How can I store the value of a promise and use it once resolved? - node.js

I am currently developing an app which interacts with uniswap, and I have developed a Wrapper class to contain the info and variables I'll need about some pair (e.g DAI/WETH).
As some of this values are asynchronous, I have coded a build() async function to get those before calling the constructor, so I can store them. I want to store the result of this build function, which is an instance of the class I have defined, inside a variable to use it later, but I need to know whether the Promise that that build function returns is resolved before using it, so how can I make it?
Here is the code of the class:
'use strict'
const { ChainId, Fetcher, WETH, Route, Trade, TokenAmoun, TradeType, TokenAmount } = require('#uniswap/sdk')
const { toChecksumAddress } = require('ethereum-checksum-address')
const Web3 = require('web3')
const web3 = new Web3()
const chainId = ChainId.MAINNET;
let tok1;
let tok2;
let pair;
let route;
let trade;
class UniswapTokenPriceFetcher
async_params.forEach((element) => {
if (element === 'undefined')
throw new Error('All parameters must be defined')
}); = async_params[0];
this.route = async_params[1];
this.pair = async_params[2];
this.tok1 = async_params[3];
this.tok2 = async_params[4];
static async build(token1, token2)
var tok1 = await Fetcher.fetchTokenData(chainId, toChecksumAddress(token1))
var tok2 = await Fetcher.fetchTokenData(chainId, toChecksumAddress(token2))
var pair = await Fetcher.fetchPairData(tok1, tok2)
var route = new Route([pair], tok2)
var trade = new Trade(route, new TokenAmount(tok2, web3.utils.toWei('1', 'Ether')), TradeType.EXACT_INPUT)
return new UniswapTokenPriceFetcher([trade, route, pair, tok1, tok2])
getExecutionPrice6d = () =>
getNextMidPrice6d = () =>
module.exports = UniswapTokenPriceFetcher
Thank you everybody!
EDIT: I know Uniswap only pairs with WETH so one of my token variables is unneccesary, but the problem remains the same! Also keep in mind that I want to store an instance of this class for latter use inside another file.

You should either call the build function with await
const priceFetcher = await, token2)
or followed by then, token2).then(priceFetcher => {...})
I don't see any other way.


I am trying to assign value to varibale outside of callback function but it is not assigning value ans shows udefined

So basically I am writing one program where I am converting values from one currency to another. My function looks like this, I am using OpenExchangeRates API to get value Package doc is this. and fx is a submodule of OXR which is this
async function convertToAnotherCurrency(base, toConvert, amountToBeConverted) {
var convertedValue;
await oxr.latest(async () => {
fx.rates = oxr.rates;
fx.base = oxr.base;
convertedValue = await fx(amountToBeConverted).from(base).to(toConvert);
console.log(convertedValue); //this is logging expected response
console.log(await convertedValue); // this is showing undefined
Can anyone help me figure out what I am doing wrong or help me with suggestions?
Thank you in advance.
You are getting this issue as latest method from open-exchange-rates is not giving you a promise. Below will solve your issue:
const fx = require("money");
const { promisify } = require("util");
const oxr = require("open-exchange-rates");
const oxrLatestPromisify = promisify(oxr.latest);
oxr.set({ app_id: "your_app_id" });
async function convertToAnotherCurrency(base, toConvert, amountToBeConverted) {
var convertedValue;
await oxrLatestPromisify();
fx.rates = oxr.rates;
fx.base = oxr.base;
convertedValue = await fx(amountToBeConverted).from(base).to(toConvert);

