as mq.MQObject, mqmd, gmo, await this.getCB.bind(this))
async getCB(...) {
const remainingMessages = await this.limiter.removeTokens(1);
So the application reads a message from the queue and processes it.
And in the same time it reads all other messages and wait for the limiter to process because of the asynchronous callback.
But I need it to read the next message only when the previous one is processed.
I've tryed GetSync, but limiter works absolutley incorrect and when it's sync other processes in the application stop working.
How can I get only one message from the queue? Is it the only way if I mq.GetDone(hObj); every time in getCB and then connect with mq.Get to the queue again in setInterval? Any advices?
Upd: The way with mq.GetDone(hObj) isn't working. The application reads one message, processes it, and then it reads the second message from the queue and falls with mistake
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Napi::Error'
what(): GetDone: MQCC = MQCC_FAILED [2] MQRC = MQRC_HOBJ_ERROR [2019]
The queue is closed, but getCB is still working.
As per the comments, its possible to use tuning parameters, see https://github.com/ibm-messaging/mq-mqi-nodejs and line 196-202 of https://github.com/ibm-messaging/mq-mqi-nodejs/blob/148b70db036c80f442adb34769d5d239a6f05b65/lib/mqi.js#L575
Again as per the comments you could use a combination of
mq.setTuningParameters({getLoopDelayTimeMs: 2000, maxConsecutiveGets: 1})
for a throttle limit of 1 message in 2 seconds.

thread with a forever loop with one inherently asynch operation

I'm trying to understand the semantics of async/await in an infinitely looping worker thread started inside a windows service. I'm a newbie at this so give me some leeway here, I'm trying to understand the concept.
The worker thread will loop forever (until the service is stopped) and it processes an external queue resource (in this case a SQL Server Service Broker queue).
The worker thread uses config data which could be changed while the service is running by receiving commands on the main service thread via some kind of IPC. Ideally the worker thread should process those config changes while waiting for the external queue messages to be received. Reading from service broker is inherently asynchronous, you literally issue a "waitfor receive" TSQL statement with a receive timeout.
But I don't quite understand the flow of control I'd need to use to do that.
Let's say I used a concurrentQueue to pass config change messages from the main thread to the worker thread. Then, if I did something like...
void ProcessBrokerMessages() {
foreach (BrokerMessage m in ReadBrokerQueue()) {
// ... inside the worker thread:
while (!serviceStopped) {
foreach (configChange in configChangeConcurrentQueue) {
...then the foreach loop to process config changes and the broker processing function need to "take turns" to run. Specifically, the config-change-processing loop won't run while the potentially-long-running broker receive command is running.
My understanding is that simply turning the ProcessBrokerMessages() into an async method doesn't help me in this case (or I don't understand what will happen). To me, with my lack of understanding, the most intuitive interpretation seems to be that when I hit the async call it would go off and do its thing, and execution would continue with a restart of the outer while loop... but that would mean the loop would also execute the ProcessBrokerMessages() function over and over even though it's already running from the invocation in the previous loop, which I don't want.
As far as I know this is not what would happen, though I only "know" that because I've read something along those lines. I don't really understand it.
Arguably the existing flow of control (ie, without the async call) is OK... if config changes affect ProcessBrokerMessages() function (which they can) then the config can't be changed while the function is running anyway. But that seems like it's a point specific to this particular example. I can imagine a case where config changes are changing something else that the thread does, unrelated to the ProcessBrokerMessages() call.
Can someone improve my understanding here? What's the right way to have
a block of code which loops over multiple statements
where one (or some) but not all of those statements are asynchronous
and the async operation should only ever be executing once at a time
but execution should keep looping through the rest of the statements while the single instance of the async operation runs
and the async method should be called again in the loop if the previous invocation has completed
It seems like I could use a BackgroundWorker to run the receive statement, which flips a flag when its job is done, but it also seems weird to me to create a thread specifically for processing the external resource and then, within that thread, create a BackgroundWorker to actually do that job.
You could use a CancelationToken. Most async functions accept one as a parameter, and they cancel the call (the returned Task actually) if the token is signaled. SqlCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync (which you're likely using to issue the WAITFOR RECEIVE is no different. So:
Have a cancellation token passed to the 'execution' thread.
The settings monitor (the one responding to IPC) also has a reference to the token
When a config change occurs, the monitoring makes the config change and then signals the token
the execution thread aborts any pending WAITFOR (or any pending processing in the message processing loop actually, you should use the cancellation token everywhere). any transaction is aborted and rolled back
restart the execution thread, with new cancellation token. It will use the new config
So in this particular case I decided to go with a simpler shared state solution. This is of course a less sound solution in principle, but since there's not a lot of shared state involved, and since the overall application isn't very complicated, it seemed forgivable.
My implementation here is to use locking, but have writes to the config from the service main thread wrapped up in a Task.Run(). The reader doesn't bother with a Task since the reader is already in its own thread.

