xTerm.js in WKWebview encounters characters disappeared on iOS 15 - ios15

The problem just appears on xTerm.js combine WKWebView. The Safari and SFSafariViewController on iOS 15 are fine.
Comparison video: https://youtu.be/R30yMe5Riao
Demo code: https://github.com/dongyg/Bug-xTerm.js-WKWebView

Set rendererType: "dom" in your terminal settings.


Android emulator display screen corruption

The emulator is working fine, and I can interact with it normally, but the bars at the top and bottom are extremely smeared and it's got these weird diagonal lines in the middle.
This is a screenshot of a Nexus 4, API 28. The screen corruption does not always appear - for instance, Nexus 5 API 27 works perfectly.
What causes this, and how can I fix it?

getmdl.io input underline issue with material form

I am using getmdl.io Material forms. The form was working fine. But some browsers are now not showing the underline.
Was working fine until yesterday. The issue is only on some chrome browsers.
Ok. I was able to find a solution to it. Basically it seems the new chrome version
Version 61.0.3163.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) is sometimes not recognising the border value in REM. So 0.0625 rem is not recognized.
When I changed it to 1 px. It sharted showing.
Hope this help others.

Android Studio Fabric Plugin displays wrong characters - the weirdest bug

I have the weirdest display bug in the Fabric Plugin for Android Studio.
Check it out :
Interestingly :
I discovered that each and every character was replaced by its ASCII value minus 2. Ex : "2 PEOPLE" is displayed "0 NCMNJC".
Characters are weirdly overlapping each other. As the typeface is not monospace ('m' takes more space than 'i'), it indicates that the required space for each character is rightfully calculated, but the wrong character is finally displayed.
Any idea ?
I'm running Android Studio 2.3.2 on Windows 10.
Turned out to be a much wider problem I solved by deleting hundreds of fonts following that piece of advice
I don't know which font was causing this and why it only affected this particular plugin of this particular software though.
i'm running windows 7 and run into the same problem what worked for me is :
startMenu>control panel>
top right on control panel window choosing any other view than category >
choose fonts folder>
in the fonts window on the top left choose font setting
and than press the restore default font setting
after all this restart your computer and than you should see the right font displayed also note that i did a full uninstall and reinstall of the fabric.io plugin to android studio before restarting computer cause when i reset the font setting it caused a quick display of the right font and than jumped to the bugged font all over...

Samsung Galaxy Tab 1 layout problems

I'm having trouble running my app on the Galaxy tab original 7". It appears to make everything 1.5 times bigger, i.e. if I specify 40dip for a textSize in my layout, it will display as 60 dip when I run it on the tablet.
I tried messing around with the display metrics and changing the density and densityDpi to 1. (When I run a toString of the display metrics in the Galaxy tab 2, they are both 1, whereas the Galaxy tab 1 has values of 1.5)
The app runs very well on every phone I've tested it on, and on the Galaxy tab 2, so I can't figure out what the problem is. I even tried creating a dummy app with just a textView with a size of 40dip, and it still converted it to 60.
Any ideas?
Does the answer to this question help you? Seems that he is having the same (or similar) problem.
Android layout on emulator vs device
Android, concerning the User Interface design

Google Maps api v3 - Controls hidden in default tablet Android browser

I found strange problem. I used this basic example of google maps. This maps works on all browsers except on default browser in my Samsung GalaxyTab (Honecomb 3.1). In this browser there are hidden controls. Or controls have bad z-index. If I move with map, I can see them for a while. There is no problem in default browser in Android 2.3, in Firefox on tablet, or any other browsers. Does anyone have solution for it?
I discovered this bug today as well, but I'm trying to get an element float on top of a google maps element. I found a fix at: https://github.com/CloudMade/Leaflet/issues/335 and that is to add:
.gmnoprint {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
This forces the element to be on top, for some really odd reason. The line above works for the built in zoom controls etc on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and can of course be applied to all elements that should be on top.