nodejs discord get nickname from a users ID

My goals are to obtain the users nickname by using their ID.
Their ID's are stored as variables which are being collected from a reaction collector.
I have tried a few methods and failed, most of which either return nothing or errors.
The below code returns nothing, the getnames() function is empty. This method was recommended to me buy 2 people from a nodejs discord server which aims to help solve issues, similar to here.
// returns player ID's
function getPlayers() {
let players = [];
players.push(queue.tank[0]); // First (1) in TANK queue
players.push(queue.heal[0]); // First (1) in HEAL queue
players.push(queue.dps[0]); // First (2) in DPS queue
return players;
// get nick names from ID's
function getnames() {
let players = getPlayers();
let playerNicks = [];
let newPlayer = "";
players.forEach(async player => {
newPlayer = await message.guild.members.fetch(player).then(function (user) {return user.displayName });
return playerNicks;
//formats nicknames into string
function formatnicknames() {
let formatted_string2 = '';
let playerNicks = getnames();
if (playerNicks)
formatted_string2 = `${playerNicks[0]} \n${playerNicks[1]} \n${playerNicks[2]} \n${playerNicks[3]}`;
return formatted_string2;
I have also tried a few variations of the below code, still unable to obtain nickname.
Edit #1
now tried the following code with no success. (boost1ID contains the ID of 1 user)
var mem1 = message.guild.members.fetch(boost1ID).nickname
Edit #2
tried a new method of obtaining displayname from ID.
var guild = client.guilds.cache.get('guildid');
var mem1 = guild.member(boost1ID);
var mem2 = guild.member(boost2ID);
var mem3 = guild.member(boost3ID);
var mem4 = guild.member(boost4ID);
var nickname1 = mem1 ? mem1.displayName : null;
var nickname2 = mem2 ? mem2.displayName : null;
var nickname3 = mem3 ? mem3.displayName : null;
var nickname4 = mem4 ? mem4.displayName : null;
var Allnicknames = `${nickname1} ${nickname2} ${nickname3} ${nickname4}``testing nicknames: ${Allnicknames}`)
I managed to only return my own name since i dont have a nickname on this server, but the other three users who does have a nickname returned null.
This is the simplest solution:
// your users ids
const IDs = [ '84847448498748974', '48477847847844' ];
const promises = => {
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
const member = message.guild.member(userID) || await message.guild.members.fetch(userID);
resolve(member.displayName || member.user.username);
const nicknames = await Promise.all(promises);
// you now have access to ALL the nicknames, even if the members were not cached!
The members you are trying to get the nicknames of are not necessarily cached, and this fixes that.
I made an example that could help you.
let testUsers = [];
module.exports = class extends Command {
constructor(...args) {
super(...args, {
description: 'Testing.',
category: "Information",
async run(message) {
function getNicknames(userArr, guild) {
let playerNicks = [];
for(var i = 0; i < userArr.length; i++) {
return playerNicks;
let testUser = message.guild.members.cache.get(;
let guild = message.guild;
console.log(getNicknames(testUsers, guild));
I created a function getNicknames that takes in two parameters. The first one is an Array of users (as you get one from your function getPlayers()) and the second one is the guild you are playing in. You need to provide the guild, because every user should be a GuildMember, because you want to use .displayName. I created a user Array outside of my command code, because otherwise there will only be one user in the Array everytime you use the command. Inside of the getNicknames() function I have created a new Array playerNicks that I basically fill with the user nicknames we get from our provided user Array.
Now you have to implement that into your code.
The call of the function getNicknames(), for your code should look like this:
getNicknames(getPlayers(), message.guild);

Calling a method within a dynamically named object

I am trying to invoke a method of a dynamically named object.
I have a few objects each containing a method named 'getWeight'. I need to invoke this method of a subset of these objects. However, the subset of objects depends on user inputted info, which is why I'm attempting to dynamically construct the object name and invoke it's 'getWeight' method within a loop.
My code is below:
// Importing objects containing 'getWeight' method
const Apple = require('../classses/Apple');
const Pear = require('../classes/Pear);
const Carrot = require('../classes/Carrot);
const Potato = require('../classes/Potato);
const promises = {};
const user = 'userX'; // This is the inputted info, could also equal 'userY'.
const searchableFoods = {
userX: ['Apple', 'Pear'],
userY: ['Carrot', 'Potato']
for (i = 0; i < searchableFoods[user].length; ++i) {
promises[searchableFoods[user][i]] = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// Below line should behave like: Apple.getWeight(arg1, function....
searchableFoods[user][i].getWeight(arg1, function(response) {
Unfortunately, I get this error:
[searchableFoods[user][i].getweight] is not a function
I've tried a number of variations but can't make it work. Is it possible to do this?
Require all of those into a single object rather than many standalone variables, and then you can use simple property lookup to get to the appropriate requireed value. Also, forEach will likely result in more readable code, and you can pass the function name alone (resolve) rather than defining an extra anonymous function for the getWeight callback:
const foods = {
Apple: require('../classses/Apple'),
Pear: require('../classes/Pear),
Carrot: require('../classes/Carrot),
Potato: require('../classes/Potato)
// ...
searchableFoods[user].forEach((foodName) => {
promises[foodName] = new Promise((resolve) => {
foods[foodName].getWeight(arg1, resolve);
Can you define array not using strings? Something like that?
const searchableFoods = {
userX: [Apple, Pear],
userY: [Carrot, Potato]
You're trying to access getWeight as a property of string 'Apple' and not of the actual object Apple that you are importing.
Change the subset array to something like this
const searchableFoods = {
userX: [Apple, Pear],
userY: [Carrot, Potato]
Which makes the final code to be
const Apple = require('../classses/Apple');
const Pear = require('../classes/Pear);
const Carrot = require('../classes/Carrot);
const Potato = require('../classes/Potato);
const promises = {};
const user = 'userX' // This is the inputted info, could also equal 'userY'.
const searchableFoods = {
userX: [Apple, Pear],
userY: [Carrot, Potato]
for (i = 0; i < searchableFoods[user].length; ++i) {
promises[searchableFoods[user][i]] = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// Below line should behave like: Apple.getWeight(arg1, function....
searchableFoods[user][i].getWeight(arg1, function(response) {

How to get the key of a child value with Cloud Functions for Firebase?