StorageClientException: The specified message does not exist?

I have a simple video encoding worker role that pulls messages from a queue encodes a video then uploads the video to storage. Everything seems to be working but occasionally when deleting the message after I am done encoding and uploading I get a "StorageClientException: The specified message does not exist." Although the video is processed, I believe the message is reappearing in the queue because it's not being deleted correctly. I have the message visablilty set to 5 mins, none of the videos have taken more than 2 to process.
Is it possible that another instance
of the Worker role is processing and
deleting the message?
Doesn't the GetMessage() prevent
other worker roles from picking up
the same message?
Am I doing something wrong in the
setup of my queue?
What could be causing this message to
not be found on delete?
some code...
//onStart() queue setup
var queueStorage = _storageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient();
_queue = queueStorage.GetQueueReference(QueueReference);
queueStorage.RetryPolicy = RetryPolicies.Retry(5, new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0));
public override void Run()
while (true)
var msg = _queue.GetMessage(new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0));
if (msg != null)
catch (StorageClientException exception)
If encoding process takes more time than the message invisibility timeout (5 minutes in your case), then the message will show up in the queue again. This will cause second worker to start processing it. However, chances are that by the time second worker finishes processing, first worker would already be done with the work, deleting it properly. This will cause the second worker to fail at the deletion phase, since the message no longer exists for him.
This happens due to the lightweight transactional model by Windows Azure Queues. It guarantees, that the message will be processed at least once (even if the worker fails silently), but does not guarantee "only once" processing.
Since your encoding process seems to be idempotent and lightweight (since error shows up infrequently), I'd just I advise to increase the invisibility timeout and explicitly capture this exception (by status codes) around DeleteMessages (optionally logging the process duration in order to be able to tweak invisibility timeouts further).
Is it possible it's taking longer than the five minutes you've set as a timeout?
I had my development, production and stage all pulling from the same queue this was causing some strange behavior. I believe this to be the culprit.

Thread resource sharing

I'm struggling with multi-threaded programming...
I have an application that talks to an external device via a CAN to USB
module. I've got the application talking on the CAN bus just fine, but
there is a requirement for the application to transmit a "heartbeat"
message every second.
This sounds like a perfect time to use threads, so I created a thread
that wakes up every second and sends the heartbeat. The problem I'm
having is sharing the CAN bus interface. The heartbeat must only be sent
when the bus is idle. How do I share the resource?
Here is pseudo code showing what I have so far:
CanBusApi =new TCanBusApi;
MutexMain =CreateMutex( "CanBusApiMutexName" );
HeartbeatThread =new THeartbeatThread( CanBusApi );
WaitForSingleObject( MutexMain );
ReleaseMutex( MutexMain );
THeartbeatThread( CanBusApi )
MutexHeart =CreateMutex( "CanBusApiMutexName" );
Sleep( 1000 );
WaitForSingleObject( MutexHeart );
ReleaseMutex( MutexHeart );
The problem I'm seeing is that when DoHeartBeat is called, it causes the
main thread to block while waiting for MutexMain as expected, but
DoHeartBeat also stops. DoHeartBeat doesn't complete until after
WaitForSingleObject(MutexMain) times out in failure.
Does DoHeartBeat execute in the context of the MainThread or
HeartBeatThread? It seems to be executing in MainThread.
What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way?
I suspect that the CAN bus API is single-threaded under the covers. It may be marshaling your DoHeartBeat() request from your second thread back to the main thread. In that case, there would be no way for it to succeed since your main thread is blocked. You can fix this in basically two ways: (1) send a message to the main thread, telling it to do the heart beat, rather than doing it on the second thread; or (2) use a timer on the main thread for your heart beat instead of a second thread. (I do think that multithreading is overkill for this particular problem.)
First, re-read the specs about the heartbeat. Does it say that an actual heartbeat message must be received every second, or is it necessary that some message be received every second, and that a heartbeat should be used if no other messages are in flight? The presence of data on the channel is de-facto evidence that the communications channel is alive, so no specific heartbeat message should be required.
If an actual heartbeat message is required, and it's required every second, in the above code there should be only one mutex and both threads need to share it. The code as written creates two separate mutexes, so neither will actually block. You'll end up with a collision on the channel and Bad Things Will Happen in CanBusApi. Make MainMutex visible a global/class variable and have both threads reference it.