I have code that triggers when a user_course is added
export const writePesertaMatkul = functions.database
.ref('/user_course/{user_uid}/') // query child yg dipantau
.onCreate((snapsot, context) => { // on create trigered
const user_uid = context.params.user_uid;
const matkulData = snapsot.val(); //dataSnapshot
The log value is { courses_5: 'PEMROGRAMAN GUI' } its doing great, but one problem here. I just want to store courses_5. How to achieve it?
export const writePesertaMatkul = functions.database
.ref('/user_course/{user_uid}/{matkul_id}') // query child yg dipantau
.onCreate((snapsot, context) => { // on create trigered
const user_uid = context.params.user_uid;
const matkulData = snapsot.val(); //dataSnapshot
const matkulID = context.params.matkul_id;
// const matkulKey = snapsot.key;
console.log("keynya :", snapsot.key);
console.log("uidnya :", user_uid);
const updates = {};
updates[snapsot.key + "/" + user_uid] = "true";
return admin.database().ref('/course_peserta/').update(updates);;
use this code for get the parent snapsot.key
Just use the key property of a DataSnapshot, see
const matkulKey = snapsot.key;
should do the trick.
(Note that you use the variable name snapsot in your code, and not snapshot)

Using Redis SCAN in NODE

I have Redis with a lot of keys in some format and I want to get keys that match some pattern and do some operations on them. I don't use KEYS method since it's not recommend in production. Using SCAN I'm wondering what is the best way to write it in code. I have to do something like a while loop but using promises, my current solution looks like this (code is simplified a little):
'use strict'
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const config = require('./config');
const client = require('./clinet');
let iterator = 0;
Promise.coroutine(function* () {
do {
iterator = yield clinet.scanAsync(iterator, 'myQuery', 'COUNT', config.scanChunkSize)
.then(data => {
let nextIterator = data[0];
let values = data[1];
//do some magic with values
return nextIterator;
} while (iterator !== '0');
Is there a better way to do it that I'm missing?
I realize this is a really old question, but I found all of the other answers very unsatisfying. Here is yet another attempt to scan in a relatively clean way using async await (WITHOUT the use of yet another external dependency). You can easily modify this to continuously delete each set of found keys (you would want to tackle them in batches like this in case there are LOTS). Pushing them into an array just demonstrates one very basic thing you could do with them during this stage.
const redis = require('redis');
const { promisify } = require('util');
const client = redis.createClient({...opts});
const scan = promisify(client.scan).bind(client);
const scanAll = async (pattern) => {
const found = [];
let cursor = '0';
do {
const reply = await scan(cursor, 'MATCH', pattern);
cursor = reply[0];
} while (cursor !== '0');
return found;
You can use recursion to keep calling scan until done.
function scanAsync(cursor, pattern, returnSet){
return redisClient.scanAsync(cursor, "MATCH", pattern, "COUNT", "100").then(
function (reply) {
cursor = reply[0];
var keys = reply[1];
if( cursor === '0' ){
return Array.from(returnSet);
return scanAsync(cursor, pattern, returnSet)
Pass in a Set() to make sure keys aren't duplicated
myResults = new Set();
scanAsync('0', "NOC-*[^listen]*", myResults).map(
function( myResults ){ console.log( myResults); }
You can try this snippet to scan (1000) keys per iteration and 'delete`.
var cursor = '0';
function scan(pattern,callback){
redisClient.scan(cursor, 'MATCH',pattern,'COUNT', '1000', function(err, reply){
throw err;
cursor = reply[0];
if(cursor === '0'){
return callback();
var keys = reply[1];
redisClient.del(key, function(deleteErr, deleteSuccess){
return scan(pattern,callback);
console.log('Scan Complete');
Nice option for node-redis module is to use scan iterators. Example:
const redis = require("redis");
const client = redis.createClient();
async function getKeys(pattern="*", count=10) {
const results = [];
const iteratorParams = {
MATCH: pattern,
COUNT: count
for await (const key of client.scanIterator(iteratorParams)) {
return results;
(Of course you can also process your keys on the fly in for await loop without storing them in additional array if that's enough for you).
If you do not want to override scan parameters (MATCH/COUNT) you can just skip them and execute client.scanIterator() without parameter (defaults will be used then, MATCH="*", COUNT=10).
I think the node bindings for Redis are pushing too much responsibility to the caller here. So I created my own library for scanning as well, using generators in node:
const redis = require('redis')
const client = redis.createClient(…)
const generators = require('redis-async-gen')
const { keysMatching } = generators.using(client)
for await (const key of keysMatching('test*')) {
It's the last bit that obviously is the thing that you should care about. Instead of having to carefully control an iterator yourself, all you need to do is use a for comprehension.
I wrote more about it here.
Go through this, it may help.
do not use the library as it, go through the code available at