How to specify a timeout value on HttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse without blocking the thread

I’m trying to issue web requests asynchronously. I have my code working fine except for one thing: There doesn’t seem to be a built-in way to specify a timeout on BeginGetResponse. The MSDN example clearly show a working example but the downside to it is they all end up with a
Which again clearly states it blocks the thread. I will be in a high load environment and can’t have blocking but I also need to timeout a request if it takes more than 2 seconds. Short of creating and managing a separate thread pool, is there something already present in the framework that can help me?
Starting examples:
What I would like is a way for the async callback on BeginGetResponse() to be invoked after my timeout parameter expires, with some indication that a timeout occurred.
The seemingly obvious TimeOut parameter is not honored on async calls.
The ReadWriteTimeout parameter doesn't come into play until the response returns.
A non-proprietary solution would be preferable.
Here's what I came up with: after calling BeginGetResponse, I create a Timer with my duration and that's the end of the "begin" phase of processing. Now either the request will complete and my "end" phase will be called OR the timeout period will expire.
To detect the race and have a single winner I call increment a "completed" counter in a thread-safe manner. If "timeout" is the 1st event to come back, I abort the request and stop the timer. In this situation, when "end" is called the EndGetResponse throws an error. If the "end" phase happens first, it increments the counter and the "timeout" foregoes aborting the request.
This seems to work like I want while also providing a configurable timeout. The downside is the extra timer object and the callbacks which I make no effort to avoid. I see 1-3 threads processing various portions (begin, timed out, end) so it seems like this working. And I don't have any "wait" calls.
Have I missed too much sleep or have I found a way to service my requests without blocking?
int completed = 0;
this.Request.BeginGetResponse(GotResponse, this.Request);
this.timer = new Timer(Timedout, this, TimeOutDuration, Timeout.Infinite);
private void Timedout(object state)
if (Interlocked.Increment(ref completed) == 1)
this.timer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
private void GotRecentSearches(IAsyncResult result)
Interlocked.Increment(ref completed);
You can to use a BackgroundWorker to run your HttpWebRequest into a separated thread, so your main thread still alive. So, this background thread will be blocked, but first one don't.
In this context, you can to use a ManualResetEvent.WaitOne() just like in that sample: HttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse() method.
What kind of an application is this? Is this a service proces/ web application/console app?
How are you creating your work load (i.e requests)? If you have a queue of work that needs to be done, you can start off 'N' number of async requests (with the framework for timeouts that you have built) and then, once each request completes (either with timeout or success) you can grab the next request from the queue.
This will thus become a Producer/consumer pattern.
So, if you configure your application to have a maximum of "N' requests outstanding, you can maintain a pool of 'N' timers that you reuse (without disposing) between the requests.
Or, alternately, you can use ThreadPool.SetTimerQueueTimer() to manage your timers. The threadpool will manage the timers for you and reuse the timer between requests.
Hope this helps.
Seems like my original approach is the best thing available.
If you can user async/await then
private async Task<WebResponse> getResponseAsync(HttpWebRequest request)
var responseTask = Task.Factory.FromAsync(request.BeginGetResponse, ar => (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(ar), null);
var winner = await (Task.WhenAny(responseTask, Task.Delay(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 20))));
if (winner != responseTask)
throw new TimeoutException();
return await responseTask;
